Sleep Meditation - (Neville Goddard) Using Your Imagination To Fall Asleep From The Wish Fulfilled

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welcome to the reality revolution I'm your host Brian Scott today's meditation is a short meditation designed around my previous episode on Neville Goddard's how to use your imagination is a very powerful technique that you can use in conjunction with sleep which will help you to achieve and realize incredible things I have a very recent sleep meditation that is wonderful that will help lock in and program concepts from reality Tran surfing I have a lucid dreaming meditation several other sleep meditations this is designed to be short what the point is that in if you listen to that episode Neville Goddard says you go into the feeling of the wish fulfilled as you're going to sleep you don't need a long meditation with this one with this particular teaching we're gonna do the techniques that he describes we're gonna rescrew the day exactly we want it and then we're gonna try to live in the feeling of the wish fulfilled as we go to sleep this is not complicated this is not hard you listen to the teaching this can start working within a couple of days the stories and examples on that episode are great check out that episode on Neville Goddard's and how to use imagination but for this I just want you just to to listen to this as you're going to bet so get comfortable you can pause it here until you feel completely comfortable just lay down and as you lay down get associated and comfortable with your blankets and sheets you might have to adjust around a little bit to wherever it feels really comfortable get into that comfortable position it allows you to slow mean lacs [Music] I just want you to relax your body scan your body and slowly relax your feet calves the eyes stomach lower abdominal chest shoulders and back your neck all the muscles in your face your tongue relax your forehead just relax take a deep breath and relax even more as you exhale feel yourself let go you begin to prepare to fall deeply asleep just relax just let go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first thing I want you to do is just go through the day and just go through all the events of the day there's anything in your day that you did not like I want you to Reese crypt the way you wish it would have happened if you received a letter or email if you had something happen I want you to go back and reimagine that it happened differently to your advantage in to your benefit it's a slight time modification but I just want you to go through and Reese crypt some events go through the day and Reese crypt it to make it perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] very good the first thing I want you to do is you must know exactly what it is you want perhaps it's a house a car a job a relationship or maybe it's more begging now maybe it's a feeling of freedom [Music] right now you're laying in bed as you lay there this thing that you want is not separate from you feel yourself right into it give it all the tones of reality give it all the sensory vividness of reality whatever it is that you want to want you to feel a feeling that the wish is fulfilled ask yourself questions how would you feel if your wish was fulfilled what would you do what would you say what would you see how would you act how would you feel and your imagination begin to see and touch and do see yourself acting as you would outwardly see and touch and act were you in the wish fulfilled [Music] keep on feeling it feel it until it seems solidly real give it all of the sensory vividness that you're capable of giving anything [Music] [Music] use your imagination but your imagination in touch with the world of states and create a state of existence that is present now these are not mere possibilities that were thinking of [Music] they're not thinking of them you are thinking from them dwell in this feeling [Music] your imagination vivid feel it right now the bed that you're laying in is the reality that you want to exist in create any sensory feeling or observation around you to tie it to this new feeling don't analyze it don't question whether it's possible simply live in it from it you must now begin to think from it how would you think from it how could you while laying there put yourself in imagination at a point in space removed from this room and make it real imagination puts you in touch inwardly with the state imagine that you are exactly actually what you desire to be how can you tell there's one way to prove that you're there for what you see when you describe your world is as you describe it relative to yourself so what the world looks like depends it tiredly upon where you stand when you make your observation imagine you are occupying that you must be there you are there in your imagination your imagination is your real self where you go and imagination you shall go in flesh live from it [Music] [Music] [Music] use your imagination imagine the wish is fulfilled [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] be good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] before you enter via whether you went you can feel it in your flesh and feel it with the most vivid sensations the wish fulfilled is now as you lay there you can feel it it has already happened [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] think from it [Music] how could you think put your sculptures in imagination space [Music] please [Music] [Music] but you imagine I'd remain there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 206,126
Rating: 4.8909898 out of 5
Keywords: law of attraction, neville goddard, law of attraction (religion), neville goddard (author), imagination, goddard, understanding neville goddard, neville goddard how to use your imagination, reality revolution, brian scott, neville goddard manifesting technique, neville, neville goddard imagination, neville goddard imagination techniques, neville goddard meditation, neville goddard sleep meditation, sleep meditation, using your imagination sleep meditaiton, neville meditation, 432hz
Id: 2eMp0EKFJH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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