How to Speak Confidently and Communicate Effectively (3 Tips)

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Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you to a career and life you'll truly enjoy and in today's video I'm going to walk you through three tips on how you can communicate more clearly and effectively especially when you're at work in a meeting or you're going on a job interview this will be very helpful to you especially if you have trouble with expressing your thoughts clearly now as a career strategist I've been able to help numerous professionals land their dream job offers and if this is something that you're interested in working with me one-on-one then I will give you details about that at the end of this video through my years of experience of working with corporate professionals I have recognized that one of the biggest confidence boosters or confidence killers for any individual has a lot to do with their ability on how to articulate their thoughts and words in a clear and engaging way essentially what I'm saying is if you're someone who struggles to communicate effectively this has probably had an impact on your career and to the point where you may not have been able to grow in your career as quickly as you would have liked so today I'm going to share with you three things that you need to know so that you can speak more confidently moving forward whether you have a conversation with a colleague whether you have to make a presentation in front of a group of people or the next time that you have to go on a job interview tip number one know that you're the expert if you find that you are struggling with being able to articulate your thoughts and ideas and you lack confidence when you're talking to your boss your co-workers or to an interviewer even if it's a topic that you know a lot about it's likely because you're consuming yourself with thoughts like I hope I'm not saying the wrong thing I wonder what he or she is thinking of me I hope I sound competent right now those kinds of thoughts are hugely distracting and they actually cause you to waver and to sound shaky when you're trying to deliver these conversations and that's why you need to shift your focus away from self-doubt to knowing your value this is especially applicable to you if you've been at your company for a while but you haven't seen progress in your communication knowing you're the expert means that you recognize that in your organization you are specialized in the work that you do nobody else in the company whether it be your boss or your other co-workers knows more about what you do then you you are the expert so that means that you need to trust in your own knowledge and the experience that you have that you've been able to develop in this position you can't second-guess yourself to the point where other people start doubting you as well so the next time that anyone in your company comes up to you and asks you a technical related question about your work or a topic or subject that you should know stuff about and that you do know stuff about you need to answer it in a way that an expert would you have to put yourself in that mindset and say how would an expert who knows my role inside out be able to explain this to another colleague or to a boss in the company and this leads me to tip number two tip number two says know how you tie into the bigger picture by asking smart questions this is a pattern that I've seen quite a bit amongst certain professionals who end up working in big companies such as big banks or government organizations and the issue or pattern of experienced is that they only know what they do but they don't actually know how it ties in to the bigger picture they don't understand how their role plays a key factor in the rest of the organization and because of that they only know what they do and they only do what they do and even though they're the expert at what they do they're very limited in what they know if you don't understand how your specific role and your the responsibilities and the duties that you do play into the overall bigger picture within your company within your department that is a major issue and that's going to cause communication issues for you in and it's going to show up in your workplace especially when you have big meetings where you have to explain your part and you're going to be explaining it to other colleagues or higher level managers or bosses and they're not getting why we are doing a certain thing just because you were told that this is how you do something from the beginning doesn't mean that you do it robotic aliy and you don't understand why you're doing it so that plays into your communication as well so the antidote to this is to ask questions don't ever be afraid to ask why you're doing something especially when it doesn't seem to make sense or when you really don't understand why professionals who know how to ask my questions are also the ones that are able to identify process improvements they're able to drive efficiencies because they recognize the reason why they're doing something and they're able to figure out better ways of doing it and when you ask smart questions it gives you the comfort that the work that you do actually serves a purpose and finally tip number three to communicating effectively is know when you're not the expert one of the biggest mistakes that I see professionals making in their workplace and that diminishes their own personal brand is when they talk about a topic as if they're the experts when the action when in actuality they know very little about it and because they are not the expert or they don't know very much about that topic but they keep talking about it they say a lot of wrong things and what happens is this leads to issues where when you say things that aren't true or that don't make sense people will lose trust in you and they will no longer come to you for answers in future instances people will appreciate it if you are authentic and genuine and are willing to admit that you may not know so much about a certain topic area because it doesn't happen to be in your line of expertise so how do you handle a situation where you don't know much about the topic firstly you don't say I don't know and you wipe your hands clean and walk away that's not the way to do it instead what you need to do is take it as a learning opportunity and tell the person who you're speaking with something along the lines of I'm not an expert in this but I know that blank is how about we approach him or her to assist us with this to know when you don't know something shows maturity and self-awareness nobody is going to criticize you if you don't know something but you work hard to try to figure it out but people will criticize you if you act as if you know something and you end up just speaking gibberish so there you have it those are my three tips on how you can speak more confidently and clearly now if you are someone who's been on the path of searching for a better job a new career path making a career switch and you've been looking for a while but you haven't been getting many inner and not getting any job offers and you're ready to take your job search strategy to the next level then feel free to reach out to me head on over to my website read through the page fill out the application form and if I think that we are a match to work together then I will reach out to you directly if you like this video then please give it a thumbs up subscribe share it with your friends thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Linda Raynier
Views: 557,656
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Keywords: how to speak confidently and effectively, how to speak confidently, how to be confident when speaking, how to confidently speak in public, how to communicate effectively, how to be confident, career coach, resume tips, interview tips
Id: eHQxEolk9ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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