TRY IT FOR 1 DAY! You Won't Regret It! 528 hz "I AM" Affirmations For Success, Wealth & Happiness

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[Music] I am grateful for this new day I am loved and I allow others to love me I am confident in my intuition I am relaxed and I am satisfied with my results everything is good right here right now I am constantly developing I am grateful and I attract everything I wish for I am prosperous in everything I do each day I offer my love passion talent and joy as a gifts to the world I am generous and kind with everything and everyone around me I have faith in the universe that I'm doing my best no matter the circumstances I am filled with energy I am free from pain today is my day today I am changing my life for the better I am powerful I am beautiful I am loved today I receive limitless positive energy I am a magnet for brilliant ideas today I give unconditional love the sunrise gives me confidence I am able to deal with any challenges this day brings today I learn and grow I am a better person today today I will offer my help I am in love with the person I see in the mirror today is filled with numerous opportunities today I am Not Afraid I am bounced to meet success today I welcome this new day with joy and confidence today is a gift and I am blessed to be here today is a good day I am excited to see what this day brings I find joy in everything I do I am welcomed with arms wide open anywhere I go all my relationships are in harmony I see only harmony everywhere anytime I am productive and motivated I feel rested I choose to feel free and inspired physical and mental health are my priorities today I feel healthy and powerful my skin radiates beauty and health I love and accept myself the way I am and that is why everything works out for me I am worthy of respect and admiration [Music] I deserve every good thing this day offers me how can I best serve the universe today amazing things will happen to me I honor this day with love and kindness I will do my best during this day so that when I go to sleep tonight I feel completely satisfied I have everything I need right in this moment I am present excited and courageous today I will be noticed love joy and peace are my natural states today I will have fun I see the world with the eyes of grace and this fills my cup I will carve out some time to be in the moment during this day my life is a miracle I see the world with the eyes of admiration and wonder today I am safe God protects me I am grateful for my job it challenges me and helps me grow I have faith in this day today I will meet only kind and generous people I am able to make myself heard everything I will speak today is filled with power and good intention this day is easy and comfortable today I will speak only the truth I am honest my body has enough energy to help me go through this day this day loves me and supports me I am safe I am free of any worries today I welcome beauty and beauty welcomes me I choose to forgive myself for yesterday's mistakes it's a new wonderful day all my wishes and needs are met immediately every positive and useful thing comes to me today each moment of this day will bring more health and wealth today I have time to use and to develop my talents I am surrounded by positive people and I attract more of them I am open-minded and I use every chance this day brings today I don't judge people or situations I choose to think and feel only positive things [Music] I am open and receptive to the divine inspiration I welcome this day with joy and confidence I am successful and admired everywhere I go I am at peace with myself and filled with love I see this day as an opportunity to learn new things I am at my best during the whole day I am polite with anyone I meet I am free and fearless I relieve myself of pasts boundaries and mistakes I am guided by intuition and inspiration each moment of the day I trust my ability to succeed the things I'll accomplish today will be better than I expect I choose to listen to what my body tells me I am my own master and I avoid other people's opinions to affect me [Music] I approve of myself and I feel excellent with who I am I am proud of what I do I am important and valuable I deserve others respect I am able to go past any obstacle I am wise I am a doer I do the right things in the right order I am capable and talented I am already a valuable person I don't need to prove anything my feelings and needs are important I have many qualities I trust my ability to accomplish things during this day I accept that it is okay to make mistakes today I feel better than yesterday and worse than tomorrow today I am healing my body I trust God and I receive his health and life I am healthy and healed right here right now I take good care of my body which is my temple everything is in flow within me all my organs function properly I am friendly with everyone I meet I treat them with respect and kindness I am confident and charming with everyone I meet I allow myself to change I allow myself to change I am responsible for my own life I am free I always have everything I need I am not ashamed and I free myself of any guilt for past behaviors and mistakes this new day supports me and my wonderful life now it's time to flourish today is the beginning of a new adventure and I am excited this is the best day of my life I start my day with a positive attitude today is a new chapter of my life I inhale calmness and I exhale anxiousness numerous amazing things away to me this is a good day I detach myself from anger and I see this day with a clearer sight I replace my anger with understanding and compassion I apologize to everyone I hurt with my anger I am satisfied with what I have I avoid complaining I have faith in the plan life as prepared for me I focus all the energy I waste through complaining towards being grateful today no situation will disturb my inner peace and joy everything I need comes to me at the right time I am patient with everyone I meet I love this confident person I see in the mirror whatever happens to me today it is meant to be I will invest love patience and passion in everything I will do today I know nothing about where this day will take me but I have faith in it today I will do an experiment I will freely express my feelings and emotions today is a beautiful day there won't be another like it each time I lose my focus in favor of something negative I immediately concentrate on something positive and beautiful I will not wait for this day to be good I will make it good I can take one step forward today I have courage and I don't give up today I will set only good intentions whatever I do today may have a profound effect on tomorrow I choose to do only beautiful things today I am surrounded only with people who encourage me and who make me feel good I am confident I trust life I am proud of myself and of everything I will do today I enjoy this new day with an open heart and open mind today I will find a couple of minutes to inhale peace and exhale fear this day has a meaning and an undeniable value I will live it to the fullest I am courageous today I will face my fears no matter the stressful situation this day may bring I will take a break and I will deeply inhale positive energy each choice I'll make today will teach me something new every time I learn something I move towards my life's purpose I am able to deal with any of today's stressful circumstances today I will do my best to highlight my qualities and not my flaws I have everything I need to face any sudden problems I will set my priorities straight today so that I don't feel confused I am focused on making one step further no matter how small it is I like myself today I am aware of what I need to change but I don't put any pressure on me I am compassionate with my being I treat myself with kindness I avoid beating myself up I follow my own rhythm I am on my way towards greatness today I speak my mind with a clear and powerful voice I will not use my mistakes as an excuse to give up my whole body is good and useful I will give it today everything it needs I eat well and I drink plenty of water I admire my body I am aware that my thoughts are my obstacles and that I can change them I am in control of my mind I am the supreme power in my world yesterday has no power over me I cannot change yesterday but I can change my attitude towards it I let it go away and I focus on this new amazing day today I will not judge myself I am doing my best the people I meet today wish the best for me I am indifferent to negative vibes I protect myself from hate jealousy and anger today I will reward myself for every achievement I will make whether today brings any negative thoughts or feelings I will not react immediately I will take some time to calm down I will face this day's traffic with calmness and patience I show respect to other drivers and they show it back to me I am intelligent I will make only good choices today I am happy relaxed what a wonderful day I enjoy everything I see everything I hear everything I smell or taste everything I touch I accept anything this day will bring I am disciplined today I will help my workmates with anything necessary I am worthy of my boss's respect I am resourceful I will solve any problem this day may bring I am daring and I ask for what I need this day is my gift I will use it to move forward in my life I am an apprentice I welcome any lesson this day may give I will not react to any negative energy I am a good listener I speak only when necessary today I will create I have a fabulous imagination I am worthy of appreciation what I experienced today is the path leading me towards success [Music] this day guides me and encourages me to move past my fear I am curious I welcome each new thing this day will show me I am determined to successfully finish everything I start I will do my best I feel this day surrounded by peace and calmness I detach myself from what I've been programmed today is a new beginning I am ready and eager to experience this day today I forgive myself and those who have hurt me I rise above doubts and fears today I choose to be optimistic I am an observer I do not invest energy in my low moments [Music] today I choose to let go of extra pounds I choose to have an amazing and productive day I love my job so much that I feel like I'm going to have some fun I am excited about today's projects I am a strong supporter of my workmates accomplishments I offer my knowledge to those in need I appreciate my neighbors I enjoy my morning in the intimacy of my home any situation this day will put me in I will welcome it as a useful tool for my personal growth I am at peace with myself and filled with love I am my Creator I build this day as I choose to today I give unconditional help and support my body is in great health my mind is agile and my soul is relieved I am worthy of significant experiences I have what it takes to make this day a great one I have unlimited potential to accomplish great things today now I let go of old habits and I adopt new much better ones today I invest in myself with good food and quality experiences I am blessed with a beautiful family great friends and a good job I am aware of my own value today I feel more confident than ever before this day is another step forward in my path I spread beauty charm and grace anywhere I go this day is filled with new chances tomorrow's doubts are already gone since yesterday today is balanced and calm I am a divine creator I am filled with unlimited strength and abilities I honor this new day with gratitude and Wonder I am thankful for what I've accomplished so far this day is the greatest gift I am blessed to see the sunlight I am unique and this day will be unique as well today I love myself even more I am aware that everything I received from this day will be worth it I see the opportunity behind every difficult situation I have the power to go over any trouble I know that today I not only become older but wiser as well today I welcome any negative reactions it is my chance to practice compassion I feed my brain only with positive thoughts I am connected with today's beauty and greatness nothing gets in my way I choose my choices today I make people smile and feel good about themselves I am motivated to grow more today I am limitless I am ready to live this day to the fullest
Channel: Be Inspired
Views: 7,760,128
Rating: 4.9030266 out of 5
Keywords: try it for 1 day, i am affirmations, affirmations, success affirmations, i am affirmations for success, affirmations for wealth, 528 hz, 528 hz i am affirmations, 528 affirmations, 528 hz affirmations, 528 hz be inspired, be inspired affiramtions, be inspired channel, affirmations for happiness, the first thing billionaires hear in the morning
Id: lNS70QJh4Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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