5 Times Jake Proved He Loves Amy | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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i asked the lady at the store what her favorite cheeses were and those were all super expensive so i got us a budget-conscious selection of local cheddars so full year of marriage what was your favorite part are you asking me to do a marriage highlight real countdown all nba inside stuff i mean that's not exactly what i was number five look jake i know that you and santiago are trying to take me down you guys go home you lay in bed together you plot against me well no longer i want you to dump santiago and that's an order what you can't do that it's completely against the rules okay sonia sotomayor i would never break the rules but what i could do for totally unrelated reasons is have you busted back down to a beat cop no don't do that all right i can learn to love nip slip no you either love them or you don't it's too late you dump santiago or you kiss that detective badge goodbye what he's ordering us to break up look we can deal with this we just need a new plan i got it we lie tell him we broke up and then date in secret great and you'd be okay lying to your captain okay new plan captain holt is here today yes genius he loves us and he's got tons of sway in the department he'll tell the vulture to back down yeah he'll be all vulture i must insist that you desist i really think this is going to work also if you ever want to bust out that whole impression at home i'd be okay with that oh okay duly noted super disturbing but i'm definitely gonna do it i need to play one quick recording of my boss you recorded me that's not cool jake well we were just taking a page out of your book yeah what do you do next huh you can start wearing leather bracelets good luck pulling off that chunky b with those skinny little girl wrists of yours congratulations you're no longer a detective you're a beat cop again i just crushed your dreams number four oh ames you're two minutes late i called all the emergency rooms i know i went home from your place to shower and i'm so tired that i fell asleep while shaving my legs but we went to bed so early property brothers was over a tenth i mean sex we do it she's tired from all the doing it who are you talking to precinct come on man yeah no i was up all night because your dumb lumpy mattress is so uncomfortable what but i gave you the good lump oh please stop talking till i finish eating my coffee please take down thanks oh my god what nothing nothing let's just take this guy in no what is it it's just this mattress looks just like your mattress at home what no it doesn't i mean sure there are a couple of similarities but oh man it's the exact same one ah i have a dumpster mattress all right that settles it we're going mattress shopping seriously oh this is the best look mattresses are expensive but they're an investment it's gonna be in your life for a long time true but it's also still just a mattress you know it's a lot of money to spend on a rectangle that's filled with springs and goose hair you know it's feathers i didn't and it would be money well spent because it would allow me to actually sleep in your bed but i already have a mattress it just doesn't seem worth it okay well to me it sounds like you're saying i'm not worth it so i'm gonna go sleep in my grown-up mattress that i bought this century and you're not invited hey hey what's up two things i ran the footage from the hotel through facial recognition software and got a match grady lamont this is his current address that's good i guess yeah it's six years old well juggies are lazy he deals in uppers we're screwed yeah what's the second thing well the captain and i were jamming on some personal issues just going back and forth i honestly think i helped him more than he helped me i'm not buying any of that no amy santiago i want to change mattresses for you okay what's your number three b ooh i know hey babe oh i see you've taken the braids out your hair looks fun now it's ready for me to braid again okay ames i don't want you to take this the wrong way but you gotta calm the f train down you're gonna ace this test you think that because you love me and love has made you dumb i disagree if anything love has made me smarter remember last week when i boiled that egg that was big i was really proud of you yes and hold on to your crazy-ass hair because i'm about to prove to you that you have nothing to worry about follow me practice test you ace it you relax you nail the real one you become a sergeant you make grateful love to me for 14 hours straight jake fine one hour 15 minutes eight three but they're mind-blowing i told you a million times you don't really want more than three no practice exams are worthless the testing conditions are way too pristine there's nothing to distract you i mean look around a child could pass the freaking mcat in here i knew you would say that which is why i've asked these officers to do their paperwork in here while you take the test he writes way too loudly she's always yawning he has a gross cold ibs ibs she has a weird arm stretching thing oh there you are thank god hey how'd you find me january 14th 2014. detectives peralta and santiago conducted surveillance from a rooftop at 397 barton street this is where we came the night i won our bet and you fell in love with me jake the night that you flirted with me for 20 seconds and i became obsessed with you forever ready i'm sorry i freaked out and ran away it's okay just because you messed up the practice test doesn't mean you're gonna fail the real one i didn't mess it up i got 102 i found a spelling error in one question i gave myself extra credit then why'd you leave because that was the first time it really hit me when i passed the exam i'll actually be a sergeant what if everything changes between us that's why you came here yeah things are so good right now i don't want to screw that up by getting transferred or becoming your boss ames i've always known you were gonna be my boss i mean this is your dream from before we were dating and yeah things might change a little bit for the better right you can finally get premium cable check out all those shows on epics look you can't be afraid to be successful you're too good for that i love you love you too okay number two some of you have asked me what got me through prison was it my family don't be stupid was it knowing that my friends would eventually get me out of course not i never believed in any of you no the only thing that kept me sane was planning for the halloween heist those many years doing hard time it was eight weeks i also went to prison dog we're getting off track here no we're not dog peralta's just trying to play the sympathy card so we all go easy on him i'd rather send you back to prison than see you win okay this year we compete for the most elegant and regal of all prizes a championship cummerbund or belt as normal people call it though hello jacob hames what are you doing here why aren't you out looking for the belt you and i both know the belt never left the precinct i don't know that nobody knows that i kept thinking how did anyone swap my key and then it hit me they didn't they swapped the safe one of the handmaids i'm assuming fake charles took my safe and then of amy deposited a look-alike where did you give fake charles so he'd help you nothing in fact he gave me something the power of financial freedom i invested in a pyramid scheme it's no time to go into it right now okay so while we all tried to figure out who had the real key fake charles broke into the safe removed the tracker and led terry in the whole spot on a wild goose chase my only question is which box is the belt in well good luck figuring it out because the clock is tick tick tocking it's that one no the dust pattern on top doesn't match its neighbors you see jake i'm always gonna be one step ahead of you you've lost the ability to surprise me you're just plain boring again weird take on our very loving relationship and it's midnight so i guess i'm an amazing human slash genius yeah although you might want to read the inscription on that they're belt why oh no what does it say amy santiago will you marry me surprise number one i don't understand i thought we were on the same page about kids we talked about this we did oh look at these pictures my brother sent of matthew we should do this someday what do you think are you kidding me of course i was talking about going to the water park you were talking about having kids yeah i said do you think we can afford it and you said we'll start saving right away so let me get this straight all that waterpark money i've been saving you want to spend it on kids now yeah why would you want to spend that much money on a water park look i'm sorry i don't know what to say here i just i never wanted children well i always have all right so how do we handle this i mean there's only one thing to do when two people have diametrically opposing views on a subject talk about unlovingly and decide how to move forward structured debate oh fun high school format modified lincoln douglas let's take one hour apart for research and prep yeah great we'll just do a lincoln douglas you okay hey yeah i'm okay really surprised by pam i did not see that coming right you should have seen the look on my face when i saw it was her your jaw just dropped oh she's right there um goodbye pam good luck with everything i kind of liked her in the end yeah so did they defuse the bomb yeah one of them oh you didn't hear there was a second bomb you butt your butt us to bomb oh on our anniversary speaking of which i requested next week off so we can take an actual vacation to the water park i've never been in love with you in my entire life and hey i've been thinking and i do want to have kids with you [Music] you're not scared anymore oh no i am so scared maybe even more so than before but i was scared in there with pam too and you know i didn't panic or mess anything up there if anything i was sharper and it was a freaking debate genius debate genius oh that's very hot oh that's an added bonus okay keep that energy up but the point that i was actually trying to make is maybe it's a good thing that i'm scared of fatherhood you know maybe it'll turn me into a friggin dad genius but we don't have to start trying right away right i mean i don't know that i'm all the way there yet no of course not whenever we're both ready how do you know when that is i guess we'll just have to have another one of these really fun casual conversations cool love that can't wait can we go home now yes please maybe we can grab some thai food and brainstorm baby names ooh i like that now i am a fan of the show american gladiators how do you feel about the name blaze peralta not great what about laser no nitro no viper no atlas oh i do love atlases common ground [Music] you
Channel: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Views: 1,204,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Andy Samberg, Brooklyn 9 9, cops, sit-com, comedy, funny, Peralta, Santiago, Rosa, Terry Crews, Melissa Fumero, Chelsea Peretti, Stephanie Beatriz, Andre Braugher, Captain Holt, Detective, New Girl, Rosa Diaz, Hot Damn, Charles Boyle, Terry Jeffords, Scully, Hitchcock, Noice, Toight
Id: Aw9zkiY5QEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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