500 + Wealth and Abundance Affirmations Video Vision Board with Binaural Trance Induction Delta Wave

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[Music] welcome to the reality revolution I'm your host Brian Scott and this is dedicated to all those spirits out there who believe life is meant to be magical and fun er we ventured to share the very mysteries of self in reality my purpose is to help light that spark inside of you to reawaken your sense of fascination and awe towards the world I'm gonna try to help you hack reality and unleash your potential and open unlimited possibilities of wealth health and relationships in your life welcome and thank you so much for joining us today we are gonna do a double induction with financial affirmations that are designed to change your prosperity consciousness you know you go back and look at people that have found incredible wealth and that found money Warren Buffett Bill Gates Oprah Winfrey and I guaranteed all of them had this powerful prosperity mindset before they made their money and so the number one thing that you can do to change the world that you're in is to change your prosperity mindset and this is difficult because we're reminded on a daily basis of the reality of our situation so it takes a little bit of work to change our thinking because you're trying to change something that may not be real in your current world one of the best ways to do this one of the most effective ways is through financial affirmations and there are many different kinds of affirmations that you can put together but by expressing affirmations you're choosing thoughts that you want to think and you do this on a repeated basis these thoughts become beliefs because beliefs are just thoughts that you're thinking on a regular basis and once you shift your thinking to a prosperity consciousness when you believe that you're wealthy and the leave that you're financially free and secure then the outer world starts to shape itself around that belief and so a lot of people try to do affirmations and they struggle with it because when they're saying these affirmations they don't believe them they sound empty and shallow a part of their body tells them this is not working and you end up radiating desire or want and it works against you and so oftentimes people will do affirmations and they're actually expressing the opposite of that and so I've designed this as a way to subvert this belief system one of the most powerfully researched techniques to induce trance is when hypnotists will speak into two different ears you will hear it on a lot of hypnosis tracts the reason that they're doing that is that it shifts your attention you're basically able to place your attention on one side or the other the other side will seep in and become a belief over time when repetitively done this starts to create belief structures in your mind and so I've designed this with over 500 different affirmations and you know a lot of times when you've done informations in the past you might not feel it and we're trying to overcome that and you can express these affirmations out loud or simply listen to them you can even listen to this at 2 times speed if that's easier for you but when you start to listen to this these affirmations will begin to seep deep into your subconscious mind we're hacking your subconscious mind and over several weeks you will start to see a change in the way that you look at the world and why you think is particularly about money go back to any book that talks about how to find great wealth and I guarantee you'll find a chapter that deals with the mindset and ultimately the mindset is the most important thing and you can change your mindset you may feel powerless you may have tried to change your mindset in the past and struggled with this but when you do this process you can create and instill affirmations into your mind and going around the rational thinking part of yourself so this is about 30 minutes and the affirmations will come in on both sides you can just simply listen to them or say them out loud the ones that you want to say you can throw this on at the gym or when you're going for a walk you even though it's 30 minutes when you put it on two times speed it cuts it down to 15 minutes you don't have to listen to the whole thing you can listen to it for five minutes at a time but I've designed this so that if you want a good 30 minutes of affirmations this is gonna bring it to you if you only have 10 minutes we have another episode that gives you a 10 minute dual induction affirmation episode but this is just for a little bit longer so you can go deeper and really impress these beliefs onto your subconscious mind I'm so excited that you're gonna be able to change your mindset by doing this I'd love to get your feedback so let's begin to change your mindset change your beliefs and instill a prosperity consciousness into your life let's begin I would like you to reinforce every positive thought you've ever had about yourself [Music] [Laughter] my life is an imperative Ward venture by wonder alignment energy existences abundance this will I consistently disk alleles of 200 rushing for my life over the switch to English Aires and guys have ever stepped before healing of having lots financial amongst vibration Ireland ourselves to have the universal all knowledge Center and inspiration is russiatooz award in the authority over the universe my spoken word catapults me into the room something I know lots of money I can purchase twelve me and just like [Applause] [Music] [Music] so I said that'll be random de jour opportunistic thoughts my entire my relationship different money leads to success survival is excessive and it's rife in my spoken word ' stressed my struggling world I'll see to run away period an opportunity at life and unlimited abundance living in the vibration of world immersed in abundance and surrounded by opulence unexpected good and approximately less than two years to the frequent sabotage prosperity infinite presence but the universe wipes out all debts and places become the path to financial prosperity [Music] I have the right to be rich so I focus my spiritual resources on manifesting the life of my dreams [Music] my repository you know totally positive experiences filled my life grateful because I'm feeling positive and expected today boss are charged with so much possible run tower that I can attract money just by thinking about it filling my wallet I am more capable handling all situations I am abundant and successful with everything that I do I'm like from success to success it was every area of life experience success wherever I go around each corner and my feelings creation my destiny so I focus on feeling a positive energy for thanking for whatever situation that fakers expected at all Tucker there's limited number of thoughts I have choose to think reduce resource access to my desires I use the dynamic power of my spoken word to summon the mountains of cash that are mined by / dude there's instant success money is communities for all three directions versus those situations with gender more avenues of expression and great expectations as I declare my prize wife shouts orders of the future and actually are inspired by the divine and talents with any success of other people it means that success is getting closer to me joy when as charity of others underlying mission or the purpose everyone in life as I consistently choose positive thoughts I consistently supposed the precise visualize success by politics and the abundance by the pharmacist when versus to rich and prosperous reality my thoughts of thankfully money that my consciousness my affairs this to one life after reaching to the consistency the independent spirit of the universities of operating supply side words like crazy wonderful miraculous every such rage shall arise from every person around to produce you and from us and I can throw success I'm willing to be rich financial abundance is was in such positive words thoughts and feelings I feel I'm really enthusiastic the confident and empowered worship of his lavish and positive spaces in my diary near future verse wants me to succeed I have lied to the pasta teacher that was filling about good relationship with amazing opportunity I'm open to expect it if unexpected sources some articles and supply and I'm investing is my own awakening driving a vegetable and herb sided with don't expect presents or anything for me tremendous successes the seeking expression I expected prosper today I am inviting other sentient opportunities in person didn't see subtraction this fantastic launches by sending to me one my skipping work repulsive to my certain ethical life is and transforms my life of doing extraordinary experience I'm with people who are positive uplifting and empowering money comes to office quick will never go astray or struggle I am committed to my vision to be successful when the funding is acquired for my persistent ready and willing to experience like a success I will they make up to receiving huge financial blessings so I now lives that must've much speedier varieties to express its divinity through me and the incredible sentences of the entire life Muslims can effortlessly thinking's by a motive race racism to blessings of the university now the intention program for success life and Byzantine or design plan that includes open trust burdens and success miles of cash I'm willing to put that out of my comfort zone as you place the challenges that's why I promise I'll write to success dreams to destroy my energy of the dumbest of her feelings whereas mr. Lyman herself well really did she hurt itself in Spanish by working on my thoughts right now her Spanish those abundance and prosperity for Halloween to transform my life comes into my lashes and went quickly thoughts and integrate in one versity supports I feel that always aspirations Dougherty now they enlarge my aware isolated pardons financially this is a natural-born my life success prosperity is becoming more every situation every and every person to go behind Lessing's in everybody's shoes wasn't a youtuber my wonderful thing today I release nothing was his son who prevents me from ever seen those wonderful blessings that are wonderful experiences in life events in two years and intentionally derive job under success I receive us live expected in our hallways all the Tigers the University how's my back I'm moving to change constantly floors into my life either by one - I give myself permission to the possibility to have lots or abundance of money does ever success is all around me I'm ready and with unto herself in the manger pouch was success in - I chose to marry were financial abundance I get to keep a part of every dollar I make the prosperity shows up in my life freely frequently and in Bremen is Olivia so she knew about Brian making the universe were to the same ability to manifest my design my money is increasing whether I'm working or sleeping or playing I'm Constance creating tragedy for the circumstances of magic my words and the action to surface but there is always something wonderful happening in my fine lines which are powerful so I just really millions of dollars which have always happened to me I think of every need absolute by expression is why the opus that have completely no reviewers have uses be an express the tragedies to deliver like all that I have I always have something by stupidity time line without you guys to encouraged and inspired I mean grateful for my no surprise part out of lack and limitation I thankful for that gave devouring the London's I experience each day of my life devoted students in cash and spiritually I come to a shameless source of abundance and my feelings are creative so I can tas try operative flores Moses is an indwelling spirit that provide solutions they were all read against are opportunities for you are the guide like easel inspires effortlessly everything I do because the infidels demócratas at the university world separative to all blessings of centers channel everything that is good valuable my model today I released prosperity of feelings on their acceptance 2004 the abundant success thought that is blind is created my future so I focused in thoughts my spoken for.i revolutionize my life by castings way to create a strong mental disease funded and enticing them work with rich expectation and abundant face this day stacked up all of my affairs the infinite presence of the universe is my mother failing prospering powers my spoken word turns the tide on my finances and unleashes power I will refer god of the unpretentiously for life that affects her like prospers like a stocking penetrate my life because I am divinely guided through life and overshadowed by the projector a table to not appear in the infinite wisdom as producing perfect results through me now the perfect job great loss we're sad Sukkot richest blessing of building one personal man was there ever the natural park why would I like this part of a divine plan that includes my favorite challenges strength wisdom and self-assurance I am a perfect idea and the mind of God continually guided to us highest expression of what he did where my needs are met wonderful ways the prosperous conditions I desire that I am open channel for the blessings of the universe because I have cleared my mind of all ressentiment gods f the mega descendants announcer my desire is many reasons like trust somebody pick out where they have success in my life relations I am open and receptive and we're ready missions were of a massive surge of the money in my life I attract quest Portuguese own to hire by speakers and finger perfect on gratitude for all the stationers perform it divine guidance needs me to the perfect career Expos organs maybe as a flow and opportunities that's a beer activating I wake up the old image theirselves to a multitude of the leader has presidents engage experiences I used like a shrimp house variety it's to create the 15 water to do jobs grow something wonderful happens to the ouch day - seven are open to experiencing a success I saw an abundance that is rightfully Miami to slice Teresa with English now you've read to the right people that situational sanitation served my highest expression of Russians of why I release all uncertainties about the universe almost broccolis leaders who are getting across a quantities from multiple sources my spoken word succeed way to the customers ball so I declared my desires daily and then I watch I have and all the fine Wanda's large avalanches I promise now you need to cultivate to make way for unlimited abundance actually free that will works to become rich beyond my wildest dreams mine is a center of dosing efficient inspects the evil I mean early and rightly is in that guy - well I was making the warning today comes too easily effortlessly and it is great about the Zuma billionaire I always watched manifest on my screen contractually free lots of enrichment as my dreams wonderful experience I hold dirty money quickly and achieve what I needed [Music] prosperity lots of money I know all my mother's they my desire Lea little words and are so dense to a flush swing of money right now downpour of abundance I travel the world I have unexpected money my bank account opportunities but constantly shines so and building prosperous Empire they invest my thoughts in areas that ever seen as well in a pond and life is an investing muddling is easy celerity Mon cash comes to these if I have taffert lessons and in big bundles my money is by resistive ly drawn to matter because I am a powerful money everyday magnet opportunities are deluxe to come whether I hope to vote without robots of mine abundance I don't experience missed opportunities at one door shut up better what I was blinded by demonic I trust the law of attraction is meant to be the janitor station all the food perfectly memorized your dynamic space in the pattern of time like the process my sleeve of becoming more comfortable wealthiest with husband locks at work I say yes Edomite responsible and yes circles how to the Mayans folding opportunities my spoken word my causes they're infested lavish and a success for them one day I know one of my year septum nothing to the cannot be filmed my desires I anticipate only good things in my physique one of these multiple sources I can't eat my bagel and recycling opportunities I am happy grateful I have experience while mr. universe expresses through those only success and the puffiness around which I would love having my I was made to experience the best of everything my business is healthy successful insecure money that I've got also how he successfully there's enough money for me a millionaire I have a powerful prosperity consciousness [Music] Londyn success inspired and passionate man guided by the divinity within me who used every day I wake up with priceless and expected right away that comes devour recently think versus our little stool they have everything I want [Music] [Music] two points and happy to say well thank you all the time I deserve to enjoy my desire and house were bursting I designed my success continuous wave or were total digital age every day I attend University my success every single penny ready money back agent and the university's positive energy to the person comes back information success bringing wanted event constantiy findings may be turning into my life energized and motivated isotopes deserve some directions Glavine in successive expressions everyone success feels so natural but I can do to expect any other outcome for my life my only my own boundary limited vacations and enter into an illusion increasing quantifies principal sources litany of success basis I deserve I value the opportunist that one of a successful everything I have dreamed up is coming with each passing day - life is a video success since I accepted the abundance the university offers bonds and money and despaired as much as I want on her friends that make me happy money flows to me I'm not physically working excited when I think I did things that are happening with life money we were suspended cause I comforted myself to come out all the money I feel those accessories that I am entitled I am healthy I am open to all the money the universe I am becoming conscious of the truth that I have the power to recreate my welcome lots of unlocked I can feel the plant hiding way financially this is coming my way my conscious was you're ruining my success is the actual what he is a zero gray liner for successful for whatever destiny for greatness everything I need to do well the fortune come to me easy I am generous success he's created for leave a side out so I go with it to bring in my many suitors reality first and then it shows up in my life I for something wonderful into money welcome to financial increase [Music] my savings while fighters do her aníbal and fire beeps in brown lots of money and incredibly capable universe except attracts livers working wealth and bright successful everything I do ice I have the power to change my life by Jim inspired political intelligence odds and feelings financial abundance is when in my realism our Investor I really get it there in the same way to received to my fantastic fortune it into my vision of success by OSI positive for the dirty dreams about Morning News I do not joke about blessings my guardian the situation know that my drive in person is my life or others are investing the conditions of my by I receive yes we work freely all the to success comes naturally I gave myself punishment to the world into life there I'm stupid as I enjoy the perfect virtue I am devoted to Kansai every eight my success is the only impossible out Almaty I only speak and think positively whistles I feel I'm going to create a fabulous well I never Reed's issues or my good but I place my trust issues he was hiding upon the flying machine I'm so happy the questions that I call in which is necessarily successful in this Court I always get the things I want I know is so happy for my awareness of do paint well desires expression I'm so happy my rich thoughts with trees rich experience biorepair Avastin potestivo feel [Music] I filled with my jobs is the pipeline whatever I sit down infinite wealth thought the US economy went back to my personal desires above desert they can feel wealthier more abundantly by the better part of all those mighty gifts of the universe or bored and I have for effective and opulence into my life everything always works out for my spoken word dissolves all obstacles and clears the way for my perfect expression every self-satisfaction to potential to black walnuts part of all my well that goes into my turf a capital expenses and my scoffs worthless the good that I desire now swings into manifest are now into me o my thoughts projectile realizing myself the powerful three us see an irresistible attraction my desires choosing to think only those thoughts that will bring any benefit I happily while she was already mine so as it occurs to me all the other vets I can desire [Music] to be financially prosperous oil with my mind to a life-changing cash windfall I have several millions dr. the lava flows into my life I never imagined out myself what could be possible for comfortable life with more than enough I am open I'd like to incredible possibilities in my future it is easy for me to a drawing success and I pretend to be this possible on a consistent basis buddy is good because it allows me to fill my nerve I feel the placing experiences come one backed in possession as well in my life I can feel the wealth flowing that feel positive all directed about receiving lots of money very soon and I give thanks for the many good eyes or a man treat me now I am free I am free my good flows to me the constant searching has made use to opportunities and successes it's amazing that we discovered because to do reality and opportunities I wanted my life my spoken word is a dynamic force that removes obstacles from like so many opportunities are the wedding now from a perfect expression of success I have never felt this wealthiness until the hurry of my life is overflowing with success including my finances my determined to give my limit of success I wanted the German to hear what insistently discovered I appreciated it smells like initial success unfortunately should a guy who's know if I was destined for greatness I'm glad I used the financial abundance of vibration or learn how to create a massive success it's only so all knowledge and inspiration is readily available to me at any time the truth my spoken word catapults move into the world upside down bow our eyebrows over the money to circulate a film I'm a lot of thoughts [Music] attracting once if I'm more connected to it and mr. money frustration or ever my financial situation already a with massive success by the faithful to my run-ins goddess Isis that hassle was charged in the 12 rich experiences that most don't you my life is I will persist my experience of mine light enough to achieving any hold on realizing besides it's because I know the stocks are better tastic opportunities circulate throughout where I send out code is amazing my house why send out peace joy as money house the university is racist as titles of Charlie Sanders worthy of great success wealth and happiness good fortune because it burst into my affairs circuits the activity of timeline because they have the power to notice that was wonderful I'm so glad you got to share that with me your thinking has been changed your thoughts have been changed I have implanted deep beliefs into your subconscious mind and now you will begin to see the results of this in their outside world I'm so excited I hope you enjoyed these affirmations and that you come out of this with a new way of thinking welcome to the reality revolution [Music]
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 458,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affirmations for wealth, money affirmations subliminal, prosperity meditation, affirmations, law of attraction, meditation, reality revolution affirmations, reality revolution, prosperity affirmations, affirmation video, abundance meditation, millionaire mindset, subconscious mind power, subconscious mind, binaural beats, abundance affirmations, prosperity, wealth subliminal affirmations, binaural affirmations, wealth subliminal, positive affirmations, video vision board, loa
Id: qVbJt_zhVJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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