5 Things Not To Do With Your Instant Pot

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today I'm gonna be sharing with you five things not to do with your instant pot hi I'm Karen Peterson I own the blog 365 days of crock-pot calm on my website I share instant pot and crock-pot recipes with you for every single day of the year today I'm sharing with you some tips 5 specific tips on what not to do as an instant pot beginner these are things that I wish someone would have told me when I first youth started using my instant pot two years ago so let's get on to the tips the first thing not to do with your instant pie is to store it with the lid on top like this I store my instant pot with the lid upside down that way the sealing ring this thing right here can air out every single night after you cook food that's the one thing that a people a lot of people gripe about what their instant pot is that the sealing ring just smells a lot one way to kind of let it air out is by just storing it upside down like that you can also get one sealing ring for savory foods and one sealing ring for sweet foods or yogurt that's what I use the green one for I'll put the link to where I got my sealing rings in the notes below so first tip store it with the lid upside down not right side up the second thing not to do with your instant pot is add dairy at the beginning of the pressure cook time whenever your pressure cooking something in your instant pot the dairy will curdle if you add it at the beginning so fresh milk sour cream cottage cheese even even like evaporated milk sometimes has problems and it will separate and will ruin your food so what I do is I add my dairy after the food has pressure cooked I added in you know pour in the cup of cream or half-and-half into the soup to make it creamy at the end after it is pressure cooked and that way it won't curdle another tip not to make your dairy curdle at the end is to pour it in warm so whenever I add creamer or half-and-half or milk to a soup I always warm it up like for a minute half in the microwave before I added into the hot soup and that way it won't separate the third thing not to do as you begin instant potting is giving up or acting like you know what you're doing when I first started using my instant pot you know I'd been cooking to my slow cooker for like eight years and I thought oh this is this is the same thing right I can just do the same rules and it's pretty much easy and I had a lot of failures the minute that I stopped acting like I knew what I was doing and just and I followed recipes from reliable sources and that's when I started understanding the rules of pressure cooking and that's when I was able to learn and I wasn't so frustrated all the time a lot of times people will try it a couple of times and they'll have the burn signal come on or they'll have a failure and they'll just give up and they'll put the instant pot in their closet and they won't use it again don't give up keep trying follow those reliable sources and you'll definitely have success eventually the first couple times might be a flop but that's okay you can move on from that and you can get better at pressure cooking the fourth thing not to do with yours instant pot is get frustrated by the time that it takes the instant pot has the word instant in its title and we expect to push the button for two minutes on a pressure cooking time and then we expect it to be done in two minutes well that's not how it works just like when you boil the water on the stove or you preheat your oven it takes ten minutes for that oven to get to the temperature that is supposed to and that is the same with your pressure cooker it takes about ten minutes to come to pressure so when you read recipes and they say four minutes for pasta to cook that's actually going to be more like 14 minutes 10 minutes to come to pressure and then the four minute cooking time and sometimes you know another couple minutes after that for the pressure to release some of the recipes call for a quick release which means you can just move the valve straight to venting and some of them actually have you sit there until the pressure releases on its own which could be another 10 minutes so just because it says instant in the instant pot title doesn't mean it's necessarily as fast as you might think however I will say this don't get frustrated by that use it in your favor once the ingredients are in that pot and the lid is on you are free to do whatever you want go wash the dishes go do the laundry go take a nap go read a book go check your emails there's a million things that you can do instead of standing over the stove like you would have been making your mac and cheese just put it in the pot walk away and when you hear that beep you know that it's done and you can come back and tend to it but until then just enjoy your free time that the instant pot lends you and don't get frustrated by it alright my fifth tip on what not to do with your instant pot this one's particularly important for roasts like a pork roast or beef roast and that is do not quick-release meats so this just means when the pressure cooking time is still up when it says zero on on your display don't push the valve to venting you just keep it right on ceiling and eventually this little float valve that's on top of your pot will drop down on its own and that can take up to 30 minutes if you're making a roast you want it to be fall apart tender and when you do the quick release all of that moist air escapes very rapidly from the pot and leaves you with a doorstop of meat for dinner so just give yourself some extra time for that natural pressure release to happen with meats and you will not regret it they will be the most delicious roast that you've ever made or tried but you do need that time for the pressure to release naturally thanks so much for joining me today hopefully the tips were helpful to you come join me every Thursday I'm changing my time it used to be Tuesday's but it's gonna be Thursdays from now on YouTube Thursday's with me in my kitchen talking instant pot we'll see you next Thursday bye bye [Music]
Channel: 365 Days of Slow and Pressure Cooking
Views: 533,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instant pot tips for beginners, instant pot tips and tricks, instant pot tips and hacks, instant pot tips and tricks 101, instant pot tips and recipes, 365 days of instant pot, 365 days of instant pot cooking, instant pot video, how to use the instant pot, instant pot, instant pot tips, pressure cooker, instant pot for beginners, instant pot recipes, beginner instant pot recipe, easy instant pot recipes, pressure cooking, instant pot beginners guide, how to use the instantpot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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