3 people ATTACKED after leaving their tent | Missing 411 (Part 12)

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people are going missing in national parks and forests all over north america under baffling conditions in some cases people will be looking right at someone they'll turn around and when they turn back that person's gone or people will go missing and then turn up again in locations that are impossible to get to one man a former police detective named david politis discovered that there were thousands of these cases and no one was looking into it so he began looking into it and started putting all of his findings in a totally fascinating book series called missing411 on today's video i'm going to highlight three missing 4-1-1 cases about people who went camping and then things went horribly horribly wrong but before we get into those stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right place because that's all i do and i upload three four even five times every week so if that's of interest to you please offer your seat to the like button and then when they go to sit down pull the seat out from under them also please subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories in 1985 kevin o'keefe was a 36 year old outdoor enthusiast that lived in sacramento california he loved being out in nature going hiking and camping and in fact he had always wanted to go camping in alaska by the summer of 1985 kevin was actually doing research on areas in alaska that he could potentially go camping and he settled on this area called glacier bay national park which even by alaskan standards is particularly wild and totally remote kevin planned to go camping on his own so he decided he would need to take a class on how to survive the alaskan wilderness because he's going to be out there by himself and he's chosen this place that's incredibly rugged so he actually enrolled and participated in a class teaching you how to go camping in alaska then on september 20th of 1985 he flew from sacramento to juno alaska where he commuted his way up to glacier bay national park when he arrived at the park's headquarters he went up and introduced himself to the park rangers that were working there he told them he'd be over near the wolf point area which was an area right against the water and he said he was going to be here for about three weeks he planned on leaving on october 10th so everybody who works there is aware that there's this guy kevin o'keefe who's going to be by himself for almost three weeks camping near the water no one in kevin's family or any of the park rangers heard from kevin for the next couple of weeks but the whole point of this trip was basically to escape reality and go live in nature for a few weeks so no one's raising any red flags a few weeks later on october 8th which is two days before kevin said he was planning to leave the park which he told park rangers and they knew he was there a couple of park rangers were in a boat patrolling some waterways around wolf point which is the area where kevin was camping the rangers decided to take a bit of a detour to get inside of wolf point and actually check in on kevin and just see how he was doing because they knew he was out here by himself they're making their way down and as they turn this last corner where they could finally see kevin's sight immediately they knew something was wrong the first thing they noticed was kevin's tent was not in the area that it was supposed to be in there was kind of a designated spot on the soil where you'd place your tent but his tent was actually down a few meters on this beach that butted up against his campsite and some of his gear was outside of his tent not strewn everywhere but outside of his tent like you had placed it outside as they're looking at his tent they realized the top strut that kind of held the top of the tent together was folded down it looked like it had broken right in the middle they called out for kevin he was nowhere around and they kind of rationalized what they saw they thought you know he's leaving in a couple of days my guess is he's probably preparing his campsite for an exit maybe he went out to you know going a day hike or something i'm sure everything is fine so they leave and come back the next day just to double check and when they arrive there's been no change the tent is still sitting down on the beach with that strut collapsed his gear is sitting outside of his tent like a sleeping bag and sleeping pad it's clear that kevin has not been to this campsite since the last time they saw him which was 24 hours earlier so now they're outright concerned and they decide to launch a search for kevin they began flying little airplanes over the area where kevin's campsite was and the surrounding areas no sign of kevin they brought ground searchers with dogs onto his campsite they're looking everywhere no sign of kevin but they did discover at his campsite that virtually all of the equipment you would expect to be at a campsite in alaska of someone who's staying there for a few weeks well it was all there he had his backpack fully packed as if he was gonna go on a hike it had food it had extra clothes and water it was all packed right up against a tree all of his sleeping equipment and his cooking equipment and oddly there was lots of food that kevin still had left at his campsite that was out in the open and no animals had touched it which is a complete anomaly as they began searching the outer areas of his campsite dogs were able to locate kevin's boots his glove liner and his hat they were tucked away in this gully about a half mile away from this campsite that they were they were not visible to the naked eye it took dogs finding it to locate these items after finding these items the early speculation was it looks like kevin was attacked by bears or some other predator but the park rangers who knew this area extremely well and had seen other bear attacks said i don't think this is a bear attack because there's no sign of a death struggle anywhere at his camp if you get attacked by a big predator you're going to fight for your life to save yourself you're gonna grab onto things and flail around it's fairly obvious and there's none of that there's also no blood or remains or any indication that someone was hurt in this space and if an animal had come into this camp and attacked kevin and eaten kevin they certainly would have taken the food that was out and about in the campsite but none of the food was touched as the investigation continued rangers would say how strange it was that no wild animals are coming into this campsite there's no activity there's nothing in the area it's like the animals are staying away from kevin's campsite when they couldn't find any sign of kevin the investigators went to speak with kevin's family and asked them you know did he have any signs that he was looking to end his own life do you have any information you can give us about him and they said no he was really happy well adjusted excited about this trip he had taken a class to prepare himself for this trip he told us that he planned on taking a couple day hikes but no overnights and he had no plans to meet other people while he was there he was just looking to be on his own in nature but after just a few days they had to call the search off because there was no sign of this guy he was just gone knowing that all of kevin's gear was still located at his campsite means he did not leave to go on one of those day hikes that he had told his family that he might be going on because going into the wilds of alaska without your gear is a death sentence so kevin must have been at his campsite when something horrible happened to him but we know it wasn't an animal attack because there was no sign of that and no animals were coming near this campsite so if it wasn't an animal attack then what was it that caused his tent to shift down to the beach and have his gear strewn about on the sand and have his boots and glove liner and hat be located a half mile away and some gully and where's kevin in 2000 patrick whalen was 33 years old and he was described as being an outdoor enthusiast bordering on full-blown survivalist he had hiked thousands of miles across the pacific crest trail and had spent hundreds of hours camping inside of national parks in particular the glacier national park in montana that was his absolute favorite place to go in fact he spent so much time there that the park rangers recognized him and knew him by name on november 2nd 2000 pat was driving in kiowa junction in montana when he hit a deer witnesses say that he stopped his truck he got out walked over to the deer pulled it to the side of the road took a pillow out of his truck put it under the deer's head and then he went and got food from his truck and put it near the deer's mouth and then he just walked away he abandons his truck it's unclear whether his truck was not operational at this point or if he was just abandoning his truck but either way his truck would get towed the next day six months after the deer incident patrick's father called the park rangers at the glacier national park in montana and he said i haven't heard from my son in months and i'm worried about him i can't get in touch with him if there was one place he would be it would be at your park have you seen him the park rangers who again they all knew pat they said we haven't seen him but we'll keep an eye out for him a couple of weeks later two of these park rangers are out on a routine patrol through the park when they come across a very odd scene they saw this blue tent sitting in the middle of this campsite there's no one around it and the middle strut that held the tent together was collapsed they yelled out to see if anybody was inside the tent to make sure everything was okay but no one calls back they walk over to the tent itself and they can tell that this tent has been out here for some time it looks very weathered and sun bleached but there's no tears in the fabric and all of the zippers are shut when they opened up the tent there was no one inside but there were all the things you would expect to find inside of a tent at a campsite water food stove boots clothes it's all in there but again the tent is collapsed and based on the pattern of sun bleaching on the outside it had been collapsed for some time when the park rangers filed their report about what they found they noted that it was really odd that no animals had ransacked this tent because clearly it had been sitting here unoccupied for a while and there was food in the tent but no animals had touched it authorities show up and they begin searching the area for pat there's no sign of them they bring out cadaver sniffing dogs they don't pick up any scent one of the issues they were up against was they had no idea how long it had been since he had arrived here and then subsequently disappeared because they actually went to the tow yard where he had had his truck towed following hitting that deer six months earlier and his truck was still sitting in the tow lot so he hadn't claimed his truck that was six months earlier and here we are and there's this tent in the middle of the woods and we've no idea where he is but the most interesting and terrifying thing that was discovered was inside of his tent there was an empty buck knife case so the sheath was there no knife david politis offers a very interesting theory about why it was there he suggests that while patrick was living at this campsite he must have been in his tent one night and he hears something outside of his tent that apparently was formidable enough that he felt the need to take his knife out and go out into the open to confront it he gets out the mosquitoes were very bad in that area so he probably hopped out zipped his tent up for a minute he's standing there with his knife to confront whatever this is and then he doesn't go back into his tent whatever was out there apparently got the best of pat but we can't just say he was attacked by an animal because there was no blood there was no remains there was no sign of a death struggle in that campground and the food that was in his tent was untouched no animal had tried to rip open the tent to get to the food something that animals do after they attack people at their campsites so the million-dollar question is if it wasn't a wild animal that he was getting out of his tent with his knife to confront then who or what was it and where's patrick in april of 1976 19 year old stephen thomas was asked by his good friend bruce weber if he wanted to join bruce and bruce's four other friends on a hike in new york state steve didn't know these four others but he really liked bruce and he loved hiking so he agreed to go the mountain they were gonna climb was mount marcy it's one of the biggest mountains on the east coast and it's very rugged it's very windy the temperatures drop dramatically towards the summit it's a dangerous place unless you treat it with respect on the morning that steve was leaving for this hike his mother told him that she had a bad feeling about the hike and that maybe he should just cancel because it didn't seem like a good idea to be hiking such a rugged mountain with people he didn't know but steve who had a lot of experience hiking said it was totally fine he was eager to go and that he would see her in a couple of days on april 12 1976 the six men are making their way up mount marcy and they get near the summit by about 3 30 p.m in the afternoon and even though they could have pressed on and made their way up to the summit they were all really exhausted from the trip so far and they decided they would make camp where they were and they would attack the summit the next day and they were all eager to do that with the exception of steve steve didn't want to stop steve was sitting in bruce's tent looking at the map of mount marcy and he said to bruce hey do you want to go for a quick walk with me i just want to walk up the path a little ways and bruce was like no man i'm tired let's just go tomorrow and so steve just continued to stay up looking at this map he made tea for himself and at some point he folded the map up and said hey bruce i'm just going to walk up the path a little ways i'll be right back bruce told steve this was a bad idea don't go up there on your own the temperatures are dropping it's getting dark it's windy it's just a disaster waiting to happen plus we're all going to be up there first thing in the morning so there's no reason to go up right now but steve was like you know i just don't want to sit here i'm going to just go so steve begins to walk out the other hikers that he didn't know too well or like hey man just stay here but again steve's not listening and steve continues up the trail when steve left he must have thought he was only going to be gone for a few minutes because he threw on a rain jacket this yellow rain jacket over a t-shirt and pants because he'd been sitting in a warm tent he just threw on a jacket and he left his backpack he just walked out with no supplies began walking up this trail at the time steve was walking down that path the snow was very hard packed so it was easy to walk on and there was a full moon so there was great visibility so it was a good night to be doing what steve was doing albeit if it had just been for a few minutes so as steve is walking away from the camp even though the other hikers were annoyed with him they weren't concerned he had loads of hiking experience in washington state he was very eager to do this and again it was well lit the snow was hard packed they're thinking okay he'll be gone for a couple of minutes and then we'll see him again and it'll be just fine after about an hour it was dark and the temperatures are now well below freezing and steve has not come back yet and he was not dressed for the sub freezing temperatures so the hikers walk a little ways down the path and they're yelling out for steve but there's no response they decide that they have to go up the path and look for him because the conditions are gonna kill him if he doesn't come back and get in his tent soon when they go back to their tent to get some of their equipment to go make this trek to go find steve one of those four hikers that steve did not know particularly well had brought his dog along for this hike which apparently he always did this dog was highly energetic went everywhere with this guy he loved hiking anytime the dog could go out and go run around it would do it in a heartbeat and when this hiker went in his tent to not only get his own gear but to get his dog and bring his dog with him to go look for steve the dog refused to leave the tent in fact it cowered in the back of the tent and acted like he was scared of something that was outside of the tent the dog's owner would tell investigators later that he's never seen his dog act that way he was acting scared of something to the point where he would stay in the tent and all the hikers would go looking for steve the dog would rather be alone in a tent totally isolated than leave that tent that's how scared he was of whatever it was that was out there so the men go out looking and they can't find steve and after a little bit they end up going back because it's just so dangerous to look for him in the middle of the night so the group heads back to their tents and they're just praying that he found shelter somewhere on the mountain the next morning as soon as the sun came up the hikers immediately start looking for steve yelling for steve there's no sign of him and at some point half the group leaves and walks the four hours down the trail to a vehicle where they could go drive and get authorities while the other three continue to look and stay near the camp just in case steve were to return once authorities were notified they launched one of the largest search and rescue efforts in the history of new york they spent two weeks combing this entire mountain helicopters dog teams searchers on the ground they are looking everywhere there is no sign of steve even though he had this bright yellow jacket on they can't find anything he's just totally gone after the official search was terminated after about two weeks steve's older brother bob who is 26 years old in amazing shape and very close with his brother steve he quits his job and moves to the mount marcy area and spent a whole year searching every inch of this mountain veteran park rangers at mount marcy would joke that bob knew the mountain better than they did bob had apparently walked over 2500 miles on mount marcy and it summited 600 times or more and every time he would take a different route and search all along the mountain he has looked everywhere and he can't find his brother although bob would never find his brother he did locate the remains of a hiker who had gone missing three years earlier so he was able to provide closure for that family so why did steve feel the need to walk up this trail in the first place and then what was the dog so scared of after steve vanished because the dog never acted that way but suddenly something was so terrifying on the outside of their tents that it abandoned its owner and huddled in the tent in fear and then how could bob have missed his brother steve who was wearing a bright yellow jacket after combing every inch of this mountain the only logical answer is that steve is not on the mountain but if he's not on the mountain where is he so like all of the missing 4-1-1 cases we don't know what happened to these people and we probably never will but that doesn't stop us from theorizing about what could have happened to them so get in the comments and give me your best theory about what's happening to these people and not only will i get back to all the early commenters i'll also pin the best comment at the top of the comment section if you enjoyed today's story and you haven't done this already please offer the like button your seat and then when they go to sit down pull the seat out from behind them also subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads if you want to learn more about the missing 4-1-1 phenomenon i would encourage you to check out the missing 4-1-1 book series by david politis he's the one who created missing 4-1-1 he's the one doing all the research he's incredible i put a link below in the description of how to purchase his books i've also included his youtube channel where he talks about a lot of these cases as well i also have a missing 4-1-1 playlist that i've included in the description below if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or twitter my username for both platforms is the same it's john ballen416 i also have a ton of content over on tick tock where my username is mr ballen if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit it's just called mr ballin it's linked in the description below i read that every day and if i intentionally use your suggestion i will absolutely credit you so whether i see you on instagram twitter ticktalk youtube reddit some combination i'm just incredibly thankful for your support and until next time guys that's going to do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,542,179
Rating: 4.9560728 out of 5
Keywords: scary, mrballen, story, scary story, campfire store, camping, camp, tent, hikers, missing, mystery, unsolved mystery, unsolved mysteries, paranormal, missing 411, spooky, horror, aliens, bigfoot, forest, woods, night, terrifying, nightmare, hunted, stalked, animal attack, horror fan, scary encounter, missing person, missing people, top 3, new york, alaska, montana, outdoors, scared, horrifying, disturbing, attack, confront, confrontation, fight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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