5 Things That Emotionally Hurt Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

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As a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel owner, it’s  important to keep your furry friend happy and   healthy, and while you may think you're doing  everything right, there are some things that   can emotionally hurt your Cavalier without you  even realizing it. That’s why in this video,   we bring to you five things to keep in mind  that will emotionally hurt your Cavalier,   so you can avoid them and ensure  your pup stays emotionally healthy.  Number 1: Being Scolded or Punished Harshly. Too much scolding and punishment can be   emotionally damaging, both to humans  and other animals. In the case of dogs,   especially these friendly little guys, it can have  a devastating effect on their emotional health.   Dogs have been living side-by-side with humans  for centuries. This has enabled them to develop   a deep understanding of the human emotional makeup  and body language, leading to strong and lasting   bonds with their owners. Harsh reprimands or  punishments can negatively affect the special   bond between you and your dog. This can lead to  them feeling scared, apprehensive or anxious,   which is why it's important to remain calm and  gentle when dealing with them. Cavalier King   Charles Spaniels, in particular, are known for  their affectionate and sensitive natures. They   thrive on attention and positive reinforcement,  and can be easily hurt by harsh treatment. Setting   up expectations and teaching your dog discipline  can be achieved without punishment or fear-based   techniques. Positive reinforcement and rewards  will train them better, bring more happiness and   create an even stronger bond with their owners. Number 2: Being Left Alone for Long Periods.  Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, as with many  other dogs, require companionship and regular   interaction with humans to stay emotionally  healthy. These dogs are known for their loving   and social personalities and need to be around  people in order to feel at ease. When left alone   for lengthy durations, Cavalier King Charles  Spaniels are susceptible to suffering from   separation anxiety, a common problem observed  among dogs. This may express itself in various   ways such as destruction of objects, vocalization  in the form of excessive barking or whining,   inappropriate bathroom habits and other signs of  boredom or loneliness. To counteract the damaging   effects of isolation, it is essential to keep  your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's mind and body   busy when you're around. Ways to do this include  taking them on walks, having fun with interactive   toys and games, and engaging in various  forms of physical activities. Additionally,   you can leave interactive toys or puzzles  for your dog to play with while you are away.  Number 3: Lack of Attention or Affection. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are lovable,   social and need plenty of attention from  their owners. If not given the right amount   of affection and interaction, they can become  anxious and develop behavioral issues. It's not   uncommon for your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to  suffer from behavioral issues such as depression,   destructive habits, or separation anxiety  due to a lack of attention. Your pup may   also become more vocal, constantly barking  or whining in order to gain your attention.   For your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to keep  content and healthy, providing them with daily   love and attention is a must. Spend quality time  together, indulge in play and exercise and plan   activities that involve social interaction. These  will ensure that your pup leads a happy life.  Number 4: Changes in the Environment. Making changes to the environment, like relocating   or introducing new people, can be emotionally  stressful for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels   and other canines. These dogs are acutely aware  of their environment and can become overwhelmed   if unfamiliar with certain situations. Stress  and anxiety can easily be triggered as a result.   When you and your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  move to a new home, it is essential to make sure   they feel comfortable and secure. Taking extra  time to ensure that the transition is smooth   can help them better adjust and be themselves in  your new space. To make your dog feel at home,   you need to create a special area with familiar  items such as toys and bedding. Introduce them   slowly to the new environment and provide positive  reinforcement such as praises or treats along the   way. This can help in helping them acclimatize  faster. When introducing new people to your dog,   it's crucial to take a gradual approach  and be mindful of how you do it. Letting   your dog become acquainted with the person in  their own way such as scent or sound can help,   along with plenty of positive  reinforcement and attention.  Number 5: Stressful Situations. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels,   along with many other breeds of dogs, can be  overwhelmed by busy or loud environments. Being   exposed to these types of scenarios often leads  to increased stress levels for them. These dogs   can be easily startled by loud sounds or  if they are in an unfamiliar environment,   making them vulnerable to anxiety. Therefore, it  is important to provide a safe and secure space   for them when necessary. To help reduce the effect  of stressful situations, it’s important you are   aware of your dog’s triggers and take steps to  minimize their exposure to stressful situations.  Overall, by keeping these five things in mind, you  will be ensuring your Cavalier stays emotionally   healthy and happy. Remember, it’s you they  depend on for their emotional wellbeing,   so be sure to give them the love,  attention, and care they deserve. Knowing as much about them as you can  is also important as a Cavalier owner,   that’s why in the video on screen, we talk  about 5 Things Nobody Tells You About the   Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, click to watch if  you’re interested in finding out what they are,   and don't forget to subscribe to our  channel for more videos like this one.
Channel: The Cagdot
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Keywords: things that emotionally hurt your cavalier king charles spaniel, things that hurt your cavalier, things that emotionally hurt your cavalier, owning a cavalier king charles spaniel, cavalier king charles spaniel, cavalier king charles, cavalier king, cavalier dog, cavalier, cavalier king charles spaniel puppies, cavalier king charles spaniel puppy, cavalier king charles spaniel information, facts, king charles spaniel, king charles, king charles dog, cocker spaniel
Id: rNV8trcIovU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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