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hi guys welcome back to hery the Cavaliers Channel I'm here today with hery and Milton and we are in our studio today because we are talking to you about five reasons why you wouldn't want a Cavalier now this video is a continuation of last week's video but if you missed last week's video it was five reasons why Cavaliers are great for firsttime dog owners and to continue continue on that topic I thought I would do a video today I guess to continue the video from last week talking to you about five cons of cavalier ownership of course take these with a grain of salt to me personally uh there's no perfect breed but to me Cavaliers are perfect and to me they are the perfect breed so I'm just trying to find some reasons for you to maybe consider that there are some downsides to dog ownership there are some downsides to Cavalier ownerships specifically so this is just food for thought it's just some things for you to consider because although to me they are textbook The Perfect Dog there are some cons to owning a Cavalier and as I mentioned uh I think you're going to find some pros and cons to all dog breeds so there's no perfect dog out there although you can find the perfect one for you if that makes sense so just like last week's video in case you missed it I'm going to be linking it up here but just like that video this is going to be based on my personal experience uh I've never had other dogs than Cavaliers so I know there's going to be a lot of people that maybe don't agree with all of these points and that are going to say like other breeds are worse for certain points Etc but again I'm just compiling a list of things that are cons of VO cabulary ownership if that makes sense all right so without further Ado let's jump into to the first point oh and by the way I'm filming today on National puppy day and I've just posted so many puppy photos of her and Milton on Instagram so if you don't follow us there please do it's @ hery The Cavalier and make sure you follow us there for daily updates of hurricane Milton let's jump into the first con of cavalier ownership and you probably going to all agree to this but it's the shedding the shedding is so real you guys and this is the point that I was mentioning I know some of you will say I've had golden retrievers I've had huskys Cavaliers is nothing compared to Golden Retrievers and huskys but according to my experience their shedding is very bad and especially now during the spring when they're shedding a lot of that extra winter fluff I find that there's just hair everywhere um although we do have our trusted tools at home we have the Roomba we have the Dyson now which is absolutely indispensable to us it's still a con like you'll always find yourself full of fur and that's totally normal it's okay I mean you have an animal at home but it does require a lot of cleaning up and extra cleaning up when you have a dog that is not hypoallergenic and that goes along the same line of a con of cavalier ownership is that they're not hypoallergenic so if you have dog allergies make sure you check or you expose yourself to a Cavalier beforehand to see if you can tolerate their fur Etc but um I know some people who are allergic they can't get a cavali so they're not hypoallergenic so therefore probably not for everyone because of the immense amount of shedding and especially having two Cavaliers you guys I just feel like there's a lot of fur every time I vacuum the couch there's just so much fur and it's not only their fur it's the fact that they have long hair so they bring in a lot of dust and allergens from outside too so just be mindful of that okay the second con I would like to talk to you about regarding Cavaliers is that they unfortunately have a wide range of genetic health issues that can come with the breed we have a lot of videos on Cavalier Health if that's something that's interesting to you I'm going to link the playlist up here we have a lot of videos discussing health issues with some vets and talking about our own personal experience with health issues we are very fortunate with hurricane and Milton that they only have the luxating patella asymptomatic as a health issue if I can call it that so if you're interested in learning more about luxating patella we have videos about that the most severe uh health issues I would say for Cavaliers would definitely be kiari malformation leadings to Singo Melia and also the the heart issues that they have and we're very fortunate that hurricane and Milton don't have any of those two issues they are still hard clear at 4 years old and 6 years old almost 7 years old so I'm very very happy about that those are the conditions that are the most um hard to watch personally and the hardest to go through when you have a cavaliere like that so very important that when you choose your Cavalier that you go through a reputable breeder that you do your research to make sure that the breeder you are going for does the appropriate Health testing to minimize the risk of your Cavalier being sick we're very lucky with herrian Milton that um they don't have any health issues so far so I just hope it stays that way but I would highly encourage anybody that wants to get their cavaliere that you do your appropriate research to get a a a healthy puppy because there's nothing worse than adopting a dog and having to deal with so many health issues from an early age and that those issues stay on for the rest of your dog's life it's not the best for them it's not the best for you it's not a good experience for you to have with a Cavalier that's sick so just make sure that you do your research because they're honestly such great dogs but when you do have a Cavalier that's sick I know so many people on Instagram unfortunately that have dogs with SM that have heart issues and it's very hard and it's it's very sad to deal with on The Daily so there's definitely some steps that you can take in order to prevent it third con is kind of related to a point I talked about last week is how much Cavaliers love their masters they are literally love sponges and with that comes a con also because they love you so much that they really get attached per and Milton do kind of have separation anxiety when we do leave them which is so extremely rare they do kind of feel anxious and they're they're really sad they're not anxious to the point of barking and crying or anything although we know a lot of Cavaliers that cry and basically just bark when their parents leave so it's not ideal if you're going to get them babysat when you're traveling and you have to leave them in a hotel room it's really not ideal if they're going to be very loud and anxious I also wonder after this whole pandemic thing is over C and dogs in general and their parents just spend so much time together I feel like so many dogs and Cals are used to the human presence and I mean her and Milton are so lucky they spend all day every day of their life with us because we're lucky enough to run our own businesses so they're always with us I wonder for other people that will have to go back to work how their dogs and how their calves will react because especially if you've had a covid puppy and they've spent all this time with you the adjustment for afterwards might be a bit difficult and so just requires a lot more training and it takes a lot more getting used to but it I just find it so heartbreaking when these little angels of little dogs get sad it's literally heartbreaking so I would consider that a con because although they are adaptable as dogs they do best with human Presence at all times they are dogs that um if you're a retired couple if you are just an independent worker and you're working from home all the time covid independent these dogs do the best with those kind of families uh con number four is that Cavaliers require a lot of Maintenance and grooming and by maintenance and grooming I just mean baths and keeping them clean in general Cavaliers are not the types of dogs like Shepherds and all those dogs that just stay clean by themselves my sister's dog is a is a shepherd and she literally bathes him like once every 12 to 18 months he doesn't even smell he stay he's outside all the time and his fur doesn't attract his hair actually doesn't even attract uh dirt and dust and smells whereas herri and Milton their hair is like fur it's like cotton and it attracts everything I often refer to them as like a Swiffer Duster if you know what I mean like everything just cleans to their F like it's impossible to keep them clean for more than a week especially now during spring it's so gross and Dusty and muddy and wet outside I seriously have to give them a bath um every week just a lower body bath with their paws and that is even if they wear Paws and four-legged suits outside they just attract so much dust and Andy is particularly allergic to them in the spring and I'm guessing it's because they attract so much dust and allergens from outside into the house so he gets a lot of H runny noses during the Spring and I think it's because of that mind you her and Milton don't even have a lot of hair they don't even have that much of long hair as Cavaliers we know a lot of friends on Instagram that have beautiful luscious long hair that it's so long that it requires daily maintenance like I'm going to insert a few photos of her Instagram friends here just to give you an idea of uh how long it can get and how much maintenance that it can require but definitely keep that in mind Hurrican Milton when we were out in La they needed pawb backs like three times a day it was so disgusting so just keep that in mind when you're going to get a cavaliere there have there it's a lot of Maintenance and I'm talking and it's the fur it's the paws it's the ears the eyes it just requires a lot of daily and weekly and monthly maintenance are you are you so cute so cute you're so cute Hello girl and the fifth con I'm going to talk about is that Cavaliers are pricey as dogs and of course this is going to be a con but you do have to consider that all the points I mentioned about Cavalier health and this the the Rarity of this breed and the fact that they there's such a high demand of Cavaliers and dogs in general right now the price has skyrocketed for Cavaliers I mean when I got her and Milton back then like I don't even want to talk about this it might upset certain people but I think they were around like between $1,000 and $1,500 and mind you that's 7 years ago for hery so prices are very different I've heard that some Cavaliers are near the $5,000 Mark right now so they're very pricey so if you want a cavaliere and if it's been your dream dog and if it's if you've done your research and if you're really ready to embark on this Venture and if you know that this is the right dog for you you will find a way to get them I'm sure but it's definitely a a big expense just to acquire the dog but also afterwards uh there's Health there's food there's bills from the vet there's dog insurance which I highly highly recommend but yeah we definitely recommend a pet insurance and there's definitely a lot of costs related to dogs um their grooming tools their toys their food everything their treats so it's definitely something to consider if you want to get a Cavalier those are my list of cons of cavalier ownership but if you want the list of pros of owning Cavaliers it's last week's video it's going to be linked up here for you to watch I hope you enjoyed this video and as I mentioned this is just it's it's cons but at the same time like uh if you really want a cavaliere these are just that it just comes with the breed and with anything there's going to be pros and cons so if you have any cons of cavalier ownership or dog ownership please share them with us below we would love to start a disc discussion with you and thank you guys for watching we love you and we'll see you soon bye
Channel: Herky The Cavalier
Views: 200,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dogs, pets, puppies, cavalier King Charles spaniel, cavalier King Charles, cavalier king spaniel, King Charles spaniel, King Charles cavalier, daily vlog, dog vlog, how to raise a puppy, how to raise a dog, how to care for a puppy, how to care for a dog, how to train a dog, dog model, pros and cons, best dog for appartment, best dog for small spaces, which dog should i get, herky the cavalier, dog ownership, easy dog, smart dog
Id: XCZx4gLFj50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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