Emotional Intelligence - How to Lead with Emotional Intelligence

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hey ambitious professionals it's Linda Rainer of Linda Rainer calm guiding you to a career in life you'll truly enjoy and in today's video I am going to share with you six tips on how you can develop your emotional intelligence to be seen as leadership potential in your job in your company so that eventually you can land a senior management position [Music] as a career strategist and coach I've had the honour of being able to help numerous professionals land job offers in careers with long-term growth potential and if you're interested in potentially working with me one on one I can give you details about that at the end of this video so what is emotional intelligence emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and control your emotions and behavior while being aware of how those impact and affect others around you at the same time you understand the emotional state of those others and you can use this information to adapt your behavior to achieve the most positive response from them so to put it plainly and simply emotional intelligence is your level of self-awareness of your own thoughts feelings and emotions while at the same time being aware of someone else's thoughts feelings and emotions and being able to interact with that person or set of persons in a way that's going to get them to walk away from that conversation feeling positive they're still going to feel encouraged or motivated or inspired by you as opposed to feeling negative so why is emotional intelligence important for you in your career because it's actually been studied that those with a high EQ known as emotional quotient are actually more likely to be considered and approached for senior leadership positions in an organization now I know that if you go onto Google and you look up emotional intelligence at work there's going to be a ton of information out there that you can look through but for the purpose of this video like I said I'm going to go through six specific tips that are going to help you to get working in the right direction to really hone in on your emotional intelligence abilities and eventually be seen as that leadership potential senior management potential individual in your organization tip number one learn more about the inner workings of you think of yourself as someone who wants to be a really good car mechanic and you want to be able to attract as many customers to your shop as possible if you want to be a really good karma Kanak you need to be able to prove that you understand the inner workings of a car because you want to be well relied upon and well trusted with anyone's car you have to be able to understand how does a car function what are its reactions what are the issues that can come up what can cause it to go bad or shut down you have to really be able to understand the inner workings of a car well in the corporate world you are the car and the mechanic at the same time if you really want to be seen as someone who's truly leadership potential someone that can climb to the senior ranks in your organization or any other organization you have to understand the inner workings of yourself you have to be able to acknowledge your own thoughts feelings and emotions and the way you tend to react and be able to have that level of self-awareness that's much deeper than just the very surface level understanding of yourself for leaders are ones that do not have the ability to understand another's emotions and you probably have experienced interacting with one someone that just only sees his or her way and does not take into account anyone elses because simply they just don't get it you don't want to be that kind of leader you want to be someone who can understand yourself which is the most important thing but because you understand yourself you'll be able to understand others as well so the best and easiest way for you to get started in terms of understanding the inner workings of you is to start to catch yourself in the moment and be very vigilant about this be very attentive when it comes to understanding the reactions that you tend to have in any situation so the next time something happens at work where potentially it's an upsetting situation catch yourself see how you react observe how you react are you someone who tends to react very quickly and you've become very sharp with your words your super direct or are you someone that closes up and you're afraid to offend anyone so you don't say anything take note of it and start to understand where you need to improve so that you can really develop that leadership potential within yourself tip number two to improving your emotional intelligence is to get a real assessment of yourself get outside input when it comes to understanding yourself sometimes it's actually impossible to be able to look at yourself entirely objectively which is why it's important that you start to get input from those around you now you're not going to ask for everyone's input on how they think what they think about you but I would say definitely talk to those closest to you the ones that you can trust will be honest with you and a really good exercise that I've asked my clients to do in recent years has been go to two three four five close friends family members colleagues who you trust and have them for literally five minutes straight say everything that they can about you whatever it is and you can't filter them out so if they're describing you they say you tend to do this or you're you know in tongues you do this and they're not being critical by the way they can't be super critical but they do have to be honest with how they feel take it and you know you have to have a little bit of a tough stomach for this because the truth is sometimes the truth hurts and you have to be willing to hear what they're gonna say but you have to write it all down and then from there start to notice the patterns amongst the other reports that you end up getting through this process and from there analyze and see what are the patterns what are what are most people saying where can I improve on what did I not like when I heard them say that about me and understand why is it that you come across that way why is it that that happens to you or that you react that way and from there you'll be able to get a deeper understanding of yourself again it's all about understanding your inner workings which is goes back to tip number one so if you can do that that's really going to help you tip number three is to journal and track so this is a very personal exercise but a really good way to truly see how you are and who you are and how you come across is by keeping a journal keeping a diary where every day you would write down the major events that happened how you react in those events how you handled them and then leaving it at that and occasionally you know perhaps at the end of every week you're gonna want to go through that week's list and you start to notice what trends tend to come up what situations spark you to feel a certain way and react a certain way and do a certain thing and start to understand that about yourself because the more you can understand yourself if there's things that you want to improve you'll be able to improve on them you'll be able to identify them directly as opposed to guessing and then if there are things that you're happy with in terms of how you are how you're reacting and how you express yourself great pat yourself on the back and keep on going tip number four is to listen so as much as we've been doing work on ourselves so far in the first few tips another tip that's going to help you when it comes to interacting with others is to not judge to just simply listen when someone is coming to you and telling you something a story a situation don't dive in with your own thoughts and judgments and preconceptions about how they're experiencing it instead let them tell you without interruptions what it is that they're going through and the more you can do that and truly listen to someone the more you can actually understand where they're coming from why they're feeling the way they're feeling you'll be able to understand that individual much better in a more clearer way because you'll be able to understand why they're saying what they're saying what thoughts got them to lead them to say what they're saying right now to you and why they're in the mindset that they're in so that when they ask you for advice you'll be able to give authentic genuine words of wisdom to them that is without your own judgement without your own opinions in it it's really going to be truly helpful advice for them because they're gonna hear it and they're gonna recognize that it's not coming from your own thoughts necessarily it's coming from a deeper place it's coming from a place of you understanding them tip number five is about putting yourself in the other person's shoes you want to be able to exactly understand where they're coming from why they're saying what their saying where those thoughts came from and you know that I know this can be difficult to sometimes put yourself in the other person's shoes because you only see your perspective but the more that you're able to just sit back and actually envision yourself in their situation and seeing the world through their eyes and you have the ability to do this if you just practice seeing the world through their eyes you're gonna gain a whole level of understanding that you didn't realize you had within you and with that understanding again you're gonna be able to guide them help them move them along to get out of their situation their struggle that they're dealing with in a much smoother way and you're gonna eventually as you do that over time you're going to be seen as someone who is truly leadership potential because you're helping people you're helping people move on if even if it's something as simple as a task at work that they're struggling with and they're just really upset over it whatever it is you know you going over being able to understand where they're from where they're coming from and be able to tap into that and tell them what they can do about it based on how they're feeling acknowledging what they're feeling doing that is all going to lead you into becoming a true leader so definitely try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and lastly tip number six is to open yourself up I know when it comes to work especially in a company you know you don't really want to bring your personal life into work you want to keep things professional but sometimes in order to really develop strong relationships and bonds with people you do have to open yourself up actually it is necessary to open yourself up it's not just sometimes because the more that you can connect with others and say yes actually I've dealt with this situation too and this is how I handled it and being able to get to interact with them at that level the more that you're going to be trusted by others the more that they're going to see the human side of you and that's gonna allow you to be able to like I said it develop a strong relationship with that person with those around you and from there being able to develop a reputation and credibility as someone who has the ability to interact with others well and of course to influence and guide and lead others as a potential director or c-suite executive so there you go there are my six tips on how you can develop emotional intelligence in leadership so that you can lend yourself a position in senior management later down the line now if you are someone who has been working in your job you're struggling in the sense that you're just not enjoying the company that you're at you don't see growth opportunity and you're really ready to make a move into another organization in a higher level role but you're not sure of how to sell yourself in interviews how to really approach your job search then feel free to book a call with me head on over to Linda Raynor comm /sand out get hired that's my one-on-one coaching program read through the page check out the testimonials and apply in the apply here button from there if I think that we're a fits I will reach out to you and we can chat further if you'd like this video then please give it a thumbs up subscribe share it with your friends thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Linda Raynier
Views: 132,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resume, interview, career coach, leadership, emotional intelligence, tips, interview strategies, eq, emotional intelligence test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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