Should you start a blog in 2024? Advice from a six figure blogger + TUTORIAL 💻✨

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but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret the elephant in the room even with AI making its way onto the scene wait I think I hear something did someone just say the introvert friendly visibility dream hello sweet sweet amazing human being and welcome back to my channel my name is Mia brox and this channel is all about life and business the introvert friendly way because yes I am a huge introvert and you might be as well in that case you have come to the perfect place you are safe here my friend this channel is all about how to live the most cozy dreamy life and how to start your very own content creator business so that you can basically just escape the corporate life Escape your nine to five Escape your boss and fully enter the Cozy pajama lifestyle AKA freedom and today we're talking about one of my favorite topics blogging and blogging is actually something that I've talked quite a bit about on this channel before I mean I've kind of been obsessed with blogging and the possibilities that come with it because blogging as dramatic as this sounds has truly changed my life for the better I mean had I not started my very secret blog back in 2018. oh my God that's a long time ago is that thought coming on five years I wouldn't have the life or business that I have today I wouldn't be making 10K months I wouldn't have been able to quit my nine to five I wouldn't have been able to work in my PJs all day or from that Cozy Cafe which I just adore they have the best coffee ever but let's get back to the topic and I wouldn't have been able to make sales while I was watching friends like the show on HBO that rhymed but in all seriousness wait very true and very serious business there was actually a day when I've made five thousand dollars while I was watching one episode of Friends I think it was the one where Ross and Mike hang out they drink beers is very awkward it's hilarious it's one of my favorite episodes ever have you watched it let me know in the comments below and if you haven't watched Friends what are you doing here but basically none of the cool things that I just mentioned would be possible if I hadn't started my blog this is why I've created countless videos on this channel about blogging it's why I've been obsessed with teaching you how to start your very own dream blog why I created my blogging course dreamer to blogger why I have my free blogging course I've been obsessed this is actually how and why I pivoted my content strategy from you know writing about all things personal development to blogging to now online business and content creation the possibilities when it comes to blogging are truly endless the possibility of Freedom the possibility of no longer having a boss the possibility of sky's the limit income the possibility of well living the Cozy pajama Lifestyle the super introvert friendly lifestyle if you are new to my channel my story and we haven't known each other for a very long time I'm gonna do that thing now where I link to another video on my channel I think you'll see it here or here I don't know it'll be somewhere on the screen and in that video I share my very honest business vlogging Journey if you want you know the beginning the end the middle all the things but basically to sum it all up for you because we're gonna get into the juiciness of this video I basically started a Blog in secret in hiding anonymously because I was so scared of what other people thought of me there was no name on this blog there was no face nothing but blog posts valuable blog posts through my secret blog which by the way I finally over time had the guts to share my story and who I was you know this because you're watching this video and my face is here and my name and everything hello world but through starting my secret blog I was able to build an audience to make an income and what was truly going to become the springboard for my dreams we're living the Cozy pajama lifestyle for just being free because of all this I can think of no better way to ease your way into the online business space into the content creator space then to start writing to start blogging start your dream blog if showing your face and your name or starting a YouTube channel starting a podcast is feeling a little right now what I'm saying is you don't have to start there start where you feel comfortable and your online confidence is going to grow over time and most likely you will like myself become more and more comfortable in your new online skin okay so now let's talk about it the elephant the elephant yes the elephant we're gonna go with that analogy the elephant in the room the title of this video should you start a blog in 2023 and Beyond is blogging dead do people still read blogs is it too late to start a blog am I too late to the blogging game are blogs still a thing these questions get asked on repeat every single year but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret and you probably know what I'm going to say blogging ain't dead nope it's just changed so the funeral for blogging isn't scheduled for anytime soon there will be no funeral for blogging okay now I'm gonna get into some of the reasons why blogging is still very much alive still thriving still doing its thing on the internet the first thing that I want to talk about is the fact that blogging the game of blogging has just changed because you know gone are the days of writing up your latest diary entry or writing about what you had for dinner last night I mean that's not interesting blogging is an amazing way to build an audience to build a community it's an amazing way to go deeper with your audience to provide awesome sauce value you know by sharing your wise words sharing photos videos screenshots what have you blogging is a medium where you can basically gather all the good stuff you know embed different formats and provide value in different ways I feel like I'm like hunched over like this but I want to be close to you that's why okay okay Mia get yourself together you haven't filmed a video in a year fish blogging is still such a powerful marketing tool for your business where you can as I said build Authority in your Niche at your very own introvert friendly Pace without having to show up on social media every single day and the way people are consuming blogs the way they're reading blogs has also changed skimmable content is the new black people skim people are busy people don't have time because people's attention spans are well pretty much non-existent at this point in time so what you want to do when you start a blog because I hope you're starting a blog after this video create a skimmable you know too lazy didn't read experience for your Audience by breaking up the text adding white space images Graphics bullet points embedding a video and different sections with different headings this is also going to help you with SEO which is my next Point SEO search engine optimization is still the best way for introverts I mean not just for introverts but for all business owners and content creators to build an audience online as long as you are writing blog posts that solve a problem that help A specific group of people and not about what you had for dinner last night I'm I mean some people might find that interesting no no they won't unless you're like Kim Kardashian or something blogging can be a super duper way to build Authority and to get your content and brand in front of new people all through the magic of SEO what does this mean it just means that people are searching for the content that you are creating and finding you through search engines Google Pinterest even YouTube wait I think I hear something did someone just say the introvert friendly visibility dream okay I'm being so silly I'm also being very very serious it's the best and 77 of all people who use the internet today are still reading blogs so rest assured blogs are not heading for the graveyard anytime soon and I believe they never will basically as long as people are Googling stuff blogging and blogs are gonna thrive so when it comes to utilizing SEO and optimizing your blog post you want to create content for the Searcher for your audience what are they searching for on Google because this is how they're going to find you so you want to create content that they are already searching for that's going to be your content strategy right there and the thing is the lifespan of a blog post well it's like an eternity you want to create blog posts that are evergreen meaning people are always searching for it for example how to be productive versus what should I buy my husband this year for Christmas in 2023 that's not Evergreen that's a very season-based even you know time based if you want to create Evergreen content that people your people are always searching for this is how your content is gonna last for a very very long time longer than real longer than tick tocks longer than anything else I'm actually ranking on Google for the keyword how to start a journal on the first page of Google in fact this blog post even though it's not really related to what I write about today it still brings thousands of people to my website to my world every single month and this is a blog post that I wrote in 2019 and it still brings me so much traffic so my last point when it comes to this whole is blogging dead thing is that you want to make sure when you start a blog when you start a self-hosted blog for example with Bluehost you own your content you own that property on the internet nobody's gonna take that away from you not even Mr zuckerby it's yours to keep and it's not gonna vanish overnight you don't actually own the content that you create for Instagram Tick Tock Facebook Twitter LinkedIn if Instagram goes away tomorrow your account your content is gonna go with it but not if you start a self-hosted blog think about it your blog is like your home on the internet the home and the heart of your business don't you want to own that property you don't want to be at the mercy of these unpredictable social media platforms I mean they're great to show up on every now and then but you don't want to be at the mercy of them of the algorithm so I thought now would be the perfect time to take you through an updated process of how you can start a self-hosted blog with Bluehost now the reason that I recommend Bluehost is because it's what I use for my website today and it's what I started out with by the way this video is not sponsored by Bluehost although I have to say that I am an affiliate so if you choose to sign up through the link in my description that that is an affiliate link but you know it's a free country you can use the link you can use just and again I only recommend services and things that I use myself and genuinely enjoy because if I didn't that wouldn't be very ethical and that's just not the vibe so boring disclaimer out of the way let's dive into the tutorial alrighty so the first thing that you want to do is go to or if you want to use my affiliate link you're totally free to do so it is she dreams forward slash Bluehost and then click on get started now I also have a sweet little discount code if you want to use my link now you want to select your plan I recommend that you just go with basic you just need one site you don't need plus you don't need choice plus or Pro if you down the road feel like you need to upgrade you can always do that so we are going to go with the basic and you get a free domain you get a free SSL certificate so just type in the domain that you want for your blog or if you have an existing one you can type that in here but I'm just going to create my domain later we're not going to go over this step but it's pretty simple you just claim it alright so you want to create your account just fill out your information jdreams all day is my business name this is just optional you don't need to have a business set up to get started with Bluehost and then your address your city your state you know or your country where you're based and your email address so I'm just going to fill this out quickly there we go so the package information we're gonna go with the basic plan the term is going to be 12 month or you could go for the 36 month plan but we're just gonna stick with the 12 month LLC is free so this is actually what makes your website secure so let me just show you what this looks like if my website wasn't secured it wouldn't have this locked icon right here it says that connection is secure it's a secure website if your website does not have an SSL certificate it's going to say that it's not secure and we don't want that we don't want our visitors thinking this is a spammy site so that's great that they have added that in for free now the extras you do not need the site backup you can get a separate plug-in with WordPress for that so what I recommend is the updraft Plus plugin to back up your site and that's free so site look security I suggest that you get this is just to protect your site from malicious attacks and that kind of stuff and we want to do everything we can to protect our businesses check that and then you just fill out your card information needed to get my card I'm going to fill out my information I am of course going to blur this out because I would be a very silly person if I didn't alrighty let's see gosh does anyone have this memorized I do not have this memorized all right and then you want to just make sure that you read their terms and then please click here if you don't want to receive emails about products I don't want that so we're gonna go with that it's a bit Payment Processing very exciting yay success you want to click on create your account and then they're gonna ask you about your domain and you want to create a password and then you want to make sure that you read their terms and their privacy policy again create account and now they're going to take you through a series of prompts in order to set up your blog with Bluehost and WordPress start your website do you need help with building your site we're just gonna go with no help needed right now so it's a Blog it's a education blog this doesn't really matter uh who are you creating this for yourself continue what do you want to name your site again you can change this later on dreamy blog for YouTube tutorial continue and then they're gonna ask you to pick a free or premium theme that inspires you we're gonna go with a free theme but in my start your dream blog challenge and in my course dream at a blogger I actually teach you how to set up the Divi theme from elegant themes it's a paid theme that I recommend for this purpose of this tutorial where you're gonna go with a free theme again you can change this later on inside your WordPress dashboard so we are gonna go with this one alright so this is your Bluehost dashboard you're not going to spend a lot of time I'm just going to be honest in this particular dashboard only when you need to update your billing or you need to I don't know buy another domain a sub domain or need help with your hosting that's when you log into Bluehost but other than that you want to just log into WordPress press because that's where you're going to upload your theme edit your pages write your blog posts etc etc so what you want to do now is click on log in to Wordpress so as you can see this is your crazy domain right now it's because you haven't set up your domain yet but also it's going to look a little funky in the next couple of hours because you need to verify your domain with Bluehost and it does take I don't know I think it takes up to 48 hours in order for your domain and your website to get online that's why it says it's not secure even though you got the SSL certificate so it looks a little funky but don't worry but welcome to your WordPress dashboard this is where you're going to write your blog post do all the things and now you've connected your Bluehost and your WordPress are officially married and you're basically ready to start blogging so this is how you get started with Bluehost a self-hosted website with WordPress off you go start your dream blog remember if you want more support and help you can check out my free blogging course where I go into more detail of this tutorial and how to launch your blog blog and grow your blog so make sure you check that out in the description below but there you go so no my lovely friend blogging is not dead I repeat blogging is not dead no funeral is scheduled for a very long time even with AI making its way onto the scene people are still searching on Google for solutions to their problems and the best source of information is going to be created by a real human being by a person with experience with feelings they're not looking for this information from a robot they're looking to connect with another human being on the internet that's why people follow that's why people subscribe and read blogs it's because you are helping them it's because they feel that connection to you so don't worry about the robots taking over like seriously don't don't even think about it now I literally love you for making your way all the way to the end of this video and if you did let's have fun let's let's let's have you post the coffee Emoji in the comments below if you made it this far in the video you're part of the inside Circle the VIP love you let me know if you have any more questions about blogging about starting your blog with Bluehost I'm all ears let me know in the comments below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can if you're feeling like oh my God vlogging I need to start my blog Bronto don't worry I have a free blogging course that you can sign up for in the description below it's going to take you through again the process of starting your blog with Bluehost but also how to actually set up your blog how to make money with your blog how to build an audience it's called start your dream blog I know very clever it's linked in the description below and it's totally free so join toodles and cozy business Vibes sent your way I love you and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: she dreams all day
Views: 24,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blogging, how to start a blog, start a blog in 2023, is blogging dead, content marketing, introvert, female entrepreneur, influencer marketing, start a blog step by step, start a blog tutorial, bluehost wordpress tutorial, how to start a blog 2023, how to start a blog and make money, blogging for beginners
Id: 6VpIGX5_5KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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