Teen TERRORIZED by creature in forest

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there's a good reason why so many movies that are designed to be scary are set in the woods really the woods at night and if you even further most of them are like a cabin in the woods at night right it's because being in the woods at night as human beings checks a lot of fear boxes you have the isolation factor you're far away from society that scares us we don't want to be isolated you feel more vulnerable that way you know it checks the the darkness Fear Factor as humans we're mostly afraid of the dark because you don't know what's around you or what's looking at you now you don't have the advantage of you know city lights beaming in you're kind of probably removed from lots of light pollution so you're kind of like in total darkness and I think the third fear check in the box would be the fact that it's easy to hide in the forest you don't know what's watching you because there's trees everywhere you have animals predators potentially or even predatory humans that could be hiding at every turn Hollywood has picked up on that and made bunches of movies of you know hold cabin in the woods trope where somebody's isolated and scared in the woods because it works it's something that we are afraid of and so today's story starts off a lot like all the other kind of cliche cabin in the woods scary stories but this one it's different this one scared the heck out of me because as I read the account of what happened in this cabin in the woods I myself being in this guy's position and thinking about the psychological trauma that this would have on you and my I've actually had a literal cabin in the woods scary experience and you can check it out it's one of my top videos on my youtube channel it's it's what I saw in my room still haunts me you can check it out it's my own cabin in the woods story but having been through something like that I was able to put myself in this guy's position and this story terrifies me so as you're listening to today's story try to put yourself in this guy's position and think to yourself what would you have done but before we get into today's story if this type of content appeals to you the kind of strange dark and mysterious that I'm going to deliver to you in story format if that's kind of your thing I would ask you to please gently obliterator like button and then subscribe to my channel and turn on all post notifications so you don't miss any of these strange dark and mysterious uploads that I do every week alright let's get into today's story in 2010 a 17 year old boy is devastated to find out that his father had suddenly passed away and it really sent shockwaves through the whole family not only because now they're grieving the loss of their father their husband but because so much of their daily lives they they'd spent together I mean if this was a very close family and one of the things that they like to do as a family was they owned a cabin it was around Mount Bachelor in Oregon this beautiful mountain where you can go snowboarding and skiing they had this family cabin up there where in the wintertime this family would spend a lot of time there they would go up there as a family spend time there was a family it was just this wonderful retreat and as they're trying to settle the estate of their husband their father they're trying to figure out what they want to do with this cabin because all of a sudden this place that you know used to bring them so much joy and was a place of very fond memories suddenly felt kind of hollow you know it just would never be the same and so they decided that they were actually going to sell this cabin and the 17 year old boy was just really upset about this you know it's he was very close to his father he had some very fond memories of going hunting skiing snowboarding with his dad at this cabin and so once the cabin was actually put up for sale by this boy's mother he asked if you know before they actually sell it could he spend some time up there I guess paying his respects in a way to to his father but he just wanted one more opportunity to to spend some time in that cabin and his mom said go for it you know take as many days as you want go up and hang out in the cabin but when you come back we are gonna sell the place so his father had actually willed to his son his vehicle and so the 17 year old boy loads up his father's car he goes out and he buys some snacks and drinks heads up to the cabin in Oregon with the family dog whose name was midnight and his plan was just to go up to this cabin and basically try to enjoy being in this space one last time don't think about it as this place that now has no meaning because his father had died but rather a place that he wanted one last positive memory before it was forever gone from their family and so he gets up there makes his way to the cabin and he settles in for what turned out to be an abbreviated stay at the cabin so in order to understand this story we need to talk a little bit about the layout of the cabin itself the the cabin was two stories and it was built into a mountain Mount Bachelor in Oregon and so the back half of the cabin was kind of settled into the mountain so there were no windows save a little sliver of window that fed into the the bathroom actually in the back of the cabin the front of the cabin was this beautiful you know double-decker cabin with you know windows in the second floor that fed into the master bedroom on the second floor there was a walk out balcony I kind of shut it out a few feet from the second deck the first floor you could see in through with all these beautiful windows there was a sitting area like a living room and a TV and then a small kitchen as well so the cabin was built in an area that was heavily forested they had to clear out you know a bunch of trees to even build this cabin when the family had this built years and years ago and so they really only cleared away the front section of trees so that there was a clear shot to the house but the sides and the back were very heavily forested with these huge tall pine trees and they basically had this little tiny driveway that fed in through all the trees and you had this one kind of clearing in front of the cabin so if you were on the second floor of the cabin where there's the master bedroom there's a bed up there and you were looking out that window you'd be looking over the balcony out into a clearing basically but there's a tree line you know hundred yards past that clearing that's very dense and there's actually a couple of trees fairly fairly prominent trees that are sitting in front of the cabin that they did not cut down one of which for the story we'll call it the sitting tree parallel to the ground about 20 feet up was this beautiful branch that looked perfect for a whole bunch of people sitting on it but it was 20 feet above the ground and there wasn't really any way to climb up to it and no one was trying to climb this tree but there's this tree that basically has a seat if you will like the branches like a seat that is looking directly into the cabin that's gonna matter later in the story so clearly in front of the cabin with this one kind of sitting tree and then a very dense forest 360 degrees beyond you know that one clearing so when the 17 year old gets to the cabin he goes inside he puts his drinks in the fridge puts the snacks on the counter he hooks up his PlayStation to the TV and he's just like having a great time his dog midnight is roaming around and joying being at the cabin and you know he's having a great time and over the course of the first two days that he was there it was everything he hoped it would be it was it was like it was bonding with his father one last time it was a peaceful time that he was there he was happy to be there and he was just enjoying himself eating snacks and playing video games for a couple of days he actually left a couple times to go snowboarding too but on the third day that he was there things started to get pretty weird so on the third day when he got up it had snowed dramatically the night before a couple of feet of snow on the ground still snowing pretty heavily and he's like you know I just don't feel like brushing off my car and trying to go to the store or go to the slopes to go snowboarding I'm just gonna basically be shut in for the day and he was excited about it he's like great me and my dog midnight canned bomb around the inside and play some more videogames I need some more snacks and do whatever midday that day midnight needed took pee so he went outside with midnight and let let midnight run around and go to the bathroom and while he's out there with his dog he notices there are some footprints in the snow that looked relatively fresh and this is the first time that he's left his cabin that day so they aren't his and his neighbors were pretty far away and he figured that they were they were older that they were probably not going to be trekking around the woods so he's thinking to himself I wonder who made these footprints and he's looking at them and they started in the woods so the woods are not that far away from where he is he's in a relatively small clearing just in front of his cabin but he can tell these fresh footprints have come out of the wood and they're basically right in front of this clearing and he notices that they Bank around and go to the back of his cabin and kind of go up onto the mountain and he kind of just starts walking and following the footprints of it and they kind of disappear up onto the mountain behind his cabin and he's he's not overly concerned or anything but he definitely takes note that more than likely somebody was walking around his cabin maybe it was someone who got lost maybe it was a neighbor I mean he's rationalizing it he's thinking you know what it can't have been anything too serious obviously they didn't knock on my door they didn't need anything and so he keep coming to writes it off so that night he stays up late playing video games and his dog is sleeping next to his chair and at some point he's tired and he wants to go to bed so he draws all the curtains so blackout curtains around the downstairs shuts all the blinds and locks all the windows all the doors and heads upstairs to the loft and second floor where the master bedroom is he you know gets in bed turns off all the lights everything's locked everything shot the dog climbs into bed and the dog would sleep up near his head and suddenly the dog jumps up still in the bed and looks at the stairs leading downstairs to the front door and it's ears are perked up like it's heard something and it wasn't unusual for the dog to be a little jumpy you know maybe it heard something he wasn't overtly concerned but when midnight the dog jumps off the bed and Sprint's downstairs after having the sudden alertness and he's listening now he is a little bit worried he's thinking boy I saw footsteps yesterday walking around my cabin and now it's the middle of the night and my dog is downstairs acting like it's heard something and he hears the dog midnight pacing around the downstairs like back and forth back and forth back and forth every indication is the dog wants to go outside that's that's the noises that he's he's picking up that signal from the dog and so finally even though he's feeling a little bit unnerved by this he decides to go down and see what midnight wants and so midnight is by the door yours perked up very eager to go outside its pacing you know anything's you know what she just needs to go in the bathroom and so he opens the door with midnight and he goes out and he expects his dog to pee but midnight doesn't need to be midnight starts kind of stalking around the corner and looking out across the clearing towards the sitting tree in that direction and it just stops and it's looking at something very intently as if it spotted an animal or something in the woods and so the boy is looking at the dog and he's kind of trying to encourage the dog to do its business so they can go back in the in the cabin and he's starting to feel really uncomfortable he's looking around he's thinking like okay I don't know what's going on like I'm a little bit concerned now and he's sensing that midnight is going at some point to try to take off after whatever she sees in the woods and so preemptively he grabs midnight and says all right drags midnight back in the house and shuts the door and locks it and takes one last look out the window of the door and just kind of looks out at me it's dark isn't a light or anything he's like man that's creepy locks it shuts the blinds confirms everything downstairs is locked you know does a sanity check to make sure everything is locked and goes back upstairs with midnight midnight did not want to go back upstairs he had to practically drag her back upstairs and then when they did get back in bed midnight refused to get in bed but instead stood next to the bed looking at the stairs wanting to go downstairs periodically looking back at him and then down at the stairs midnight wanted to go back outside so he's laying there in bed and he's taking full stock of the fact that his dog is very much on edge but he's trying to fall back to sleep trying to convince himself that nothing weird is going on and after about thirty minutes of that and being unsuccessful in falling asleep as he's laying there it's silent and all of a sudden he hears footsteps on his roof now the roof is right above his head I mean he's on the second floor there is no attic the roof is right there and he hears about six footsteps and he actually described it as something with hopes and his dog instantly looks up as well and they're both watching the ceiling as what sounds like hopes walking along the roof of this cabin and it was so distinctive that immediately what he's thinking to himself is how could a deer or a moose or something get on the of the house there is no way unless you like left from a tree or had a ladder for you to get on the roof and how did we not hear if they left from a tree or a ladder even how didn't we hear a loud slamming sound when they first landed on the roof like it's as if they've been there for a while and we just didn't know and so then the footsteps stopped and at this point the dog stops looking at the roof and goes right to the balcony which is shot there's a door shut to the balcony and there's curtains drawn against the balcony so he can't see what's out there and so the 17 year old boy is sitting in his bed and he's like oh I don't want to see what's on the porch and he even says and it's right up about this that he's like you know I'm a pretty tough guy but I am in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night totally isolated like I almost don't want to know what's going on outside I just want to pretend it's not happening but at some point he musters the courage to go out on the balcony and so he walks over very timidly to the door and Midnight's there ready to go outside it takes a deep breath and he slides open the blackout curtains but there's no light outside and there's no light inside so it's just kind of darkness and he can barely make out even just the snow that's on the balcony right in front of them he takes a deep breath and he unlocks the door and he opens it up and the first thing he does is he turns and he looks up at the roof to see if there's a deer or a moose or something on the roof there's nothing up there and he's kind of peering around and he can't even see footprints up there so in a way he's kind of relieved right like oh I must have been imagining that he had a flashlight and so at this point he's looking back at his roof of his cabin and he shines the light real quick and it's totally dark out right so this light goes very far and he sees nothing and the dog at this point he can hear the dog making kind of some commotion below him it's angling itself to look out in the direction of the sitting tree and now towards that tree line where the dog had originally been fixated on something in the tree line and so just doing his diligence the 17 year old scans from the top of the roof where he sees nothing he starts scanning over to the side of the house right like this is the direction of the sitting tree he's looking over here and he's looking he's scanning the tree line just looking anything that might have been on the roof and he's looking and he's looking and it's looking and then he gets to the sitting tree and his flashlight stops on a man crouched on that perch 20 feet off the ground on the sitting tree who looked very tall he had his hands holding on to the branch right above him and his mouth is open and he's holding on to the branch and he's looking directly at the boy unblinking a hundred percent focused on him he's less than 50 yards away from him at this point and it took him a second the seventeen-year-old to register what his flashlight was pointed out and he panics he drops it and the dog reacts to the drop thought flashlight too and because he's alone out here he needs to protect himself so he scoops that light back up and he shines it one more time to see like holy cow like what did I just see and this the guy on the branch is now gone and he scans the ground there's nothing and he's terrified at this point sue grabs his dog throws midnite back into the into the cabin runs back in shuts the door locks it closed the blinds turns off his light and literally gets back in bed with his dog and he's now basically cowering on the bed so at this point they're sitting on the bed midnight is no longer acting like she wants to go outside I think she's picking up potentially on the under paranoia okay at this point the boy and his dog are sitting in the bed and they're both scared at this point midnight you know it was fearsome while she was outside but now that she's back inside she doesn't want to go near the door either she's rubbing up against him she doesn't want to go anywhere and they're sitting there and the boy all he's thinking to himself is did I really just see that it looked like an unnaturally tall man how did he get in the tree that's 20 feet off the ground you know there's no way to get up into the tree and why was it sitting there with its mouth open staring at me and who was on the roof was anything on the roof and if this thing can get 20 feet up and do it into a tree it certainly can get on the roof of my cabin I would imagine but what was it so he's having this type of thought process and he's realizing - that it's not that late in the night he still has hours until the sun's gonna come up and as he's basically panicking and feeding off his own paranoia and it's getting worse and worse by the second here's tapping on the door on the front door of his cabin and his heart sinks and he and his dog kind of look in the direction of the tapping and he knows he's not gonna go open the door he knows the door is locked he knows everything is locked he's panicking that maybe it wasn't but he knows he locked it and the tapping just sounds like a finger tapping on the window and at some point the tapping stops and he thinks okay maybe they'll just go away and then he hears what sounds like footsteps outside and then tapping begins on the side of this cabin not the front door anymore like the wall of the cabin now it's a little bit louder the tapping continues up the side of the house and then it stops and he's sitting there and he's thinking whatever this is is walking around my cap and then he hears tapping on the little slit that is the window that feeds into the bathroom that's right behind the bedroom that he's in right now so six feet away maybe ten feet away whatever this thing is it's now literally just a small pane of glass away tapping on the glass and so now he's petrified and he's just hoping that this thing goes away it doesn't it goes to the other side of the cabin and starts tapping in the wall on the other side of the cabin and makes it all the way back to the front or begins tapping on the glass at the front window back to the door and he's just thinking like whatever this is it's walking around my cabin tapping all over my cabin and all the tapping stops his heart's racing you know it's the middle of the night he's in the middle of the woods somewhere he's totally isolated and then it's like his worst nightmare comes true he hears footsteps on his balcony and then tapping right on the big sliding glass doors of the door leading out to the balcony and he knows that right behind a black up curtain and a pane of glass is this tall man more than likely who's right on his balcony and the tapping on the balcony goes on and and on and then all of a sudden it stops and he's just waiting for it to open the door and come inside but a dozen instead it goes on the roof and it starts tapping on the roof directly above him and the tapping continues all night and so finally the Sun comes up he hasn't slept all night and he finally gets the courage to go over to the balcony and open up the curtains and see what's out there when he does there is nothing out there but there was footprints as if someone had been pacing on the balcony all night he opens it up and finally just jumps out looks up on his roof there's nothing on his roof he can see all these footprints on his roof he looks down and it's like a racetrack of footprints all around his house someone had been basically stalking his house all night and then the footsteps retreat all the way to the sitting tree and then go back into the woods he packed up his stuff he left and he couldn't have been happier that the family sold that cabin because he was never gonna go back so to this day he has no idea what it was and even if it was just a person who was tapping on your windows and your walls and your and your roof and your balcony even if it was just a human being doing that that would be horrifying let alone if it was something else something paranormal and so if you want to check out my video about my experience it's on my channel called what I saw in my room still haunts me it's eerily similar to the one that I just described at the 17 year old in Oregon and so I'd love to hear in the comments what you think was doing all that tapping and if it's possible that was just some person screwing with this poor kid or maybe it was something else so let me know in the comments and I'll try to get back to as many people as I possibly can if you haven't already please if you liked this story gently obliterate the like button and subscribe and turn on all post notification so you can get three to four videos just like this every week if you want to get in touch with me you can hit me up on Instagram my handle is john ballin four one six i'm also quite active on tic toc my handle is mr. ball and over there and i go live on there all the time ten o'clock eastern most days of the week so i hope to see you in in one of those other places and i hope you'll continue to watch my videos here on youtube and that's gonna do it guys thank you very much till next time
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,349,235
Rating: 4.9578881 out of 5
Id: kkFuZ-_sPP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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