5020 Turbo Charger

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it's the best job you've ever had never the worst always you were never in the silo silence I know you've never been in a silent I say I stopped feeling so 95 you were born in 91 with your 495 or 695 see the last year I felt I love you were born kind of sucks today you race I got it I played right we're right here she's an Asian she's blind as a frickin bat and couldn't see her notice in front of her face shut up her excuse what it's small and flat it's right there so what are you doing up and probably possibly more than likely putting in a turbocharger you know why why because I want to stroke because I want to so yeah my heart is a heart problem or the problem that I'm having you know is a return line for the turbocharger because the older 5020 had an air pump in there and they did away with it because it caused a carmelization of oil apparently it caramelize it wow I get it harder with that yeah would get it hard Theresa the hardened nasty so now I have no place to plumb in I have to drill hole the engine block so you have to make it on hold that's what she said yeah the correct way of saying after mate what happened [Music] you think there's a new one anyways well this just like $10 and $12 and I wanted to kill them I forget which one you guys are sawing on your sawing on a tractor start to cut me I'm a 7 to 5:30 I got too many track so this this whole entire thing is the water thing okay so here we go I had this job that I needed to do with this bulldozer blade it's on the front of this tractor and it just didn't materialize there was issues with the tractor the water pump went bad I had a neighbor friend came over and we're talking and all of a sudden this thing started squeaking and squealing like it was going to fly apart so you know little closer inspection and the water pump was bad selling me and Cody actually I gave Cody the job to do and then I helped him with it and then we decided that it would be a good idea to go ahead and put the turbocharger on the 5020 while we had it this far apart well that proved to be a three day job believe it or not it really did it was not it was three days by the time I got everything where it needed to be there was some you know inspection and rusty bolts of had to be torched and re drilled and all sorts of other things so anyway enjoy the rest of this yeah yeah I forgot we've been working on this thing like four hours the terminators here to help and yeah so we've actually got the turbo mounted we had to put a new water pump in it today actually this the old original 5020 water pump the water pump that was on there was out of the old the engine that I had to replace years ago about ten years ago and it was for a fifty ten the pulling on that pump was smaller which turned the fans slow or was larger which turned the fans slower so now we've got the original 50 20 van pulleys and everything on there so it should cool a little better but we've got the turbocharger on I do have the proper hose for floating around in some place yeah there it is I'm going to mount that on to this this turbocharger and then I got to drill a hole in the engine block can you believe that I got to drill a hole in the engine block to dump the oil back in - all right so you're gonna see a little bit of shakiness it does level out here in a little bit but what's going on here is I don't want to cut a hole in the hood to this 5022 mount this turbocharger every single one of these turbochargers it was you had to cut a hole in the in hood so at some point someone had the same idea that I had and said you know what I'm not cutting a hole in my hood so I'm going to build this thing and put it on the turbocharger so that I don't have to cut a hole in the hood plus I can use the original muffler that comes with the tractor now the original muffler that comes with the John Deere 50 20 has a block in the center of the muffler which forces the hot gas through the baffles at the bottom of the muffler then around to the top of the muffler and then at the top well the turbocharger in order to keep the engine cool enough and not build up too much high gases and allow free flow it needs a straight pipe so what I've done is I had Timothy knock that centerpiece right out of the muffler so that it would you know would be like a straight pipe okay so with the with that little tube are that the the mount that cast-iron piece that goes on there that someone had very kindly welded up so that it would hold the muffler you have to drill holes in the housing of the turbocharger to get it to angle the right direction so that you don't have to cut a hole in the hood or at least so that it would it would stay mounted on there correctly so what I did was I took the exhaust seal and I marked the holes in the proper place and then you'll see me putting this thing together I put a copper spray gasket on there that is designed for extremely hot surfaces and yeah as you can see right there then and there I have got it mounted up now there is a piece of angle iron that mounts to the base plate of the turbocharger holder or flange and that thing comes up and attaches to the bottom of the new exhaust flange that goes up through the hood so you'll see me put that thing on a little bit a little bit later so yeah so that's what it looks like at this and probably tomorrow you'll hear it run on this video
Channel: onelonelyfarmer
Views: 37,462
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Keywords: Winter 2018, M&W Turbocharger, tractor, farm tractor, farmer, shop, shop tools, tractor fix, repair, replace, redo, john deere, john deere 5020, old iron
Id: q4gaja_W1q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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