500 IQ bridges in Poly Bridge 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to polybridge three we've completed 101 levels that's as many Dalmatians as there are in the world oh really and we've done them all Unbreaking and under budget which means we're on to the radical meltdown A Whole New World A Whole New World tickets so this first level is called waste disposal we've got 22 Grand a load of resources and uh the theme for this entire world is custom shapes so is that what like all this junk is in the background does that like oh yes oh it pushes us okay so I assume there's nothing too wrong with just doing like a bridge like that to start just to get us up and over oh look that then pushes you now do you Collide yes it collides with vehicles and road so basically this bridge on this side it's gonna take the weight of that which could mess some stuff up I'm sort of thinking actually is it better just to go flat because then I can use like less Pieces perhaps all right let's just see what happens here so as we push that it goes along the bridge but it is quite heavy not ideal I mean perhaps it's better to go down in a slope anyway now the thing is this honestly good we're good okay then oh yeah you tricked me all right let's put a bit more a bit more angle on that it's a bit steeper is that oh I think what's happening where it's catching on the floor doing like silly billies so I've just made that a bit flatter yeah so that slides now I think it was sort of catching it was making our Wheels slam all right anyway oh we're in the top six percent 650th in the world that ain't too bad considering I haven't even tried to shave this in the slightest so first thing this I want to do is watch this with the stress on so I think I can bring this side up quite a bit I can probably shrink those trusses on top as well and as we have learned bringing them to the middle is the cheapest way to do a truss in this game so we got that I guess pretty stressed but it's pretty good yeah they go nice and red I like that so then this oh what what happened there we changed something on the Left Bridge so that this now gets like it rolls oh and rolling is not good I am thinking as well I've just moved this entire bridge to the left a bit can I can I get away with like oh yeah I can I read can I get away with wood there no not at all I think that's a lot cheaper though oh and it did actually it did start sliding we've just got to stop the roll somehow okay that's good that's good that that's not good they can do similar thing though move all the parts over this way try and get just a single brace underneath I mean I can probably get away with road you can then bring these trusses down surely I mean I'm thinking maybe I can get away with wood there no Maybe not maybe not but something like that seems pretty good A Sort of mirrored just this side is a bit stronger because you've got like we gotta we've got to take the weight of that you can see that works fine we're in the top two percent 164th the max dress is pretty high oh did we beat Tyler actually oh yeah of course did don't even know why I bother looking at that to be honest all right in the gallery let's have a look at the cheapest Solutions oh my how does that not break there's like no Bridge there but yeah pretty much all these cheap ones do the same thing it's worth noting they sort of you start off flat and then drop off yeah they all seem to do that I guess that stops IT rolling uh Razz dazzed with the with the RC Prof can it's no longer lower case I've just noticed but uh they did it for under 10 grand including propaganda that is impressive yeah the highest end of the gallery we've we've got a very jiggly bridge on the left there we've got loads of Steel on the right this one look at the trust work on there like I just realized what they are artsy is back trying to get some Arty stuff back in to the thing oh we've got a we've got a break at the end but did you notice we had a cantilevered bridge at the end as well as this diamond trust that is very Arty um this one Allen I learned oh look he drove over the bull I mean the the thing that we're pushing the waste oh I have a feeling this one's gonna be almost identical because that goes into there drive over the top clever the captain crack has got RC propaganda nailed down they've even included a hard hat on the left truss there look at that that is beautiful wow look at this look at this inverted suspension tension bridge that is extremely filthy fair play anyway next level 85 Grand on a bucket scoop so wait what what are they three-pressed oh like what are these uh okay so we've got to get moped do they okay they both they both rotate clockwise so I guess we've got to get moped into one of these and that's the bucket and it Scoops it across now the question is do I like do I try and use tension on these between something like that or do I try and use these rocks and build like up from them I don't know what would be cheaper actually but that is the middle so if we fun now try and build up from there I mean I should probably I should probably build the first bit first right to see if we can actually get into into any I don't need do I just go straight to these collide with Road no they don't so hopefully I can just sort of balance these on the rope and if I do this somewhat symmetrical I can probably just rope between those and then that should oh okay maybe maybe I do need to build up from the Rocks all right I'm going to attempt to do an on-grid solution for this one let the boring math later right I tried the grid the grid is just out it's really really annoying so instead I'll have to eyeball it in just like a good engineer does all right so there's a very very rough trust let's just see what happens with like straight roads so oh we do actually end up in there and he's sort of self-writing so we end up down oh man okay this is working a bit easier than I thought it would oh although We've Ended up in the Gap we have ended up in the Gap is that bad or will that still work I think we're just gonna get crushed into the bridge okay so some slight tweaks I can see we can do we can start this bit of Road Way further but then we need to sort of climb up a bit so perhaps something like this I'm just playing this in fast motion so yeah we get to there and then oh we don't make it up oh wait hang on yes okay we're good we're good that's in the end okay we've done it we did spend over 50 Grand we're in the top 33 3 000th I think we can make some changes to this don't you now if we look at the stress you can see there's there's not a lot going on so I imagine we can probably remove like most of this if something like that works then we can get really really cheap like that left side okay so let's try and rest on here and then we're just gonna build this like really really thinly now that is a bit more yellow and orange that's what we actually want to see despite the break because it does mean that like the pieces they're actually doing something now so I'm gonna I'm gonna try and thin this side up as well I don't I don't think we need a lot of this bridge I imagine all of these can like really come up like that so let's see how this works with some tweaks though it fell off okay you may need to just move these roads to the left slightly all right how's that looking oh no that end didn't work this time and then that should right we're in the top seven percent we did exactly the same thing but we did it for 32 Grand I mean we beat Tyler about 10 grand uh that's what we look like at the moment I could go a lot cheaper I'm not actually sure if I can be bothered though uh mostly because if we watch this replay look look how long this bit takes I was like oh shall I tweak it now I'm sure I'll be fine I'm sure it'll be fine we've just gotta be really really patient and then it works yeah I'll take a top seven percent now we're 700 second in the world uh let's go have a look in the gallery okay so the lowest budget oh of course it was one of those oh look at that that is cheese to the max one of those horrible dangly roads and it actually holds this part of the bridge up interesting they did go from the bottom like I did but on the right that looks like it's a a cantilever yeah oh here's another one does that fall down so on to that that then leans to the right oh look you can see there's weights down there I don't know what they thought that didn't break somehow Fair plate yeah wall braces probably the much cheaper solution for some reason we have a replay of the last level random oh this one look thank you got the tension to work that's what I tried at the very start it just didn't work in the slightest they got it to work 21 Grand nice next one oh yes rce propaganda and they still got a 21 Grand solution well done razdas anyway to the highest budget a very simple trust by Art CE it's a very Arty bridge I will say that it's a bit like it's a bit like picassoe okay I like it but Castle but I mean it works you cannot you cannot say it doesn't work now this one we've got a big red I mean I was trying to think something funny this is a knob oh wow baby waffles thank you so much look at all the RC propaganda look all the Marge Simpsons they've done as well this one guess who it is Alan it's knocking those off every so I knocked all of them off they're all wet now like why is this one so expensive like honestly there's oh they got foundations that's why they've gone to town with the foundation this one RC propaganda suspended in the water there and then they've got a load of like you know these radiator keys to get like air out of your radiators they got those hanging just in case you never know when they come in handy to be fair this one again lots of lots of Foundations this one looks like a bit of a funky problem there's like mushrooms growing everywhere there is some RC propaganda in the middle eight so I can appreciate that this one oh look at that that is commitment to the rce propaganda good work Brevin it's an oh a nice little my little submerged Arch there with the rce propaganda branded into it using extremely strong foundations there that is pure engineering and it goes neon green at the end anyway look at this is cheesy the amount of tension under there they've done tension but also like a truss over the top as well yet they've still managed to get the propaganda hanging underneath that is commitment what is that I don't know oh wow what is that one the amount of trussage on that insane looks like no Nifty sponsored solution this time maybe the marketing budget has all dried up anyway on to the next level okay so this level's called hanging in the balance so we've got a a Jeep it's not a G-Wagon just a Jeep we have this on top does that oh does that pivot about that point let me just see so if I hang something there oh nothing nothing happened then the Jeep just went absolutely flying throughout five times okay well fair enough let's uh let's hang from there let's hang from there we'll then across the Gap in rude man if we just trust across like this this won't be strong enough but I can probably get away with just adding like some extra root like that sort of thing so if we press play on this what actually happened all right cool what the I don't know what started happening it did Lean here in a sec so how long is that that's 24 meters to the middle yes think we're slightly are we slightly unbalanced or is it just where I put my rope and just see does it always oh always the okay so yeah basically this stops US leaning like leaning to the left it is gonna lean to the right which is actually quite an easy fix because I imagine I can probably get away with just like ramping this side up a bit now this might not work in the slightest I'm going to give it a go though oh it wasn't bad it wasn't actually bad so what about that make the jump oh I didn't make the jump at all I think we had one more bit of Road oh no oh don't do that don't do that because that makes that makes that everything unbalanced I mean could I counter this by going down yes oh oh no what is it with civil engineers and movement and my braids just shut off I'll tell you what I may be better just hanging like a weight on this side if I bring this road back up so it's flat hang a road underneath that stops IT rotating but then oh no it broke but now I've made that middle truss a bit better I think yes we make it we make it 27 oh I broke upwards but that didn't count it was fine it was all fine okay oh we're in the top 11 not too bad did we beat Tyler yeah easy can we do better though now there's a few different ways we can look at doing this I think whatever we do we want to keep the weight on the left hand side because that rocking and the could dunk afterwards does not help us but like the ropes are pretty expensive so what I'm thinking if from the start we go like as high as possible as steep as possible then we shouldn't need as much rope to like hold this thing up I'm like I can potentially dangle the road from this thing as well depending on the Headroom but the benefit of being high is that we can probably stop at least there and then easily make the jump so what I'm thinking we do like trust like this and then go up to there and then just add a tiny bit of Road and then the bridge should hang from that like if I get rid of that you can see the bridge is hanging I've done all the weight on the right hand side so it was jiggling everywhere like if we trust this as well then try and get away with something like that if the headroom's good hit this could work oh oh the Headroom wasn't good but it still did work oh I did break though oh and then it really broke afterwards okay so you broke what if we just make that trust a little bit taller yeah the Headroom isn't ideal so let's lower these a bit okay so how's how's this gonna work nice jump all forward roll for style points 20 grand around 223rd top 3 three percent decent I can probably shrink these trusses quite a bit as well like do I need that rope there could I do it up to there no could I do it see there no okay fair enough I do need it down to the bottom do I need Rope though could I could I do yes wooden rope okay yeah that's good do I need that yes can it be wood no yeah anyway I'm pretty sure we can reduce a lot of these like I don't need that piece probably I can probably like adding gaps is probably fine just a bit more Flex everywhere so if we play that you can see the stress oh it's not it's not stressed in the slightest can I get away with that no two Ricky too rickety pretty sure though just make these absolutely I was gonna say tiny but um maybe that didn't work as intended yeah I think get rid of some of these to make like just some ropes at the end because they're not really oh they are needed you're making me look stupid game but yeah that's top tube sound that's pretty good let's have a look in the gallery because how cheap do people do this ours 170th with 19 Grand pop did it for five grand is that gonna be in the gallery oh is it in the gallery oh they did a huge swing no way oh that's absolutely sick fair play a nice one for showing the replay as well and while look those people went upwards they did like utter cheese Solutions makes yeah makes sense to go look how many supports they had they had no trusses all just supporting from the top yeah well good to know I was on to the right thing how did they actually support I don't see any road up there yeah that one I do yeah similar to mine but with a swing at the end so cool what is that oh my God oh my goodness oh my goodness that was actually really impressive I don't know what that bit does at the start oh Teddy making it look simple just just dangler trust that's all you need me none of this changing angle miraculate they did a tension Bridge as well all right anyway highest budget could be interesting on this one look at the stress what's the r 69.69 stress Alan yes Alan he hasn't done that for like every single replay and I just ignored it as I it's like I've been focused on something else in his replays this one oh artsy with the cross Cable support there love it this one oh what is that is that like oh my what no ah he made like a blooming bicycle thing let's watch that again that does actually the bottom turns the top wheel right this was done in June by the way so yeah as that drives it's attached by an outer node to the top wheel which moves it across go Saigon is absolutely man and so fair play dude however no RC propaganda sorry this one's better what is all that oh that's a weight to stop it dangling oh Peyton with the suspension look at that look at that and look at the weight on the left hand side cheeky Elephant Head stopping it tilting this oh look at those look at those weights they're so cool like one's RC propaganda and one's like Paddy's face but his nose isn't that long but it is Paddy definitely all right let's oh look we got we got an arched Road over the top there's like bench and attention and weights and it's all going on on that one anyway the next level is called construction SQ so what have we got we got a plane and a car so there's the car there's the plane oh and there's a star we gotta get so what do we actually have we've got like a rotating thing oh no look we can only build we can only build oh that's why it's a skew so do we build like a cantilevered bridge that lifts itself up I have a feeling that's what we're going for so I guess a bridge so that will get to like this yeah it needs to be one longer oh man this is quite long actually not used to dealing with such long ones if I'm honest that's what she said so if we just build underneath like I'm seeing I'm seeing the replays of this one already there's gonna be there's gonna be a lot of them up there like I've just I've pretty much just built one I didn't even mean to so let's see what happens here this is probably gonna need to be steel that drives on okay so it's got a It's gotta tilt up a bit devs you haven't helped yourself at this level that's all I'm saying that's what I'm saying about the matter all right let's try that then so going up oh it was getting there needs to go up quite a bit further actually all right is that gonna go high enough yes it will if it doesn't break so I've just sealed it up a bit this should be strong enough get the start get to the end oh you silly boy I just made all the roads a little bit longer oh and it looks like it's not quite enough we can always go higher though all right so how's this how's this yes yes no I'm not sure if this is possible with five bits of Road although after a bit of tweet King he's the only gun and done it yes 9293. oh man the top people did it for eight grand I mean the top one percent though first try oh I'm 89th in the world noise did we beat Tyler oh yeah what was he doing on this one all right question is can I be bothered to make this make this any cheaper like I could swap the steel with Road of maybe let's turn the stress on yeah the trouble is it's gonna everything up all right well I did try and get it cheaper I actually I pretty much couldn't to be fair so 89th will do lowest budget in the gallery let's load her up okay oh look it's sort of like what I did is it one two three four five yeah they did five bits of road as well they got road underneath to work I did try that I I could not achieve that at all eight grand this one again they got road to work underneath as well no idea how and the five bit everyone got five bits of right I was really chuffed with myself for doing that and everyone's gone and done it wow this person used only muscles only would bear play you are a pro boy you are pretty will I think I meant that anyway probably not going to be surprising what the highest budget can see I feel like this was the most obvious level to do this on but yeah there's another one another one another one with my name attached to it and another one not another one right we're only wait with four levels in we've got oh only only eight more to go and then we move on to the four sheep difficulty oh boy but for now I'll say peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 685,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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