Do YOU have Crown Falls Syndrome?? || Anno 1800

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hey everyone how's it going so as we all anxiously await the release of patch 15.1 I thought it would be kind of fun to do a small series of videos uh just kind of talking about some of the most the most discussed or asked things that I uh always get from the community uh things such as you know what's your favorite DLC uh what do you think about this DLC how would you do this what do you think of that stuff like you know those kind of questions that I get asked all the time so I thought it'd be kind of fun to make a short series of videos covering some of that and talking about some of the ones that I think would be most interesting so for our first Topic in our first little video here I want to to go over what I call Crown Falls syndrome and what exactly do I mean by that well let's go over and take a look at crown falls and let's dive into what I mean by crown falls syndrome so there she is Crown Falls naked is the day we were born and ready for being built upon now when Sunken Treasures came out back in season one the second DLC of season one following the uh the awesome DLC Botanica [Music] and before the passage came out crown falls was marketed to us as the the Continental land mass to build the city of your dreams a Sandbox type experience with plenty of resources it has like it has the most fertility slot uh most fertility Slots of any island in the game the most mineral slots oddly enough it tends to have like very few oil wells and they're put in the worst place possible because they hate us apparently but it will it is the place to build whatever you want on which is all great and fun people love building big cities it's uh it's just something people enjoy you go ask anybody where do you where should I build my Capital where should I build a big city I want to build a I want to build the biggest city possible where do I need to build it the answer is always crown falls and that is where I think the shortcomings of crown falls starts to come into play it's the same place every single time it doesn't really matter how you go about designing the island it doesn't really matter about how you go about laying out your city and building it it's typically going to always look the same no matter what you do crown falls has the exact same terrain every single time it always has the coastlines here and here you have your raised areas on each corner and you have the high raised area in the back by the waterfall and lake and then you have your rivers and your little Islands over here crowd balls suffers from repetitiveness in terms of layout choices I know that this is going to just be a somewhat of a controversial opinion and I'm probably going to get some Flack down the comments so go ahead and start clacking on those keyboards but I would say eighty percent of the time most of the cities that I see people post pictures of on crown falls I can barely tell them apart they always look the same to me on occasion I'll see something somewhat unique that usually involves dozens of mods adding new buildings and lots of new decorations to really give the city a lot more life but using just what we have from Ubisoft it typically looks the same the only time I see anything completely different is when you have those Mad Men uh record builders that use crown falls as production only islands and it's covered in clipped bicycle factories with you know a Skyline Tower and a few other things crammed into a corner with the giant uh block Palace stuck on an island somewhere you know maybe maybe a little spot over here somewhere uh but other than that most people's crown falls look the exact same there's a layout for crown falls on the wiki an image of that is flashing up on the screen right now and that layout a lot of people use and so everyone's crown falls that use that always look the same and then people go and they post it and say look what I built and I like but it looks the same it's so boring a lot of people will know that I am honestly not the biggest fan of crown falls just because you always end up with a city that even if you change your layout a little bit it's going to look very very similar every single time because of the terrain going Beyond just the player aspect of crown falls there are other issues with crown falls that come from a design standpoint of other content when season two came out and we got the seat of power DLC with the palace the palace gave us an amazing opportunity to build a fairly modular and unique Palace that we could lay out however we wanted to and it gave us lots and lots of bonuses and then it gave us additional prestige levels once we reach 9 000 attractiveness up to 33 000 attractiveness giving us prestige level 25 which gives you an insane number of bonuses on all of your different departments now here's where one of the problems with the palace comes into play as you can see right here on this little island I have I've got the palace kind of kind of centrally located right here in the middle and it does cover basically the entire Island I currently have 34 modules put on there my Island attractiveness is at 35.71 now if I want to get to at least one prestige level I'll need about another uh 6500 attractiveness on this island that's going to take up an insane amount of space if I want to get 33 000 attractiveness I would basically need to cover the majority of this island with zoos museums and Botanical Gardens uh with sets that are you know the completed sets along with music Pavilions and other things that I can use to boost the attractiveness of this island and try to get it up to 33 000 if I want that at that point the palace loses a lot of its efficiency in terms of what it can do for your Island as a whole if I don't have a lot of residences here I'm not getting a very I'm not getting a good benefit for the Department of administration or a lot of its stuff um the department of culture now this one right here on an attractiveness uh island is going to be useful because you can use the influence you can use the estate collections there's several different things you can use the Department of Labor stuff would basically be absolutely useless on this island the Department of Welfare may have some usefulness and then the department of trade again may have some usefulness on a standard large size island in the old world or in Cape trelawny which is still the old world it's just called cape but you lose a lot of the the efficiency of having the palace be maxed out because you're not having a lot of stuff that it can cover you're then having to have specialized islands with a local Department that can only have one policy so you typically watch your Palace doing as much as it possibly can for that one Island that it's on and that one Island typically is going to be crown falls because of the space you can get 33 000 attractedness on crown falls and still have an insane amount of space left over four Housing Industry and everything else you possibly might want seat of power is almost like it was balanced around having the palace put on crown falls because of the amounts the numbers involved with the attractiveness and everything else and even just getting to 9 000 attractiveness is quite a bit so I really feel like seed of power was balanced around needing crown falls going beyond that if we take a look at the tourist season content so here is a slightly more built up crown falls as we can clearly see and I have 12 hotels spread out on this island now why 12. well you need five hotels to unlock and start building the iron Tower you need about 10 hotels to unlock the need for the iron Tower there is a difference between being able to build the iron Tower and the hotels needing them the need is right here and it does require uh it's thousand oh God now I done forgot it requires I think it requires a certain number of tourists I probably should have that pulled up so I wouldn't know what I'm talking about but I do I do know for a fact that it requires 10 hotels to unlock the need for the iron Tower then if you want to max out the iron Tower with uh 5000 tourists plus you'll need additional tourists to uh be as customer Workforce or you're a food drink and food and drink venues the bars cafes and restaurants you'll end up neat if you want to have all of that kind of stuff you're going to need between 15 and 20 hotels now 15 or 20 hotels on crown falls again very spread out you can see I've got 12 hotels and they're not too clumped together I've got like one up here I've got one down here I've got like two or three over here several over here in this area they're very spread out and they're not all clubbed together now if we pop over to the old world here on this uh large island right here I have uh three hotels on this island now this island is just a standard large island and I've got three hotels here now imagine having what 15 more of these hotels spread around and having to cram those in here it's a bit insane how many hotels you need for the iron Tower it's just it to me again just like with the seat of power it is almost like it's scaled to just fit better on crown falls you'll get you have more space to move everything around you're not taking up so much space on a limited island with lots and lots of hotels and it just visually looks better I know visuals aren't the biggest thing to everybody but for those of us who do care about visuals having 15 or 20 hotels crammed onto a large or medium Island just looks absurd this is probably one of my densest smaller Islands right here and I believe I have two hotels I've got two hotels here imagine if I needed to have 10 or 15 hotels squeezed in on this island it would just destroy this island and I don't like it just like with seat of power as I said I feel like the scaling was done with crown falls in mind and I personally do not like that because it goes back to the crownfall syndrome crown falls is the biggest island has the most space that's where you should be building everything it's where your most important monuments go it's where most of your hotels are going to be at your most skyscrapers your Skyline Tower or your initial Skyline Tower it's where everything kind of goes but it has the most space but that creates a system of self-repeating repetitiveness and the design and layout yes everybody's cities are unique and different but I can probably go find 10 pictures of a skyscraper sitting on crown falls and you're not going to be able to tell a ton of difference between them because at the end of the day Anno 1800 really does not have a wide variety of building styles you know there's one model for each Factory type there's what six or seven different models for each residential tier but they all have the same color scheme so they all kind of look similar to each other I mean we pop down to one of my uh non-s skyscraper Islands right here now I do have the vibrant cities skin coloring everything so let's turn that off and just take a look at it whoops turn that off and turn that off there we go good enough so as you can see yeah I mean yes there are different models but it all kind of looks the same because they're all the same colors you know all the engineers are blue all the investors are green so it all kind of looks the same so there's not a lot of models in the game at the end of the day there's really not that many models in the game for variation so crownfall starts looking the same and so it just creates this feeling in the community that if you want to if you want to build anything of any reasonable significance you have to build it on ground Falls but crown falls gets very repetitive and boring to for at least for me personally and I would I think it would be better if proud Falls was procedurally generated or something maybe I think that would have been interesting or if they just didn't scale some of the content to where crown falls is the de facto place to go and build because it just offers them the best space to get the most efficiency out of the content if the uh Palace for example was scaled down by even half or more in terms of what's needed it still leaves your standard large Old World Islands in a position to where they can get the full benefits of the content to get that high prestige levels on the palace and still be able to build on large islands and then that just makes crown falls the sandboxy experience it was meant to be because that just means it's just easier to get those high levels of attractiveness as it stands right now if someone does not have the Sunken Treasures DLC but they do have seed of power they're probably not going to get the the best uh what's the word I'm looking for the best um experience from seed of power and I think that's a failing of game design you should not need one DLC to get the best experience and the best quality out of another DLC those should not intertwine like that you should if I pay for one DLC I should not have to buy another DLC just to get the maximum benefit from another one I don't think that's a good thing I know some people will disagree with me and again that's fine but I just don't agree with that um there's some other there are other similarities like that that I will go into later on another video about some other content but just speaking about Chrome fall specifically it's something that I I think is just not good and I I think the DLC should been should have been balanced with only large Old World Islands in mind first and then let crown falls just make it easier and you know just make it a sandboxy experience for those who have it and be done with it so those are my thoughts and just my you know just some chit chatting about how I feel about crown falls and the Sunken Treasures DLC you know in general and what it did for the game I feel like it's I I hate to use the word ruined but I don't know what other kind of word to use right now but I think it kind of ruined some of the things about Anno that made it interesting which was you know having lots of different large islands and building stuff on each one and having to spread yourself out amongst multiple Islands at this point in the game's life I see a lot of people just saying that you know I just want to hurry up and get to crown falls so I can you know tear down all of my other smaller islands and just build everything on one Island and have one or you know and just have like one small support Island and not have to build multiple Islands that's not what Anno has ever been about Anno has always been about building Islands up and having multiple Islands under your control and training between them that's Anno and yes I'm probably being an old fuddy duddy but I feel like they should not have gotten away from that it honestly started in anno2205 with wild water basin which was the first time a continental land mass was added into the get into the Anno franchise and I feel like that's where it kind of went downhill uh but even with wild water basin you couldn't do everything on the main island you still had to have all of your other islands and stuff and all of your other regions and stuff set up but with crown falls you might need like one extra Island in an Old World region and that's it everything else can be done on on crown falls you don't need anything else other than the other regions obviously you still need other regions unless you're doing a one Island Challenge which if you do a one Island Challenge on crown falls I will disregard your one Island Challenge because you just made it too easy on yourself uh because it has too much of everything so yeah I just feel like crown falls just kind of ruined some of the Anno experience now yes I can just turn it off and I do often just turn crown falls off and don't play with it or you know I I kind of the DLC active but I just never settle the island or I settle it and then delete the warehouse and let let the AI come and take it but I just feel like overall just as as a general sense that crown falls wasn't the best thing to me for them to add just because it just it took away from so much that made the game a little more interesting before it came out uh so because I always enjoyed when the game first came out seeing all the different cities people would build across lots of different Island models and stuff and people building Islands on you know cities on smaller islands and having very unique cities on all these different Island shapes and nowadays it's just crown falls ad nauseum and it's just kind of boring and it's it's a design it to me it just it stems from the design of DLC content and how they seem to be balancing things these days is just balancing it around crown falls so that's it for me today guys it's just a little chit chat about all of that let me know your thoughts Down Below in the comments and uh give me your thoughts on crown falls and what you think about it or what you think about my thoughts on it do you agree do you disagree do you think I'm crazy are you gonna unsub because I just bashed your favorite island uh let me know uh you know and this is just again all personal opinion type stuff and just how I kind of feel about it because I get these questions all the time so I thought it'd be kind of fun to talk about it so with that thanks for watching I'll see in the next video take care foreign
Channel: Taka
Views: 62,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 beauty building, anno 1800 takarazuka, anno 1800 sandbox gameplay, anno 1800 dlc, crown falls, anno 1800 crown falls, anno 1800 gameplay pc, anno 1800 seat of power, anno 1800 tourist season, anno 1800 sunken treasure, anno 1800 all dlc, city building, no crown falls, crown falls syndrome, anno 1800 review
Id: GgHN2prFYC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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