Hesston 4910 In the Field

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okay so here it is we've made it to the field I'm sure you've seen everything that I've done with the exception of painting what I built onto the back here I've decided to go with case IH gray or the black color that case IH has but that's what it is I had it in a can and it's a nice transition you just really just don't see it and I didn't do a great job i thinned it too much and you know painted it on there because I didn't want it to rust Timothy is raking this we are not going to I'm not going to bail this right now probably gonna bail is with the car with the Crone but I got a big field in the back that needs to be Dale so I'm gonna take the 4960 and this thing set it up on a tripod and see how much person and swear and I get to do I see that someone has decided to not jack my jack all right seems to be building an okay bail so far it is a slow cumbersome thing yes see my extensions on earth [Music] nice square bail the fingers the holdback fingers in the pre-charge chamber they seem to be allowing material to slide past the last Dale we made and he's gonna go over there so it's pretty full up to the top I mean a matter of fact I'm rather impressed with how full it is this is a damp aspect damp a spell when I say a damp a spell I mean it it is damn we're getting towards the end of the day the sun's gone over the horizon this is the wettest freaking ground you could ever imagine to attempt the bail and looks like my plunger extensions are working just fine not seeing any ill effect from it I know if the if the hay is drier it'll bail a lot faster and a lot easier but yeah seems to be pretty solid it's not a crumb bale don't get me wrong the crow would be a lot better and it is looser than what I am used to now it is wet down here as you can see in the foreground of that tractor it has got some serious serious mud but we got to get this off it's been on here for like 16 18 days I want him to go as quickly as possible to get the you see the dust coming off of it I don't have to go as quickly as possible to get the the stuffer chamber full it it's only stroke it's only compressing a slice every third or fourth stroke which to me is you know the chrome I can go so fast with a crown that it every stroke it's compressing a slice in there or a flake in there let's just listen there he goes I'm gonna zoom in again you've got that thing all led DUP well actually Peterson Peterson Peterson parts sent me those lights a couple of years back those LEDs and we put them on has nothing going to fall off should fall off I only made my bell chamber veil shoot five and a half feet long so that I wouldn't have more than you know that bill would only be on that for a very short amount of time there you go let's see how he makes out this field isn't very big but it's it is a bit of a pain in the ass and the wind rows are pretty damp it's what is getting me with it you start breaking stuff or shear bolts is what we don't want to do I think the poly is polishing up nice or waxing up nice and and the steel is too on the stuffer fingers and you see a puff of black smoke come out of that thing when it plunges there goes as long as he gets that thing picked up when he makes that corner like that this is a massive bale baler makes a massive bale but it seems like the more we use it obviously things are going to start to polish up and things are going to start to work a little better and hopefully this this thing by tomorrow were able to crank them out pretty easily let's hope my dad would come down but I think he's exhausted he mowed all day today me and him mowed probably a hundred acres today maybe more I know yesterday we mowed 105 hundred twenty acres yesterday I got 250 acres on the ground yesterday between yesterday and today well Timothy mowed another 80 acres today so we got well over 300 acres on the ground in the last two days plus what we've got on the ground now which is annoying the hell out of me this should have been bailed weeks ago you know weeks ago we thought we were gonna get it but the weather just did not give us the chance so instead of me sitting here watching this machine work or do you guys want to watch it work I'm sure you wanna watch it work so quite the bailer though I mean with these modifications that I've done to it it seems like it's going to do its job it seems like it's going to work out for us I mean it only has to go as a third as fast as what the Crone goes or half as fast as a Crone and I think in a month's time we'll be more more than ahead of where we have them and probably behind in the bail stacking side of it as I broke several sheer bolts but that's who knows how to make it go I just dropped the bail so we were gonna do when he's done we'll hop in the tractor I mean we'll hop in the truck and we will go and we will yeah hop in the truck and we're gonna go check out those bales cuz I up the pressure a little bit on them where he don't know he's skipped belen which is a good thing to do I could have just gave up on this thing today and said you know what it's too damp I'm just gonna hook to the chrome and run the chrome which you know to me would have been the easier thing but you know then tomorrow I got a struggle with this thing to see if it's gonna work and so far I haven't even missed a knot Donatas are working good and I think you're just doing those things the way they're supposed to do I'm actually quite pleased now I was a little worried here in the beginning but I do have this code that it's showing says c IM c so i don't know something is incomplete circuit incomplete maybe it could be with the NA tears I don't know I don't think it has a nodder indicator on that am I gonna go to sneeze sit and get this God darn thing straight down should be able to move right along with this thing he's taking his time which is good to a point but we got rain coming and I have no time to take time that's just me you know but I do need to get this baler 100% and teach him a little better than what I have so far I give enough rope to hang himself and he has and it's good you know he'll be fine but now we're into a little better material thicker material it's that stuff up top was never Ted it out half of it still on the ground it's been mowed since the day William was born three weeks ago oh it's kind of ugly it's good mulch though it'll work hopefully he gets that thing in the four-wheel drive and we'll start to see some dense bales again I'm hoping that the nodder works it's really kind of annoying me I didn't check the lower needle and a string came untied so that was my fault my fault and if it continues to give me this a sake I'm gonna have to dig deeper into the problem you know you can hear it hitting hard I can hear it hitting hard you know missing it is working really well though see now we're starting to see tighter bails I still think he needs more density in it I want to see that thing pushing a thousand 1,500 on the boards just before overload and if he's in dry hay it will do it without any problem these are not notoriously not wet hay bale Baylor's they like dry so now we've got a nice square bale coming out of the back you can see that now and hopefully we've got this thing resolved and now it's just a matter of convincing the operator to get out of the tractor and clean off the top of the plunger and do all those other wonderful things that need to be done in order to make it function properly I think I think he's made a knot if he has them were in good shape I'm pretty sure he's made an arm opening it looks good now now we're gonna have one string off of this bail now we're getting now we're getting some hay made this was the chrome Valor it would not be done there's no comparison so we've got one strength totally missing when he makes the next knot then we'll know for sure whether it's going to function correctly doo-doo-doo I think it's gonna work I think we got it I think we got it licked you can see now this next male coming off here isn't gonna have any droop to it because I've had him up the pressure and I've had him you know and I've got all the strings functioning correctly and that is the issue the top of the plunger collecting hay and then sending it up into the knotter that's the problem those brushes will not do anything to prevent that the only things you're going to prevent it with is airflow and you got to blow those you got to blow the top of that plunger off now as you see that bale it's just barely drooping on the back of it on the back of the chute so that's where we want to be it could be a little tighter yet but that'll come with the with experience with him and we're probably we're gonna see if we can get him up a little more pressure here by the next Bale and it looks like the knot are functioning now I'm waiting to see those lollipops Joe which should become pretty damn soon if not already I'm watching this meet me standing back and letting him do his thing [Music] now we're getting a little droop on that bail there it falls off it is a lot tighter than the other one I haven't seen it making not yet I would like to make these bales just a little bit longer maybe a six or eight inches longer and hopefully that will that will you know add a little okay so now it just made the knots are they going or yes we do we've got a clean clear not now excellent things are working things that were and we got all six of them popping and jumping excellent and what I'm talking about lollipops I'm talking about the little reflective things on the top of the baler they're yellow those are the lollipops those are what makes the let's they're the indications visual indicators that the Natas are working they're on all Baylor's all Baylor's have them I don't think the crop cutter model on the new knowledge he's got he's dense and making them dense so we got six strings there yeah we got six strings and that's good a little bit zoomed in yet so [Music] and now he's putting bail hang about now he's putting hey Annabel I think he could go a little bit tighter personally but we'll see I'm up the pressure a bit see what we have to do is get as much in a bale as we possibly can logistically that's where it needs to be 24 bales 24 of these bales on a load I should be getting 24 tonnes but I don't think I'm going to be able to if he doesn't get the pressures up I can also if I lengthen them out a little bit I get a little more weight in them and I still be able to put 24 bales on I'm just thinking six to eight inches would do it I got to get my tape measure out on that walk up here this one's about ready to fall nice okay so you can see that this one's up he's got a broken string no no broken strings alright so this is the remains of a broken string from the top yeah we're getting there he's a little looser than he was earlier we got good tails good nice clean cuts on the tails this is the way they're supposed to be on the top so these are hanging a little bit [Music] yeah as long as one side is all the way up one side is all the way up we're doing okay looks good these tails are a lot bigger now the pink twine is a higher knot strength so he should be able to put more hay in a bale you can see this knot is more robust than this one it seems to be more robust to me out on the line but just does it's a thicker than not it's a bigger knot he's doing good now you can hear it hitting that tracker hard which is supposed to yeah I think we got our problem solved sit back here I'm gonna go to picking up bales of hay today doing something with a stock wagon but for the most part I'm picking up bales ahead today I just want to see how it comes off the back here before I leave more pressure on it you can see nice making nice bales again it's a good we're out of the we're out of the trouble zone I'd say he gets that mail all the way up to me [Laughter] [Music] next to now drew that's where we want it to be all right that's a bale of hay right he's got to watch himself when he's bailing because if he's not watching the monitor and you don't stuff the right or the left side enough you'll get a crooked Bale this one's slightly crooked here but oh yeah this is probably the best one is made today definitely the best way mate oh yeah much tighter I think where we need to be now I think that bales got 70 any about seven and a half entropy alright let's shut the camera off hope you enjoyed that live view yeah so there it is that's it it is operational functioning and I think we figured out a lot of our problems on the top of that on the top of the plunger is the problem it's carrying the hay in and that's it
Channel: onelonelyfarmer
Views: 73,661
Rating: 4.9274645 out of 5
Keywords: july 18, hesston, farming, hay farm, hay production, baler, hay baler, hesston 4910, farm family, family farm, farm life, the farm life, love, shop, tools, farm tools
Id: qIjKSO75hMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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