Guided Meditation - Unlimited Abundance Now (Catherine Ponder Affirmations) (Binaural audio)

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Join me at 2 pm pst on Saturday for the unlimited abundance now meditation. This meditation is dedicated to the amazing financial abundance affirmations created by Catherine Ponder.
Bring your headphones! I use a binaural effect playing each affirmation separately in each ear allowing a deeper induction into your subconscious. This is very similar to the large sums of money meditation with all new powerful affirmation to completely change consciousness in to one of prosperity and abundance. Since I have added these affirmations into my daily routine I have seen a huge change in my state and the outside world as well
Look forward to seeing you then!\_ufiSS0

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chiefexecutiveprime 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the reality revolution i'm your host brian scott today's meditation is focused upon the wonderful affirmations of catherine ponder catherine ponder is one of my very favorite authors and i just wanted to dedicate an entire meditation on her affirmations this will be a little different than other affirmation videos you might have watched this is a binaural video meaning you will hear different affirmations in each ear it is definitely preferable to listen to this meditation with headphones you can listen to it through regular speakers and there will be a benefit focus on one channel and let the other one soak into your subconscious mind this is a classic hypnotic technique used by advanced hypnotists and works amazingly in reprogramming your subconscious mind these affirmations are tremendous and go deep into the heart of prosperity consciousness and awaken this energy of unlimited abundance so just sit back and relax and treat this like a meditation or you can just listen to this in the background and skip ahead but if you're doing this as a meditation dedicate some time to relaxing your body right now find a place where you can let go of the outside world if you can sit up sometimes that's better to stay awake or lay down whatever is most comfortable for you scan your body and relax any muscles that you might be tensing take conscious control of your body and go through your body and relax the muscle start with your feet and relax your feet and toes now relax your ankles and your calves relax your knees and your thighs your glutes relax your groin your stomach all your internal organs liver colon pancreas just relax them feel them moving back into flow relaxing your heart lungs your chest relax your back relax your shoulders your arms your hands relax your neck going up to the back of your head relax all those muscles moving around to your mouth and your eyes and your nose relax your forehead relax all the muscles in your body and just lay there or sit there in perfect stillness in total relaxation slowing down your thoughts and slowing down your breath you want to say and think about these affirmations from your heart imagine them coming from your heart where they are magical you can put your hand upon your heart but move your attention to your heart and slow down your breath this will give you heart coherence bring up an emotion of joy and happiness just for a moment and bring your attention and awareness to your heart breathing in for six seconds or more and then exhaling for about the same taking a small break between the inhalation and exhalation [Music] continue this breath and relaxation centering yourself to your heart and that place between your heart and solar plexus at your very center see the light moving up and down your body balancing your chakras from your root to your crown feel the chronic energy coming into your body from the top of the universe and from the very core of the earth intermingling at your heart as you say these words i want you to feel them and i want you to imagine the energy of the universe and earth coming together in an alchemy and coming out through your heart through these affirmations i want you to imagine them i want you to feel them as if they are real in your life not in the future but right now make this real these affirmations will play binaurally meaning there will be a slight delay in each ear focus on one channel and you can repeat them out loud whisper them to yourself or simply listen before doing affirmations catherine ponder would want you to know one thing to accept a simple truth the prosperous truth about you is that you are a child of the universe so dare to prosper yes you are a child of fortune so dare to prosper the truth about you is that your words are filled with prospering power your words are charged with prospering power the truth about you is that everything and everybody prospers you now and you prosper everything and everybody now the truth about you is you have opened your mind to prosperity and so you will have a prosperity demonstration within the next 24 hours i dare to prosper i dare to prosper and so you go forth joyously now because the spirit of success goes before you making easy and prosperous your way you dare to prosper every day in every way i am growing more and more financially prosperous now my word every way i'm sure more and more prospering prosperous power now my words have charged a lot prospering steady dependable i permanent financial income steady now dependable permanent financial day income in every way now i am growing more and more financially prosperous i am growing more and more financially prosperous i give thanks for a quick and substantial increase in my financial income for a quick and substantial increase in my financial income everybody prospers me now everything i prosper everybody into everybody me now now and i prosper every financial everybody cannot be limited now now the rich substance of the universe is now freezing uncomfortable cannot be limited natural limitation rich substance of the universe now frees me from all financial improvements that comes quickly in every phase of my life now vast improvement comes quickly in every phase now things are getting better and better for me every day in every way i now open my mind better prosperity better for me now i dissolve in my own mind i'll open my mind any ideas thing or event can keep that from me which the universe has for me all that has offended me i forgive within and without i all that is offended i forgive things past within things present without things future forgive i forgive things pass i forgive everything's present and everybody who can possibly need forgiveness i forgive everything too all things are cleared up between us now i praise my world forever now i praise my financial affairs now i praise my world all the world that has not come to me praise my financial affairs manifesting riches for me now all the wealth that has not come to me is manifesting riches for me now i fully child i am a child of foreign i let go fully freely release i lose and let go i go into divine order i let go and i am in sublime order in divine order i am receiving i am in my sublime receiving order now i am receiving i am receiving all the good am that the universe has for me now i am receiving all the good and cursed universe i am receiving all the wealth that the universe i praise my world now just as it is i praise my financial affairs now just as they are i praise my words just as it and more abundance in my world my dreams to come true my words mold my words enrich my words way i speak them better often and better for me through my positive words of good i am beautiful often housed transported and supplied with the rich substance of the universe now housed transported every day supplied with the rich substance are getting the better and better for me now every day in every way within me a success power which longest work for me now this success power can make life happier and happier success power which longs to work for debate this success success for me now by worrying about things about this success power not by hard conscious debate [Music] it happens i picture the goals i wish to achieve as i do so i dare to prosper it happens through the power of prosperous thinking i dwell upon thoughts often through the power of prosperous things unlimited universe filled well upon thoughts of abundance often abundance this is an unlimited universe filled i accept the unlimited abundance of the universe for me it is my heritage and i dare i accept the unlimited abundance of the universe that is my heritage and i dare i now take prosperous health and wealth and happiness for myself and others i now picture i now picture my good wealth and happiness rather than trying to reason it through or force i'll picture my good and bring it through and rather than my picture through or forcing now hasten the good of others by picturing it for them i now hasten my good through pictures i now hasten the good of others by picturing it now activate the lost word of my power through pictures which sets all things right i now activate the lost word power of power which sets all things right miraculous results first [Music] miraculous results first in my thinking then in my life this is the time grateful of divine completion it is done the perfect i relax rest to prosper and let them i dare to prosper and so you go forth joyously now because the spirit of success goes before you making i dare you to be easy and prosperous because the spirit of success goes before you making easy and prosperous your way you dare you to prosper a wonderful job with wonderful pay you render a wonderful service have a wonderful job with wonderful pay you render a wonderful service in a wonderful way every day in every way i am growing more and more financially prosperous now my word everywhere more and more prospering prosperous power dependable permanent financial day income in everywhere now i am growing more and more financially prosperous in every way i am growing more and more financially prosperous i give thanks for a quick and substantial increase in my financial income for a quick and substantial increase in my financial income everybody prospers me now everything i prosper everybody everybody me now now and i prosper every financially everybody cannot be limited now the rich substance of the universe is now freezing uncomfortable cannot be limited natural limitations rich substance of the universe now frees me from all fast improvements quickly in every phase of my life now vast improvement comes quickly in every phase every life now things are getting better and better for me every day in every way open my mind prosperity better for me now i dissolve in my own mind i'll open my mind any ideas that might dissolve in my own mind held from in the minds of all others any ideas that no person thing or event with healthcare keep that from me which the universe has no person thing or event can keep that from me which the universe has for me all that has offended me i forgive within and without i all that is offended me i forgive things past within things present without things future forgive i forgive things pass i forgive everything's present and everybody who can possibly need forgiveness i forgive everything everybody who can possibly forgive forgiveness to be everyone of the past i am present and they are free too they forgive positively every things are cleared up between us now and they are free too all things are cleared up between us now i praise my world forever now i praise my financial affairs now i praise my world all the well that has not come to me praise my financial affairs manifesting riches for me now all the wealth that has not come to me in the universe is manifesting riches i am receiving all the good i am that the universe has for me now i am receiving all the good and cursed universe has blessed all that i have i bless all that i hope and curse not bless all the bless all that i have and i look with one another all that i hope to have now i bless all that i have all the wealth and the universe wonder has formed increase now i am receiving all the wealth that the universe i praise my world now just as it is i praise my financial affairs now just as they are i praise my words just as it is the perfect creation raise my financial affairs now just as they are see more good praise my life and more abundance create my world than i have ever seen now see more good and more abundance in my world there is the magic ever seen before the words i speak have power my word my word every day through my positive words of good i am this success power can make life heavier and happier success power which longs to work this success pattern trying to make things right through humans this success power by relaxing of trying as i do this right through human effort it happens i picture the goals i wish to achieve as i do so i dare to prosper it happens through the power of prosperous thinking i dwell upon thoughts often through the power of prosperous unlimited universe filled dwell upon thoughts of abundant limitations often abundance this is an unlimited universe filled i accept the unlimited abundance about the universe for me that is my heritage and i dare i accept the unlimited abundance of the universe it is my heritage and i dare i now picture increase health and wealth and happiness for myself and or forcing now hastening the good of others by picturing it for them i now hasten my good picture in pictures i now hasten the good of others by picturing it again activate the lost word of my power through pictures which sets all things right i now activate the lost power of power which sets all things right miraculous results first in my thinking in my life i activate miraculous results first in my thinking then in my life this is the time grateful of divine completion it is done the perfect finished result is the time now of your final completion and in peace the perfect results rest now appear quickly at them and in peace i relax rest i let them to prosper i dare to prosper and so you go forth joyously now because the spirit of success goes before you making i dare you and prosperous you are aware because the spirit of success goes before you making easy and prosperous your way you dare you to prosper wonderful job with wonderful pay you render a wonderful service have a wonderful wonderful way with wonderful pay you render a wonderful service in a wonderful way every day in every way i am growing more and more financially prosperous now my word every way i'm showing more and more prospering prosperous power now my words have charged allah i am growing more and more financially prosperous in every way i am growing more and more financially prosperous i give thanks for a quick and substantial increase in my financial income for a quick and substantial increase in my financial income everybody prospers me now every i prosper everybody into everybody now now and i prosper every financially everybody cannot be limited now the rich substance of the universe is now freezing uncomfortable cannot be limited natural limitation rich substance of the universe now frees me from all fast improvements quickly in every phase of my life now vast improvement comes quickly in every phase in every life now things are getting better and better for me every day in every way i now open my mind better prosperity better for me now i dissolve in my own mind i'll open which the universe has no person thing or event can keep that from me which the universe has for me all that has offended me i forgive within and without i all that is offended i forgive things past within things without things future forgive i forgive things pass i forgive everything's present and everybody who can possibly need forgiveness i forgive everything everybody who can possibly forgive forgiveness of the past i am present and they are free to forgive positively every things are cleared up between us now and they are free too all things are cleared up between us now i praise my world forever now i praise my financial affairs now i praise my world all the wealth that has not come to me praise my financial affairs manifesting riches for me now all the wealth that has not come to me in the past is manifesting riches before me now i fully children order i am receiving i am in i sublime receiving order now i am receiving i am receiving all the good i am that the universe has for me now i am receiving all the good and cursed universe has blessed all that i have i bless all that i hope yes and curse not bless all the bless all that i have and i look with one i bless all that i hope to have now i bless all i am receiving all the wealth that the universe i praise my world now just as it is i praise my financial affairs now just as they are i praise my words my life just as it is perfect creation raise my financial affairs now just as they are see more good praise my life and more abundance in my world than i have ever seen now see more good and more abundance in my world there is no magic ever seen before the words i speak have power my words my word my words i speak have caused my dreams to come true my words mold my words enrich my words and my words cause my dreams to come true words have miracle power for my wounds enrich and expand every day in my words have miracles better now and better for me every day my positive words have no way i speak them better often and better for me through my positive words of good i am beautiful housed transported and supplied with the rich substance of the universe now housed transported every day supplied with the rich substance are getting better and better for me now every day in every way within me a success power this success power can make life heavier and happier which longs to work this success this success is not working hard every year for me now by worrying about things [Music] right through human effort it happens i picture the goals i wish to achieve as i do so i dare to prosper it happens through the power of prosperous thinking i dwell upon thoughts i dare to prosper often through the power of prosperous unlimited this is an unlimited universe filled i accept the unlimited abundance of the universe for me it is my heritage and i dare i accept the unlimited abundance of the universe that is my heritage and i dare i now take prosperous health and wealth and happiness for myself and others i now picture i now picture my good wealth and happiness the good of others by picturing it for them i now hasten my good picture in pictures i now hasten the good of others by picturing it now activate the lost word of my power through pictures which sets all things right i now activate the lost power of power which sets all things right miraculous results first in my thinking then in my life this is the time grateful of divine completion it is done the perfect finished result is the time now of course finally completion and in peace the perfect results rest now appear quickly at them and in peace i relax rest and let them now i just want you to rest in meditation and really bring in these energies and these feelings of the affirmations that we've just gone over soak in this energy picture it feel it bring up thoughts of abundance either from the past or visualize one in the [Music] future [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] very good now come back wiggle your fingers and toes come out of this deep meditation and feel this energy go out into the day and have the most glorious and abundant day and dare to prosper in the unlimited abundance that is on its way to you now [Music] welcome to the reality [Music] revolution [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 50,071
Rating: 4.9329267 out of 5
Keywords: money comes to me easily and effortlessly, money comes to me, money comes to me quickly and easily, large sums of money come to me, bob proctor abundance meditation, Brian Scott, brian scott meditation, wealth meditation, wealth meditation guided, money meditation, money affirmation, enormous sums of money, financial affirmations, catherine ponder, unlimited abundance now, unlimited abundance, wealth affirmations, attract abundance subliminal, prosperity affirmations, abundant
Id: pkVe_ufiSS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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