Exploring Worlds Deep Beneath the Earth

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beneath the streets of stockholm sweden is the world's longest art gallery a 68-mile cavern of culture exhibiting over 150 artists it also happens to be a metro system that carries nearly a million riders a day turning the morning commute into something truly inspiring [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the old english seaside town of margate there's a mysterious underground cavern adorned with millions of seashells its winding passages stretch more than 70 feet and are believed to have been constructed in the early 1800s but no one knows who built them or why [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] three and a quarter miles east of key biscayne near miami florida is an underwater eternal resting place for ocean lovers the neptune memorial reef is an artificial man-made reef that houses the remains of thousands of people after cremation ashes are mixed with cement to form features that become part of the reef the reef's design was inspired by the underwater city atlantis and includes lion statues columns benches canopies and podiums takes up half an acre and sits 40 feet under the surface of the water the neptune memorial reef serves a dual purpose as a home to many underwater creatures fulfilling its mission of creating life after life anytime i'm inside the cave i feel i'm in a different time scale above the ground is much faster the tree grows and dies in like 100 years but inside the caves it's millions of years and it's timeless [Music] 11 miles north of beirut hidden inside a mountain lies the jata grotto the pride of lebanon and one of the most majestic caves in the world when we say zeita cave everybody knows jaita gave it's a very important cave because it's the main water source of of beirut and the area nearby rural a small portion of the j to grotto is open to the public the rest is accessible only to a select few including the spilio club founded in 1951 it's the oldest most respected caving club in the middle east the spirit club deliberate was founded during the explorations of jaita grotto the same history of our club is the history of jaita grotto every week the spilio club gets together and goes caving in the grotto when they explore they travel by boat down a subterranean black lake their mission is to discover new caves map them photograph them and ultimately protect them there is no doubt that jaeta grote is really a work of art simply because of its huge scale and it's huge formations and those formations aren't set in stone the cave is very much alive all of this is still undergrowing it's not a fossil cave yet it's still living this cave in the last 65 years the spilio club has discovered over 600 caves every weekend their work goes on we can't say that we had explored old jeta caves because each two years or one years we discovered new things so we are still working inside jetta and we will not finish [Music] underneath the turkish region of cappadocia a system of hidden tunnels and caves went undiscovered for a thousand years until one man decided to renovate his home [Music] 18 stories below the ground level in the turkish region of cappadocia is the ancient hidden city derenkuyu the city was rediscovered in 1963 when a man knocked down a wall in his basement and stumbled across a hidden room this triggered an excavation of the area to reveal the hidden city that is a thousand years old and over 280 feet deep it is thought to have been created during the byzantine era around 1000 a.d to protect the community from wars and natural disasters it is made up of a network of tunnels connecting what would have been kitchens stables churches wells and even schools the cappadocia region is known for subterranean safe havens and it's speculated that dan and kuyu may have connected many of them the city likely could have hidden 20 000 people livestock and food supplies making it the largest underground city in cappadocia for somebody driving into town the first time you wouldn't think there was a lot here because 95 of it is hiding underground people drive in and go where is the place i don't understand cuba is from the aboriginal pity which means white man in a hole [Music] at the moment upstairs it is about 122 degrees fahrenheit down here we're sitting on about 71 72 degrees no air conditioning necessary we're right out in the middle of nowhere it takes a day to drive here from adelaide i'd say there's about a thousand underground dwellings and um at least 1500 people living underground we've got five underground churches we've got underground motels there's some amazing underground homes here many bedrooms underground workshop you name it underground we've pretty well got it [Music] i bought my dugout as a fairly small two-bedroom dugout and i've been extending it over the years some of this i blasted out when i could get away with it the cops don't like us blasting in town we don't do it anymore back in the old days if somebody was gonna have a baby we'd rock around there with a couple of compressors on a weekend and some jackhammers and a couple of cartons of beer and by the sunday night we dug out a room cemented the floor and wired it up and there's your new babies room honey even though we're so far away geographically from anywhere else i don't know why but we just love the place to pitch [Music] hidden 150 feet below kansas city in a 270 million year old limestone deposit more than 1600 people work in the world's largest business labyrinth [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 384,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, stockhom, art, underground, art gallery, seashells, grotto, underwater city, lebanon cave, turkey, underground city, metropolis, kansas city, shell grotto
Id: JcE6t3ZpyaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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