5 Stories That’ll Get You Feeling Cozy

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[Music] [Music] when it's cold outside there's nothing like a warm bath to tick off the chill and these monkeys have found a great one [Music] the G Goku Donny Valley in Japan is buried in snow for almost 1/3 of the year the area is more commonly known as hell's Valley named for its high altitude jagged cliffs and bubbling hot springs that fill the air with steam the local Japanese macaques or snow monkeys have found an interesting way to adapt to these cold conditions in the early 1960s these clever and curious creatures moved down from the higher forests and tested the water of the natural Hot Springs they have been using them as a spot to warm up in the winter months ever since these snow monkey is like company their average group is typically 41 monkeys but can range from 10 to 161 they're not picky eaters either they'll eat just about everything from seeds plants and fruits or hand out from a mischievous tourist even in the high mountains of Japan these clever critters have found a great way to relax spa day anyone [Music] commandest be about how stinky make the school money untold history mother have been system under I see cards Bahamas be emergency Koenig oblivion is his logistic average make pita my name is Andrea on the sweeper Falcons here and PA shrimp are here in the Paradise talkback which was talking packet a Vincenti whole cities around boffins and Yahoo knock tidal power I and had the power I learned about the hotels were chef in the a diva conveniently about Martin in the gear petitioned approver i beaten beyond strongest yet stamp even button as a service McCallum digital left via Yahoo national television once in Simba saw designers constant mile we know sound and Alma sister would fit automatic on tiny say find something out Sitaram foreign cisterna chyli nice solution but at an ending out i insane cannot assign an output and played a factor hot dhanyavad eco endeavor home Deloitte MBA pardon me Nastasia set aside man exists as Watson stratified intangible East Indies abolished in this equation when she oneself the opportunity cannot see say the Peter Principle in here those s in Sakhalin years was thinking chicken and fish pasta [Music] nothing says Britain more than nope nope keep going ah yes there it is a nice cup of tea we know we have China to thank for introducing tea to the Western world but how did it make its way to England and become the cultural obsession is today well that's all thanks to one Portuguese woman the year 1662 the person Catherine of Braganza she just won the hand of England's King Charles the second with the help of a very large dowry including money treasures and spices this worthwhile trade made her the Queen of England Scotland and Ireland when she arrived to her new homeland she brought with her packets of loose leaf tea in crates label transport Dervis aromatic us it's a theory that this was later Berube ated to te a T now T could all be found in England but was only really used for medicinal purposes Catherine continued drinking tea to her heart's content and as the new royal everything about her including her beverage habits was copied by other ladies desperate to be just like their Idol another thing Catherine brought to the table from Portugal was the idea of tea drinking experience she popularized the use of porcelain tea cups and mugs but the end of the 17th century much of British aristocracy were enjoying the hot beverage and soon enough so was everyone else today while tea can be found pretty much everywhere it remains a special daily pastime for Brit hmm so carry on and drink tea people of England in Saskatoon Saskatchewan you'll find for senior citizens making socks lots and lots of socks talks by Bob have knitted eleven thousand six hundred and sixty-two as of today that's pairs of socks which means socks by Bob has knitted twenty-three thousand three hundred twenty four individual socks eight point eight miles of socks and they're all for charity the main responsible for all these socks is none other than bob rutherford enter bob's knitting machines these super powered knitting machines go at ninety turns per second that's pretty fast but what makes these machines special are that they're self-made I'm an experimenter I just build things and it took a long time to figure out how to do it but when you're retired and nothing to do it's just sort of green socks by Bob began in 2010 after the passing of Bob's wife Edith I was a caregiver to my wife before she died and my son came home and said dad you need something to do I said well I made these socks on this first knitting machine and that sparked an idea making socks for those in need but Bob doesn't work alone he has plenty of help George cuts the tube length Glen and Barney has the tube socks Bob each week bobbin is team that hundreds of socks that they then deliver to countless homeless shelters all throughout Canada when fox are delivered in Alberta Saskatchewan BC Red Deer Calgary some of glowny to the northern part of the province in sharp they go to where they're needed people gotta keep involved you just can't give up because of bereavement or whatever the case may be I think the bending socks for needy people is important people have to reach out and touch each other I think that they go older and this has helped me do that and I think that's the key to life you don't give up and find the purpose find something that needs to be done and do it [Music] over 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day and it takes a lot of people to make just one cup one man went on a quest to figure out what it's like to thank each and every one of them AJ Jacobs is a writer who lives in New York City hi I'm AJ and he's the first to admit he can be a bit of a grouch my default state is grumpiness I am very good and noticing all the things that go wrong so to make a change he started giving thanks during dinner I would say thank you to everyone who helped make my meal until one night my ten-year-old son was like you know dad those people can't hear you if you really cared you would go and thank these people in person and that's when the light bulb went off he decided to hone in on something he knew he took for granted every day my morning cup of coffee over the next 12 months AJ set out to thank every single person who had even the smallest role in his morning cup of joe first it was his local barista the roaster and the coffee shop sorcerer whenever I thanked one person they would say well I couldn't do my job without this person so one person led to another led to another led to another you ventured outside the city and eventually the country I thank the folks who provide electricity to the coffee shop the engineers who provide the water the people who make the steel the farmer and the importer the truck driver the person who paved the road even the woman who painted the yellow lines in the road so that my coffee beans could safely arrive at my coffee shop I remember I called the woman who does pest control for the warehouse and I said I know this sounds strange but I want to thank you for keeping the insects out of my coffee and she said well that don't sound strange but thank you you know I don't get a lot of appreciation in my job all in AJ ended up banking over 1,000 different people and while most were pleasantly surprised by his gratitude it's AJ who benefited the most the experience has made me grateful for the hundreds of things that go right every day as opposed to the three or four that go wrong I tell my friends that they should try these gratitude trails themselves they could just be small gestures looking someone in the eye the cashier at the drugstore and could be sending a quick note to the designer of a logo you love I will tell you that it will make your life better it's changed the way I lived my life in [Music] [Music] the cold white north of Minnesota there's a place that will get you warm after a long day on the ice you can do some fishing or have a tasty beverage and it's something of a dream for Josie I've always wanted to own a neighborhood bar and we finally do mine's just sitting on a frozen lake ice fishing is a way of life around here for people it gets so cold below zero temps quite often which allows us to drive and put houses out and drill holes in the lake and fish when it gets cold enough in the early winter Josie's husband goes out and tests the ice to make sure it's thick enough if it is they can put the bar together and then the ice hole can open the ice here is so thick that this bar sits on top of it to come to our bar on the lake you just drive your car out on the ice and park we don't have a parking lot you just park wherever you want walk in and have a beer people like to fish and drink beer and from our bar here you can do that all at the same time the local favorite drink here is called the minnow shot people will actually take a live middle which is fishing bait and put it into their shot and drink it as delicious is that seafood beverage sounds people come just because the fact that the bar exists is pretty amazing people's reactions to this bar are from crazy to they don't understand it that's the coolest thing ever they come from all over the world to see it it's very seasonal we're only open 20 days if you're ever near lake light a drive out on the ice Park come into the bar and grab a bowl
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 68,254
Rating: 4.9098458 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, New Releases, Great Big Reels, Travel & Adventure, travel, adventure, Weird & Fun Knowledge, weird, fun knowledge, cozy, warm, winter, tea, beer, jacuzzi, monkeys, hot spring, blanket, warm up
Id: J5Uww7ins7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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