5 Stories for Book Lovers

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[Music] goosebumps is one of the best-selling book series of all time and this man is responsible for each and every terrifying spine-tingling horror filled story hi I'm RL Stine I write the Goosebumps books oh maybe he's not so scary I actually started as a humor writer well what do you know in 1992 scholastic released the very first goosebumps book but way before that a young Bob Stein was into writing jokes I started writing funny stuff when I was 9 years old all I ever wanted to be was funny when I came to New York I had my own humor magazine and after ten years I thought gee I've done what I always wanted to do I guess I'll Coast the rest of my life I had no idea what was in store for me and then things started to get spooky I had lunch with the editorial director at scholastic she had a fight with a why a horror writer and she said you could write a good why a horror novel say okay no problem you got it and I went home and wrote this novel and it was a number one bestseller I thought whoa wait a minute forget the funny stuff and I've been scary ever since that book marked the start of RL Stein's horror writing career and he eventually wrote an entire series called goosebumps but it wasn't an immediate success they went out and they just sat on the shelves they didn't sell to months goes by three months nothing they figured that's it didn't work out and then something happened it's a mystery kids discovered it somehow nobody knew me really there was no height no advertising no publicity there was nothing just kids telling kids it's just you know one of these amazing lucky things that happened now after 25 years goosebumps is scaring a whole new generation of kids it's a really nice thing to be able to write for different generations at first I was shocked when adults started showing up at my book signings I'd say what are you doing here if we loved you when we were kids and I realized I'm nostalgia to them I think you kind of remember that tingle of fear that you had when you were a kid but with the success of goosebumps does arist I never missed the chance to be funny there's something weird with my brain because horror always makes me laugh it's the same destroy reaction that's what I try to do in my books people think if you're a horror writer you're scary all the time and your whole life is horror but I did my own late-night comedy show at Upright Citizens Brigade last year I'm waiting by the phone no one's called me I'm waiting how is it that might be my comedy career [Music] it's a magical book art I am one there's a lot of strange artists who paint pictures that people can't see it's a discrete painting it's only there when you know how to unlock it now you see it now you dad [Music] my name is Martin frost I am what's known as a 4h painter so I paint pictures on the edges of books but ever in such a way that they become invisible and less you fan the books up in a particular way and then you unfound the book and advance discipline or gone banished because the gold has hidden the image if he's pretty much a British if not English art form vanishing for its paintings dates back to about 1660 it really got going back in the 18th century when it became quite popular I was working illustration and I met a fellow who was a former traitor and he showed me what he was doing and I liked that I thought that looks fun I could do that I'm a process I was over 40 years ago and now most of the work I've done has been on antique books I'll show this one now here we have here a large Shakespeare it's a 1860 leather-bound split double two different images on one book this is a book entitled the desert isles produced in the 1920s this is known as a two way double one one one and one the other and both them will be hidden under the gold I'm often asked by people and how long does this take how long is that piece of string if you're working on a very small book it would take you a few hours generally speaking for a typical book of about that sort of size at then half two days if you're working on something like a big Bible it's not difficult to use a week the price reflects the time that goes into it the bigger Bibles the big ones six seven hundred pounds something like that ah yes another Harry Potter let me just open it up [Music] gone I find those quite satisfying as far as I know I am the only commercial forage painter working and so on as my eyes hang on in there and my hands I'll continue but if I'm ever asked to describe myself I say I'm a dad I'm a granddad and I'm a forage Ranger it's that works for me [Music] [Music] for me one of the hardest things about having a friend incarcerated is the fact that when I want to talk to him I can't we're so used to being able to just snap a picture and text it to somebody we can't share that kind of information with inmates I am an artist then I'm also the owner and director of flip booked LLC when you're serving a sentence you miss out on a lot of the day-to-day activities being able to see a clip a video of your family and friends can make a huge difference but we can't share that kind of information with inmates the flipbook side you take your video and turn it into something tangible that you can hold basically four to six seconds worth is enough to make a nice length of flipbook and when an inmate gets a flipbook they can see of a brief moment into the lives of the people they love you can say a lot in 30 sheets of lip bug it's it's really cool I've been incarcerated in state of Colorado for about 13 years the hardest part of doing time is being separated from the people you care about [Music] they said they're gonna send me a gift and I didn't know what it was going to be and I got a sheet of all these little pictures and then I understood what it was this was the first one it was a little dog playing in the mud dog joy pure unadulterated dog joy it was a treat to be able to sort of get a video you know in a way I think it's easy to understand why flip books can be so powerful for the inmates but sometimes I feel like it might almost be more powerful for the families involved being able to take just a few seconds to capture some video that you know is going to end up in the hands of the person you love is a very powerful thing [Music] what might seem like just a cluster of small temples surrounding Myanmar's kuthodaw pagoda is actually the world's largest book the kuthodaw pagoda is a golden temple built in 1857 but it's what lays around the surrounding shrines that draws people near in each of the 730 white stupas stands a marble tablet combined these tablets make up the entirety of Buddha's teachings written in the ancient Pali language each tablet or page from the book stands 5 feet tall and 5 inches thick the tablets were once covered in precious jewels and gold ink however after the British Invasion in the 1880s the site was looted and the gold ink and gems was stolen today the book is still accessible the dense writing has since been filled with black ink so the scripture can be read for many years to come [Music] in Kassel Germany for a limited time only there is a replica of the Greek structure the Parthenon and it's made with over a hundred thousand banned books [Music] the Parthenon of books is an installation that is part of the document of 14 art show the exhibit is from South American artist Martin Meno him her aim is to spark debate about the issues of censorship in literature to achieve that she has collected over a hundred thousand copies of a hundred and seventy different books that have been banned throughout the world through various stages of history the books include everything from Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer to Cecily von Ziegesar girl it is not a coincidence that the Parthenon of books is located in this German Park as it was here that Nazis burnt over 2,000 books by Jewish or Marxist writers in the early 1930s the books for this project were donated by the general public and once the installation is complete they will be handed out to visitors with the hope of inspiring readers for years to come [Music]
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 231,617
Rating: 4.9658437 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, books, libraries, reading, search, Great Big Reels, New Releases, Weird & Fun Knowledge, Lifestyle & Entretainment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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