Signs You Should Decline The Job Offer

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are you considering a new role and you're just not sure it's the right fit for you well stick around because in this video i'm going to share with you some signs that you should decline that offer hey everybody it's brian from the life after layoff and today i'd like to talk to you about some signs that you should decline the offer as a corporate recruiter with over 20 years of experience interviewing and hiring thousands of people into some of the world's largest and most well-known companies i do know a thing or two about what good opportunities look like and what bad opportunities look like and what ones you should be avoiding so you made it to the end of the interviewing process and you landed that offer congratulations but before you accept that offer we should dive into a few things to make sure it's the right opportunity when you're interviewing and especially if you're in an active job search know whether you are an unemployed person looking to get back into the workforce or you're somebody that's looking to leave a toxic work situation it can be tempting to accept the first opportunity that comes your way but this is not a winning strategy in the long run sure it may solve an issue like getting a regular paycheck coming in and let's face it that's a pretty big deal for somebody that hasn't had a paycheck in a while so i totally get it but it can cause bigger issues for you in the long run and if you've watched this channel on any level you know that i talk a lot about positioning yourself for long-term success and not focusing on a short-term solution so if you're somebody that is in a desperate situation in other words you're unemployed and you need a job in order to get that paycheck coming back in then sure accept the position however you want to make sure that you understand your situation very clearly so that you don't repeat the same patterns that got you into the situation to begin with now i know that can sound harsh and i'm not trying to come across that way but the reality is this if you're coming from a position of desperation you're coming from a position of weakness and in that situation the company is in control we need to learn to flip the script and put you into the driver's seat in your career otherwise you're going to continue to experience the same types of things over and over again in fact for many of you you may have found that that's the situation that you're always attracting the same kinds of opportunities and if you're ready to upgrade your situation we need to start digging deeper into why you're in the situation that you're in and try to put together corrective actions for it and that's ultimately what my channel and what my consultancy is all about is figuring that out for you so that you can live your best possible life because we have to treat ourselves like free agents where we are demanding the best team the best salary in the best position and for whatever reason and to be perfectly honest with you i know the reason why one bad job seems to attract the next back job and so forth and so on but before we get too far into it if you're interested in more videos just like this one directly from a corporate recruiter make sure you hit the subscribe button and the notification button alright so let's jump into some signs that you should decline that offer the first major sign that you should be declining that offer is when the job description does not match the actual work that's being described so when you're sitting in an interview you should have read the job description very carefully before walking in the door so you should have a very clear understanding of what they're asking for what the requirements of the position are and how well you align to them if you get into that interview and suddenly the job seems to have shifted into something completely different that should be a major warning sign to you that either the company is not calibrated to what they're looking for or they're trying to bite off more than they can chew and it's just gonna set you up to be walking into a situation that's gonna lead to job dissatisfaction and burnout because a lot of times what unscrupulous companies do is they pull a beat and switch on you where they interview you for a certain thing and they put you into another role thinking that well we'll promise them that they'll move back into the original role in a few months but you know and i know that that's probably not going to happen and if it does happen it's probably for a blended role that you didn't sign up for initially so if you're interviewing for a company that seems to pull the bait and switch on you you need to address that immediately with them make sure you know exactly what you're getting yourself into and in most cases i would actually recommend that you probably walk away from that opportunity which is going to lead us to the next major sign that you should be declining the offer it's when the job doesn't align with your long-term career goal i hope that if you've watched my channel on any level you know that we need to be in the driver's seat in our careers and we need to know where we're heading so the opportunities that you're applying for and interviewing for should be very closely aligned with your career goal so if you find yourself interviewing for a position that just seemingly does not fit into your long-term plans you need to ask yourself why you're even sitting there entertaining the opportunity to begin with for example if you're looking to go into a software development career path you don't want to take a customer service job because ultimately it's not going to work out to your advantage and it's actually just going to set you back further in your career and i know some people look at it as a well i'm going to get my foot in the door somewhere and then i'll be able to slide internally over to another role and i would certainly not recommend that as a strategy because i can't tell you how many people i've spoken to that come to me after several years of doing that exact thing and say i'm stuck in a situation i'm being passed up for promotion and i can't seem to reach my career goal so if you know exactly where you're heading and you know what your career goal is it should help you narrow down the types of opportunities that you would seriously consider if you presented with an opportunity that is just not aligned to where you want to go i think you know what you need to do now the next major one is the company just doesn't have a good reputation now this can come in really a couple of different formats so let's unpack it just a little bit so the company doesn't treat its employees correctly and it doesn't have a good reputation internally then that's something that you need to dig into and you can usually find some evidence on asking why the position is open what the turnover rates are and then also look at their glassdoor reviews now again we want to look at glassdoor with a little bit of a grain of salt because people tend to review when they're upset about something but if you look at the broader picture and you look for overarching trends it's something to definitely pay attention to but the point being is that we want to make sure that we're targeting companies that have a reputation for treating their employees well another indicator of a good employer is if they are continually promoting people so if the reason why the position is open before you is because the person got promoted and maybe the person before that also got promoted then that's a good sign that that might be a solid opportunity for you but we want to make sure that we're working for the best quality employers who treat their employees the best and give you the best chance of getting ahead now the other component to this is their external reputation in the market so if you're targeting a company that doesn't have a good reputation in the local market that's one thing to definitely consider but even taking it a step further if they don't have a good reputation in their industry that's also something that can tarnish you if you join their company so be very careful to join a company that has a bad rap or bad social equity in the marketplace because you don't want that to follow you around like a scarlet letter so how do you find out check out some press releases make sure you have a pulse on the organization and that industry and you should be able to uncover whether or not they have a bad reputation the next major sign is that the job has been posted over and over again if you see the same job being posted over and over again or you see the job posted and then six months later it's posted again and then six months later it's posted again you're probably going to start wondering why is it that that job is still open or why is it they can't seem to keep people in that role because that's an indicator of a bad employer if the company doesn't have the best reputation they don't treat their employees correctly they don't pay correctly all these conditions lead to that job always being open that's definitely something to pay close attention to because you don't want to end up in an organization where in six months from now you're also going to be looking for a new opportunity so if you see that position posted over and over again make sure you ask those hard questions in that interview so the next major red flag to look for is there is an unrealistic expectation of the expected output for this role if you're in an interview situation and they're describing the job to you and you know full well that what they're asking is a full-time job plus an additional amount of work you really need to think long and hard about whether or not that's going to be a realistic expectation because sometimes hiring managers do not have realistic expectations for what is achievable and a lot of times they're going shopping for a mercedes but they only have a honda budget so if they're asking you to do work that is well beyond the scope of the role you're going to be set up for failure and you're going to probably turn over pretty quickly again make sure you're asking the right questions in the interview to avoid these types of situations now the next major sign is that your pay and benefits are subpar and especially subpar for the industry if you watch my salary expectations video you should have a realistic understanding of what your value is in the open market so as you go into the interview completely prepared for that question you should have a very good understanding of what you're worth if the company comes back with an offer that is substantially lower than what the market is demanding that's a huge red flag because not only have they wasted your time to this point but they're always going to be bootstrapped behind the scenes and never able to offer you a proper compensation package because a lot of times these companies rely on a strategy of pay lagger versus pay leader and they realize that there's probably going to be some turnover but the funny thing is is they always seem to expect that superstar candidate when they just don't have the budget for it so if you're in that situation you can almost never win you're never going to catch up to the rest of the market and in fact it's actually going to hurt your career growth and your salary growth over the course of your career if you accept the position that is too far below market value the same thing can be said for the benefits if the benefits are just not competitive to the market that's another thing that you need to look at because chances of those benefits suddenly catching up to where the rest of the market is is very slim hey i get it medical insurance is extremely expensive here in the united states and most companies struggle to maintain those costs but good quality employers find ways to add the most value through their benefits package because they know that's what retains employees if you're at a company that doesn't value that you know what to do and i would argue that a lot of the things that we've already talked about are indicators of a toxic work culture in general you're going to want to ask all the tough questions and pay close attention to how the morale is in the organization what those glassdoor reviews are saying internal policy and procedure and specifically what the hiring manager is saying to you during the interviewing process about their expectations what type of boss are they what's their leadership style what's their expectations how do they treat their employees these are all things that you should be paying close attention to as you go through the interviewing process because we don't want to work in a toxic workplace i've also got a video for that one so if you're interested in more signs about toxic workplaces i will leave a link for that and now in this day and age i'm convinced that more and more people are not interested in working excessive hours we want to spend time with our families we want to have a balance of work in our personal lives so if they say things like we're a work hard but play hard type of organization then that should be an indicator to you that there's a work-life balance issue and again go back onto those glass door reviews and see if there's a common thread where people are saying that there's a work-life balance issue here so certainly going to be times in your work situation where you're going to have to work more than 40 hours that's just the nature of the beast but what you're looking for is a position that continually requires you to work excessive hours if you're working for that bad boss who has an expectation for you to put in that face time just for the sake of facetime then that's a huge red flag and if you're working for a startup company the expectation is going to be that there is a lot of work to be done and typically people are wearing multiple hats and that inevitably means that you're going to be working long hours so just go in eyes wide open if you're interviewing for a startup company it's probably going to be the expected culture for a while so if you're interviewing for a company that continually works their employees well over the average amount of hours per week you're probably going to run into the next major warning flag and that's excessive turnover now this is definitely something to pay close attention to in the interviewing process and in fact you should be asking this during your screen of them and we are screening the company just as much as they're screening us correct if the role has a revolving door of involuntary and voluntary turnover then you need to understand why that's happening and the time to figure that out is during the interviewing process you should be using some reconnaissance on your side you can go in and do reverse engineering on linkedin you can also look on glassdoor and look for trends but the point is is that you should have an understanding if there's excessive turnover in that organization and in particular in that department and with that hiring manager now it might get a little bit more difficult to try to figure that out so you have to be asking the right questions in the interview and if you're discovering there is a turnover issue that's a red flag and something that you need to make sure that you understand before you accept any offer and usually excessive turnover is a symptom of all the other signs that we spoke about earlier in this video so there you have it those are some signs that you should be looking for when you are determining whether or not to accept the perfect offer listen if you're getting into the interviewing process to the point where you're getting the offer you're doing something right so just keep on doing what you're doing so keep doing what you're doing but be very selective in the types of roles that you accept if you want to supercharge your career if you need more help in the interviewing process that's actually something that i specialize in i've got a website called a it's loaded with tips and tricks all from a recruiter's perspective i've also got some of my deepest and most intimate knowledge in the form of some training courses the first one is called resume rock and fuel it's designed to teach you exactly how to write a resume which gives you the best chance of getting noticed and get that first round interview once you get the first run interview it's up to you to sell yourself and get all the way to the offer and that's what we cover in the ultimate job seeker boot camp it's an a to z guide on how to get through each step of that interviewing process and give yourself the best chance of landing that offer in the end you're not going to want to miss them so make sure you check them out hey appreciate you watching good luck on those interviews and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: A Life After Layoff
Views: 131,355
Rating: 4.9644723 out of 5
Keywords: signs you should decline the job offer, red flags for job seekers, how to reject a job offer, interview red flags, turn down job offer, job interview red flags, how to turn down a job offer, how to decline a job offer politely, toxic work environment, interview tips, ways to know your job interview went well, signs from interviewer, signs of a possible job offer, decline job offer, how to decline a job offer, signs your interview went well, toxic work environment signs
Id: 4PL5YtajF8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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