5 Things NOBODY Tells You About Owning a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

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Owning and caring for a Cavalier King  Charles Spaniel involves a lot of things,   and as a potential Cavalier owner, they’re  some things you need to know. In this video,   we will talk about 5 things nobody tells you  about owning a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,   so that before you get one, you’ll know what to  expect. If you already own a Cavalier, this video   will provide you with additional knowledge on how  to provide your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with   the best. But first, if you love our content, then  don’t forget to subscribe to our channel, because   we constantly bring you useful info that will  help you be a better pet owner. Let’s get started.  1. They Have a High Prey Drive. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were   initially developed as companion and hunting dogs.  Their genetic makeup still includes the impulse to   chase out animals from the bushes. This implies  that your friendly and sweet pup might become   a nightmare to your other pets. They always get  along well with kids unless the dog was mistreated   in some manner, but your mice, rabbits, guinea  pigs, and hamsters will be considered free game.   When your dog is bored, it could start chewing  on something else that might not be your shoes.  2. They are Expensive Dogs to Own. Any purebred dog will cost more than   one whose pedigree is unclear. Although they  are not the costliest dogs available today,   Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are not the  cheapest. For the pleasure of having a pup,   you should be prepared to pay at least $1,200,  and if the pup has a championship heritage in   its bloodline, costs can go much beyond $10,000.  You will also need to budget for the usual costs   of veterinary care, housing, food, and other  necessary expenses you'll need to care for.  3. They Are Not Good Guard Dogs. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are not   known for being guard dogs, in fact, their size  means they're not intimidating at all. However,   if your dog does try to bark at a stranger, the  noise might not scare them away as it won’t be   intimidating at all. Most pups in this breed are  friendly, always wanting to be petted and playing   with whoever gives them the chance. And as long as  it's a human doing the petting, they'll be happy.  4. They Don’t Do Well Alone. One of the best traits of the   Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is their  love of human company. The downside is,   they don’t do well when left alone for long  periods. They’ll develop separation anxiety   or even become destructive or aggressive. They'll  grow somber and mope around till you’re back home.   Some of these dogs will even go on hunger strikes  in protest at your departure. If you can't avoid   leaving your pup alone for lengthy hours, this  might not be the right dog for you. It could be   helpful to hire the services of a dog walker or  a dog sitter if you're adamant that you want one.  5. They’re Prone to Obesity. Their love of food and their need for attention   from their human owners are the two things  these dogs can’t do without. Your Cavalier will   definitely overeat if you freely feed them without  regulating what they eat. If you allow them to   overindulge, they will also continually beg for  treats throughout the day, especially if they   believe they can get them. If you do not closely  control your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's   feeding habits, your dog will quickly gain weight. The bottom line is, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels   are really great dogs, although they’re  not for everyone, and as a Cavalier owner,   you need to find out the best way to care for  your dog, and what kind of owner you have to   be to keep your dog happy and healthy. So, do you own a Cavalier King Charles   Spaniel? Or are you planning on getting  one? Please leave a comment below.
Channel: The Cagdot
Views: 37,110
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Keywords: owning a cavalier king charles spaniel, cavalier king charles spaniel, cavalier king charles, cavalier king, cavalier dog, cavalier, cavalier king charles spaniel puppies, cavalier king charles spaniel puppy, cavalier king charles spaniel information, cavalier king charles spaniel physical characteristics, cavalier king charles spaniel care needs, facts, king charles spaniel, king charles, king charles dog, cocker spaniel
Id: Mkc9zocIyMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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