6-13-2021 10:45 AM - Pastor Tommy Bates

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord church let's all stand in god's house today so good to see you it's so wonderful to celebrate jesus the lord has been too good to us amen let's put our hands together [Music] it's time to marry for jesus i feel like praising him i feel like praising him i feel like praising the [Music] lord has been so good [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't feel like shouting out for joy praise the lord i feel like crazy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come on together [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i feel like praising the lord [Music] him i woke up this morning it's [Applause] is [Music] let his house be filled with his grace [Music] [Music] this [Music] he's worthy of our praise this morning hallelujah we serve a mighty god today amen hallelujah let's sing about that hallelujah come on put those hands together come on let's sing hallelujah [Music] hallelujah a mighty god you are what hallelujah mighty god you are [Music] wonderful glorious your name and we will praise you yes we will but forevermore unless you are glorious [Music] glorious forevermore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father of every generation [Music] he's he's a mighty god [Music] he's a mighty hallelujah you a are goddess oh lord you are you are come on if you believe it this morning give him praise get him praise give him praise he's mighty today he's mighty to save his money to heal he's mighty to set free in this place this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh what a mighty god you are come on why don't you lift your hands all over the room today bless his name mighty heart to jesus he's mighty to break chains in this place this morning amen if you've been a walk in the same old road for miles and miles if you've been hearing the same old voice still the same old [Music] there's a better life [Music] [Music] oh we've all searched for the light of day in the dead of night we've all found ourselves worn out from the same old fight we've all run the things we know [Music] [Applause] is [Music] see we've all searched for the light of day in the dead of night we've all found ourselves worn out from the same old fight and we've all run the things we know just ain't right [Music] um if [Applause] if you receive it [Music] [Music] if you believe [Music] [Applause] somebody [Music] is [Music] if you've got pain but here's the pain taken he's a prison shaking savior [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on if you know it to be true this [Music] morning hallelujah come on and bless the name of jesus in the house of god today come on the bible says clap your hands all ye people and shout to god with the voice of triumph hallelujah someone shall praise the lord amen you may be seated in god's house hallelujah yes i'm free praise the lord i'm free no longer bound no [Music] my soul is resting oh what a blessing praise the lord [Music] i need somebody help me sing oh i am [Music] is [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] amen it is so good to be free amen praise the lord so good to see you in god's house i'm glad to be back from vacation you probably haven't seen me in a couple weeks because i actually went to florida the week before the rest of the family came down i had myself a good old time in florida but i'm so glad to be back in god's house to see all the good smiling faces happy people filled with grace and mercy i love to be around god's people i truly believe they're the greatest people on planet earth are the people who know and love jesus don't believe me just go to an airport for about 30 minutes i've never seen people so mean in my entire life but it is so good to be around god's people that love jesus and love to give you know it's his house his glory his house his praise amen glad to be in god's house to celebrate jesus with you in the bible the bible says come magnify the lord with me let's exalt his name together i just don't want to praise him by myself but i'd love to join together to celebrate jesus welcome if it's your first time here to community family church we are absolutely delighted that you're here with us and we would love the opportunity to connect with you so do us a favor first time guests and just reach in the seat in front of you grab a connection card fill that out for us so when it comes time for the offering we'd like you to take that connection card that you filled out and drop it off on one of our offering stands here at the front the back the balcony or if you see one of our friendly staff members or volunteers you can hand that to one of them but we're so glad you're here can we let our guests know how greatly we appreciate them being with us in god's house today [Applause] i have two announcements everyone say next sunday yes next sunday evening is actually our freedom sunday our freedom sunday service in celebration of juneteenth we'll do that actually on june the 20th though even though juneteenth is june 19th we're going to celebrate that on freedom sunday on june the 20th and following the 6 pm service we're going to have a wonderful dinner together not know if you've ever cooked a dinner for a large gathering but if you ever do that you'd like to know how many people are going we would like to know how many people would be attending that following the 6 p.m service on june the 20th which is next sunday so if you would like to attend that we'd ask that you do think for us go ahead and go to uh eight five nine three five nine three nine nine seven and text just those two letters jt which stand for june team if you're not technologically inclined we can help you do that or if you'd like for some further assistance just meet us over at the main lobby or see me in the central lobbies we'll make sure you're part of that that celebration that dinner celebration the next thing i just want to share with you too if you want to get involved in small group we would love to see you in a group because we have over 350 people right now signed into a summer small group more than double what we've ever had before it's just awesome pastors leading a small group i'm lena small with lots of different people getting to know different people and celebrating jesus it's just going to be awesome so if you like some further information to see us over at our small groups table it's really easy to do we have catalogs for you to see we'd love to see everybody in our church plugged into a small group sometime this year so we're excited about that and what god is doing seeing people being planted and flourishing in the courts of our god amen it's now time for our offering declaration we'll tell you about the three ways to give but let's go ahead right now and say our offering decoration as we bring in today's tithes offerings and over and above giving we are believing the lord for a [Music] say this loud we are blessed and we will be a blessing to others in the name of our lord jesus christ if you believe that say amen somebody asked josh did you still pay your tithes when you went on vacation you better believe it my tithes don't go on vacation at the same time i do they stay here amen some people might wonder what i do i add up how much money i'll make for the entire because i'm on salary i divided by 12 and i take my percentage of that and every single month i make sure i give that so when i go away it's still given but did you know this meg and i when we go visit a church on vacation we tithes when we tithe when we go on vacation two to another church double times amen i just really believe that whenever we go to a house of worship we should go there to give because the bible says it's more blessed to give than it is to receive we need to come to place to know that it's time to give we encourage you to join in the giving today and watch god be a blessing in your life three ways to give you can give online at cfcky.com click online giving you text to give by texting word give to nine three 859-359-390 nine seven you can give in person check payable to cfc cash in the envelope with your name on it if you'd like to send a check in the mail you can mail it to 11875 taylor mill road independence kentucky four one zero five one amen matter of fact i'll tell you this too maddy and i we actually never really give on feeling we give just on obedience all the time we just say this is what we do matter of fact when we're going to church on vacation she's writing the tithe check on the way to church she didn't wait there one minute she said we're writing the tithe check we're going to come in there with army i'm just so glad we're coming here today it's so wonderful to be a blessing and to know that we can give into this house we can give into this house and watch god move when we're obedient to his will i would rather live on 90 percent and have the blessing of the lord on my life then it will operate on 100 of a curse [Applause] [Music] can i tell you it's a joy to give in the house today it's not just giving because i didn't i'm not the one who made it everything i have is from the lord i'm just returning it to god say here you can have this back amen let's go before the lord in prayer today god we thank you so much that you are in this house because where two or more are gathered in your name there you are there you are in the midst of us and god we thank you lord that you are here and lord we're just not satisfied with you being in this building but god we want you to live and move and have your being in this place meet every need in the altar meet every need god in this house you're able to do it jesus you would walk into cities and the bible says that you would heal all of them god we ask that healing would take place in every life god not just those that are here in this building but also those that are watching god we ask god that you do super supernatural things exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think we serve a god who is able lord we thank you that we can worship you with our hands clapping our feet dancing our mouths shouting your praises but lord we're also so grateful and so honored that we can worship you with our tithes and offerings lord we pray that you would win souls with every single dollar that's given and we give you all the praise and all the glory in jesus name and the church says amen please stand this is pastor tommy bates i'm standing here in the parking lot this is our empowering women's conference the place is jam-packed we can't get anyone in here and you know what we need a new church and i'm asking you to help us pay this building off at the women's conference they gave us over 21 000 there's people that are giving from tennessee from virginia from kentucky from all different states and i want you to join in we are 68 paid off and with your help we can pay this off before this summer is over thank you and god bless you [Music] my hope is oh [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh there's a healing healing healing coming soon it made the evening morning all right [Music] is are you ready we shall hear he is [Applause] coming soon oh [Applause] [Music] is jesus oh foreign oh we shall see [Music] we're yes see king jesus oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] we shall see jesus is coming jesus is coming jesus is coming jesus is coming jesus is do you hallelujah let's give him a good praise this morning yonder what do you think i see i see a fan of angels here coming after me oh meet me jesus if my friends forsake me lord i know that you'll be there gonna hold my party down the ground cause her ain't gonna break i'm gonna hold my body [Music] right up down heaven a bunch of people dressed me white i know they were god's children because i saw them living right you can take me out to the grave lay this body down on that resurrection morning i'm coming up out of the ground meet me jesus meet me meet me in the middle of the air i'm gonna rise for me my lord's gonna say goodbye down here cause there ain't no [Music] grace [Music] when i hear that trump is gonna hold [Music] my body gonna hold my body down [Music] i know you've been i know you've been standing for a while but if you're able just open up your bibles to luke chapter 15 and before we before we uh pray over this message uh my double first cousin now double first cousin is when your dad and his brother marry your mom and let me see and her sister it's all right i know it's kentucky it's all legal that's right dad and his brother gene married bonnie and my mother so that produced three double first cousins and now these double first cousins genetically my cousins children are genetically as close to me as my own children would be basically and uh his boy 18 year 17 years old took the coven shot and the vaccine when he took it and i'm not saying this to make you fearful but the bible said if you drink any deadly thing it shall not harm you for some reason we're missing this thing i know they're trying to find the missing animal that brought this thing from an animal virus to human virus but the missing animal is a human it's real easy to know and you don't have to believe that you can still look around for whatever missing animal it is it's not a chicken it's not a pig it's not a cow it's not a duck it's not even a bat i mean anything you can eat they've tried to figure it out and so this man modified virus is going to be a very difficult thing to eradicate so when he got the vaccine it went young people some has known to do this and now there's warnings out it went straight to the heart it it it should have wiped him out and i found out about it yesterday about 10 6 and i came here at the old ship of zion began to pray i put the light of the cross on the lights were dim down here and i prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed as i normally do for the church service but also including while i was praying i thought about the prayers of my great-grandmother she went on to glory when i was eight and three times a day her either her knees would fall to the ground or she would pray in that chair god save my children my grandchildren my great-grandchildren and as many as are far off that i'll never see and i said god my cousin has lived in connecticut he's not raised his children around the anointing that's in our family but i said andrew's anointed and don't know it andrew has a blessing on him and don't even know it i want you to spare him god so he'll experience this great anointing that we have all experienced let him feel the touch of heaven in his life that was at six o'clock at 10 after 8 and i text my cousin said i'm here at the altar i'm at the church i'm praying at 10 after 8 he said there's been a drastic change a drastic change a drastic change i don't know how to pronounce the word t-r-o-p-i-n-trope troponin the troponin levels were at death rate almost two 1.9 they went from 1.9 all the way down to 0.9 and i just got a text right before church he said keep on praying they're down to 0.6 the pain in his chest has lifted and so we're going to have it looks like a miracle's taking place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh bless his name forevermore just about a week or two maybe two weeks ago now caleb bush levi eversole's great-grandson had had made a mistake children make mistakes at 19 years old his parents were out of town he threw a party he took a drug that had contaminants in it and they supposed him to be brain dead there was no activity going on now i know a lot of people are praying but i can tell you what happened when i went in that intensive care and this is the truth i said god i know i'm not harley hensley and i know what you did through harley hensley i saw the faith of god move but i said i'm for the sake of levi ever soul and the prayers of opal god in the prayers of that family that chartered this church that signed on that dotted line to you know it i said god have mercy upon him i'm telling you experience i laid hands his mother and father were there and i went to pray the holy ghost moved on me and you know the enemy would say now you hold back with that unknown tongue you hold back with that unknown tongue and i laid hands and all at once i said nothing doing satan at the holy name and when i prayed in the unknown tongue i looked up and i said he's sweating he swept and the dad looked at me i said he's he's there's a sweat broke out on his head where the supposed to be burned and said he's sweating i said feel it his dad goes he is sweating and i got a hold of his arm his arm was so cold before i said his arm is sweating he's sweating from the crown of his head all the way down well what's the news barbara he's out of intensive care is he walking yet he's out of intensive care still not still got a lot of fog got to come out of his mind there's still a little fog there but he's talking and we're giving god praise i know many of you when brother jim got up here and sung there's a healing healing coming coming soon i said god that's a sign from heaven he don't know what i'm getting ready to do today but god orchestrates things if you have a special request either yourself or something throw your hand up we're going to pray and then we're going to read the word of god father in the name of jesus we pray over these prayer requests lord this is a house that believes we believe that jesus is the same yesterday today and forever we know that by the mighty power of the holy ghost lord by the stripes on the back of the our savior of the lord and savior jesus christ are we healed we speak healing to every person that's sick god release upon andrew great mercy today release upon him god the power of god and lord when he comes out of that hospital open up his eyes let him wonder what does that double first cousin have down there in the hills of kentucky what's inside that holiness church down there in the name of jesus now let's give him praise hallelujah hallelujah [Music] come only love you lord we love you lord we love you lord i'm gonna read the scripture we're so thankful for the pastor that's come here he's retired now but pastor from alabama folks from alabama folks from south carolina we're so glad you stopped by when we have a lot of people on vacation thank you for filling up the seats but most of all thank you for bringing your love into this house and we're just so thankful in luke chapter 15 verses one through seven ekai shayan no mo horea if you ask and you doubt not in your heart and you believe hear the word of the lord if you ask and you doubt not and you speak by word by faith ye shall receive saith the lord god hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on church hear what the holy ghost has said if you ask open your mouth ask whatever you need to ask right now you watching my internet ask what you need to ask right now ask and believe the things that you say and speak his word you shall receive there's a great miracle taking place today right now in somebody's life somebody somewhere is getting a miracle somebody somewhere is getting a touch of heaven glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory hallelujah luke luke chapter 15 verses 1-7 then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners to hear him and the pharisees and scribes murmured and said this man receives sinners he even sits down and eats with them jesus spoke a parable unto them and said now which one of you men are here you had a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost don't he secure the other ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after that which is lost till he find it and when he hath found it he lays it on his shoulders rejoicing and when he comes home he calls together his friends and neighbors saying unto them rejoice with me for i have found my sheep which was lost i say unto you that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one center that repents more than over 99 just persons which need no repentance just for a few moments the message today is the shepherd went searching let's pray father in the name of jesus i thank you god for the utterance of the holy ghost i thank you lord for the gifts of the spirit that has given us a divine word i thank you lord because somebody somewhere is getting a miracle somebody somewhere has believed somebody somewhere is going to recede there's going to be a testimony on this day on june the 13th in this service there's going to be a blessing a someone has got a breakthrough and we give you all the praise now let this word be preached today with signs and with wonders with demonstration of the spirit in love mercy and compassion and we'll give you all the praise and the glory in jesus name praise the lord you can be seated hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah for a few moments this morning we're dealing with the subject the shepherd went searching our text is found in luke chapter 15 verses 1 through 7. you see the scripture teaches us that jesus was going after the center he was eating with them he was going where they were he was talking with them all of those that were out of fellowship with god those who had not a personal intimate relationship with god those that were not reconciled to god he was going after the man that was lost he was going after the wayward soul he was going after the one that was backslid and the scripture said that the pharisees that's the people who lived by the law and lived by the letter and they said what the world are you doing you're supposed to be a prophet we've seen you heal the sick we've seen you do many signs and wonders we've heard your teaching your teaching is incredible it's awesome but what in the world when you're out of the pulpit why are you eating with these sinners why are you going to where they are why are you even talking to them don't you know what your calling is higher than that don't you know that you're a prophet you don't need to be around these people and the bible said jesus said i want to tell you a story he said now you all know about making money because your wealth is wrapped up in your livestock how many sheep you have how many camels you have how many horses you have how much livestock you have so i'm gonna get right down to where you're living and if you had a hundred in your livestock and you were a shepherd and you realize that one of your prized sheep or one sheep that's in your sheepfold was gone wouldn't you secure those ninety and nine and go after that which was lost you wouldn't allow the fox to eat it you wouldn't allow the wolf to devour it you wouldn't allow the the wild beast of the field or someone to steal that sheep you would refuse that to happen he said i'm trying to show you this is what god's nature is and when you find that sheep you will cause your neighbor you'll call your neighbors and your friend and you'll pick that sheep up and you'll bring it to the sheepfold you'll bring it back to the place of safety and you'll say rejoice with me because the sheep that i have lost has been found he said i want you to know this is what goes on in heaven when one of these sinners that i've been eaten with when one of these people that you won't even go around he said whenever they come to the knowledge of the truth and the faith and the power of god he said there's rejoicing in heaven this those begin to rejoice because one has come back to god when i begin to read this the holy ghost begin to deal with the great search the great search of the shepherd and i thought about this personal illustration and every one of you here have a personal illustration your story's not my story my story is not your story but i want to tell you not only a personal illustration but i want you to know why this whole worship church building is here why we have gathered here in the name of the lord jesus christ in the spring of 1953 there was an appalachian woman by the name of sister panzi mckay she had been called and anointed of god to go to the poor and the needy and the distraught i remember looking at a picture book of sister pansy mckay and she would go into the shacks and to the poor people there she went to people who were laying in their bed and been sick for days and weeks and at beth at the very brink of death she would cook them food and take it to him she'd get her accordion out and sing and she would pray for the people but sister pansy mckay in doing all of her alms deeds she was caught up in a night vision in her sleep and god took her to northern kentucky where she had many friends she had friends in the decorazi church over here i'm not sure i don't think maryland avenue was built yet but she had friends where brother runyon was the pastor she had friends that she would come up and visit and sister pansy mckay in this night vision god showed her on taylor mill road route 16 and she saw acres and acres she was here to testify to that vision in the early 80s when we dedicated the church or i guess it was 1979 when we dedicated the church she gave her testimony how that acres and acres and acres of half runner beans that she saw in the spirit and god spoke to her and said there's a great need for the lost to come to christ in northern kentucky on route 16. she came first of all to latonya lakes and she knocked on door after door is anybody sick i'm here and i believe that god can heal you is there anybody here suffering from oppression and in latonya lakes in the spring of that year week after week knocking on the door is there anybody i can pray with my father big tom bates and janice sizemore were married on august the 1st 1953 just a few weeks after they were married there they were at my grandpa sizemore's house pansy mckay came knocking on the door and asked if she could have a prayer meeting there my grandfather was one of 16 children he was a backslider his grandmother was praying for him his mother was praying for him mom had strayed from the lord my grandma sizemore was a methodist but she had strayed from the lord there was no one in that house that was serving the lord but the good shepherd had a search warrant out to bring a family back to god in that prayer meeting mom found her way back to the lord maybe not that night but god mom found her way aunt joyce found her way uncle jerry found his way aunt bonnie found her way darlene was just a little girl but yet she found herself praying pam was just a baby and all of the family came to the lord the crowd got so big that grandpa sizemore purchased a tent and put it on his on the side lot next to his house and in that tent there were visitors that began to fill the place up the ridener family came every soul family came hubbards came hendrickson's came osborne's came and many more other families came it got cold and they had to move into a chicken house and in that chicken house they whitewashed it and more people came to the lord and were saved from the chicken house it was almost a year now it went to a barn dad had still been holding out on this great salvation nobody in the family on his dad on my dad's side could understand what has happened to janice what has happened to janice she down there playing the guitar in that barn what has happened to her tommy you married ellie mae and look at her she's wearing those old-fashioned dresses she got her hair in a ponytail she took off her earrings wiped her lipstick off what in the world has happened to janice and dad ran from it and dad didn't want it he didn't he tried to get away from it and when he was when he stood up to possibly kick the door i know i add a little spice to this but it's it's probably got more spice than what i'm adding when he went to kick the door the power of god hit him and about an hour later he was rolling in the soul to us saying i've got it i've got it i've got it i've got it praise the lord praise the lord you see from that prayer meeting the change of destiny in history was made in that tent aunt joyce had married a a black-headed handsome young man he was 19 years old he went into that tent homer harris didn't know nothing about this good way of salvation he got saved and then fell out in the floor speaking in other tongues the first one to receive the baptism of the holy ghost underneath that tent a teenage boy shouting and praising god and rolling on that dirt floor and magnifying the lord it was there that they all begin to magnify and to praise his name now this is the story of our testimony and everyone that's come to the saving knowledge of christ you have a story of how the shepherd went searching for you when you didn't want him he wanted you when you weren't thinking about him he was thinking about you when you tried to get away from him he was going after you he didn't get upset when you was raised in a good home and you had a good family it didn't bother him that that you tried to get away from his presence that wasn't the case he was looking for you when you didn't want him when you didn't want to go his direction he was searching for you that were backslid for you that had never known the way of salvation that had never known his saving grace in isaiah chapter 53 and verse 6 the bible said all not some all we like sheep have gone astray we are born of the flesh and until we're born of the spirit the flesh wants to lead you the flesh wants to guide you the flesh says i know things better than god the bible said there is a way that seems right unto a man but the in thereof are the ways of death you believe that your way is better than god's you believe that your interpretation is better than god's you believe that you can run your life without god you believe that you can do things without church without the bible without praying without seeking the lord that is being led by your flesh the flesh is the fallen nature and it never wants to submit to god it never wants to come under the jurisdiction of god do you hear what i'm saying the bible said all not some all we like sheep have gone astray i was saved when i was five i experienced the baptism in the holy ghost when i was six over on this side of the altar here in the old church i was i started playing the pen in church when i was eight but somewhere between 13 and 16 years old the flesh in the spirit we're in a combat war against each other the spirit ward against the flesh and the flesh ward against the spirit and i i wanted to get away i wanted to get away from this holiness path i wanted to get away from this bible way i thought my way was better i thought my way of what i wanted to do was a better way to live i wanted to live on the other side of the fence do you hear me today the bible said all we like sheep have gone astray somewhere in your life there was an argument going on is it god's way or is it my way my way is better than god's way the bible said everyone we have turned everyone to his own way not some he said everyone feels this fallen nature pulling on you everyone has turned to his own way but the bible said the lord has laid on jesus christ the only begotten of the father god manifest in the flesh god has laid on him the iniquity of us all there is only one thing that can break the power of that flesh there's only one thing that can break the strength and that carnal mind that argues against this bible that flesh it is the precious blood of the lord jesus christ it is the blood that was shed on that cross his blood cleanses us from the past penalty of sin from the present power of sin and from the future effects of sin my past has been eradicated the blood has cleansed me up from every filthy stain and now at this present moment the blood has given me power over the present power of sin it has been broken sin has no more dominion over me if i choose to serve god i can serve god if i choose to live for god i can live for god if i choose to be a worshiper i can be a worshiper if i choose to live by this bible i can live by this bible because no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper and my victory is in the blood that flows from that cross my power is in the blood that flows by that cross it's not by my intelligence it's not by my understanding it's not by my education it's not by my social status but the flesh that ruled me and the flesh that dominated me and the flesh that tried to keep me away from being reconciled to my god well glory one day one day i said one day one day at 16 years old trying my best to get away my flesh wanted to rule me my flesh wanted to take me places my flesh wanted to engage in immorality my flesh wanted to do everything that was contrary to what god had for my life but one day one drop of his crimson blood it touched my head and i didn't think like i used to think it touched my eyes and i saw life in a different measure than i'd ever saw it before it ran down my ears and i wanted to hear things differently then i'd heard them before it touched my mouth and i'm ahoy i spoke differently than i ever spoke before it went down to my hands and i did things differently it went down to my feet and i began to walk differently no psychiatrist could do it no psychologist could do it there wasn't a pill that could do it there wasn't a bottle of liquor that could do it there wasn't a herb that could do it there wasn't a religion that could do it there wasn't a person that could do it it was one it was one it was one precious drop of the crimson blood that flowed from the top of my head to the sole of my feet and i was changed up i was changed up i was changed glory i say glory [Applause] hallelujah he's not only taken away the past penalty of sin it's been eradicated he's not only freed me from the present power of sin oh but he's also set me free from the future effects of sin because sin is going to put wrinkles on my body and they're there and sin is going to put age spots on my skin and they're there sin the effects of future effects of sin it's going to cause my knees to get stiff and they were stiff yesterday and my shoulder stiff hallelujah and as i continue in this life you're on this earth the effects of sin of the future effects are going to take this mortal body and right before my eyes it shall perish so you sweet good looking things you better hold on to it because you can tuck it you can pluck it you can add to it you can stuff it up you can whatever that stuff is they spray on you or put on you and inject in you you can do whatever you need to but sooner or later you're going to look perishing there's no doubt about it but because of that crimson blood though the our man perishes yeah the inward man is renewed day by day oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what will i fear what will i fear i don't fear death because the sting has been eradicated the strength of sin is the law and the strength of the pain of sin is sin is death it's been eradicated for me to live is christ and to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord oh hallelujah it's because of that blood it's because of the crimson flow that fell from calvary hallelujah let's give it praise [Applause] [Music] oh we love you lord well oh well the main point of this message well oh well i said the main point of this message the reason why i'm preaching this message this morning well oh well [Music] and the main message is this if god went searching for us he has not changed and the shepherd is still searching that's the main message he's still searching [Applause] oh you may say where is god he's searching i don't see anything happen he's searching he's going into the dark places he's going into the dangerous places he's going into the dens of iniquity he's going into the home he's going into the hospital raise your faith up raise your faith up get your faith with god's face to get your faith with jesus don't you ever let the devil tell you that your shepherd is doing nothing he's not a nothing god he's a something god he's on a search for it he's got to search out he's going to search until he finds them [Music] so he'll search in the hospital yeah [Music] he'll find a teenage boy that's had an overdose yeah he'll find a he'll find a handsome good-looking relative of mine hallelujah and i say andrew you better hold on to it buddy hold on to it while you can glory to god all glory to god but he's on a search warrant he's in the hospital getting care but in the hospital there's a searcher there i said there's a searcher there and i'm not going to quit praying until one day old andrew knows the power that his great-grandmother had and he knows the power that his grandpa had and he knows the power that was in his family god never started this church to fizzle out he wants everyone from generation to generation to generation listen the vision never saw a patch of peace a vision saw acres and acres and acres of peace of green beings so hear this word today if he searched for you that's what he's doing right now he is not changing hallelujah i said hallelujah oh hallelujah he's searching he's searching he's searching he's searching get your faith in line with jesus if you've been thinking god's doing nothing rebuke that thought in the name of jesus you say thought i rebuke you i just went to the church and the holy ghost anointed our pastor to preach and he preached that that god will leave the 90-9 yeah we're in here enjoyed and it's good it's good in here but he's searching somebody out there i was near to despair [Music] when he came to me and he showed me that i could be free [Music] [Applause] then he lifted my feet [Music] let's sing this course when the savior [Music] [Music] [Music] two if you need salvation if you need healing if you need victory whatever you need we're here to pray with you about the internet we're here to pray with you [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] boys oh have to remember this time [Music] when he came to me there and he showed me [Music] that i could be free [Applause] when is reached [Music] i'm just glad the shepherd found you if he found you he's going after your family i said if he found you he's going after your family he's going after your family i said he's going at your family this is the song of faith look what he did for me god's son lord we thank you for this service today we thank you god for your power bring us back tonight lord for evangelistic service we'll give you the praise and the glory bless our visitors that have come let them have travel and grace lord as they go back to their destinations we give you all the praise and the glory in jesus name let the church say amen hallelujah you all can't get out of that lord tommy bates ministries there is a fervent desire to bridge the gap of what mighty men and women of the faith have shown him over the years to this current generation that so desperately needs a relationship with the holy spirit god's continued faithfulness to open doors for pastor tommy bates has done just that the message of jesus is going around the world and lives are being transformed if the holy spirit is leading you to pursue partnership with tommy bates ministries i encourage you to make your commitment today join pastor tommy bates as god passionately uses his ministry to stir and impact lives for the cause of jesus christ to partner or contact tommy bates ministries visit tommybates.com or call 1-866-411-1032 or write us today you
Channel: CommunityFamilyChurch
Views: 3,162
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Id: yxEXY_ieh6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 29sec (5129 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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