50 MINUTES of Dad Moments from The Loud House & Casagrandes! | Nicktoons

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I'm not going to Cow Bella I have something more important to do today win my daughter back win her back Lynn you're making too much of this oh it's easy for you to say she still loves you okay Lily time for operation remind you I'm your daddy and that guy next door is just an old coot with a bad lasagna addiction and the Pig and the Goat lived happily ever after the end bulbs your uncle FR isn't your father pip pip and Bo there all clean W landed on some Jacks but totally worth it here you go honey daddy's homemade peach puree so just to review I'm daddy this is my peach puree and I made it just for you oh yeah yeah if you like it now wait till I put sprinkles on it sure they're bad for a teeth but I'm waging War here uh Lily dang it well if I'm going to win you back I got to get you away from that Geyer's magnetic pole oh a b you want a balloon Daddy's on it Mr grous probably would only buy you one balloon but your real Daddy thinks you deserve them all Teddy you want a new teddy bear Daddy's got you covered Mr grous probably would have bought you that Rinky Dink one real daddy goes the extra mile that's fun isn't it and real daddy will'll do this all day if you want that's right I'm dad you did it Lyn you got her back D yes yes yes I'm dad [Music] underdogg you're breaking your Father's Heart oh and his nose ah what the heck I'll have what he's having and put chili on everything who stepped on a frog hey he cats and kittens it's time to do the twist oh thank you but I really shouldn't Su says dancing is a great way to slip a disc but pop pop you love to dance they did call me Jitterbug in the Army [Music] woohoo oh you got me green freeze winner hey Dad want to hear some knock-knock jokes does Cliff poop in my shoes heck yes I do oh here we go okay here's another one knock knock who's there Europe Europe who no Europe who St I can't drive Hey Dad I think we need a different cart this one's got a leak our zucchini me did you get it Lila like are you kidding me but I said zucchini me I get it if anyone needs me I'll be in the pastle attention shoppers please excuse this Lin Interruption he and settle in for some L [Music] Antics went to the store for a loaf of bread bought a can of beans instead just be glad you missed the song at the meat counter I didn't hey Dad what did the left eye say to the right eye between you and me something smells because of the nose you okay back there sweetie you seem a little quiet I'm fine fine okay everyone the votes are in thanks for coming Dad this is a big moment for me excited that you're going to get to see it wouldn't miss it for the world M the new employee of the month is pleas cow what an honor I'd like to thank Bobby for losing what let me see the votes feto doesn't even work here why did he get to vote he's at the Mercado so much he's practically a part-time employee oh does that mean I get an employee discount no no one voted for me not even Mr inflatable I covered for you man there's always next month Betto why don't you come by later we'll make a pillow for and eat ice cream in it thanks [Music] Dad a beaten by a bird can it get more embarrassing clean up at the [Music] register walk it off Dad slow down honey I'm trying to keep up here 57 tapioca Charles hun [Music] hun we did it we did all right all right all right K Lord ah it's hotter than a ghost pepper out there and it's only 9:00 a.m. this is my seventh outfit a I'll be right back it can't get any worse it's going to get worse temperatures expected to soar all week that's it I'm migrating am I in Alaska yet I can't take it anymore I'm asking abello about getting an air conditioner good luck with that MOS I have a surprise for you ice cold [Music] paletas abuo can we please get an air conditioner I'm sweating out of my eyebrows and I didn't even know that was possible you kids think we can just buy anything air conditioners cost an arm and a leg oh oh a wiow take it is n if you really can't live without it maybe you should raise the money yourselves maybe we will maybe we won't whoa AC's are expensive guess we're stuck with the fan here comes outfit number eight hey that's mine you can keep [Music] I love Halloween in the city everybody gets so into Ito welcome to the glart ghost train CH chuga cho cho yep even my Dad hey Dad hi girls happy Halloween I wanted to wear a costume but the glart said no it's not like it would interfere with my job my hands would totally be free inside a taco costume um Dad shouldn't you be driving the train oh right so so sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry okay show me the text again I just want to see it going to a sixth grade party hey sweetie are you busy well I just happened to come across these matching princess dresses at the mall and I thought that's my color of course powder pink but wait there's more stick on earrings yay daddy did you hear the goosman got into it with the postal worker no way tell me more okay so apparently one of their packages showed up wet and they just locked it be careful the floor is lava I'm burning you saved me I forgot there's snakes on the [Music] couch now block wow this is my color Told You So ruby red [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow a nine oh oopsie sorry that was a [Music] six you up for one more episode of Prison pageant Wars obviously we have to find out what Talent little juice goes with I had fun too sweetie okay have a good nap I'm more am more am more you are L [Music] me come in what's wrong Mika are you okay I ruined your birthday abello I really wanted to sing for you but I just get so nervous in front of people people I'm sorry you must be so disappointed in me no way I totally understand it happens to everyone including me you but abello you love performing you never get nervous well I wasn't always that way let me tell you about my first gr play I was on stage for a patriotic Mexican play dressed in a noal costume the Mexican eagle was about to land on me holding a serpent me Viv if I ever find that guy who yelled Viva I know the feeling that gave me some pretty bad stage fright for a while took me many tries before I finally felt comfortable performing so no need to rush it you'll know when you're ready and don't worry I plan to have plenty of birthday parties in the future thank you that really helps and I still didn't tell you the worst part yet after I fell I had 10 Cactus spines in my bumpie one they've still never found you're the funniest Grandpa ever now let's get back to the party we got to catch the last act The Show Must Go On Bobby how about I sing the duet with you am am am you are Lor you're the greatest greatest of all time M so glad you're mine you're the but in my butterfly you're the sun in the sunshine you're the gold in my gold mine and the funny in my punchline greatest of all greatest greatest of all time of all time soad you're mine H everyone's on stage there's technically no audience to stare at [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me you take after your aito in more ways than one you're the greatest greatest of all time a more so glad you're mine you're the greatest greatest of all time me more so glad you're mine me more so glad you're mine y faster faster I'm so sorry that wasn't supposed to happen well that's Relief It was supposed to be a parachute dads you said you were going to let go we're sorry Clyde we're just not there yet it's a dangerous world and we don't think you're ready to face it on your own I disagree why don't we revisit this in another [Music] decade I should have buckled up who smooth floors what's going on let me translate for Howard Clyde's in Mortal danger what we found this note from him when we woke up dear dads I'm off to sled the ramp of insanity I hope this will prove to you that I'm capable of taking care of myself love Clyde oh no what have I done what do you mean well after the buffed floors and the couch seat belt and everything I kind of told him you guys were too overprotective I'm sorry I didn't think he'd take it this far uh it's okay Lincoln just don't tell Howard yeah tell me what U nothing let's just focus on stopping Clyde before he don't finish that sentence don't worry Mr mcbrides I got this Clyde do you copy wait he's still in the house somewhere oh he just left his walkie-talkie behind come on we're going to the ramp of insanity there he is I see him Clyde honey don't do it just climb back down oh how he must be paralyzed with fear he gets that from me we'll just have to go up and get him no no no we'll go Lincoln I don't want you getting hurt no I have to go Clyde is my best friend and I'm not just going to stand here while he don't finish that sentence okay we'll all go up but very carefully I hope this thing is safe I'm sure it's fine there'd be a sign if it wasn't we're here buddy you're safe everything's going to be okay that's just an old sign where's my [Music] baby my baby could be lying injured in a ravine somewhere we need to get off this thing and find him we're trapped trapped trapped oo cold dad's Lincoln hello Lincoln come in this is Clyde you're okay where are you son did you go down the ramp sweetie did you break anything can you wiggle your toes stay still don't move your head guys I'm fine I didn't go down the ramp you didn't oh heck no I got there and realized you guys are right that thing is is dangerous so I turned around and went back home oh thank goodness that was good judgment son so where are you guys uh funny story guys I'm here Clyde did you call the ranger I did but I got his voicemail what Harold our next vacation is Chicago not the sticks don't worry we don't need the ranger because I'm rescuing you oh no you're not go back and call the fire department or or the police department or Nana Gail but you are not coming up here okay come up here but please be careful I'm going to say this one last time don't [Music] worry oh I can't look Clyde what about your crippling fear of heights I was trying not to think about that forget I mentioned it it's okay I'm just trying to concentrate honey if you're thinking of climbing that tree don't forget about your sap allergy I took my pills for gosh sakes oh this is too much now I can't look I still can't you guys are rubbing off on [Music] me that was very brave son even if it took 5 years off my life we're not out of the woods yet let's ramp this up quickly everybody get on there's only one way down you're just going to have to trust me hurry hold on to your books way ahead of you since this is the end there's something I need to tell you I've never liked your beef Burg G I don't go to the gym when I say I do I go to the donut shop a parachute uh good thinking Clyde I got the idea from you honey we owe you an apology you obviously can take care of yourself well it's all cuz of you guys you taught me to always be prepared from now on we promise not to be so overprotective and this time we mean it thanks I'm lucky to have dads like you I'll give them a little privacy get in here Lincoln this is Bobby leave a message ow Sergio stop picking in my ear that's not funny I am so sorry I'm late Mio but I can't wait to finally meet Lori for lunch today with no Masa to get in our way this time also you should probably change your voicemail excuse me but this is my C um but my hand was up first well I whistled before you put your hand up no one whistles for cabs anymore this is literally mine but hey step on it I am so late oh sorry hey babe I am so sorry for being late you wouldn't believe what happened to me wow your place looks great where's your dad relax babe he's also running late oh perfect I'll go freshen up hey Dad you made it it's him he's here great to see you m that's uro you won't believe what happened to me I was attacked by the ruest blonde girl I shoved Bobby's Dad into a puddle babe you almost done my Dad's here almost just give me 5 minutes [Music] o hi so glad to finally meet you Mr Santiago for the first time ever really um it's nice to meet you too Lori I've been so oh you poor thing better go dry up before you catch a cold babe why are you in my kigar roomi and why are you wearing my foot cream on your face uh gigar roomies are very in right now and they say foot cream is good for your complexion so just trying to look my best for your dad don't sweat it babe he digs you already I can tell ah nice to see the rain clearing up all right pizza time who's buying just kidding I'm buying hey veto sorry I just need to borrow this it's starting to burn oh no it's spicy hey Lori the pizza place is this way and why are your eyes so red are you okay just allergies you two go ahead and get a table I'm going to go clean up real quick come on dad we'll save you a Garlic Knot babe Margarita can you help me I need a complete makeover in like 3 [Music] minutes I wonder what's keeping her everyone knows pizza's best in the first 5 minutes when it's really hot I'm excited you'll finally get to see her actual face wait duh I have over a th000 pictures of Lori on my phone here take a look my phone hi guys I'm back oh I'm sorry you must have the wrong table Bobby it's me what do you think of my new look I call it uptown Chic babe you look great i' take a picture of you but I don't have my phone Lori so glad you're finally here here eat while it's hot I have your large pizza with mushrooms Anchovies and cell phon oh I'll take that I had a really great time meeting you I did too and I'm so happy Bobby has such a lovely person in his life it's too bad you have to go so soon though give my love to your Familia we'll do bye babe bye I just came back from the grocery store good to get my goulash on noodles Tomatoes meat G going to get my hey Dad there's something I've always wondered about why do you make goulash on Thursdays son it's a funny story Thursdays are a bit of a conundrum not many foods start with th there's Thai food but coconut milk really does a number on the old lineses if you know what I'm saying and three bean salad well that's just three times as bad right now there is a Greek dish called thesalon Kean sheep dip but your mother finds it a little gamey you're right that is a funny story got to go but son I didn't tell you about threatened species stir fry yet it's very rare get it good work team if my calculations are correct Dad should be ordering pizza in tus 15 seconds an orange where's all my goulash stuff I know I bought it cuz I was singing about it dang it I guess I'll have to three 2 one go back to the store a I knew I should have chloroformed him unconscious people can't make goulash don't worry Dad's not going anywhere well my horoscope did say Libras should expect the unexpected today bad news kids I've got to put the kabash on tonight's goulash a but fortunately your old dad's got a backup plan I'll get the phone Daddy I'm making tomorrow's dinner tonight frank and beans Friday on Thursday in your face horoscope I'll get the chloroform Franks and Beans do Franks yeah yeah and beans and beans and beans and beans beans beans Big Cheese to toppings Target is in position move out be careful guys there's not much room for error Len this line is not for jokes my baked beans what is happening I guess there's only one thing to do make Franks and lima beans where the heck is our can opener [Music] ah thank you Gio nothing like a little Ingenuity where are the dang knives I've got 20 hot dogs to [Applause] [Music] slice butt raccoons no problem we'll do a [Music] casserole I'll just heat her up in the Old Co pot that's using the old [Music] Bean dang it I'm proud of you guys it was touch and go for a while but we all hung in there and dinner served Franks Franks and Beans they're Lima Franks and Beans it's not exactly hot but I'd rather eat cold beans than a plate of failure someone get me the phone yes pizza around [Music] y dinner goulash again that's a nope a bite of pizza it tastes like hope [Music] dinner oh I'm so glad you're here mirita come on there's so much to do and see ranita are are you are you sure it's okay I'm staying in your building it's been a while since I've seen you ritos Dad stop worrying everyone's glad you're here plus if you say [Music] so do you think that's enough stickers oh maybe it needs glitter abuo stop scowling you're wel is he here yet mhm still have your man crush no I don't know what you're talking about Good the apartment's all ready and I did the whole thing for 20 bucks I even had enough left to get these cute espad drils I'm still breaking them in the mole is almost ready I'm working with some very hot chilles you can say that again I asked for Molly for m D comes into town and we have more that must be them no wonder these were on [Music] sale it's great to see [Music] you I I I would okay award well here are all the numbers you'll need wait uh where are you going Mar to the spa I've waited almost 2 years for it to be your weekend with the kids Mah Mah have fun with your D chos so Dad I bet it's a nice change to have someone cook for you huh actually some of my patients cook for me oh you should taste seora L Rim but but but this is delicious too well sounds like he doesn't need our food well I bet you've really missed TV I recorded all the seasons of adios Anna adios you missed oh I've been meaning to tell you the last season was filming in Peru I was an extra that guy number four w wow your life sounds so amazing yeah way better than here who would want to leave dad did you know that Abella made delicious orchata but they don't have that in Peru sorry M but I'm cutting down on su Sugar I look in on you from time to time with my third eye she's just kidding Dad she can't really see you in Peru yes I can you know for a doctor you don't wash your hands much is uh anyone else feeling Chile good thing I have my traditional Peruvian Manta ah yes mantas all the old ladies in the village wore them oh hey Dad how's the produce there I heard the papayas are huge what's the craziest injury you've ever treated what's the fashion like in Peru can I go to Peru for my birthday you know what Dad I bet you're exhausted I'll show you your room good night everybody I don't care if he doesn't wash his hands isn't this nice Dad I bet it's twice the size of your Hut and minus the mosquitoes right looks like Carlota thought of everything I think she even got you a noise thank you sleep well Dad or should I say sleep better than you have in 2 [Music] years crank Bing broke Cricket ah now that's more like it I don't get it he had that awesome apartment but he slept out here guess he prefers roughing it or maybe Sergio wasn't the best noise machine oh sure blame the bird well the Comforts of home thing was a bust but it's okay today is Phase 2 and after he sees how fun the city is he'll definitely want to move here ready to get to know the city [Music] heyyy Ion must have been the hot dogs so much great food on one block I told you you'd love it here Dad I win again dang it well I better get back to the Mercado I left veto in charge and he usually snacks on the merch hey Dad can we talk there's something important I wanted to ask de I always hoped we'd have moments like this said about a boy or a girl so sorry you talk oh it's nothing like that we've been just having such a great time and I've missed you so much I was kind of hoping and I know this sounds crazy just hear me out oh ranita I know where this is going but your mom and I are better off friends ew Dad no I'm not talking about you and Mom getting back together I'm trying to ask you to move back to the city if the headquarters is here can't you work there oh I would love to I miss you and Bobby every day but it's not that easy my job really does need me in Peru I made a commitment to the community there maybe I can talk to my boss about coming back more and maybe you and Bobby could visit me and in instead of talking once a day we'll took twice or or three times okay Dad sounds good on that thing I've been second Lincoln my new friend T-Bone here was just telling me about a mechanical bull riding competition we should be heading back it's almost 6 and Sue said ah nuts to sue you were right about her she had me thinking I'm an old gezer but I still got some pep in my step yeah but Sue said if we miss curfew you'll be out on your proverbial keer you let me deal with Sue now you ready to saddle up pop we can't okay wory work then I'm out of here let's ride T-Bone oh wait what have I done T-Bone's bike [Music] Mr bone do you know where my grandpa is Oh you mean Cowboy Al haven't seen him since he won the competition well if he's not here where is he Martinez goes back with a catch and what in blazes there's an old man on the field it is boxers and there go the boxers to the ballpark [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pop pops curfews in 30 [Music] minutes look out world Elbert about to take it to [Applause] [Music] you pop pop whoops guess I had too much chilly sorry kiddo I think I overdid it a little today that's okay pop pop if we hurry we can still get you back in time hold on uh close [Music] enough dang it attention residence time for room check double dang it ow up here we saw you at the ball game on TV didn't know you were a boxers guy I saw your name in the sky Al yeah you really do rud we're not going to let shrew kick you out of here come on you old farts I need your cane evening Melba uh uh uh no liquids before bed just working on my cat puzzle pH Albert zoo help I can't turn my shower off [Music] nuts can't find my key I got you you gave me a spare thanks Bernie we did it we sure took it to sue oh did you [Music] now but but but but no butts you miss curfew and it's out on your keaster I'm sorry sorry Pop Pop I never should have made you leave today and now you're getting kicked out I know how much you loved it here no worries kiddo I regret nothing you see that day we just had I don't want to be living in a place that makes me feel like an old gezer anyhow who cares let's get moving hold on there shrew if you kick Albert out then you got to kick me out too with pleasure and us too yeah you won't have much of a senior center without seniors Zing that's a burn from [Music] Bernie fine Albert stays now go back to your rooms we'll go back when we're good and ready we're not babies and you're going to stop treating us that [Music] way there goes the but Danny can I get two scoops two scoops of every flavor quick everyone better catch the train oh is that the express we need the local [Music] oopsie oh no poor Grandpa Danny wait save goodbye now let's go get our froo y I still have every flavor [Music] no Hector I just spent 3 hours on a subway train because of you what was that about don't act innocent with me I know you're trying to steal the kids's attention by acting all cool what oh now I get it you've been trying to compete with me this whole time that's ridiculous you could never win old man old man you're older than I am not according to your hairline hey Hector can an old man do this if I toss my cookies it's on you literally big whoop check this out fine if it's a competition you want then may the coolest Grandpa win you're going down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] huh let's settle this once and for all don't try this is at home now calm me down BL what he said I applaud you Grandpa he's cooler than Phoebe Powers unbelievable sorry Hector can't compete with that oh yes I can Blast Off hey abueno is pretty good go [Music] up wrong day to wear red chies [Music] uhoh well I better tell you well I'm staying until I can find my own place I'll go and pack your [Music] bags gracias Dr Santiago for helping me Familia me is much better I'm so happy she can play with me [Music] again dear Dr Santiago me papa is healthy again because of you thank you yeah it was a tough choice you need my address sure it's uh no he's not staying he's going back to Peru hey what are you talking about I was just toing a pizza couldn't decide between cheese and pepperoni what's going on I saw your letters the ones from the kids in Peru and it made me realize how selfish I'm being of course I want you to stay but I have a big awesome family and great friends and even though I miss you I'll be okay are you sure about this Ronan positive well I'd better get some sleep if I'm still going to make my flight tomorrow ow Areo Ronan punched me in both my eyes and gave me a too late Carl he knows everything oh now you tell me just don't do that to a garden ow H I can't believe my trip went by so fast I had an amazing time you know aside from the taxis wait I made you something to remember your visit by oh this is beautiful and very thoughtful ranita and I brought you our best mangoes you'll have to eat them in the car cuz because you'll never get them through customs gracias VTO don't leave thank you all you're always welcome in Peru okay everybody inside I'll make some chaito Go Fish a man huh it's Dad he must have landed hey Dad that was fast you're in Peru already not exactly he s Sergio he never laugh Dad what are you doing back I know you're okay without me but I realize that I'm not ready to leave you so I took a job at headquarters but what about Peru theas was happy to fill in for me for a while it's a win-win I knew it I lit three candles and nailed your sock to the door to make you stay huh so that's where that [Music] went it's so beautifula I'm back that was so relaxing I feel like a million bucks what I miss you want to tell her or should I [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh yes [Music] [Music] in prophase the nuclear envelope breaks down as spindle fibers emerge from the S sound it out centrosomes [Music] it's funny how that hurt uhhuh woohoo and this was your great great great grandfather Lynnwood loud he was the first loud with flat feet way to go Daddyo now my kids know I don't play favorites oo you made my favorite what oh beef stroken off my fave did it is yeah dad you know I can't get on off of it LOL sweetie ding dink darn it Heck if I make lann's favorite dinner the kids will think she's my favorite and we'll be back to square one oh easy fix kids dinner's ready dig in fam wow dad did you make 11 different dishes yep no big deal just wanted to do something special so I made all your faves even my worms or oh course all right uh would you mind consuming that in an alternate location say the garage wait if I sit by Lisa it'll look like she's my favorite uh kids I'm just going to sit in a corner tonight that way I can see and hear y'all equally oh oh oh oh no did you bite your finger sweetie hang on Daddy you fix your boo boo here we go but you're not the only one daddy cares about Lily boo boo kisses for everyone there you go there you go there you go one more I might not want to do that Dad I've been on quite a picking spree well I'll keep your kiss in my [Music] pocket are you feeling okay Dad oh yeah I'm fine never better how was your afternoon sweetie sigh fine dug a grave contemplated getting in it hold that thought I mean how was everyone this afternoon not just Lucy's but you know also Lucy's so who should go first I I know uh we'll pick numbers from a hat who do you want to pick first uh well uh we'll we'll pick numbers from another hat to decide that oh okay so who should pick first from the second [Music] [Applause] hat hey Dad everything okay I'm sorry kids but no matter what I do I'll never be able to keep things fair I tried not to play favorites but obviously I failed what are you talking about Dad we know you don't play favorites but but Lola weren't you mad at me for giving Lan so much attention at the store that's not why I was mad I mean yeah shopping with you two is always annoying but my beef was with the checkout lady she wouldn't give me a free balloon she said I didn't deserve it she doesn't know my life huh but LJ weren't you upset with me for spending time with Lola when I was supposed to be working out with you I wasn't upset about that I just found out my favorite QB broke his collar bone he's out for the whole season wait so none of you kids thought I was playing favorites negatory we all feel equally assured of your affections yeah Dad it's actually kind of embarrassing how much you love us oh kids thank you I'm just so glad none of you feels left out a come on Daddy bring it in [Music]
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 1,360,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Rock Paper Scissors, ytao_lh
Id: MM30fUP6it4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 25sec (2965 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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