5 Things You Didn't Know about Hearthfire DLC

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let's just get right into the point hearthfire is not a real deal see it's just dissing compared to Dawnguard and Dragonborn at least not in terms of content both Dawnguard and Dragonborn added epic storylines with entire new zones full of things to discover and quests incomplete hearthfire added housing and adoption ok let's be fair it also added extra cooking now please be kind to me in this video because I have tried really hard to find 5 things you probably didn't know about this very small expansion things you might have completely missed or might find interesting oh man here we go number one salmon never really had much value in the original game it was a fish you could find and activate in order to kill and get salmon meat like much food in the game you could eat it to obtain health now cooking it would increase its value a tiny bit and would increase the amount of health that it would give to you pretty boring and straight-up useless in hearthfire they out of the rare salmon roe basically fish eggs now these guys are actually amazing its power comes from the fact that the alchemical value of its water breathing properties are actually off the chart giving you 60 seconds of water breathing as a base which if you were to compare to the other ingredients that give you this ability you would find to be almost straight up broken chicken and hawks eggs hissed carp and nordic barnacles also share this effect but they only give water breathing as a 5 second base this means that for the purposes of creating water breathing potions salmon roe are actually about twelve times stronger than any other ingredient but what makes this so interesting and profitable is that this increasing effect is actually measured in the value of the potion every potion that you make with salmon roe as an ingredient that gives water breathing as a property is hilariously expensive allowing you to accrue outrageous amounts of money if you were to create and provided that you can actually find vendors with this much money is one of the easiest ways to become rich in this game the most expensive combination that I have found so far is salmon roe Nordic barnacle and garlic which together seem to create a potion with a base value of about 1200 septums which only increase the higher your alchemy is keep in mind again that depending on your characters skills and equipment this value will dramatically change in any case this ingredient appears to have overcome Giants toe as the most valuable alchemical ingredient in the game now collecting salmon roe is interesting because you can't just grab a random salmon kill it and have this drop on you salmon roe only dropped from salmon who are about to reproduce and traditionally as in in the real world salmon who are seeking to spawn their babies will swim and jump upstream through rivers in order to get to the upper reaches of said rivers there they will give birth and then die Skyrim has imitated the real world in the scenario so the only way to get salmon roe is to collect it from the salmon who are literally in the process of jumping through the small waterfalls that form in the rivers of the game the process is very difficult because as soon as a salmon reaches the river on the other side then the salmon disappears which means you must take it during the small window of time where it is actually jumping there is however a secret way of obtaining the ROE if you use your fus-ro-dah on normal lake salmon this will force the game to drop the eggs for you to take some have even said that you can reproduce this effect with frost spells and sometimes even with arrows number two if you obtain the Lakeview Manor in the hearthfire expansion then you may hire a bard named Llewelyn the nightingale this guy can be made to sing three different songs dilute the drum or the flute otherwise he will just chill around and become part of your household of course the immediate head twister is the fact that he uses the nightingale as a title now he's no actual nightingale so a person might be led to believe that this title comes from the actual bird the common nightingale which is very well known to have a melodious song that it sings during mating season a title that would be fairly reasonable for a bard to have but you might not know is that the title is actually an easter egg an easter egg referencing a famous bard in the Elder Scrolls lore going all the way back to other Scrolls arena Jagger thorn who became the main antagonist of the game for that game was believed at the time to have stolen the famous staff of chaos from the queen of morrowind by pretending to be a bard named nightingale he was believed to have seduced and coerced the Queen into revealing the location of the staff which he then stole and used in order to become the Emperor of the Empire at least this was the lure that we were told before the game's Skyrim came out during the nightingale quest in Skyrim it is revealed through a book that the famous bard a nightingale wasn't Jagger thorn but a charismatic rogue named Draven inderal and that he didn't just seduce the queen of morrowind but he actually impregnated the queen during this mission the baby was left to a midwife and forgotten this baby is actually the mother of Karl ayah number three the introduction of hearthfire added the wooden sword what is really supposed to be a toy for the children that you can adopt this sword however can be used as an actual weapon and if used correctly it can actually be powerful enough to compete with the rest now this is not quite something that you probably didn't know as much as it is something that I personally find incredibly interesting and I'm hoping that you think so as well see the the weak is weapon in the game is the fork yes you can use this as a weapon the problem with the fork is that it cannot be upgraded via the grindstone neither does it obtain any benefit from your one-handed skill tree the knife on the other hand does get the benefit from your one-handed skill tree but still cannot be upgraded it didn't matter how cool these two weapons were or how fun you thought they were to use their power ceiling was really low but that's where the wooden sword comes into play as this one can actually be upgraded via the grindstone and because of that many players have found a lot of joy in seeing how high they can get this weapon to hit by simply using enchanting alchemy and smithing tricks by enchanting your gear with alchemy power-ups one can make a really powerful black smithing potion combining this potion with a set of gear enchanted with smithing one can very easily upgrade the wooden sword into beyond legendary status using these tricks to upgrade the weapon you can then equip the armor meant to increase your levels in one-handed this would like to hit caps looking at about 220 to 250 points of damage on your sword straight up insane you can then of course craft some poisons and you got yourself a powerful Fani + killer number 4 everyone who has played Skyrim has heard ralof complement the flavor of mead with juniper berries mixed in apparently a girl he was sweet with before used to make it for him now if you go back to Heligan you can find bottles of said mead salvaged amongst the wreckage these are unique spawns and you cannot find this mead anywhere else in the game outside of this factoid juniper berries were only used for creating random potions like any other a chemical ingredient there was nothing particularly special about them now in the real world univer berries are actually used in alcohol in order to create Jen it is a real thing that real people use for real drinks in hearth fire however a new dish was added that used juniper berries as an ingredient the juniper berry crostata basically a pie just filled to the brim with this kinds of berries but you might not know is that this is actually poison at least it in this dosage juniper berries are safe to consume when used in low amounts for flavor or in regulated medium amounts for medicinal purposes ingesting juniper berries long-term or in high dosage such as it would be to eat this entire pie is considered very much unsafe as it is likely to produce kidney problems seizures dangerously low blood pressure and other very serious side effects in fact traditionally juniper berries were used back in medieval times to produce miscarriages to force an abortion that's how terrible this thing can be to your body do not make this for your adoptive children please unless you do not want to have children anymore yes number 5 the main draw to hearthfire is the ability to build yourself a fantastic home outside of city limits a home that you can really splurge into in order to get yourself a true place to rest all of your trophies and items I did a 100% run of Skyrim a few years back and at the end I did a YouTube video showcasing my house at the end of all of that I recommend watching it if you want an insane tour of all the riches I managed to accumulate the link will be in the description the expansion added three different Lots where you can build three different houses the winstead manor the Lakeview Manor and the hill area I think it's pronounced Halley arkin Hall but you guys give me for mispronouncing everything so honestly I'm probably wrong in any case it is not the greatest secret in the world but I do find it interesting that the three locations actually do have unique properties that are more than just a view they all have their own unique twist for starters every manor has its own unique production building a building that you can benefit from in order to get items the winstead Manor can create the fish hatchery in here you can farm every single type of fish in the game and if you use the food road at trick I mentioned before you can even farm salmon roe like a true Nordic god the Lakeview Manor can create an apiary a place where you can farm beehives for honey combs and inhale your kin Hall you can create a grain mill that you can then use to produce flower this flower is particularly useful for all the new oven cooking that was added into the game now the real interesting bit is that the children actually do have a preference when it comes to which house you buy male children dislike Helle Arkin Hall saying that the location is too cold to go out to play whereas the female children will love it the opposite is true for Winstead matter where the girls will be afraid of the swamp believing there are monsters in there the spouse on the other hand will always love this place the Lakeview Manor is funny because both children love it but the spouse will hate it claiming that the place is just full of wild animals spiders and monsters that make the location extremely dangerous in fact the spouse will scold you for choosing to live here this bed is actually very much the spawn rate for enemies and the likelihood for your house being attacked by random monsters is actually noticeably higher in here than in the other two matters also you might not know that there was supposed to be a town named Haylie Arkin in the game but it was removed before the game was released instead they simply added a small and named the nightingale in where the town was supposed to be hope you'll enjoyed the video and thank you so much for bearing with me through hearthfire like I said before there really isn't much content in this expansion but I did my best to find things you might find interesting I would like to thank Wyatt Carlin Alex fishy Toby Oliver Dylan Baker Patrick Hawking and KC Butler for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please head on over to patron comm slash mr. Rex to donate also police remember to click the bell button by the subscription box in order to be notified when I release a new video that's how you avoid missing any of my content hope you all have a great weekend and see you all next time
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 2,567,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, DLC, skyrim, elder scrolls, lore, secret, hidden, hearthfire, house, salmon roe, potion, lakeview manor, nightingale, wooden sword, fork, knife, juniper berries, juniper berry, adoption, windstad manor, heljarchen hall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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