3 people found in IMPOSSIBLE places | Missing 411 (Part 3)

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it is an unfortunate reality of being human and living on planet earth that sometimes people go missing without any clue as to what happened to them one day they're here the next day they're gone there's no clear indication of what happened and despite everybody else's best efforts nothing has ever learned about what happened to them and so their families and their friends they're left with this void in their lives that i can only imagine how terrible that is there's no closure there's like that perpetual sense that if you could just find more information out you could find out what happened to your loved one to your friend to your colleague but many times people never get that these people just go missing and that's it but in some cases where people suddenly go missing they'll turn up again sometimes days weeks months years later in totally different locations from where they went missing but sometimes in very rare circumstances these people that go missing will re-emerge days weeks months years later not having any idea how they got there or what happened to them and so today i'm going to share three of these reappearance stories the first two are the most well-known they're very famous and the third one is not as well known but equally as intriguing but before we get into today's three stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious deliberate in story format then you come to the right place because that is all i do and i upload three to four times a week if not more so if that's something you'd be interested in i would encourage you to please gently perform a lobotomy on the like button and then subscribe to my channel turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my three to four weekly uploads okay let's get into the stories in 1978 a 23 year old named steven kubaki was attending a college called hope university in michigan it was a small christian school where he was studying german and history stephen was a little more free-spirited than the typical student enrolled at hope university which is very conservative he was a big time outdoor enthusiast and he loved to go skiing in february of 1978 which was just months before steven was set to graduate he decided he wanted to go on a solo ski trip around the lake michigan area and so this area was known as the lake michigan triangle it's also known as just the michigan triangle and it's it's an awful lot like the bermuda triangle which is in that northern section of the atlantic ocean where planes and and boats have gone missing over the years kind of inexplicably well the michigan triangle is is like that and starting in the late 1800s there were all these disappearances that started occurring in the michigan triangle area and so stephen was going to be skiing around the lake michigan area and so he would be in the michigan triangle now he had told his friends and his family that he was just going out for a day trip and stephen was a very accomplished outdoorsman excellent cross-country skier so really no one bats an eye when he decides to go out and you know go skiing no one even thought twice about it they're like alright cool we'll see you tomorrow a day after stephen had left for this ski trip some snowmobilers were out in the michigan triangle area and they spotted a trail of uh ski tracks that led up to the edge of the lake where at the edge of the lake were a set of skis and two ski poles just stopped abruptly and they see that this looks like someone might have fallen into the lake now there weren't any clear breaks in the lake itself but they figured it was worth telling police and to at least let them know in case they're looking for someone who might have gone missing in the area and so it was around this time that stephen kubachi's friends and family started to recognize that he wasn't back yet and he should have been and so they end up calling in an official missing persons report because he should have been back and so the two things happened in tandem you have the snowmobilers that have found the ski poles and the skis and you have the missing persons report that's come out for steven kubaki and immediately they're connected and this massive search effort is launched with a focus on where those skis and the poles were found now they looked everywhere but it was like his his tracks went right up to the edge of the lake and then just stopped there weren't any more tracks on the lake there were no breaks in the lake there was there's nothing there it was like he just suddenly either went into the ground or just vanished somehow and so as hundreds of people have descended on this area to look for steve kubaki his backpack shows up right next to his skis and ski poles that was the first place that everybody went and his backpack wasn't there and they didn't really even know how to investigate it it was just this weird phenomenon where all these people are like i i guess it just must have been there the whole time they just didn't have a good answer for it and so after a long and very elaborate search ultimately they had to call it off and so they told the family and friends that what must have happened is he got out of his skis and put everything down went onto the lake and it cracked and he fell in and so that's what everybody believed mean why wouldn't they 15 months go by and stephen's father hears a knocking on the door and who's at the door stephen kubaki and when he sees his son he can't believe it because he believed his son was dead but kubaki has no idea steve has no idea how much time has passed he saw a newspaper steven saw a newspaper in his father's house and it showed that it had been 15 months since he disappeared he asked his father like how can this be and he told stephen you were near lake michigan that's 700 miles away how did you get here and steven's like i just i woke up in a field about 40 miles from here and i went to you know my aunt's house your sister's house and she brought me here and no one had any idea how he got there or why he was in the field in pittsfield to begin with in addition steven had on clothes that he didn't recognize he had a new backpack that had maps and all sorts of kind of like trinkets from different parts of the country he had been to apparently san francisco sacramento all over california chicago to utah he's been all over the country according to the things that are in his backpack he had 40 in cash he had new sneakers new glasses and he had a t-shirt on from a wisconsin marathon it says he was a participant then and one of the only things that stephen would say to the media because he basically swore off the media and he didn't want to give a story to anybody he just said to one of the news outlets that he felt like he had been doing a lot of running but other than that we don't know what he was doing for 15 months and apparently he doesn't either in early 2018 danny phillippis was a 49 year old firefighter living in canada he had a wife he had two kids he was happy healthy successful and every year he and his colleagues at the firehouse would go on a ski trip to new york where they would go skiing at a mountain called white face and so on february 7 2018 danny and his seven colleagues are at whiteface they're enjoying themselves danny was an avid skier like this is something he really looked forward to was his annual retreat to whiteface mountain and it was getting to be lunchtime and his seven colleagues said hey let's go down to the lodge and get a bite to eat danny was just having a great time on the mountain and he was like you know i'm gonna just do a couple more runs i'll meet you guys in in about 30 minutes or so i'm gonna do a couple more runs before lunch so they go down to the lodge and danny continues to do a couple more runs and so after an hour or so and danny still hasn't shown up at the lodge his seven colleagues have finished eating and they're like you know what i bet danny just decided he wanted to skip lunch and he's probably just fine and so they end up just going out and skiing the rest of the day but by the end of the night when the mountain is starting to shut down they're all checking their phones for messages from danny they haven't gotten anything from him they haven't seen him they decide let's go check out you know his his room back at the hotel and make sure that he's there maybe he got sick and he left something like that and the resort was attached to the to the mountain itself so they just walked right over to his room uh they knocked he didn't answer but then they went out back and they found his car and his car was still there they went to the front desk they explained the situation they ended up going in the room and checking to see if he was in there he wasn't but all of his personal belongings are still inside of the room so danny who has not shown up after going skiing for this additional run clearly hasn't left the mountain because his car is still here his cash his passport everything is in his room but no one knows where danny is and so they launched this massive search for danny and i mean this day it was so crowded at whiteface there's so many people there and also it had snowed a ton before they even started skiing that day so it would have been very difficult to move very far off the mountain let's say if someone wanted to i mean just there was too much snow on the ground so he couldn't have gotten very far and there were lots of people there that they could interview to say have you seen this man they had a picture of him you know and no one had seen him and there was no sign of him despite this massive search effort no one has any idea what happened to him the authorities call off the search and they tell his loved ones and his friends that you know danny must have succumbed to the elements that's the only explanation we can give we can't find him now because the snow is pretty deep but hopefully when the weather warms up we'll be able to launch another search and we can recover his body and so that's the news that's passed to his wife to his kids to his friends and it's just devastating and then a couple days later danny's wife is home trying to adjust to the this awful new normal and she gets a phone call from a number she doesn't recognize and she picks it up and it's a little bit hard to hear but she immediately recognizes her husband's voice and she can tell right away that there's something wrong like he he's not making sense she's like danny is that you is that you and danny's like i don't know where i am i don't know how i got here where are you what am i doing and so she immediately tells him you have to call the police you have to call the police they have to come get you and finally he agrees and he hangs up the police receive a phone call from danny and he doesn't know where he is he's he's saying that you know my wife told me to call you i'm very confused i don't know what's going on and they ask him to describe where he is and he starts describing what's around him and police are able to you know eventually pinpoint where he is and it turns out he was near sacramento california 2 900 miles away from whiteface mountain even more strangely when the police go to collect danny he's still wearing his ski gear you know winter jacket winter pants ski boots on he even still had his goggles on his head and he has a haircut he has a fresh haircut and he has a brand new phone a brand new iphone but he had no no money he had no wallet he had no he had nothing he had left all of his belongings in his room so looking at him like how did you get a new phone how did you get a haircut why did you get a new haircut and when you got your hair cut why didn't the person cutting your hair let someone know that a man who's visibly confused wearing ski gear is getting a haircut in here and so it's just a totally strange mystery that danny to this day and anybody that knows danny and his friends the investigators everybody no one knows how he got there how does a guy without a car without any money wearing ski gear go from new york to sacramento california somehow get a haircut and buy a new phone and then just suddenly come to and be like oh that's right i'm danny and i'm gonna call my wife and let her know where i am now like it was just crazy so this last story was documented in the official american ethnology report from 1897 1898 although the story is you know well documented in this report the location is unclear people have speculated that it's either ireland scotland or wales so just take this with a grain of salt that the location is not known it's an older story but it was officially documented in an official report in 1898 a 12 year old boy was playing at this this river that ran near his house he was out in the forest he was playing to this river and he had a bow and arrow and he was practicing shooting his bow and arrow after a little while he got bored of his bow and arrow and he went to the stream itself and he started to build a little a little dam in the river to try to catch some fish and as he's building this thing up he's down on his knees building up this this little dam in the river he notices someone is walking down the river towards him and he looks up and he would describe this person as looking normal a normal looking stranger it's a gentleman who shows up he's wearing a nice suit he walks over to wofford and he apparently just came out of the woods and he says hey what are you doing and the boy you know he's like oh i'm making this fish trap and he's like man that was like a lot of work like you know you should take a break and the boy's like yeah i guess i could take a break and the gentleman just says well if you want you know while you're taking this break you come to my house just it's just up past the the bend here my family's there you can have a meal with us and then you can come back and you can finish your fish trap and so you know this is a different time this is the late 1800s and i'm not suggesting that at the time it was totally cool to go with strangers into weird houses in the forest but the boy felt compelled to say yes he didn't want to be rude and maybe his fear of strangers is less extreme than it is you know for us today in 2020. and so he agrees to go with the man they make their way up past the river into the forest a little bit and they come up to this cabin now the boy played in the woods here and he had never seen this house before but he's not he's not too concerned because as soon as he gets to the house this cabin in the woods he sees that the lights are on and here's he hears kids playing inside and a close family friend of his families is sitting on the porch talking to one of the other apparently family members of the stranger and so the boys put at ease and he says hi to the family friend and the family friend you know waves back the boy goes inside and he sees that this family has a couple of kids roughly his age their plan goofing around they have dinner and this wonderful meal and the boy wofford is like man this is so great and after the meal he lays down and falls asleep he kind of loses track of time the boy falls asleep at this cabin and so he wakes up early the next morning and he feels horrible because he he didn't mean to fall asleep and he didn't tell anyone from his family where he was going and he's thinking man they're going to be so worried about me and so as he's getting up to leave the stranger is already awake the one that had met him down by the river and called him up to the house and the boy says hey can you walk me down back to the river and the stranger's like i can take you part of the way down sure so the two of them they're having small talk and you know the boys thanking the man for his generosity and so as they're walking they're passing by an orchard on one side and a cornfield on the other and it's this beautiful morning the sun's just coming up and the boy remembers thinking how beautiful the setting was but he also was thinking like i don't i don't even know where i am right now and i i i'm assuming he's walking me back to where i live but this doesn't look familiar at all and the stranger stops they get to uh almost a junction right at the end of the orchard and of the cornfield and the stranger tells the boy wofford he says hey just go straight you're gonna turn down this way turn back and you'll be you'll be at the river again where where we met and the boy thanks the stranger and the stranger turns and starts walking back towards his cabin and says hey good luck see ya and the boy starts following the man's directions and wofford as he's walking you know following the stranger's directions he just he's suddenly curious and turns around to look back at this strange person who had brought him up to the house and then now brought him back and he's stunned because suddenly the orchard and the cornfield are not there there is no orchard or cornfield it's just deep dark forest and he's like what's going on he turns back and there's a search party or it looks like a search party running up to him part of the search party is the family friend that he had seen at the house and the boys like looking at these people running towards him like they're running to him and he recognizes the family friend and he can tell they're like urgently looking for him and and he felt bad because he knows he slept over through the night so he's like hey i'm here i'm here and they're like where have you been and the boy turns to the family friend and he's like didn't you tell them i was with you and the family friend is like what are you talking about he's like yeah the house with the family we ate dinner together last night and the guy the family friend is like i've been looking for you for the past several days i've been with your family looking for you've been gone for three days and the boy is like what and as he's describing the kind of general vicinity of of where this cabin was he's kind of pointing back up towards where it was and describing it from where the river was the family says to him that since you've been missing we've heard rhythmic drumming non-stop coming from the section of the forest that you just described we can never pinpoint where it was coming from and now that you just showed up the drumming has stopped and so the kid's terrified but there's no answers pretty creepy so three very strange stories uh that luckily all of them ended with the person being found again but it doesn't change the fact that the mystery remains where did they go it's like they left the earth for a couple of days or in stephen kubaki's case for over a year and then came back it was like a glitch in the matrix or something and so i would love to hear in the comments what you think can possibly explain how these people are disappearing without a trace and then reappearing days weeks months years later not having any idea how they got there or what had happened to them how can we possibly reconcile that and if you liked this video and you want to see more videos like this i would ask you to please gently perform a lobotomy on the like button and then subscribe to my channel and turn on all post notifications so you don't miss any of my other three to four weekly uploads that i do every week that sound an awful lot like the story you just heard if you want to get in touch with me you can message me on instagram my handle is john ballen416 i'm also very active on tiktok where my handle is mr ballen so you can follow me over there i also go live on tick tock monday tuesday wednesday and friday at 10 pm eastern so you can check me out over there or on instagram or here on youtube or any of these places but wherever you're finding me i really appreciate your support and i really have enjoyed making these videos and i hope you've enjoyed them too that's gonna do it guys until next time talk to you soon
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,766,143
Rating: 4.9576397 out of 5
Id: tbcxPOgriJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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