Trapped In Poppy Playtime Chapter 2 (FULL GAME)

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the level of excitement i have right now poppy playtime chapter 2 flying a web i'm so scared your boy unspeakable is a professional poppy playtimer i've experienced this guy in real life [Applause] i know what huggy wuggy is capable of but i do not know what mommy longlegs is capable of which is what we are encountering today so let's go ahead and generate this new game bro i'm about to pee myself oh it's the commercial elastic plastic stretch pull stretch mommy long legs in the craziest ways how do you do it loves watching you play when you're the new mommy long legs from playtime co what's the time interesting so that's the commercial for mommy log legs that came out oh this is kind of creepy bro i'm so hyped for this well that's her face hello wake up bro that was an intense trailer i gotta say the palm of my hands are already sweating i'm so excited right now dude i got a p bucket over there just in case i get a little scared okay look guys i don't do well with jump scares okay look i don't do well with jump scares where are we starting wait a second this is the end of chapter one whoa okay so we're starting right where the last chapter left off this is gonna be amazing okay what do we got over here a little playhouse okay that's appropriate looks like this way's blocked there's a door here can i open this oh let the games begin ladies and gentlemen i am so ready for this we got some some beautiful cartoons we got huggy wuggy having a good old time are these doors locked that one's locked that one's locked oh look at huggy woggy giving himself a hug someone just whispered in my ear i'm not a fan of the whispering okay okay so this way is blocked off um we're not going to question that don't know what's going on there this is also locked can we make it across here can i just walk oh no but then i can't get up there okay so we have to swing across there we go i know nothing scary is gonna happen in the beginning of the game but i'm just like so paranoid okay what is this okay why'd you sound like ronald mcdonald there oh did you just did you just fart and fall over excuse me i'm trying to get into this room ah yes how convenient ah thank you okay let's see if this door opens hopefully it does oh oh what is this this is a key what okay so we got some sort of key with a flower on it interesting anything else in here no what about you do you do any no okay the key probably unlocks that red door because it was a red flower hmm maybe maybe oh that was way better than the than the first swing all right boys let's see if this is what it does okay it does unlock this room what the heck is this what are you oh what do we get okay it's like a little trophy can i pull this down oh our first vent i am not looking for this i'm just like mentally preparing myself to be chased oh bro bro we're really kicking it off strong aren't we that's the end of the vent okay that's not bad that's not bad i can deal with that that was that was not too bad hello oh sorry who was that oh i was just trying to get the power back on here wha what do you want me to hit that thing do you want me to hit it okay what do i do i put it into here all right i'm gonna need you to stop looking at me like that bro how do i hold on oh oh wait i see i see i see so if i go this way and then this way and then i connect it does it work like this oh did i do it are you clapping um i wanted to thank you for freeing me i was stuck in there for so long thank you yeah you're welcome i'd like to pay you back you would like to train station nearby there's a train station we're gonna get out of here you have the code as soon as you get on up here how the flip where are you where'd you go freaking crawled through the ceiling where oh there you are how do i can i get up this way well i'm still a doll okay i'm right here is this where you i don't know if i can get up where you are can i can i just go this way oh yeah there you are okay hello [Music] this way what do you mean this way how the flip am i supposed to get in there can i get in there i don't think i can fit in there girl i'm too thick where'd you go oh wait this was not here before hold on can we unlock this ah-ha-ha yes ah the power of my um my slingy slasher hands oh my gosh this is a freaking massive hole okay no oh you almost didn't make it across that bro okay what's in here locked of course locked of course okay i'm hoping this one's unlocked it is hello i'm always looking behind me bro it's freaking scary in here hello i'm going to need you to trust me uh considering you had a code to get out of here that that's uh that's lovely that's lovely i'll just guess you know it can't take that long okay so we have research production game station innovation and play place i can't get into any of these though they're all locked um oh wait come here come here blue block that's good enough i might actually need to climb up this can i open this no i don't think i can oh wait oh wait that might be the event that ding dong came through okay that makes sense should i jump in the hole i guess you know what let's try it let's try it works comes the worse i just start over the entire game oh fra oh no oh no hello i can't see anything it sounds like i'm going down a slide oh wait oh wait i am going to slide what that okay here's the power right here wait there's this pole here what if i go this way oh big brain and then i go this way oh we're still good but how do i get past this one what the heck what if i just scoot in right here i don't know if this is actually going to work oh i think i did it okay what did that open oh lovely all right boys dude i literally have no idea what i'm doing right now i'm like i feel like we're gonna see something like it it's gotta be about that time [Music] oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no heard oh miss poppy was going to just give you the train code to escape now how is that fun instead why don't we make a game out of the game station is still working it will be just like old times and if you win all three games i'll give you the train code mommy loves that idea puppy oh you're going to have so much fun head to musical memory and mommy will get things started obey the rules or i'll tear you apart and eat your insides while you're still alive okay boys well um you heard her she's she stole my freaking hand bro i'm missing a hand she said three games we have to play three games dude that was freaking terrifying that was intense all right what is this oh my oh here we go the game station oh my gosh dude this game is insane this is so sick like i'm just oh this is amazing this is such a well put together gaming story i am like on the edge of my seat right now i'm literally okay so do i need to get on the train or i think i'm supposed to get on the train i guess hello what is this am i supposed to pull this up hi kids welcome to the game station okay and we've got three super duper fun games to play and these little tests show us just how crazy strong and smart you are follow mommy long legs down the stairs and you'll start by playing musical memory musical memory okay all right that's our first game is musical memory is that okay there it is i see you what the heck is it sound musical memory oh it's like down here okay oh bro my heart is racing right now what is this do i go this way or this way um okay it doesn't look like the the proper path to play music goal memory but um it's kind did the only way is this a hole in the ground do you want me to jump in this what is this oh okay why do i feel like i'm about to be chase what the heck is this oh hello it's so dark in here i can't see anything oh okay this is great oh it's a tape [Music] what um am i supposed to stop it oh no it stops itself what the heck is it doing i grabbed the tape bro this is freaking terrifying do i suppose to press oh i pressed the next one okay ah yes bubbles wait that pipe is that pipe is broken i'm gonna press it again hold on hold on hold on that pipe yeah there we go that's better [Music] yeah i fixed it yay oh what oh is it manufacturing the hands is this how i'm gonna get my other hand back oh my gosh okay all right is it painting it wait what just happened no paint and machine what does that mean what's what's that sound why is there so many sounds happening right now where do i get the paint well if something starts chasing me right now i i'm just gonna i'm just gonna die dude i'm like oh wait is this the paint ah here it is thank you can i put it in here ah there we go look at that okay i'm not being chased everything's okay everything is fine all right let's press the paint button yes there we go why are they green okay next one i guess all right do i get to take a green hand the green hand shoot green power outlet to temporarily hold electricity oh wow electric charge lasts for 10 seconds after 10 seconds the charge runs out okay interesting [Music] oh yeah we don't want to do that so we have limited time to make it through there okay you okay thank you thank you so how do i actually get the hand on my hand didn't really explain that part of the process um oh i got it okay so you're telling me i can oh but my hand holds electricity wait the hot is that's pretty sick okay all right hello what did i go the wrong way maybe okay um lovely lovely now do we get to play the game oh my gosh bro i know when your birthday is june 28th [Applause] nice oh oh wait we're on the other side oh this is the game okay oh snap oh there's so many screens what do i do okay welcome to [Music] is designed to stimulate several segments i feel like i'm about to do the pacer test how quickly and efficiently your brain works a sequence of colors will be shown and you must recreate the exact sequence using the buttons around you okay bonzo will slowly lower towards you when you complete a color pattern correctly bunzo will rise back up when you input a pattern incorrectly bunzo will lower towards you faster oh no if bunzo reaches you your test is over oh okay become more difficult as it continues with longer patterns in quicker succession i got this i got this good luck all right i got this i got this i got this it's been such a long time since he's been able to play to cheer hello bonzo [Music] okay um all right so basically bunzo's gonna eat me blue okay is it [Music] red red okay [Music] all right red blue red blue red okay blue red red red red green okay blue red red green blue red red green yellow blue red red green yellow [Applause] oh no oh that was around one oh flip okay green okay [Applause] green yellow [Applause] [Applause] green yellow blue [Music] [Applause] red green yellow blue red yellow holmen what green yellow blue red yellow oh violet [Applause] round three oh it's round three oh no okay green green where's white white [Music] green white orange oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] green white orange violet [Music] green white orange violet violet was that right [Applause] [Music] did i do it oh my gosh there's four rounds okay okay just blue just blue all right [Applause] blue what what what what that's not a color blue j heart [Applause] blue j hart j j blue j heart j and then whatever this is [Applause] [Music] the no no no you've got to be kidding me yo yo there's no way i don't i have no idea what you just said no no no no no no no no no oh he's getting closer he's getting closer ah bro there's absolutely no way someone can memorize that you said like 80 freaking colors and there wasn't even colors it was symbols what are you are you all insane you actually want me to do this i i don't even know [Music] bro no there has to be a way out of this bro oh what'd i do what did i do what did i do oh hello it broke oh that's no fun for doing such a splendid job mommy has decided to give you part of the code for the train part of the code okay okay that's a start what oh oh that's your hand okay uh that that's really impressive it went really far in or out okay thank you what's the code uh okay that's the code i guess one code train code one out of three okay so mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer no i don't hope it was mommy knows other ways to play with you that's great that's great i know ways to play with you too you're a freaking toy okay i can oh i should have known what is this okay it's freaking dark i can't see anything can i pull this ah lovely okay okay i wonder if we're gonna see huggy woggy in here maybe he'll come back i don't i don't know or the the sun moonflower guy that dude was freaking creepy what is that what is that i'm just gonna keep going okay i think we're good all right what is this a giant toy store damaged toys can't go that way okay is this open nope what to do next what to do next hello mr big dinosaur looking guy oh my gosh oh wait here's one of those things where i can get some energy but where do i put the energy hit that one yes okay um i i did something i don't know how to control this crane but it can get bozo off of here wait a second do i have to manually move this thing oh okay that makes a lot more sense all right here we go oh what the heck was that i just get okay i just got blown up by something all right uh let me move you this way there we go thank you nice all right yes yes come on all right which way do i go this way looks creepy let's take the creeper oh never mind can't go that way okay all righty well i wonder what these other games mommy is gonna make me play what is this no ah i see what's going on here okay i see what's going on here i need to somehow oh oh oh wait wait wait no no i missed it okay okay wait wait wait i have an idea i don't know if this is gonna work but what if we started with this one so i grab my hand and then i go around this way and then i go down here oh big brain baby let's go okay but wait does this yes uh just gotta think outside the box that's all all right i hear something banging on something that is free oh dude i am i told you guys i'm not with the jump scares i'm not a i i will actually pee myself in this video if i get scared enough what is this hello why'd he get so quiet all of a sudden oh bro i don't like how the music all stopped like everything got really quiet when i opened that door where the heck oh wait i'm back here but now this was like covered up i guess okay i guess i guess since i'm back here i gotta complete the other games oh yeah look another light is flashing all right there we go [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you thank you mommy is super proud of you oh i'm so proud of myself too i already told you that herself [Music] oh i'm so excited for wagga waggy i've never played wagawaki open it here we go you see this one this one looks fun like i i think i would actually enjoy this one i'm pretty i'm pretty hyped about this one okay what is this oh this is open oh wait can i get another hand actually i kind of like my green hand nah i don't want another hand okay are we gonna see huggy woggy in here oh my gosh i feel like i'm in squid game right now hello oh that's nice okay hello welcome to whack-a-wuggy this advanced test is designed to assess the extent of your reactionary abilities all right i got this i got this a dual palm grab pack will be provided to you for this test okay around you are 18 sizeable holes 18 an adorable huggy wuggy toy could appear out of any one of these holes okay if one comes out hit it with your grab pack that's all that's it good luck oh that seems so easy okay well what happens if i don't hit him do they eat me it didn't really in this game oh so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children okay so i'm guessing so they don't they don't have to they don't have the strings now hello i hear them coming from like eight different get out of here be gone oh my gosh bro oh all your little huggy wonkys oh there you are oh look at you [Music] bro there's one in every freaking hole [Music] oh my gosh wait did i do it we're good dude there's literally one in every hole i thought i thought it was dead i thought it was dead oh my gosh bro oh you got another key or code oh wait is that your hand again where is it oh it comes through here that's weird how you're you're like mr uh elastic or mrs elastic all right well thank you oh thank you very much what is this so we got train code two out of three so this one's color coded the first one was a bunch of symbols interesting okay so we only need one more train code you're right mommy was hoping you'd stay here forever no no i have a change your life no i'm good i'm i'm i'm honestly chill you know i miss starbucks that's what i miss where do i go oh i go this way okay alrighty boys well um it's freaking creepy there's a bunch of random hands everywhere oh bruh anything else oh my gosh why is this staircase have to be so long oh wait what the heck is this how am i supposed to what what how the heck do i bro look at the staircase how am i supposed to make it from there to there do you think i could reach that okay hold on let me see if i can get a little closer what about now oh snap oh oh i'm stuck okay i'll flip wait yes okay i just got to figure out how to okay yes all right thank you um interesting what is this press the button to feed me candy i just did me more i'm good hello oh i don't like that sound don't like that sound we don't like that okay is this like a roller coaster interesting i wanna ride oh that would be so fun okay so this gate is locked oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no is that gate opening it's a pink huggy woogie okay that gate is closed okay okay where do i go where do i okay i guess i go this way why would i go this way if it was that way what the heck dude i'm okay everyone just chill out it's gonna be okay i don't know where mr huggy wuggy went all right very nice hold on i need to grab that energy again there we go oh bro what is this ah okay then open this one very nice uh i need a little bit more energy thank you nice i need uh it's like a big maze bro massive maze all right go go go go i only got 10 seconds very nice grab this one okay oh there's a tape here all right i'll throw that in a sack i just want to unlock this final one oh no oh no no i didn't have enough time should i watch the tape let's watch the tape real quick let's let's see what's going on here oh it's like a human oh mind holster that's what i like to hear so marcus what happened is he i was heading home for the day when my aprs realized that he left me bloody wallet in the cafeteria is that jacksepticeye running through the lobby and that's when i see it a mob handle lodged under the innovation wingate so what'd you do marcus well i just thought hey now the bloody yo can be on me merry way and is it i'm reaching for the thing and the bob handled joel said at all i was scared stiff i i thought i was the only one there so i i took a peek beneath the gate and some massive bloody thing was gathering about the bloody hallway thing you're sure it wasn't a person okay that's 50 feet long with a thousand legs 50 feet maybe you just saw a bunch of people walking by look it wasn't people all right i happened to bloody nauseated wise but i wasn't human lovely come on no i don't have enough time bro i did it yes okay never mind get out of my sight oh he left well i saw the puzzle was that jacksepticeye i don't know where purple huggy woogie went but oh wait wait didn't i already unlock this why is it closed now hold on [Music] i swear i already unlocked this part unless hold on wait can i push this oh my gosh i don't think i need to go into that vent hopefully there's nothing important or wait i wonder can i pull it oh snap i can't oh let's freaking go boys all i got to do is pull it down here and maybe it will break the boards come on let's keep going let's keep going i hope this works okay there we go all right yeah oh ho ho let's go oh it's it's a freaking cliff wait what was that um okay well definitely not going that way i'll go this way okay boys i don't think there's anything important in here i'ma hop down this okay this is locked it is not oh wait oh wait i i know where we are we've been here this is that i guess we're done with that game though i guess that's a wrap for that game ah the third and final game oh here we go am i ready for this am i mentally ready for this that last game was too much bro all right here it is the final game you played these before you're so good seems like you're ready for the final game statues i'm not follow mommy down the stairs one last time okay i hope you had a fun day at the game station i had a great time yeah thank you so wait which one is it huh oh statues right here oh hello this what is this wait a second now that i have the green hand oh oh it works okay maybe there's something in here what is this um okay so i guess it's just showing me all the games oh there's like a reset button or something oh wait aha i just needed enough power with both hands okay okay so this next game is called statues um which is great i guess is it great the thing is is we're starting to get to the end of the game here and i remember at the end of chapter one it started getting really really freaky so um i guess you could say i'm excited for this i think i'm supposed to power these i don't think i did that right okay wait so hold on there's a grab handle up here oh wait there's an oh there's another one okay oh wait i see what this does look at this this green wire powers that grab handle so i can actually grab it and then i have to put the electricity in there and then do the same to the other one interesting okay so this is uh [Music] how do i what is over here oh wait can i connect it to this one oh i think i did it so i didn't even need these things okay i wonder if that door at the hallway opened oh ha ha let's go the third game boys what is this it looks like a roller coaster wait this is kind of exciting hello welcome to statues okay this advanced obstacle course is designed to test your physical endurance and strength okay the rules are simple the lights will turn off oh great you can move through the obstacle course at this time however when the lights turn on you can look around but cannot move oh you may move again once the lights turn back off okay what is that pillar we'll follow you oh if pj reaches you your test is over wonderful okay oh mike are you freaking serious so you got this guy chasing me and he's gonna eat me if i okay this is nice all right so oh hello and never come back they left mommy to die alone look mommy you got some issues obviously okay no mommy did not deserve that you're right well that makes me feel great about myself okay all right go go go lights are off and lights are on not moving i can hear it it's like a centipede okay go go go go go go lights are on oh my gosh you see it crawling back there bro go go go go [Music] how am i not supposed to move in the air bro i don't get it what if i just walk through the foam pit hello [Music] [Music] oh that was beautiful did you see how i made it through that in one go let's freaking go [Music] oh my gosh okay [Music] oh my gosh why does the music stop so fast [Music] come on baby [Music] come on oh oh it's right there okay okay come on [Music] look at this there's a handle right there [Music] i'm going for the handle boys [Music] flip okay come on oh my gosh oh my gosh yo get me the freak out of here [Music] um oh wait is this it what is this [Music] don't worry about it hello no i don't no no no that's okay that's okay i don't what okay i don't mommy doesn't know i don't care uh not coming back oh is she behind me is she chasing me okay do you hear that bro i'm pretty sure she's behind me like no joke she's definitely she's definitely chasing me she's definitely chasing me bro oh flip that's not good that's not no no no no no come on come on come on come on come on come on come on go go go go no do i go this this way i guess she said she's gonna find me and eat me so uh i think it's my time to freaking go what is this rotate top water what i see what's going on here wait wait wait hold on i got it let's see where this goes okay so i so there's two ways to control the path let's see i'm either supposed to go one of these three ways but let's try this way is that what i'm supposed to do am i speeding up the conveyor belt oh wait one goes down one goes up i'm literally so stupid look i've been playing this game for like two hours it's just i'm sorry i don't really know no i don't think they're supposed to be going that way this way right yes yes is that right oh no turn them around this way okay i think i did it okay i think i did it right i'm not really sure what else i'm supposed to do here let me see if i can go one of these other ways maybe uh maybe to the toy scan can i jump that nah let me just let's just play it safe i don't want to die and reset i do not know where mommy long legs went but i'm honestly not really concerned because i don't hear her voice and i don't see her so i think we're chill toy scan oh i need a toy is that the right one huh yeah [Music] let's go okay all right what's next i gotta crawl on this creepy thing okay fair enough right or left flip i'm gonna go left i mean that's right i've been playing this game way too long i'm sorry that's locked that that looks really sus um there's a tape okay no i'm not not really feeling like bugging right now my guy okay so oh whoa okay oh i understand i did it i think i did it right yeah what did that do what did that unlock let me go back in here hold on what did that do what did i oh oh oh no am i stuck down here oh no oh hello okay hide and seek okay i'm 10 9. okay go go hide and seek okay how the flip do i play this um where do i hide bro uh yes yes let's go oh no i'm having flashbacks from chapter one right now oh no uh what's this oh oh i guess that's broken okay do i go this way hello please open yes yes yes yes okay i feel like i'm getting pretty far away from here which is good uh uh their color chord wait wait the thing um red yellow red yellow i don't know if that matters red yellow well wait i can't do red again let's just try to do all the colors okay that did not work oh what is this what is this what the heck oh um i can see the one oh wait wait where's number one one is red two is blue so red blue green yellow red blue green yellow green yellow yes let's go great success what's next what is that oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay uh oh you you got to be freaking kidding me where do i go i think i know what to do this time but i'm not 100 sure but first off let me get scared real quick by this um okay there she is go go go go go go go go go oh my gosh it's so freaking loud oh i don't know if this is gonna work [Music] should i let go where do i go where do i go where do i go i'm not going back down there bro i just saw her go in there are you freaking serious do i really have to go in here okay if i if she does pop out again then i can just grab that thing again i guess i don't know look at this it's a maintenance list ensure the machine is clean debris wipe machine surfaces replace damaged parts check the belts okay i'm not a freaking maintenance man bro i think i did it i think i did it let me try this or let me wait for that to fire up okay open this yes let's go all right easy enough that's all no no no no no no no no no no no oh what do i do where do i go where do i go oh no no no maybe i'm supposed to close myself in there i think i'm supposed to close myself in i think i'm supposed to close myself in there all right let's try this boys here we go all right here goes nothing where are you at mommy there she is go go go go go go go go go go come on come on come on come on come on hold it closed ah there she is did it work i think it might have worked where do i go now do i keep going this way oh you've got to be kidding me no no no no no no no no no no no no oh okay we can't go that way we're going this way now oh what is that go go go open the door oh run oh my gosh that's not the right way [Music] oh no run run run oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i don't even want to turn around right now oh no no i was literally going up ah okay at least i understand what to do it's just very very intense all right stay calm stay calm it's okay it's okay everything's all right everything's all right go go go go go your hands are really dirty you might using some hand sanitizer on that oh whoa okay okay okay okay okay okay okay run run run run run oh no okay come on uh this way this way this way oh flip okay okay i i'm scared of nothing i'm scared of nothing this soap breaky creep go go go go go go go go go go go go go i'm freaking terrified i'm freaking terrified i changed my mind i changed my mind go go go go go go go oh no i missed the chump i want to try this i don't know if it's gonna work but i'm gonna try to juke her out i really don't know if mommy's going to enjoy this but let me just let me just try it okay so she's coming down right here right will she eat me will she me [Music] wait what she keeps going no freaking way no freaking way what oh my gosh i just want to try i did not think that would work okay well now that nothing's chasing me i can kind of keep my you know i can kind of just chill out and take my time oh let's go boys okay she behind me i don't freaking know i really don't know i'm terrified what do i do what do i do grab this yeah go go go go what is this oh oh my gosh okay now i can focus she's not chasing me anymore we're good i don't like this hallway though this is kind of suss let me slap my hand on that yes scanning what is that oh you got to be freaking kidding me no scan quicker scan quicker go go go go open the freaking door open the freaking door where do i go where do i go it's locked it's locked no no no oh um is it is it oh i'm sorry i'm sorry mommy [Applause] i can i can't i'm doing it to you right now oh my gosh oh my gosh this is still alive or what the flip is that is a spider what yo that was that was freaking creepy okay um ah yes and the next gate opens okay wait but i guess mommy is dead now so can we escape oh my gosh bro that was freaking insane that that was insane um i'm just like at a loss for words right now that's locked i don't know i just i have a feeling bro like that that cannot be the end i mean it probably is the end i don't know if it actually is i just feel like something's going to chase me i don't know oh i didn't even see you there holy crap hello uh hi are you are you live you give me a note what is this three one two four it's the next train code did it what good huh oh we need to leave yeah let's let's get the freak out of here i'm uh i'm i'm chill with that totally chill with that i'm ready to go it's a slide that's totally not sus and nothing is going to chase me right uh okay okay oh i'm on the other side of the train now oh it's got a green hand wow how fancy don't mind if i do i mean boys we got everything we needed colors red yellow red blue red and then blue and then the numbers are three one two four yes that's it do i pull this thing was it uh start of the train lovely are we moving we're leaving yes yes oh my gosh what a freaking journey bro what a journey wow what an amazing game i don't know if this is actually the end i'm assuming it is but that was incredible we're about to see if this is the actual final part of the game we're going downhill very very fast okay i didn't know this was a roller coaster i thought it was just a train why is it going so fast what is it why is the music getting more intense uh what does that mean what does that mean do i need do i need to pull this it's not letting me pull it is this like the brake it's it doesn't work stop train i can't stop the train there's no what about this that's not working oh maybe both my hands i can't i can't oh there it is there it is okay i'm stopping i'm trying to slow down oh flip oh flip oh no no no oh well we should be able to just keep walking and get out right huh what the heck dude oh my gosh bro oh no that's it that's it that's the end chapter two now what happens after that in chapter three ladies and gentlemen thank you guys so much for watching this video if you made it all the way to the end all i'm asking for you guys to do is click the subscribe button right when chapter three comes out you know i'm making a video on it this was definitely a journey but what an amazing game shout out to the guys that made it this was amazing till then i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 6,781,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, game, crazy, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft, Poppy playtime ch.2, poppy playtime ch.2 release date, poppy playtime chapter 2, Poppy Playtime chapter 2 full game, Poppy Playtime Chapter 2 full playthrough
Id: 2DB5-v_yMCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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