5 Stories About the Power of Hair

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[Music] when I first started in the wig business the hair alone could be up to 175 dollars an ounce let's just state there was more money in hair than heroin my stock of hair right now is probably worth over a million dollars my name is Nicolas Piazza and I'm a wig maker hair stylist wake designer I started doing wigs almost from the beginning of my career this is my 50th year actually these are some covers that I'd done for some beauty magazine I used two pounds of hair to create this style I worked for the Kenneth's beauty salon which was at that time world renowned at all the celebrities all the movie stars including people like Jacqueline Onassis and Marilyn Monroe will clients there I opened my own salon on the Upper East Side I was there from 1985 and 20:10 and i moved into the salon I'm in today Gloria WAN so it takes about five or six weeks to make a wig the job of crocheting the hair is calls ventilating it's the ventilating needles come in different sizes so if we're doing very fine work they'll use of a needle that only takes one or two hairs in each knot and if we're using a heavy width we might have a needle that takes up to ten years in each knot sometimes the more delicate wigs actually take longer than the very thick ones at one time there was the synthetic wig boom and everybody had a synthetic wig and now people seem to be much more interested in the quality and they're willing to spend the money for it my customer exchange from 3850 up to five thousand dollars you know and I've made wigs for films that I've had to charge more than that for because I had to do them in a hurry and paid through the nose to get it done my clients are a variety of people it's the kind of thing where you get a lot of satisfaction when you have clients that are undergoing medical treatments sometimes it actually held them back from getting their medical treatments if they told that they were going to have hair loss and then once they got the wig and they saw that they look as good or in many cases even better than they look before they're they go into their treatments with a lot better attitude I don't know what sets me apart I care about what I do and also I know I'm good at it and when you're good at something you enjoy doing it you [Music] I see color as a form of communication I feel like it tells a story when I look at colors like in a painting I think automatically can I put that on ahead my name is Daniel moon and I'm a hair colorist I first started getting into hair when I was in the Marine Corps I barbered myself and other friends I was granted permission to exit the Marine Corps to go to Harrison being so restricted in the military I think getting out of it there were no limits restriction was enforced on me so when it came to creating I kind of vow that I've never restrict myself from doing something that I felt like I wanted to do and somehow came up with this magic way of coloring hair so freehand hair coloring is looking at the head as a canvas whether it's short hair or long hair being able to just paint on it as if it was a sculpture I find inspiration everywhere I look to the art world I look to the magazine world I look in books I look where people don't think about looking when I'm choosing colors and designs I imagine like a checkerboard this Purple's here this thread is here can i connect this color to that color I'm looking at it from every angle top bottom left right and then just playing with those different kind of shapes I don't think about being different from other hairstylists I've create work that is different from me it's different from my last piece see people dye their hair to have fun to create a persona that's fun 11 did some big color changes and had some great collaborations with Madonna Katy Perry Nicole Richie and zoe kravitz the work that I create is temporary and that is romantically because it fades away hair grows up I can spend 3 hours 6 hours on a piece and then it can walk out the door and then it's never seen again I like that it's an art form that washes away I like to just continue on creating and just making something that I've never seen before [Music] and I lived in Queens I went to the beauty parlor every two weeks I still do it here in this independent living community it's the same core team the SWAT team is my life I have been used to it ever since I came to America look I'm 91 years old and I can't stop the aging process but I tried to remedy whatever I can if you want to call it a beauty routine see I don't I call it just taking care of yourself I do it as part of my living I don't think I feel beautiful I feel like I'm Selma [Music] change is hard changes heart at any age but being a senior and leaving your home and leaving familiar faces and starting new routines important so if they're in the habit of getting their hair done on a Friday at 1 o'clock they still want Friday at 1 o'clock I'm Renee carbonado from the salon coordinator and hairstylist that Riverwalk salon I've been here for 14 years and working in a residence like this it does give you enjoyment being with them it makes them feel good because that's what they're supposed to be doing they've been through it all doing our hair making that pretty and making them feel good you also help them get through their day a little easier I [Music] was born in 1927 I was a teenager during the Holocaust in France there were days when you couldn't take baths because there was nothing but during the war I had one lipstick and I remember it was called whose vision which means that kiss lipstick made me feel beautiful so it's important to me to keep myself clean and to keep myself looking the best I can we came to this country after the war in 1947 I met my husband I was married six to five years after my husband died I felt very lonely and I was in terrible shape when I came here but the beauty salon is downstairs on the lower floor I go to the beauty parlor every two weeks it's an intimate place I talk to people you feel very good going there I know that the I'll come out and I look decent two years ago my husband fell and died I never thought that this would happen to me at the beginning I froze and I said Who am I always stressed see this is the way my family was we always dressed this is my life today it cannot be what it was I have to maintain Who I am I love clothes my hair is the same as it was when I was 20 it's very simple and I don't want to lose myself so far I have not family's been here a little while good morning she's very sharp she's very into fashion Elma has her style she knows what she likes I'm not too sure and I do what she likes week after week she shares a lot of stories and she goes out often and you know she's just living life and enjoying life I feel like coming here it gives me the opportunity to have 95 grandmothers it's a very comfortable place to be they're getting older and their life is getting a little harder so when you're the one that makes their day better that gives you so much more fulfillment [Music] [Music] on the internet the other day I found an animal that looks like something quite familiar they've tried to block the road but outside of the road once she turns out this fluffy looking caterpillar that looks super soft is actually super poisonous so I called dr. Wagner he's an entomologist up at UConn my specialty is Lepidoptera which is the study of butterflies and laws this caterpillar it has a few names well it's mega l'apicio per culeros most people call this animal the post caterpillar except in the South where many people call it the ass these caterpillars are distinct because they're covered in what looks like long soft hair only mammals have two here and then what we find on insects are really derived scales underneath those it's where the poison spines are there may be a little bit like a hypodermic needle when you pet the caterpillar it's quite a wallop I think of all the caterpillars in sting the house may have the most painful and most toxic sting that poison can cause headaches swelling nausea blisters even difficulty breathing and in case you were thinking that these guys probably live deep in some jungle you would be wrong they're found mostly south as an Asian Dixon line so here's a new adage to help you remember if it looks like Trump's hair you better beware you
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 214,154
Rating: 4.9099679 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, hair, hairy, colorist, hair color, caterpillar, lenght, hair cut, hairstyle, New Releases, Great Big Reels, Lifestyle & Entertainment, lifestyle, entertainment
Id: AG3k5hkDDJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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