4 Lucrative AI Side Hustles: Earn $29,910 Monthly from Home

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so the AI Revolution is happening right now as we speak and there are regular people just like you who are taking advantage of this Golden Era by starting side hustles with the help of AI and in today's video I'm going to show you four of the best AI side hustles that you can start doing right now from the comfort of your home let's start with talking about the business of selling AI coffee mugs there are people who are making tens of thousands of dollars per month selling just coffee mugs on sites like Etsy now I want you to imagine how different your life would look right now if you were making an extra say ten thousand dollars per month is it possible well this seller here sells nothing but coffee mugs on Etsy and you can see for yourself that they have over 42 000 sales in total and have earned over 1.45 million dollars just selling coffee mugs and there are dozens of sellers just like this who are making insane amounts of money just by selling coffee mugs and the craziest part about this is they probably aren't even Printing and shipping these coffee mugs themselves more than likely they're using some type of print on demand service such as printify to manufacture and ship the products for them this means the only thing that the seller has to do is come up with the actual designs for the mugs now before the help of AI coming up with designs for these mugs would have been a very time consuming task but not anymore because you're going to use the power of AI to come up with designs for you and you're specifically going to use a powerful AI program called mid-journey to do all the design work for you mid journey is a text to image generator that converts Simple Text descriptions into full-blown images and you're going to use it to create an unlimited number of coffee mug designs for you now these are just a few examples of coffee mug designs that the AI has created and these are all designs that would have probably taken a lot of skill and a lot of time to create by yourself but with the help of AI this has only taken us a couple of minutes to create and all I'm doing is typing in different prompts of the different types of designs that I want for example I might ask the AI to create a cute cat illustration for us and in matter of seconds this is what it generates I can then take these designs into a print-on-demand service like printify upload them onto the website and then publish the mugs directly to my Etsy shop from printify now I have an entire ongoing series about how to start a print on demand business on my channel and in that series you can learn a lot more about the process of connecting printify to your Etsy shop but for the sake of this video I'm just barely scratching the surface to show you how easy this is to get started for yourself now if you're having trouble coming up with coffee mug designs you can actually use another AI tool called chat TPT to help you come up with designs and I can do this by heading into chatgpt and then asking the AI to give me a list of ideas for designs of coffee mugs to sell online and in a matter of seconds the AI will start spitting out ideas and what's cool about this is let's just say for example that I wanted to create a couple of mug designs around nature and specifically flowers what I can do is head into mid-journey and ask the AI to create flower designs for me that I can place on coffee mugs and with this prop right here it gives us some pretty cool options and we can certainly use some of these for our mug designs but let's just say for example that you wanted to include some text on your mugs along with the actual AI generated image because after looking at some of the best-selling mugs on Etsy you notice that mugs with words on them sell really well what you can do is actually head back into chat TBT and ask the AI to give you phrases relevant to flowers that can be put on a coffee mug and in a matter of seconds the AI will again give you a big list of phrases that you can then add to your mug and so I like this phrase right here and what I'll do is head back into printify and then add some text below the flower design here and then add this new phrase and now within maybe three to five minutes we have a mug design here that will probably sell pretty well on Etsy and you can just repeat this process over and over again and come up with hundreds of different designs that you can then sell on Etsy now if you would like me to make a dedicated video about how to sell AI mugs on Etsy please be sure to leave a comment down below and if enough people comment then I'll make a dedicated video about this but anyways the next AI side hustle that you can start is something extremely lucrative and that is selling mid-journey prompts so when it comes to creating any type of like AI artwork whether it's you know patterns characters stickers or anything the only way that you can actually get the AI to create these things for you is by using what's called prompts for example this Celeron Etsy is selling mid-journey AI prompts for up to twenty dollars and their shop has close to 19 000 sales in total which means they're probably making over six figures per year now if you're already a little bit familiar with how AI artwork works then you probably know what a prompt is but if you don't a prompt is simply any form of text question information or coding that communicates to the AI what response you're looking for and so for example if I wanted to create some cute puppy images I might type in a prompt like this to get results like this or perhaps I wanted images is of puppies wearing sunglasses in that case I would type in a prompt like this to get results like this and so as you can see once you have the actual prompts you can get the AI to generate an infinite number of images based off that prompt but you have to have the prompt now you're probably thinking to yourself right now but Joshua I don't know how to create these prompts well you don't have to because we can actually use another AI chat GPT to create the prompts for us now here's the thing okay you can't just go into chat TPT and ask it to create mid-journey prompts for you because it'll give you responses that look like this which is not really what we're looking for you see mid-journey was released in 2022 and chat gbt only has knowledge of the world up until 2021 and this means it doesn't actually know what mid journey is and so it can't help you generate prompts right away instead you'll have to first quickly give the AI some training and so to prepare chat TBT to give you mid Journey prompts you have to first feed it some information about what mid-journey even is and you'll do this by coming into Chachi BT and telling it this now don't worry I'm going to include all of this down in the description below for you to copy and paste but anyways once you enter that the AI will respond saying that it understands what mid-journey is you'll then paste in this sentence right here saying that you'll give information about what mid Journey prompts are and asking the AI to reply okay if it understands which it does you'll then paste in this response here and then tell the AI that you're about to give it some sample prompts and it looks like the AI is ready and so what I'll do is just paste in this prompt here which I got from All Things dot how and I'll leave a link to that article down below after that I'll then paste in this prompt right here and once again the AI understands and then finally one more time I'll paste in this prompt here and at this point chat EBT has been properly trained and it can start creating prompts for you which you can then turn around and sell on Etsy and now all you have to do is just start asking chat EBT to create prompts for you and it looks a little something like this right so for example you might ask it to create a prompt for a beautiful home sitting in the mountains and it gives you this response right here and this is perfect and you could even ask it to give you multiple props with different variations and there's honestly no reason why you couldn't get the AI to create hundreds if not thousands of these prompts in just a few hours at which point you can then turn around and sell them on Etsy now I know that there's still a lot of details that you probably have questions about and so if you want me to make a dedicated video about this side hustle just be sure to comment down below so that I know you're interested now I'd like to take a moment to talk with you about epidemic sound epidemic sound is one of the best places to find music and sound effects for your videos they've got an endless catalog of music and sound effects I'm talking over 30 000 professionally produced songs in just about any genre that you'd imagine plus over 90 000 sound effects and one of their best features in my opinion is the find similar button next to every single song for example I tend to use a lot of like either electronic or like trap style hip-hop songs in the the backgrounds of my videos so if there is one song that I like in particular I can just click on the find similar button here to get even more song options that fit that same Vibe another really useful feature of epidemic sound is the Discover tab within the Discover tab epidemic has recommended songs for you to use based on your YouTube channel and the songs that you've used in the past I'll leave a link Down Below in the description of this video as well as the pin comment if you want access to high quality sound effects and music for your videos and any music or sound effects that you download during your free trial will remain protected in your videos even if you decide to cancel your subscription so be sure to click on the link Down Below in the description to start your free trial with epidemic sound but anyways moving on the next AI side hustle that you can start is selling AI Prince so I bought these two are prints a couple of years ago and at the risk of sounding like a complete sucker I purchased the one on the left here for close to 300 and there are people who are literally making millions of dollars selling art prints take this seller here on Etsy for example they have over 111 000 sales in total and have earned over 7.57 million dollars in total and you could do the same thing except use the power of AI to create the prints for you let's use this piece of artwork here as an example you could go into mid Journey type in a prompt that includes words like watercolor wall art and Abstract Beach art and have the AI create very similar art pieces for you that you can then sell on Etsy and like we talked about with the last idea on this list you can actually train chat TPT to create these art prompts for you and the entire process takes less than one minute and so using AI you'll just come up with different prompts to generate different unique art prints as you can see for yourself it took me maybe five minutes to produce all of these art prints and here's where it gets exciting because once you've actually created the art prints you can sell them in multiple different ways on multiple different websites to diversify your income as much as possible for example you could sell these as just digital downloads on sites like Etsy Redbubble Zazzle or Society6 and did digital download art prints are an insanely popular category on sites like Etsy and the way it works is the customer simply buys a digital jpeg image of the artwork and so you don't actually have to produce any of the physical products all you have to do is just create the digital AI artwork or if you wanted to you could also use a print-on-demand service such as printify to automatically print and ship the physical prints for you and I've actually got a whole series planned where I'll show you exactly how to start an art print print on demand business and so once again if that's something you'd be interested in seeing make sure you comment down below and say yes please make the art print print on demand series but the final AI side hustle that you can start is selling AI patterns so you wouldn't believe it if I told you that there are people who are making millions of dollars just by selling patterns for example this seller on Etsy has over 747 000 sales and has earned over 3.27 million dollars just selling patterns on Etsy and if you look through their shop I'm not exaggerating when I say they literally only sell patterns and this can also be called digital paper another example is this seller here who has over 257 000 sales on Etsy and has earned over 663 thousand dollars and these patterns are extremely easy to create using AI let's say for example that I wanted to create my own version of these pink floral patterns there's two different ways to go about doing this the first way is by simply coming into mid-journey and asking the AI to create seamless pink floral patterns and these are the results and of course if you wanted to you could have the AI regenerate this prompt an infinite number of times to get an infinite number of results something else you can do is head into chat GPT and have the AI create the prompts that then create the patterns for you and so within chat EBT I'll ask the AI to create a prompt for pink floral seamless digital paper and the AI will begin working as magic you can then take the prompt that chat TPT created and insert that into mid journey to get some higher quality results and remember okay if you're going to use chat gbt to create the props for you you have to first teach chat TBT how to actually write the prompts which we talked about earlier but once you've created the patterns you would just head over to Etsy open a new Etsy shop by scrolling to the bottom of the website and clicking on sell on Etsy and then once your shop is open you would simply create your listings and for your product listings all you have to do is simply copy what's already working and so like how this seller here is doing you would have the main image of the listing which is showing the pattern as well as some type of title or something on it and you could do this completely free by bringing the pattern into canva and then adding a title over it like this and then I have several different product images showing different details of the patterns up close to give the seller a better idea of what the pattern looks like and then you would obviously set the price of the product create the title description Etc but creating just one of these patterns takes less than like one minute to do and all of these patterns can easily be listed and sold on Etsy for the potential to make millions of dollars like some sellers are already doing hey you're amazing and I appreciate you so much for being here I mean it don't ever forget you can accomplish anything you want in this life I'm watching you I believe in you and as always I'll see you again very soon take care
Channel: Joshua Mayo
Views: 149,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: work from home, work from home jobs, make money online, work from home business using ai, side hustles using ai, work from home jobs 2023, work from home jobs no experience, best work from home jobs 2023, high paying work from home jobs no experience, work from home jobs no experience no phone, work at home jobs, joshua mayo, work from home jobs 2023 no experience, no phone work from home jobs 2023, remote jobs no experience, remote jobs 2023, high paying work from home jobs
Id: YbMOVzUxucc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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