THINGS I WISH I KNEW | Before Getting a Cavalier King Charles

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hi everyone welcome back to her Kiba Cavaliers channel I'm here today with her ki and Milton and we wanted to talk to you about a topic that was requested quite a bit and I've never had the chance to sit down and actually do it I don't know why just required a lot of reflection on my end so that is 10 things I wish I knew before getting a Cavalier or getting a dog in general as you may or may not know her Q was my first dog and I decided to go with the Cavalier just because it may be really superficial but I just really liked the look of the dog like forever but Andi my husband he had two dogs before so getting a Cavalier was my personal choice and it was a brief that I wanted but I didn't necessarily know how to handle a dog that much so this is things that I kind of learned along the way that I wish I did to be honest I relied a lot on Andy because he had two dogs before so I just trusted him a lot on how to raise her key and how to potty train and how to just how to handle a dog so I trusted him a lot but there are things that I wish I did myself things that I wish I knew because obviously we're all different and if you have somebody to help you that helps a lot obviously it really really helps a lot but there are just things I wish I knew of course if you like this video please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe that really helps us out and you can also ring the bells so you get notified every time we upload a video YouTube's algorithm makes that even if you are subscribed to our channel sometimes you don't even get it in your subscription box so make sure you ring that bell and if you are a dog owner and if you had some experience with your dog we'd love to hear what you wish you knew before getting your dog so let us know in the comments below without further ado let's get on to the video so the first thing I would say is that I wish I knew about the dog communities so for example you guys watching us on YouTube that's a sort of dog unity on YouTube there are so many insightful groups on Facebook and also an amazing community on Instagram so I just wish I knew about those communities before getting a dog Hurricane Milton are on Instagram ever since we got her key in I think I started her check her Instagram in July of 2014 and ever since we started the channel we've had so much great insight and great input and advice and tip and support from amazing dog owners and cab owners and a lot of them that follow us actually and message us they don't even have a cab yet so they're doing an amazing thing of joining and asking questions and just getting informed and that's something I wish I did before so the second thing is that I learned that not everyone likes dogs and I just was such on a puppy cloud you know when you have like baby fever and like you just impose your child on everyone like that sort of thing and when I had her key and Milton I just assumed that everybody loves dogs and everybody would be as happy as I am but truthfully not everybody likes dogs and that's super surprising to me but I guess at the same time it's normal the most intense reactions I get I would say are in the streets or in the elevator and they're building some people are super nice and they have like major puppy fever and they'll be all over Hurricane Milton but others there's legit scared and I mean I get a bit offended because my dogs are so nice all they want to do is lick you and everything but some people aren't like deadly afraid and it's like they're not gonna attack you they're not gonna do anything some people will actually wait to put the other elevator in order not to be in the same elevator as hurricane Wilson so another thing I wish I knew is that all puppies and all dogs are different so whether you read some things online about what to do and what to not do you can plan all you want turns out that they're all very very different the biggest example is hurricane melted they couldn't be more different as puppies and her Kiwi had such a hard time with her like they will test your patience like some of them will test your patience like you will doubt yourself so much and you will just have to stay patient stay consistent you are so oh just common lip so herky tested our patience so much she was really really hard as a puppy but she was also very easy to potty train on the other hand Milton was the sweetest puppy ever she never chewed on anything she never had bad habits she wasn't like a demon little puppy running around everywhere she was super sweet but she was very hard to potty train so everything that you learn everything that you plan or you read about just take it with a grain of salt because you'll know that every puppy is different yes next thing is specific to Cavaliers and I wish I knew just how bad they shed like I read about it and I knew that it was a breed that sheds but when you ask people they tend to tell you like yeah they shed like like it's not a big deal but it is a big deal like oh my god I had to learn to live with it but honestly when I first got hurt yet I was like we have a cat in the house like they're spirt everywhere like on my clothes I always wear like these kind of neutral colors not because the hair doesn't show on it as much I used to only wear black because black was my favorite color to wear I don't wear black anymore cuz it's impossible even if you have laying rollers even if you have everything in the world you just you get dressed you like roll and then you sit on the couch and you're full of fur again doesn't matter what like the floors we use the room by in your house every single day and they're still like speaking of hair okay imagine this you got a full face of makeup and then you have an invisible hair on your face like you know it's somewhere you feel it but it's not like it can smush my face right now try to get the hair off you know but there's always on the daily always invisible hairs on my face and right now I have something stuck on my lipstick or on my face and I can't pick it this is really annoying anyways like honestly if you want to get a Cavalier just knows that they shed like crazy you just have to learn to live with the fact that there is hair everywhere next thing I want to touch on is that I wish ad more research on the breed as I told you Andy has two other dogs before and they were Terriers so they're quite different from Cavaliers and I just didn't do a lot of research on the breed itself I just read like general things but I didn't really go and depth about like what they need and what's best for them and you know just overall I wish I knew more for example that goes back to the dog communities thing I just wish I had been more informed about like diets and haircuts and eye care and dental care like I knew way later on that Cavaliers have bad teeth I didn't know that and I wish I had known before I wish I didn't give her certain toys and choose that make her break her teeth I didn't know what they had tried out teeth so a tip I would give you is to get as informed as you can maybe get in touch with current cab owners or owners of the dog breed that you wish to get just so you really get a good grasp of what the breed is like next point is I wish I knew how much your schedule will change I mean I kind of knew but I didn't know to what extent everything will revolve around them and I'm not saying I'm mad at that at all but everything like when I wake up in the morning before I even take care of myself and do anything you have to feed them walk them take care of them before and that takes like a little bit before you can even go to your own business when you go out for example you have to go get back at a certain time to be with your dog which I have no problem with that but it really really changes up your entire schedule in the morning when they decide that they don't want to sleep anymore you're not sleeping anymore so they pretty much dictate your schedule they're not as bad as they were waking us up early I mean lately we just wake up super late all of us and that's fine but just keep in mind that when you do get a puppy they will dictate your schedule and everything will revolve around them now and that's only fair because if you decide to bring a living thing a new family member into your house then you must be prepared to make some sacrifices it's the best decision ever made honestly I'm really really okay with the fact that my life revolves around them if you are thinking of getting a puppy just be aware of them next point is I wish I knew just how much they love you and honestly I could cry talking about this because it's it's so heartwarming and sad at the same time but I said our world revolves around them but to them you are their entire world and that's all they have and I think it's it's really sad because all they want to do ever is be with you and play with you and please you and lick you so I think it's really unfair when certain dogs don't get to spend that much time with their humans because that's all they have and honestly you have to think about the fact that when you do bring a dog into their life you will become their entire world so you better be ready to give them all that you have because they're not here with us for a long time and they just love you so much it's the sweetest thing like lately we've really noticed that they don't even play in the house anymore they don't even play together Hurricane Milton they don't do anything in the house except sleep but when they want to play it's only when we invite them to play and they just want to play with us like they have a basket full of toys they never take them out unless we play with them so I don't know it just hugs up my heart so much to think about how much they love you another thing I wish I knew is I wish I was more informed about good food and bad food I mean we went through so many different cycles of food with her he experimenting and again I relied a lot on Andy but maybe he wasn't as informed also and we used to feed her key some foods that were really high in sodium and high in you know grains and everything so and again diet and treats is super personal and I don't want to point the finger and blame anything but just do your research about all the different types of foods that are out there there are a lot of options so you might be overwhelmed and want to ask other people just know that vets usually they always push the same brands and those brands of food not that I'm a professional or anything I just don't think that it makes sense for dogs to eat so I would just be mindful about the food that they eat and where it comes from they're a family member so you you really want to feed them the best food possible and also I wish I knew like I used to give her Kia rawhide treats and like chews and I really I know now that it's really not the best thing at all so I wish I knew that before because her he ate a lot of rawhide I mean she's still alive she's healthy and everything but I just wish I knew how harmful rawhide is so next point is that I wish a new hat that people can have really strong opinions about certain things and I hope that when I talk to you about certain things on my channel I don't come across as too intense because I really really hate people on dog communities that are too intense that have really strong opinions about certain things and in the end you know although everybody says whatever they want to say it's your dog and if I can respect your choice to do something please respect mine and there's a lot of people that are disrespectful and that have really really really strong opinions about certain things and they're also brave you know behind their computer screens and behind their phones telling people off and being really rude about certain things so I just wish I knew that in order to block out certain comments and not get involved about certain things I mean I like to think that I got really better at that I'm not as involved at all in certain groups to be honest and I just pick and choose whoever I choose to talk to and ask my questions I just wish I knew that there are people that are super super intent like way too intense about their dogs and about opinions and about how you should raise your dog and what you should do and everything so and last point is I just wish I knew just how amazing having a cab and having a dog is it changes your life yes and although I mentioned all those points there's some good there's some bad but overall I would never ever strain it for anything in my life they just make your life so much better there the sweetest things ever they're amazing they're so amazing I just I can't even describe you how I feel about them I miss them when I'm right here with them I just want to spend every every second I have with them and I wish even though like I work at home and I work with them all the time all day every day I just wish I had more time with them I feel like it hit me recently how or I just had a moment recently when I realized how their time with us is not forever and it really really made me sad and I just don't know I really want to spend every time that I have with them I want to spend as much time I want to give them the best life possible because honestly you guys there are the best things that will ever happen to you they're so amazing they love you so much they're the sweetest things ever they can make you laugh and they can make you giggle like when you're having a bad day they just make your day better like you look at them and your day will instantly be brighter so anyways I don't want to get all emotional and stuff because honestly when I think about Hurricane Milton I hate like I look at them and my heart just it hurts how much I love them anyways if you have one you can probably relate and oh my god I'm gonna cry stop alright good little hair if there's hair everywhere anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video I had a lot of fun getting through these points and putting them all into a video for you so if you're planning on getting a cab I hope this video helps you out if you do have a cavalier or if you have a dog and you relate to anything I just said please let us know in the comments below I love sharing this obsessive overbearing love that I have I hope some of you can relate to not make me seem like such a crazy person but you know I'm a totally crazy cat mom and all okay with that so thank you guys so much for watching we love you and we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Herky The Cavalier
Views: 794,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things i wish i knew, before getting a cavalier, before getting a dog, before getting a puppy, cavalier king charles spaniel, cavalier king charles, king charles cavalier, king charles spaniel, cavalier king spaniel, puppy tips, dog tips, dog training, puppy training, dogs 101, cavaliers 101, how to train a dog, how to train a puppy, story time, dog advice, puppy advice, dog food, puppy food, herky the cavalier, dogs, puppies, pets, pet influencer, dog influencer
Id: F9YCchfLZlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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