5 ways to Understand Fast Native English Speakers

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hi everybody and welcome back to love English I think most of you know by now that my name is Sabrah today I have a lesson which I really believe is going to help you it's all about methods and ways to help you understand fast native speakers before we get started I would just like to say a big thank you to our amazing sponsor italki I think you guys know that we work with italki they are an English language teaching platform you can also learn lots of other languages with them as well and they are giving our students a discount if you do want to try learning with them and learning with professional native speaker I'm going to talk a little bit more about their benefits at the end of this lesson but they've given our students a discount if you do want to try learning with them so if you use this code which is here and down in the description box you get $10 of free I talki credits meaning $10 off your first lesson purchase so do go and try that guys click the link in the description box and tell us what your experience is of italki so I've got five strategies or ways to help you understand fast native speakers better now I know that sometimes trying to understand a native speaker can sound a bit like this and head back I'm going around that the person keeps talking and talking and can't quite follow what they're gonna say and they're gonna go run all around houses and you're like what are they saying so after a while you feel like this ohhh no have you ever felt like this? I know I have as a second language learner so if you have comment below and tell me right are we ready to learn let's get started okay tip number one listen for stressed words or key words in the sentence now native speakers do this as well when we're listening we don't listen necessarily to every word we pick out the important words which we know are going to help us understand what the meaning is and get the message so they're the action words or the nouns the things which really stand out is carrying the meaning so basically if you can follow and listen for these words you're going to be able to understand or get the basics of what the person is saying now I understand you're probably thinking but how do you know what those words are? What they are is when you hear the voice usually it will go up more or down okay so usually it will be emphasized let's have a look at an example sentence do you fancy a cup of tea do you fancy a cup of tea can you hear that tea which is obviously carrying a lot of meaning because that is what the person is offering is much more high-pitched fancy which you might not know what the meaning is it's a slightly more complex verb you don't need to know all you need to know is do you a cup of tea and even if you didn't know fancy you could understand I think that offering me a cup of tea of course body language and context can help a lot with trying to deduce meaning as well let's have a look at another example I'm gonna say it quickly to get you used to understanding things quickly and picking out these important words let's listen to this sentence twice Leila doesn't feel like going to the gym tonight because she's really tired one more time Layla doesn't feel like going to the gym tonight because she's really tired what words did you notice were more emphasized? Of course Layla really tired and gym so from that sentence you would know Layla gym really tired maybe she doesn't want to go even if you missed those words so by picking out these stressed words this can really help you I did this all the time when I was living in Italy in Spain I just listened for the key words and I tried to make sense of what the message was from that especially when you're at the lower levels of your learning okay moving on to number two we all know that native speakers push their words together and use this thing called connected speech I'm not going to just talk about connected speech in this video because really I need to make a separate video just on connected speech but I'm going to give you some of the typical words which are pushed together so that you can recognize them and you can listen for them and you will know what they mean Layla has done a great video on wanna gonna hafta hasta which are very typical ones and you can see that up here okay let's have a look at some of these typically we don't say lot of we say lotsa there's lots people coming to the party lotsa so that's one that you can listen out for lotsa any phrase which involves of usually gets pushed on to the other word and becomes an 've sound or an 'u' sound for example could have would have should have should've would've could've another one we haven't talked about yet is sort of which becomes sorter we can say this is the sort of thing I'm looking for this is the sorta sorta from sort of or kinder is another one kind of becomes kinda I kind of like this dress I'm kind of really enjoying this lesson hope you are well okay guys so they were the typical ones nice listen out for those and then they won't confuse you and they won't make you feel like you've lost the conversation okay tip number three tip number three is my favorite tip because I've used it myself before and it helped me so much and it is to follow what we call signposting language signposting language is all the little connecting words which tell us the tone of the conversation or if the person's going to say more or if the person's going to conclude or if the person disagrees with something and it can really help us to understand again the basics of the conversation. I'm gonna move over to this side mix things up a little bit okay so let's look at some examples English can be a tricky language to learn however it is worthwhile whereas some languages are hardly spoken at all and in some cases it may not be as worthwhile to learn them we have lots of signposting language we have however we have whereas we've got contrast however is always telling you I'm saying something different then we have in some cases so it's telling you only sometimes so all of this signposting language helps you to follow the general direction of the conversation it's just like if someone saying and also but you can follow a little bit more where they're going so listen out for those words well if you're getting really lost in a conversation just think right I'm gonna listen for the connecting words then at least I know where more or less the conversation is going okay tip number four is a strategy really for trying to check if you've understood or not but it's a way not to show or not to ask directly please can you repeat that or I'm sorry I didn't understand which can be a little bit embarrassing especially if you're with lots of people and the conversations really flowing between them and you don't want to be like sorry can I just break this up because I just really didn't understand let's face it that can be embarrassing and most people don't want to do that so this is how you can do it but without showing that you didn't understand so what you can do is to repeat some of what they've said back to them and check so for example imagine somebody who said oh the party tonight is going to start around 10 o'clock but bring your own alcohol because we're not going it's not going to be provided so if you're like okay what did they say.. something about 10 o'clock alcohol you can say back to them some thing like okay so 10 o'clock and we're bringing our own alcohol to double checked and then if they say no you know no no we're not bringing our own alcohol you'll know okay I didn't understand if they say yeah you'll know that you did understand so I used to do this as a method to find out if I had understood I'd repeat a little bit of it back add something to it if I wanted to like oh I'm gonna wear this dress to the party ten o'clock did you say and everyone's bringing their alcohol, I'd add something to it just so I didn't show you that I didn't understand so rephrasing a little bit of the sentence and repeating it back to see if you understood try it guys it's a really good method and I think it will help you okay my last tip is more simple it's not watch YouTube watch TV obviously all those things are always going to be improving your listening and how you understand native speakers I think you need to do something a little bit more specific than that and I would really recommend watching TED Talks TED Talks first of all you can watch the subtitles in your own language if it's too difficult to follow a fast native speaker just with English subtitles you can put it on your own language that way you're still getting used to the pace of English words you're still getting used to how they sound squashed together and things like that but TED talks have got a variety of accents so you can listen to a speaker from Ireland, America Indonesia Australia all speaking in English so it's really going to help you to get used to different accents and how they sound fast so I highly recommend watching TED Talks I always recommend it to my students and although its fast they find it a little bit challenging after a while they usually really feel that their listening is improving because of watching TED Talks ok everybody I think I have talked enough today I really hope you found this video useful please comment below and tell me if you've ever used these techniques and if you find them useful and any other methods you know that you use to help you understand fast native speakers guys also don't forget to try learning with italki click the link in the description box get your $10 of free italki credits some of the benefits of italki are that they are native speakers they're experienced they'll work around you so around your schedule so it's very convenient you can learn from home for as long a time or a shorter time during the week as you like so it's really building those lessons around you so having a personalised teacher I guarantee is really going to help you a one-to-one teacher is always going to correct your mistakes and really personalize the learning around you so start today guys make this an amazing beginning of your English language learning journey click that link don't forget you can of course follow love English on Facebook Instagram and Twitter thank you so much for watching everybody I look forward to reading your comments bye-bye is English to past for you, yes it is
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 28,358
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Keywords: learn english, loveenglish, understand native english speakers, understand fast english speakers, advanced listening., understand fast english, improve english listening, english listening practice, english listening, how to improve english listening, english language, english tips, learn english listening, leila and sabrah, connected speech, english class, english teacher, advanced english, love english with leila and sabrah youtube, love english with leila and sarah
Id: rNnq2tFvCd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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