7530 Is Down

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hopefully i've got enough battery to do this okay so uh as you know or may or may not know the 7530 had problems when we were down in north carolina and i've already started the job but the problems that i had in north carolina are quite simple the brakes went bad yep the brakes went bad so what i'm doing is i'm using my track jack uh you can buy these things this was so easy to put on i just backed up with my my three-point hitch hooked in and lifted her up raised the whole tractor off the ground i've used this several times i haven't been able to use it since my skid steer was broken but since i've repaired it i can get to it very easily if you're overseas you can get that there track jack pfe and sold and serviced this guy i believe is in canada i'm pretty certain he is you can check that out there this thing was given to me to use and i actually like it when we're using it i like it i really do i think it's great uh i really i really enjoy the use of it so uh with that being said i have to remove the wheels both sides and i'm going to do both sides before i really dig into it and there's a whole bunch of stuff back here that is just for this machine and i got a feeling i've got a feeling i'm not 100 certain this feeling but i think the john deere dealer doubled the order because these parts are for over four thousand dollars and it just doesn't seem quite right to me that they are so anyway i don't have a breaker bar big enough to tear these off of here and i but i do have a torque wrench which can obviously be used as a breaker bar so that's what i'm doing i actually got two of them broke loose and uh this thing is old as dirt when i say oldest dirt i'm not kidding it's old as dirt the one inch impact gun does not have enough oomph to break it loose i don't know why but it doesn't there's just a lot of torque there's just a lot of torque on those things and i actually thought that it was backwards thread like left-handed thread but they were put on dry in england or wherever germany where this thing was built i almost guarantee you that they've never been taken off it is and i need this tractor terribly i need my stack wagon going so i'm probably going to do is have this thing running today teresa's bailing timothy is raking dad was raking but he's got shoulder issues so he can't really he can't go all day like he used to and i don't really want him to hurt himself any worse than what he's already got oh and he's going to fill lewis's trailer up okay hopefully we're good and okay hopefully this guy i need that 12 milliamp battery i've only got the eight [Music] that is crazy paint it's paint there's paint on the inside of these locks so so i'm going to use my free all here give me a minute and i've never tore the brakes apart on a 75 30. it's going to be a learning experience for both of us and there's always one in the crowd [Music] right i'm not kidding you there's always it's hot it's definitely getting hot there's a lot of torque there oh yeah we'll get it though that is a stripped stud big time stripped stud look like on the back side all right wonderful that means i gotta cut that off of there okay let me find some other tool of destruction [Music] all right i hear like marbles in there all right let's see what we got see i've never done this before but at least i can look in under here and all kinds of stuff that track jack really makes things easy in my opinion uh so what i'm gonna do is uh i'm gonna get the air and i'm gonna blow all this off of here my end goal is inside there so as far as this is concerned uh not really a concern i can just pop that off of there one way or the other whether i drop this plate down and let it flop onto the track jack uh same thing with this stuff here this is a cab mounting as this cab is on a uh it's on uh air air suspension air suspension or not air hydraulically suspended this cab is so and i've never greased that grease gun that grizz zerks uh that's gonna have to get done while i'm in here but i'm gonna clean all that up and then start taking apart the shielding at least i'll be able to see what the shielding is and then see what i really have to get into underneath here i may have to jack up the cab a little bit and remove all that stuff and then because it's on an accumulator so this is the accumulator it's only a little guy it's nitrogen filled that's what takes all the shock out it still functions and i think i'll be all right but uh there's a little bleed valve there so i got to be careful i don't really want to break that away because a it makes a mess b i think i could just take it all off and set it to the side there should be enough room this guy here that's on hoses as well i don't know what this is piston accumulator that's what this guy is so it's a multitude of weird up in there but anyways let me shut up and do my job about five years ago i was in uh i was down at milford auto down in frenchtown new jersey frenchtown's a little town not far from here maybe four or five mile four or five miles and uh i had bought some carlisle tools from down there and carlisle tools are made in taiwan i mean it's just a fact that's where that's where they're made in taiwan now i have to say taiwan tools taiwan taught the people from taiwan 30 years ago didn't make the greatest tools in the world but with everything else in the world they either had to improve or get out so anyways as i'm walking out the door with these this carlisle set it was a metric set so where else better to get a metric set than carlisle right near napa and i will tell you carlisle tools work really really well so i'm out in the parking lot and i'm just about to my truck and these two young fellows maybe 18 and 19 years old come up to me they're coming into the they're going into the store there they're like carlyle oh there's a real amateur okay i'm a real amateur right so there's a real amateur and uh i was like really why what do you mean why am i an amateur oh you're buying the junk out of napa i was like junk works just fine doesn't cost that much and is there something better oh yeah there's way better you should buy snap-on i've got a full line up to snap-on tools at home i've been using them my whole life i had laughed i said well for somebody who's still wet behind the ears that's really not that long i says uh okay i said i generally buy craftsman tools because i like craftsmen they have a really good return policy you know you break it they replace it it just can't be rusty that's it the whole thing so if you do break a craftsman tool they replace it free of charge if it's rusty go over the wire wheel wire brush the rust off of it take it in and there you go so if you look in my tool box here you'll see the majority i mean here's i think that's a master hand whatever i don't know that i don't know where that came from but the majority of these tools are craftsman tools they have rusty on i'm sure they got some rust on them you know but there's a mis-mash and everything and they're in here i mean they're craftsman tools but i do have some carlisles and i like the carlisle tools uh i can go to napa which is right down the road here and just take this ratchet here this thing is really cool so you want to turn it over you just turn it over right it's got a swivel eye on there now i wouldn't go yang it on this thing like to break something loose even though it does have a really long bar on it um we have these for that and i do believe this one is this this is a proto protozer a higher dollar tool but i also have this craftsman mostly craftsman tools this particular ratchet here this one i got for my for christmas when i was 16 years old i have used this this tool i'm 49. so it would be yeah how many years is that 16 26 36 46 so that's 33 years i've been using this wrench for 33 years those children that were kind of laughing at me and making fun of me this socket as well this is a three-quarter inch socket i've been using it on this this ratchet for 33 years so for 33 years i've been using these tools to no problems i did actually break this ratchet at one time but the really cool thing is right there is a snap ring you go down to well it used to be sears i don't know if sears is even in business anymore but i can go to uh to hell i think lowe's is now carrying craftsman i know kmart carried craftsman but fastenal i believe is a craftsman dealer now uh if i break that ratchet again i can always just you know go get the part the guts put it in there and this wrench will be like no and to prove that i've used it for 33 years you can see that the chrome is wore off the end of this ratchet it's worn off it's gone i like the rough finish ones they're easier on your hands believe it or not so anyhow that's just what i wanted to say about that that craftsman tools are just as good as snap-on for about half the price uh i've had to replace some snap-on things and there are things that snap-on does offer that craftsman doesn't and i have had to purchase those those little items uh like the the socket that takes the nut or the bolt out of the bed of a 2020 ford f-350 i did have to do that so but anyhow yeah what i'm doing here is i'm actually going to wire tie this accumulator up out of my way if i can find a spot i'm pretty sure i can find a spot right another spot there i'll find a spot trust me anyway so what i'm doing is i'm just doing this so give me a break um i'm going to give me a break you don't have to give me a break i'm going to put this camera on the charter and i've got this all off this all has to come off i can pop that guy out of there i am going to have to jack this this tractor up which i can do right here on the frame so that's what i'm going to do to remove that section and then it should be pretty easy to just drop that axle out i'm going to bring the skid steer in and i'm going to suspend it with a chain on a pallet fork pick it up out of there and you get to see all the fun stuff that's inside because there's a lot of fun stuff inside all right so uh here we go i've had to do a bit of a i wouldn't say a trick but i've had to do a bit of the well i i guess i could call it a trick my camera these gopro cameras just do not have the the longevity when it comes to when it comes to keeping power the battery life sucks matter of fact a lot of things about the gopro camera that suck but they seem to redeem themselves in the quality so what i've got is i have to drain the oil out of this case real quick well i'd say real quick i'm sure there's a few people that are saying oh my god we're only farmers under the tractor i hope it falls off you know there's always there's always something that hopes it falls on me all right i've given up the mittens for a little bit for the simple reason i don't have time for them this oil is nothing but full of metal shavings you can see it's just metal shavings so this is going to be a pain in the ass this actually has to go through the burner i have a heater that i use and a uh oil heater so i run all my hydraulic and engine oil that i have left over goes through the facelift heater so this actually creates a little bit of a vacuum when i'm done draining this case i'm going to go ahead and pull the screen out of the face of it uh i'm almost ready to pop this stub off i'm going to bring the the skid steer in and i'm going to set it underneath here it's kind of square there and then i'm going to strap it ow ow boy that thing was sharp oh there's a fish hook on there um yeah that sounds good i don't like that john deere i'm actually gonna chase these threads because john here did not do a good job of putting these axle wheels on with that thing they made a uh they put it on dry which i don't know some people like to put stuff on dry i like to put things on with a lubrication yeah it changes the torque specs but not by a hell of a lot and it's easier to take them off so i will be using a grease on that like uh whether it's a molly grease or a what do you call it a lithium or even a graphite group over there something a car could rock all right this is gonna be fun it's always fun it's always fun games you know you try not to make too big of a mess but you know what anyways i've got you all hooked up oh my god i spilled it i got you hooked up to a uh to a electric cord so i'm gonna go ahead and finish this out uh dump it out clean out the clean out i'll pull that screen and i'll show you what i'm talking about inside but i'm gonna dump this off drain it out and then i'll be in with a skid steer so give me a minute i'm not as bad as some of them though i guess jimmy chalupa in bad shape gonna die oh yeah did he smoke no never smoked healthiest man you ever wanted us yeah i've heard that crap before yeah but he wasn't he didn't smoke he didn't chew he was around somebody somewhere well he warped i finished it off in north carolina you know that'd be a good thing to shoot her oh yeah ring down through it it would ring bring it anywhere oh god okay yay okay so here's the carnage uh it's not bad let me uh pop my who's my wetsuit off there it's not terrible it's not great so i'll go through the old parts and i'll go through the new parts and i will show you what i got in here alright so in this particular piece of equipment there's ceiling rings there's one here and there's one let me walk over to the truck and there's one here this is the old part so what i'm going to do real quick is flip this over and you can see that that has worn away a fair amount of material here's the new one now this is worn down below by quite a bit wore that out and then if you look at the new one it is actually this the bed of this or the face of this uh brake uh i would call this a uh well we call it a rotor but it's not i don't know what they're calling it but it actually is raised above this part so what you have is these little guys here okay so each one of these there's three of them there to press on this so when you put your foot on the brake and they're self-adjusting they slide through and we'll show you they're self-adjusting when they bottom out that spring then they push the rest of the way through here so these are shot they have moved through their positions and boom out the back there is a place for them in the back of this here which you're not going to be able to see but i'm going to show you anyway uh right here these little pockets there's holes that pocket it's a dead or blind-sided hole so that that thing this little guy here as it wears the the shoes and everything it can actually adjust and push its way through until it's worn out and then you get all that nice grinding sound in the metal this guy here is warped for one now years ago when i did the 4320 i got cut by one of these you can see it's a dish [Music] and it's it's supposed to be perfectly flat and it's not supposed to look like that it's definitely not supposed to have that scraping in there because that is where the uh that's where it was rubbing up against the uh who's the what's it there uh rubbing up against the other plate or the i'd call them plates so get this here's another little fun fact about john deere takes a special loctite um it's not loctite but it's a sealant it takes a special sealant there's no gaskets in these and you take this number 574 and for some reason it was unavailable to me unless you bought it from john deere and i'm sure somebody would say oh you can buy that from your local loctite dealer well you're probably right but i don't know a local loctite dealer so anyway this is the new brake disc okay so that disc is pretty simple pull this guy out of here i'm going to give you a bit of an edumacation here so this disc obviously is here and you can see the wear on it on this one see where those those little doodads here this is the way they rub and all that is is when you put your foot on the brakes it compresses that spring and when you release it that spring pushes it out and when it bottoms out it will actually move slowly through the through the holes on the other plate so anyhow this guy here goes like a cell in there okay just like that just like that so that's how that goes in there and that little guy and i'll go through this whole thing as we go this is the other new one i'm going to take this guy to the press and i'm going to press those little pieces in there and this goes like that on the inside and i do believe i'm upside down or does it matter i don't think it does not on this guy anyway on the other one i think it was supposed to so anyhow there's no specific way that it goes other than like that so inside the machine that's what it looks like with these little things here pressed in here like that okay you press them in and then like i said as these the friction disc wears it will actually because that's like a roll pin it is a roll pin or a spring pin not a roll pin that's a spring pin and this little guy here acts as a piston a little spring doodad so as this thing wears it will actually move up through until it boom kicks out the bottom so i will be putting those in so that the bottom of the spring is flush with the bottom of that and before i do that i'm going to take this brake disc and i'm going to soak it in oil i'm going to soak it in oil what kind of oil well i'll tell you what kind of oil i'm going to put it in hydraulic oil because that's what it it runs it runs in hydraulic oil so i will do that right now i'm just going to dribble it on there it won't take much to soak it up i'm just going to dribble brand new fresh oil onto that thing and that'll that'll get it where it needs to be so if you put this thing together dry and then the first time you put your foot on the brake it will chatter and delaminate this pad or these pads because there's multiple pads you can see how they're put on there they're precision cut right this is not just one ring it's got precision cut pieces that they put in there so yeah and that's how that goes so anyhow let me uh i'm gonna go find some oil and i'll be quiet and i'll get on to this job and uh hopefully i'm back running again today which i will be because i'm not quitting until i'm done tonight i'm gonna have to teresa is bailing by the way she's doing a great job she's bailing i'm working on this and life will be good so yeah i'm going to leave that ceiling ring that's in there in there i'm not taking that ceiling ring out the problem with this with this whole thing is oh let me get on here i don't need to be that dark the problem is that lighting the problem with that ceiling ring is that they're in atlanta georgia and they've been in atlanta georgia for two weeks uh the the long and the short story of this and not to be political um political enough and actually i'm not political i'm just an american that sees injustices in our system and it needs to be stopped but you know i'm just a dumb farmer from new jersey so what can i do other than get on my soapbox and talk but uh the stimulus checks the three hundred dollars or six hundred dollars every two weeks or three hundred dollars extra every two weeks or whatever it is that they're given these unemployment checks or you know that is hurting the country it's not helping anybody it's hurting the country and it's preventing shipping shipping shipping oh and handling the handling part is when you actually have to pull it off of the shelf and then put it in a box and then send it to the shipper well those people aren't even working either and don't get me started because i'm already upset enough by this whole thing the uh the great thing is hopefully it comes to an end but the great thing is that it's just costing everybody everybody and it's gonna cost the end user and when the end user not the one percent that actually feed the country the five percent that actually haul this stuff you know those people the the shippers right now like steve you know mud flaps he's making money hand over fist because he's got more work than he can ever handle uh which kudos to him it's great uh for farmers you know low pricing for many many years oh don't worry it's coming full circle and the end user being the guy who can't feed himself the guy who can't go package something up the guy that can't go down to the brick and mortar building anymore because that's all sealed up he's the guy that's going to pay when he starts paying that guy or when these stimulus checks stop coming in because people like me decide that we've had enough um that's when will get done uh the small one percent five percent of people they can complain until they're blue in the face nobody does the damn thing about it so those o-rings have been in atlanta georgia for two weeks more than two weeks two weeks uh two weeks so that'd be ten days and monday and tuesday so that is 12 days they haven't even shipped out of georgia yet crazy so i have to reuse my old ones they'll be all right they're not hurt or damaged in any way so i'll just put them on new i'm going to very gently take it off of that unit and put it on a new unit and go from there so here we go
Channel: onelonelyfarmer
Views: 31,900
Rating: 4.943594 out of 5
Keywords: tractor, farmer, fix, shop, shop work, fix it, rebuild it, hay, hay farm, tractor repair, tractor brakes, John Deere brakes, 7530 brakes, shop tools, tools, craftsmen tools, cheap tools, expensive tools
Id: Bt4LRcDlxBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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