$200 Mystery Survival Backpack

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I love this guy so much! I'm so happy he's doing so well.

I know he's one of the moist genuine dudes on YouTube, but every now and then I laugh at the idea of him secretly being like, Steve from Jersey.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/winterdust 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
what's up everybody welcome back to my bar toy every 60 is number 13 for today's video we're going to unbox $200 survival kit let's see what we've got but first I finally have a game for all of you RPG lovers out there and never gotten so addicted to a game so quickly Alliance here on this fire it has over 400 unique years that you can combine over 10,000 different ways there's two awesome game modes fighting to the death against crazy giant bosses which is my favorite or far away your people in PvP mode and that's that's a little much to combat battle between skills and those I sleep I can talk about this game all day but it's better for you to check it out your stuff the other ones now one is no my link is below and you will get a massive bonus of 50,000 gold and 50 chips alright the way that's huge see you guys in the game okay let's see what we got here there's the first compartment fire started here with the power cord I love how long the power cord is so that way it's easier to start usually they give you a little time yo so you can't even stylistic okay let's see what else we got here this is a fire starter and it's a long burn burns for 10 to 15 minutes know how more chemicals safe to start near food that's how it who will have to put this to the test later and let's see how many keep - oh sweet I love this Forks it's a sport and a knife on the side there is two over this things are amazing I think this one's are plastic I have a phone my not once and they use them all the time obviously the minor ones but there is a little compartment right here just a nice backpack sweet couple of missiles in case you need to make noise and I think this is it this pocket okay let's see what's in that inside of the next pocket emetic oh please handy bath extra thick bath wipes Wow I never seen anything like that I'll have to put it to the test so in case you camping out in the forest and the mountains there is no reverse close by that way you can wipe off like a wet towel with this wipes like you know all your parts especially the sweaty parts so that way you clean yourself up this is eight wipes I never seen anything like that sustain emergency blanket I love those blankets too over might hear searching for two people I guess those are literally keep your body up really good I love them okay looks like that's it I love the compartment okay let's open up the next compartment it looks like we have a lot of goodies inside here looks like this is gonna be our main compartment let's see what we got oh nice life store I was actually going by mini lights two hundred thousand dollars you can just put it on the water bottle and it's going to filter water all right through the water bottle love this thing okay let's see what else we got oh nice water there is so many of home mountain house top of these delicious half of them are so so granola with milk and blueberries I guarantee you this one is going to be delicious and there's a cable the granola and there's couple of rice and chicken freeze-dried food so that's awesome all you have to do is just boil water just wait five to ten minutes and it's going to be cooked from boiled water and these things don't work well for years okay what else we got nice I love this glow sticks this is 12 hour glow sticks they are very powerful ooh I already have this kind of knife I think or maybe just similar but this is a pretty cheap knives so I'm not gonna be worried about bending it up and when you need it but look how thick it is I love this knife it's just a little good everyday cheap knife you don't have to be worried about because you don't pay $100 on on a knife definitely going to be using in the future we just survival videos okay let's see what else we got here this big piece boom Oh knives you know I use these things all the time looks like this is the camping stove and camping pots you know I need a new one my old ones have got so old now so this is so awesome that's includes the camping but you know every time I cook a mine you pop this in it I use this camping pots all the time this one's all my favorite can't believe it's included in this survival kit and what's this is gotta be like our camp it's joke maybe boot camp and stop let's see yes it is I actually been wanting to buy one of this wood camping stuff but I never did and they go I finally got it whoa is that a little like a wood spot it's all filled up I love that it's sealed I'll just gonna open it up because it's not going in you I'll be using it nice there is couple of them collapsible pots love it that's a lot I didn't expect to get that much of stuff for only $200 boom emergency drinking water there's a lot of pockets area and guess what it's not over there is another part of emergency drinking water that's awesome it stays good in those bags for many many years too and I also let it put those to the test I made a video bottom delicious first aid kid I'm pretty sure this is a standard first let me just open it up and see what it looks like probably most Bend dates and like you know for the small cuts and blisters yep and there's Altman's aspirin maybe there's some turn medicine you know antibiotics if you burn yourself like antibiotic cream that you can put on your wound love it very simple but quite a bit of stuff in there okay what else we got flashlights they go it better include flashlights in the survival $200 sheet and of course it does not include the body does it let me open it up and see yep looks like it just takes stapling bodies oh look at that zoomable flashlight this are so popular it comes out like this and what else we got here Aloha everything inside of it did their work off in a box so they did put a thought into it not just two bunch of stuff in WoW they actually have their own band look at that it's also sustained and most of them asked to sustain you see like a backpack and this is a little lantern you already know enter so very useful but there is no bodies either they should have included butters with that because what if we do check and look we need three people a butters and it's a LED laughter whoops cool buddy I wish they include a path of butter switch flashlight because what if we did not open this backpack and they are not that it was no bother and go in a survival excursion and there was nobody's and all this flashlight would have been useful I mean useless and what is this egg here oh wow that's cool you can make your backpack much much thicker like a suitcase what I never seen a backpack that extends like that and make yourself a much much bigger backpack that's so cool I like this backpack a lot ok now we're going to try to survive with this backpack what I'm going to do is start the fire boil some water and then cook some food the nice warm day we might have rain but it wasn't raining all day so it's not as funny most of the wood is kind of wet already comes through there water so I need to filter water just yet this is nice I got us some small firewood so hopefully we'll be enough to get the water boiling so they can cook some food and the bottom for the oxygen there you go wow this is pretty big I thought it's gonna be a lot smaller on the picture so it looks a lot smaller go here firestarter whoa look at this pallets interesting you need to transfer it all inside of here I'll get a bunch of small twigs first of all stick it in here I got bark open up this fire starter and put in here and I love how this striker look how much space I have with this power cord blinky [Applause] Wow it is it already burning wow that was easy to light it up it came off right here nothing that we can fix they go okay it's burning pretty good what I'm gonna do it just either set it under or actually I'm just gonna put in there there you go I'll just put the resto in there as well and now we're going to get a good fire going oh man I better not rain because if everything looks like it's 200 milliliters each I'll fill it up all the way now the Slayer sticks are going I'm gonna fill up the bigger sticks so that way the fire is sustainable I honestly have never put to the test this would camp and stuff and as you can see it works pretty good so far okay we can use that for this my pot is not big enough so this will work for that while we getting the fire going in case it's you know temperature drops there's big clouds we can get the survival blanket and warm ourselves up and actually hide from the rain and boom check this out now we can survive I guess we shall I can use in case I need to make some noise somebody close by but they cannot see me you know what guys I'm gonna put to the test a spot wipes oh you know what I should have have opened this sticker here because it's a sealable this way okay make a same mistake I did so that's why they don't go but if you open up like that let me tell you who's smokey oh it is thick it is super thick let me try to wash my face oh my gosh that's so a fashion oh it smells good too so maybe if you camp hide for like ten miles a day there could be very nice and you know you can wash yourself up wow this is so cool I've course start with the face first and then probably go down you know but this is nice it smells super nice and look it's actually pretty dirty after all that stuff that I use sticks and everything perfect way to sanitize my hands before I start eating you know what guys this one says add half a cup of cold water to posh so we don't even need hot water for this but for the other food we don't need hot water no big deal okay half a cup I'll just go and put two hundred milliliters and it says stir well and also if you want thicker granola you just add less water oh man I started to really rain oh man gosh hi no big deal whoa water is boiling so well I love this stop feeding firewood is so easy and everything protects it from the rain so very nice I can take this off now carefully add two cups or 16 ounces of water that's 24 ounces let's see how much is 16 ounces I love how this one tell you they also said here that's about 16 ounces of hot water and again we will need to mix this bag and we'll just need to zip tight and once again we need to shake it up so it mixes all inside there and then we wait eight to nine minutes sweet [Applause] look at this look at this amazing wood fire camping stuff this is a perfect time to show you how easy it is to feed it you just continue oh it's hot you just continue pushing all the strings in and that way you got yourself continuously Fijian fire the public have to add on some more sticks at this point I just let in the die now but this is awesome okay time to taste this this gun oh I see what it's all about ooh look at that this is awesome so much blueberry this is delicious thumbs up for me this is gonna no lime milk and blueberry okay guys the rice and chicken let's taste taste this stuff looks good man you can put it in those bowls if you want you know that it came Swiss but you can also eat the dried out of the pouch mmm wow this is actually so delicious I can't believe it so easy to cook just fill up 16 ounces of hot water and ready to go and chicken tastes pretty good you know I had eggs before over mountain house it was not that good so maybe stay away from eggs but this chicken and rice and granola was amazing I guess you have to try all of them and see which one you like the most alright guys that's pretty much it let me know comments below what do you think about this survival backpack kid it's probably the bigger survival kit I ever put to the test most likely most expensive so far so give this video a thumbs up thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 1,762,823
Rating: 4.84165 out of 5
Keywords: $200 Mystery Survival Bag, Mystery bag, Survival Bag, $200 Mystery Survival Backpack, Backpack, Survival kit, car kit, reviews, unboxing, put to the test, mystery box, survival mystery box
Id: LPRGaWy5a20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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