5 Worst Cars Only Stupid People Buy

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rev up your engines today I'm gonna talk about the five biggest money pit cars out there now by definition a money pit car it's a car that you throw your money in the pit just keeps throwing more in it the car is worth less money over time so it's how much money they cost how fast they're valued appreciates how often they break down and cost money to repair and basically how reliable they are you take all those together here's the top five money pits in the United States that you can still buy or if you're rich enough you don't care how much money you spend but then again most rich people got rich not by spending money but by making it and saving it so that kind of goes against the whole idea get rich in the first place and in that respect I'm not talking about any exotic cars at all Lamborghini Ferrari I'm not talking about any of that stuff because there are money pits now number five on the list is the audi a4 Quattro an Audi a4 depreciates quickly over the first four years of ownership most of them will depreciate well over 50% I had a customer buy one once and he got tired of the car he sold it back to the dealership when it was little over a year old and guess what he didn't even get 50% of his original price after one year of ownership when he sold the back of the dealer especially in the United States audis are money pits one they're relatively expensive cars he'd appreciate quickly they're extremely expensive to maintain and they do break down I think customers those things blew head gaskets automatic transmissions went out air conditioning system stopped blowing cold and cost a fortune to fix and perhaps the worst thing to do with one of those it's about one use I've had a handful of customers buy those things used with 100 something thousand miles in it and they already were money pits they don't have to wait for them to become with that mileage there were money pits already even though they got them cheap they found out that it may have been cheap to buy but they aren't cheap to keep bad generally the whole range of audis are like that they cost money money they're very expensive to maintain they have very resale value I'd say stay away from them really if you value your money but as I've always suggested with these money pit cars if you absolutely have to get one get it out of your system lease one then you know exactly how much money you're spending you won't have to put any money in repairs and when you're done you give it back to them because you'll lose a lot less money leasing a new one then you would buying one and then sell it when it's three or four years old believe me I've seen both sides of it if you really have to get one just lease it and then you're done with it when the lease is up now number four on a list of the top five money pits is the Jaguar XJ know historically Jaguars have always been money pit machines people are always joked about hey if you buy a Jaguar you gotta know their kind of drive every day cuz the Jaguars gonna be at the dealer all the time getting fixed from it breaking down and strangely enough it's still true even though the Chinese now own half of Jaguar and it's called Jaguar Land Rover they merged the companies originally tata I bought the companies and then half of it got bought by the Chinese and they're making stuff in China but here's the probably most hilarious thing that I've discovered lately they started to get better sales wasn't a make in China but then last year their sales plummeted over 27% in China and they had to cut 4700 jobs on a production plants in China making them and this is blamed on the poor quality of manufacturing bunch of owners have been protesting in China at their factory over the poor quality of the ones that they bought over there so strangely enough the English company Jaguar known for poor quality for decades they get bought by a Chinese company and even in China they're having quality problems well the ones that they build over there and to my mind is kind of hilarious because when I was young hey the jaguars were classy looking cars yeah they were money pits they fell apart even in the 60s but they had a very distinctive look but today hey all these cars pretty much look the same so it's not like they stand out like they used to and what having low quality control even in China stay away from Jaguars if you value your money, number three is the BMW X series particularly I'm talking about the x3 as with most German cars especially BMW and they're extremely over-engineer they're very expensive but they break down a lot and when they do break down a lot the parts cost a small fortune and again like all these other top five ones their resale value was horrendous so yeah you can get a used one cheap but by customers that did that but regretted that decision if they capped it for more than two or three years and I started throwing a fortune into the thing fixed in its high-tech the parts cost a fortune you need special equipment to work on them and only certain mechanics will even delve into heavy duty work on them because it requires so much complex electronics that they have to buy and learn and so many special tools that most guys will say I'm not messing on that thing I can make good money working on normal cars and not drive myself nuts trying to figure out what these crazy Germans have built and how it broke down you get a Lexus SUV I think probably the last ten times as long and you'll spend like maybe one twentieth the amount of money repairing the thing if you keep it for two three hundred thousand miles there's absolutely no reason a sane person would buy one of those things and as I said resale value the first five years of ownership these things often depreciate 70% or more in value it's like a game of hot potato nobody wants to be stuck with the BMW hot potato when it's four or five six years old starts falling apart and with bmws especially the overuse of cheap plastic parts is insane specially here in Texas where it's hot I get then when their 5,6,7 8 years old all the plastic parts start breaking you think oh wow that is no big deal yeah when you find out that a hose for the cooling system that should have been made out of metal was made out of plastic then it cracked and leaked and you got to take the top of the engine off in order to replace it you're gonna be wondering why don't I make it out of metal in the first place well they didn't because it's cheaper to make them with plaster and BMW does use cheap plastic it does crack and break and get brittle much faster than most of the other cars do so if you're thinking about buying one of these ultimate driving machines ultimately think of something else to buy if you value your money yeah I know some people gonna say hey scotty your hypocrite you work on these cars touch people money for them and then you say how bad they are well I'm honest to them too I tell them they're terrible cars now I've lost a few customers that way but I really don't care I like being honest I'm not one of these guys that only works on BMWs and tells their customers with great cars they are and say get five six seven eight thousand dollar repair bills they get to put in their pocket making a profit I'm telling people the truth in the first place don't buy what else things if you value your money number two on the list is the Mercedes s600 realize these things are they almost ultimate in money pits now realize that these cars started over a hundred thousand dollars and go a lot higher than that their resale value plummets like a stone probably the worst percentage resale value of any normal car you could buy I had a customer buying used at 600 the list price was over one hundred and twenty thousand dollars they bought the car with 70,000 miles on it and they paid 12 grand for the car so that tells me that the car lost like more than ninety percent of its value they are just endless money pizzas they age in terms of both the resale value how much money it costs to fix them and how often they break down being a big giant 600 yeah their gas hogs but that isn't the biggest deal lots of gas off cars out there it's that you can't pay 120 grand for a car you know when it's got 70 80 thousand miles it goes for like twelve thousand dollars that tells who they have problems and yeah they're the German luxury car yada yada yada I mean if you don't mind spending a whole bunch of your money and then it's a true money pit because the money you put in the pits already gone and then you got to keep fixing that yeah you want a luxury money pits a fine luxury money pit if you like money pits and again whatever you do do not buy a used one with high mileage on it oh I met a handful accustoming do that and they're all like Oh Scotty why does it cost so much to fix I said I warned you about that you bought it anyways now you're in a pickle I tell them just eat it you know I mean if you paid 12 grand per car get rid of it for whatever you can rather than put eight-ten grand in every so often over the years sometimes even bigger things happen don't keep throwing money into the pit and now the moment you've all been waiting for the top money pit car that you can buy in the United States these days a mid-engined Porsche or I should say Porsche in this case it's a cayman s and I picked it as a top money pit for a lot of reasons not the least of which is their insanely low resale value now this customer mine at least he was smart he bought it when it had 30,000 miles on it and he paid less than 40% of the original sticker price so he saved 60% right off the bat not a small sum when you consider what these things cost now this project you want is the true sports car it's got a six-speed manual transmission they handle quite well they are fun to drive but they are endless money pits take the suspension system we go inside here it's all adjustable you can make it go sport go different ways well guess what it's all computer run this one are all worn out they clunk like mad if i wants to replace all four of them the front struts and the back struts with factory equipment pirates and labor it would be well over $5,000 yeah five grand to change the shock absorbers and since the submit engine design great for handling the engines in here under their hellacious repairs a lot of stuff you got to drop the engine to work out in the car the guys who work out all the time they love it thinking all the equipment to drop them and they're gonna charge you a small fortune to do it every time some stupid little thing like the water pump or something that goes out on it if you got to drop the engine take the exhaust system on you're gonna be paying through the nose and believe me you're not gonna try this stuff in your backyard parked on explorers cost a fortune they break down like mad as they age now especially do not buy one of these things that has an automatic transmission they're garbage they just barely get out of their own way compared to the standard transmissions and when they break fixing it is a lot more than the car itself is worth how the customers gonna buy one of these older use I thought okay well I'll take it to a Porsche action before I buy the guy looked at it and said hey if you really want this thing to run good if you want to spend about $40,000 on the car mind you this was a car that he could buy for about six seven counts of dollars certain have a car that's worth six seven thousand dollars he put forty grand into it so if you absolutely positively have to have a Porsche like I said before least one you know exactly how much money you're throwing away when it's done you give it back to them you don't hav to pay for repairs and yeah it's gonna be a reasonable amount of money but you would spend a lot more money if you actually bought one had to maintain it and then sold it when you were done for practically nothing compared to what you paid for it so if you've got a choice between buying a Porsche Cayman and a house on the Cayman Islands I've got the house every time so now you know my five top picks of the biggest money pit cars you can buy in the United States and why you should run not walk away from these cars before your mind loses it and you buy one, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 2,083,749
Rating: 4.8570013 out of 5
Keywords: 5 car brands, 5 worst cars to buy, 5 worst cars you should never buy, bad cars, bad cars not to buy, bad cars to buy, car, car advice, car brand, car brands, car buying, car diy, car repair, car review, cars, cars you should stay away from, diy, repair, scotty kilmer, terrible cars, worse, worst, worst car brands, worst car brands 2018, worst car brands ever, worst cars, worst cars to buy, worst cars to own, top 5, Stupid people, Stupid, Dumb, Dumb people
Id: LnvHdaBI8eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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