5 Steps To Becoming A Successful Hyper-Local Real Estate Agent With Jamie Tulak

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foreign foreign what's going on everybody look at who I've got here with me special guest Jamie tulak how are you doing today Jamie I am awesome brother how are you dude I am just gonna say that sure is pretty sweet you like that look at that somebody close the cardi AC I love it I love it it is like still one of my favorite shirts I still wear this around just you know the city of San Antonio just uh support me on a brand uh all over the place so but no no how's your day going though so far Jamie I can't complain we're doing good over here in Raleigh the Market's heating back up just so you know I had a listing and we dropped that listing it was a little bit slow the first weekend but then the second weekend we ended up with eight showings and one of the showings they wrote an offer and got it to me like literally 15 minutes after they saw it they're like let's lock it up let's get under contract and I'm just hearing from a bunch of other you know agent friends of mine here in Raleigh they're like man I have like 30 showings I had 60 showings I had 10 offers so Market's making a comeback hey that's music to my ears I've been seeing the same thing here in San Antonio and just doing you know with the team across the country I'm seeing like transactions picking up and just you know kind of like uh mindset shift and all that so yes they'll last like four months of 2022 were kind of crazy but uh but I hope you know that January and then now February is going to be uh uh going to be good for us so anyways 2023 it's a whole new year but uh but but real quick Jamie you know for those you know that uh that don't know you real quick they're like who's who's Jamie tulak you know and all this you know they probably don't know our relationship so we we've uh you know we're good friends for those that don't know Jamie and I have known each other now for what's it been almost three years or I don't even yeah two and a half three years something like that yeah and um you know Jamie is part of uh our team here at exp and she's over in Raleigh like she mentioned uh and you know for a little while she joined um with somebody you know under are in my team and I didn't really know who she was and then all of a sudden I start you know I get a report every month as far as like who's doing big things and Jamie stood out I was like oh my gosh who's this girl I gotta I gotta you know reach out see what she's doing like how is she having such success and uh and so that was kind of our you know first knowing each other she's like she kind of knew of me before that because of YouTube and stuff and we could even go down to that whole story but like my first knowing of her was kind of that interaction and then ever since then you know we've been great friends you know our families are great friends we've got kids that are the same ages and uh yeah and so so it's been a fun Journey just getting to know you and then also I've been able to see Jamie's uh amazing kind of success uh within not just real estate but also building uh her brand in this uh partnership she's got called the girls with grit and we're gonna get talking about that here in a little bit as well um just as far as like what they do how they help us as agents and yeah and so we're going to kind of talk about uh different products and services and stuff like that that they do but I know they're making a big impact uh in the real estate community so if you haven't already heard of them uh you are about to kind of have your eyes open yes I'm super excited for that but more so than anything Janie is the master of just like being a hyper local agent like you know kind of being you know within that you know five I don't even say more than a five mile radius people know of you in your area Jamie but like certainly in her like you know very you know Niche focused like neighborhood and you know kind of the surrounding areas like people know who she is and that's how she gets a lot of her real estate business and so we're going to kind of dive into that and talk about that but but before we do Jamie you know how are you doing what's kind of going on in your life like what's new in your neck of the world Man actually by the way it was really funny when you were uh describing how we met I'm just going to start off by saying don't be like me if you have been following Kyle Handy's content for a while and watching all of his videos if you are ready to join our brokerage please make sure you reach out to him directly don't do what I did I I got lucky and let me tell you why I binged all his content and I thought this seems too YouTube famous called never ever have time for me so I never reached out to him and I reached out to my wonderful sponsor who's also within the Dream Team dyra dire is amazing and dyra's local to you in San Antonio and I didn't know that I didn't it's really weird I knew her online I knew you online you didn't know me online but Dyer and I knew each other online and I joined with her she got me on a call with Greg Foster who's doing some awesome things also in San Antonio and I joined the next day and it you know it wasn't for several months later when you finally reached out to me that I realized how this whole exp thing worked and I was in your organization so luck was on my side but I'm going to tell you guys if you're following him don't join with somebody else he's the master like you I'm just telling you right now well I appreciate that and luck was also on my side we were both Lucky so yes I think that was pretty uh pretty you know Fortune whatever you want to call it right but uh but it was Destiny and so I'm super happy though and yeah like I said just really really cool to to have seen kind of you flourish and you know and crazy really kind of like reinvent yourself I mean just in the last like you know couple years yeah and I got like this front seat you know view of it and so it's been a lot of fun so I'm always rooting you on and you know I'm your your biggest cheerleader uh that's out there so that's part of why what I was gonna say is like I think the the most fun about EXP is that like I'm not in competition with you just like you're not in competition with me like right we kind of get to work together we get to collaborate but more importantly we get to run side by side and build Our Brands together at the same time and kind of celebrate each other's success so I think more than anything that has been the most life-changing thing for me over the last several years is finding people like you are like-minded who are building an awesome thing and not having to do it by myself anymore and I I think I just want to speak to that because there's no way that I could have built a multi-million dollar business without the collaboration of other agents who think like me and we're running towards the same direction as me right and being able to kind of throw ideas off of each other and go hey what do you think about this what do you think about that well let's do this and finally finding that space and pulling up a chair to the right table so I'm I'm really happy that I made the decision that I did it's literally changed my life oh I love it I love it well very cool well for those that are that are tuned in we got a lot of people jumping on uh be sure to give this video a like if you see you know Jamie's uh jumping on taking time out of her schedule you know I definitely thank you so much Jamie for uh you know for coming on and so let's give this video a like if you know who Jamie is I want to definitely uh see all the thumbs UPS in here leave a comment say hi to Jamie um but yeah let's go ahead and start diving and then uh into kind of the hyper local agent and you know I know we've got five steps um that we're going to kind of give to the agents who want to to become a hyper local agent like you've become but yeah but before we do that I I want to even just kind of get into your mindset real quick and just kind of like ask you like what uh what kind of inspired you to even go down that path to begin with like to pursue this you know hyper local real estate agent path there's all sorts of things that agents can do you know for lead generation and to have success but you chose hyper local and obviously that's worked out but but what started that that path thing so I had relocated from California right I've been in real estate now over 13 years which is crazy to stay I don't feel like I've been in it that long something it feels longer right um but I had relocated from California and like you said I had to reinvent my business and build it all over in a brand new market I killed it I killed it in California and it was hard to leave a Big Brand behind and start over but the reason why we started over here I wanted to be in Raleigh I wanted to raise my kids here we wanted to live here it was time for us to you know grow new roots and so the the only thing I realize is I know how to build a real estate brand but do I know how to reinvent myself in a brand new market do I know how to be hyper local so I had to get back to the basics because for me it was non-negotiable I didn't have a ton of money to spend on leads right I just completely started over picked up my entire family and it was really important to me to make sure that I didn't drain my savings too quickly and so I thought what's the thing that I can do to grow my burn as fast as possible in a brand new market because let's just be honest in case you guys don't notice I'm gonna throw some stats at you real quick most online Internet leads people think they're garbage and the reason why they think they are they're garbage is because they don't cover it right away which that's not the nature of online leads first of all it does take on average 12 plus months to convert an internet lead just so you guys know but the the second most important stat I think people need to realize is when you are working with internet leads that you're buying these leads they are now inputting their information on average into nine different sources right and so now which is crazy right like when you and I started real estate buying leads was so different yep it's so it's changed so much over the last decade and so now you're competing with eight to nine other agents trying to get that lead to purchase with you and we're all taught the same way we're all taught the same drip campaigns the same scripts to to interact with these leads how do you stand out from the competition and service them at a high level it is easier to do that when you have a brand behind you and they see you everywhere in your omnipresent and you're hyper local and you have content that speaks to them so I think that's number one is people need to realize internet leads are not what they used to be so how do we move away from buying these leads that cost a ton that convert at a low rate and the easiest way to do that is by becoming hyper local and building a brand that is recognizable that makes you stand out from the competition and you've done an awesome job too at building a brand so I think this is going to be a fun conversation yeah well no I yeah I couldn't agree you know with more with everything that you just said and uh yeah I mean I think that's what's so cool about your path and like how you know how you did what you did like moving to a whole new market because you know we see like at least you know I see a ton of agents that that's like one of their biggest concerns is either a they just move somewhere and they don't know anybody or B like maybe they've lived there for a while but they just don't have a big sphere of influence yet right like and they're like man you know they're like who do I even start with and I think when you do what you did where you like focus on like you know what's right in front of you like you know that hyper local area you can be so much more effective so much more quickly um than the agent who's like just buying Google leads for you know San Antonio Texas or like the whole area and it's like you you have no way to like have the budget to be able to be effective when you're like just scattered around or you know if you or just any strategy you're doing you're trying to you know just I don't know like you're not Niche enough yeah yeah you're not you're not an expert you can't be an expert in every single Community every single new home build area in San Antonio like that's just impossible let's be honest 100 yeah I I remember I mean you know because there were times like I didn't know about this hyper local so when I was getting started I was kind of just like trying to do things all over the place and I remember like being like showing houses in like neighborhoods and clients would ask questions and like I don't know I have no clue you probably know more about this neighborhood than I do because you're looking in this area like more heavily than I have I'm just showing you the house you know and it's like you felt like kind of such like a fake right like it's like I have no clue what I'm saying and I mean I would never like lie or try and like make stuff up but like I would literally say hey I gotta go you know do some research like I'll go run the comps for you that's a great question like stuff like that to try and get around it but I never had that like hyper local like real estate sales business and I like man you know as of today like that is where it's at like you've got to be there you know because that's where that's where you can separate yourself from the competition like you said so yeah and you have to you have to because there's no way that you can know everything about every single community so that was number one I just in order to build my brand I realized I needed to get hyper local I needed to feature like new construction communities that were right here so I was looked upon as the expert and I think that's the cool thing about when you build a brand you know this better than I do you put out a YouTube video you put out content and it lives forever right and so people are seeing this stuff like two to three years later and you're gonna continue to build that traffic and put out even more content and then they're just going to binge all your stuff so I think that's what's important and not just on YouTube right like Instagram Facebook all of these places you need to have content that speaks to your most ideal clients so that that's number two is when you're building your brand make sure that you're focusing heavily on your hyper local video content um because it does live forever right and people are going to look at that stuff and I think that for most new agents or agents that are new to creating video content they get discouraged right away and because they think you know I'm putting out all of this stuff and I'm only getting 100 views I'm only getting 200 views just keep going like when do you Kyle when do I have an opportunity to get in a room and instantly have 200 people look at my content or you know listen to what I have to say yeah have so that's awesome it's I mean yeah it's amazing I I I'm still like you know this is still put back that like that is even possible you know to be it's crazy though it's crazy I think it's because people are comparing their new content they're like oh well Jamie has this many views Kyle has this many views we did it always we started out where you're at right now right and like I think the art of comparison is the thief of joy and so people need to stop realizing stop focusing and realize like put your head down and focus on the content that you're creating stop consuming everyone else's and create your own content and keep going and be consistent yeah right 100 yeah no I love that man uh yeah I'm telling you I mean you know I started like just by doing Zoom calls you know I'd put them on YouTube and I'd get like seven views and I was like hey that's six more than I had on the last video or something you know it's like you know and you just have to take the small wins when you're building that type of a business but under understanding that those small wins turn into a big business at some point over time over time yep and so I think that kind of leads into one of the next steps I know we talked about it but but maybe I don't want to jump the gun so I'll let you tell step three um but you know I know part of it and so uh but what is step three of the hyper local plan what was being consistent is that what we talked about number three yeah I was making sure we were on the same page because we talked about this briefly before we went live but is staying consistent and I kind of mentioned that already um and and being consistent I get asked all the time as a real estate coach well Jamie what does being consistent mean and honestly it means building out a schedule that you can stick to so for example if you can only put up a YouTube video once a week or once every other week but you're consistent in putting out new content every other week then stick to that if you are putting out content once a day then stick to that I think the problem is so many people think that they can accelerate the success by doing you know 10 videos in two days and then they post nothing else in like a month to two months that's not gonna work yep yep it doesn't it doesn't work that way no you know so um consistency is key and I know so many online gurus are saying that but it's the truth is that that's how you build a brand is one brick at a time one day at a time one video yeah and the other thing too because I know you know step two as far as like video and that type of thing and that is super powerful but you know don't confuse us to think too that it's got to be YouTube I mean I I do I'm a firm believer in YouTube I know you know Jamie's seen the power of it as well um but I mean also you know we're talking like Instagram Tick Tock um you know even just sending video emails out to your to your database right like if you're starting to build an email list you know but getting comfortable on video but then being consistent in whatever it is um and this is you know step three isn't necessarily like just being consistent on video it's being consistent in your business you know in your real estate business like if you commit to something like do it like and do you know wholeheartedly um so yes I know I say that yeah I think if you're gonna do something yeah to do something do it well and do it with your whole heart or don't do it at all 100 truly yeah yeah I mean because I get to see it you know play out in your business like you know as far as what you're doing now with girls with grip but those also in your real estate business like your clients you know when they when they talk about you or like you know even the girls are great like when you know people join you there like the way they talk about just your passion for like what you do it's like infectious right like people know that you care about whatever it is that you're doing it's not like oh like I'm doing this job I'm doing this as much like you care about like this is your life you know and I think like that's so important because if you don't if you're not passionate about it you're not going to be consistent for it right like nobody has kind of willpower that they can just consistently keep doing something you know for a long period of time at a high level um if they don't have passion for it you know and so yeah so I I love that you know you've got to be consistent but then even you know talk about me maybe some of the other things that you have to be consistent with in being like a hyper local agent outside of video so like I know you've done things like events I know you do things like just you know pop buys and like going out and doing like what are some other things that like a hyper local agent has to be consistent with it's funny you ask that momentum monthly membership right it's like our our marketing membership and it's a monthly membership um and what's cool is it's basically having three little marketing managers in your back pocket what does that mean well it's everything that you just mentioned Kyle it's like we teach and coach and train agents on um all of those things you mentioned right so that marketing guide has a featured event of the month and and they're non-salesy right so like for example in February I'm hosting a charcuterie board class in my home and I'm inviting some of my past clients some of my future clients and some of my friends so I'll have a group of about 15 to 20 women in my home and I'll be paying for their fee to have a charcuterie company come into my home and Host this class and I'll have wine and I'll have a gift bag for everyone and it's going to be branded to me as Jamie too like the agent not just not just um you know Jamie your neighbor it's Jamie tuna because guess what now that's an admit and that's marketing and I I can write that off while still having fun and not being so salesy right so it's all about doing those mini events and I know you were here one summer um during the yacht party The Yacht Rock party that was fun you got to be part of that you might have to stir some of the pictures back up I know we had a yeah had like some kind of a beard going on there and uh yeah that was a fun one with John and oh my gosh yeah yeah we had a good time the kids were funny I think what a was it Carson or was it Christian they took a picture with like the little pipe oh yeah I got Christian definitely we've got one of those oh yeah anyways have fun with it is what I'm saying is when you're doing these events and that's part of what our monthly marketing membership is about doing fun pop buys not being cheesy not being salesy but just stay on top of mind with them and I think that's what's important is um number four is staying top of Mind by doing all of these things right and so when you're consistent when you're staying top of mind in a non-salesy way that's what's gonna get them to come down that funnel that funnel that you're working towards but I think that's cool is having a guide that already has it it's swipe and send emails swipe and send text messages um pop featured pop by a featured client event uh recording to our Monday uh coaching calls so it's like basically everything all wrapped up in 47 a month in that membership but it's literally all the things that myself and my two business partners Tara and Lauren have done to create that type of business with that hyper local following in the most non-salesy way because at the end of the day it's all about building relationships staying top of mind and everyone is taught that same thing oh do you know anyone that wants to buy sell or invest in real estate give me a call like that's kind of played out yeah just played out you got to do something different to stand out against the competition right yeah I think that's that's the thing so stay top of Mind awesome yeah so you know in staying top of mind like I mean you know how like I know there's usually kind of like um you know there's this thing this thought out there that like oh you've got to do more right like you gotta you gotta like you know send out you know make sure people are getting emails make sure you're retargeting them on Facebook make sure you're doing all these you know buys or but then there's also another side that's like hey focus on like maybe like one two or three things like is that okay so you're you're more like hey let's let's stay focused and if you're gonna tell that agent to focus on like let's just say the three thing like they're gonna run a hyper local business you know they are gonna make some videos um and but they want to like focus on their area like what are like the three things that you definitely say you need to do this to stay top of mind well love on your people build that relationship how do you do that me personally I focus on hosting three well probably four main events throughout the year all throughout the year right um and then just making sure that I'm funneling them into my Facebook group I I'm actually not the admin of that Facebook group I kind of inserted myself into the neighborhood Facebook group so that's that's key it's just you can put out content even in that way by doing like a free monthly marketing update free a monthly newsletter and it can all be digital you create those landing pages make them sign up they get the download now you're building your email list right so there's a lot of things that you can do for free or cheap or like I said doing those events partnering with vendors that are going to split those costs with you so that it's only maybe 100 to 200 each event that you do that you're personally spending so there's ways that you can cut back on costs and still be super effective but not feel like you have to do everything you know in order to reach everyone there's ways that you can reach the masses without having to do a huge spend on those events and stuff so yeah well all right so now I know probably some people are thinking like okay well if you live in like a great area and you want to like work that area that's awesome but like what if I don't live in the area that like I want to potentially like get clients from like I want to work have you ever dealt with that and what would be your advice for somebody like that I get that question asked a lot by my coaching students and I tell them pick an area usually what you're going to want to do and we call it the modern farming way right it's not just about sending them a postcard once a month it's all the things it's you know having that Facebook page creating a mailer doing as many events but pick a neighborhood that has anywhere from 200 to a thousand homes and farm that neighborhood but again it goes back to consistency if you're going to pick this neighborhood you have to do it consistently over 12 months because that's when you finally start to see you know your efforts finally build that fruit is by doing that consistently over 12 months so you can pick a neighborhood it doesn't if you live in a rural area or you live in an area that you're like you know what this is not a safe part of town or it's not what you want to focus on that's fine go find one that you do want to focus on and don't let an agent who's already living in that neighborhood blow you out of doing it they don't own the neighborhood right I don't own 12 Oaks and so somebody else wanted to farm our neighborhood good luck good luck but at the same time like don't don't let another agent bully you out of doing something that's going to help build and grow your business because nobody owns a neighborhood but yeah yeah pick a neighborhood and farm that neighborhood consistently and do it in the modern way right so I just talked about that Facebook page you can do pop buys if you wanted to you can do mailers if you want to you can do many events throughout the year if you want to and then you can also just post it back into that Facebook group or all of those events or all of these things you're doing for monthly Market updates um creating landing pages collecting information building your database through your email list so it's it's not just like one thing right Kyle it's like yeah I just told you guys don't do too much but it's also just being consistent with the things that work and I don't know what's going to work for you because I don't know what your your client Avatar is so sometimes you have to test what's going to work in that specific Market especially so I usually say like there's that base of things that you should be doing but pick two or three of those things I just mentioned and do those consistently don't focus on everything else outside of that yeah well so like I love the idea of the Facebook group and I think that yeah no matter what like that's probably one that's going to be effective no matter where you're at and I think that you know like so if somebody wanted to do the Facebook group idea like what like give me an example like what would they name that Facebook group like is it something like how would and then would they how would people find that Facebook group or would you just basically always kind of be pushing people to the group or what is that yeah basically yeah so typically I usually suggest naming so I guess this is tip number five that was just um make sure once you get them in the top of the funnel you're doing things to move them down that funnel right and so what I suggest doing is naming it particular to that subdivision so for example the the one that's in my neighborhood it's called Twelve Oaks Community and people just find it and then it starts to get you know pops up and people see that it's suggested to them but if you're just starting the Facebook group this is what you're gonna do you start the Facebook group you name it you know whatever that neighborhood is and if there's like a fountain out front or you know how they have like the name of the subdivision on concrete or a headstone or something like not headstone that's you know what I mean I got real green real fast didn't it and if you know there's a landmark out front of the neighborhood take a picture of you and that's what I've done take a picture of you out front with that Community name in there and they recognize your face with that Community name use that as the uh Facebook cover photo up at the top of the Facebook page then from there your next step is going to be either have postcards made with a QR code that points to that Facebook group or door hangers no matter what you have to when you first start the group you're going to have to do some type of mailer and send that out to everyone don't be discouraged if at first you only get like you know 50 people in the group and don't be discouraged if at first it's really quiet and it's crickets once you just start putting in that hyper local content in there a new Brewery coming to town new restaurant coming to town people start to figure out what the group is all about and then they start posting too so that's that's your step create that page brand it to you with a photo in front of you know whatever Landmark for the neighborhood and then send out a postcard or like a door hanger to every single person in the neighborhood requesting that they join the Facebook group um you can even do a giveaway if you want to everyone who joins the group by I don't know March 1st is going to get entered to win this Yeti ice chest he's Gonna Wanna Yeti ice chest I do yeah I'll take one yeah those are those are our tips but I love it you know one of the things too and I think this you know deserves to be said about building this business and just because I've seen how it's how it's worked for you is like the cool thing is I mean yes you do a lot of work up front like getting the stuff built putting this content into play but then you do less work on the back end compared to a lot of Agents right like a lot of Agents they don't really do anything to build connection or relationship or add value up in the phone run but then they've got to like sell themselves and they're going to do all this work to try and get that lead to like want to work with them um on the back end right whereas most of the people that you know once they've gotten down and they've moved to you know down your funnel they're like reaching out to you like hey Jamie's family helped me like what are you exactly like they want you to help them um you know with whatever in that same league guess what that same leads in my Facebook group and I've been doing all these things for the last 24 months consistently who do you think they're gonna reach out to when they're ready yeah for sure for sure so yeah I love that so yeah so I mean that's what it is you know getting them into the into your funnel which you know the the Facebook group could be a big part of your funnel your funnel could also be known as like your email list maybe it's a stock start of your funnel right like the top of it but then it's constantly showing up adding value you know putting more local value that's the other important thing because I mean you can just add value but like when people see that you're like the master of that area and that like you're the only logical choice because you show up with you know different open houses that you're doing in that area different listings that you've sold in that area different buyers you've helped to find a house in that area you're doing events in that area like there's there's no other choice than to go with you at some point right like so exactly yep that's the whole process but yeah just staying consistent with that content though move them down the funnel I love it you can't just expect that they're gonna land on your email list and that's it that's not how it works for sure for sure well let's uh I wanna I wanna kind of change gears real quick now because I'm sure a lot of people are watching they're like oh my gosh you know like I love Jamie like I want to know how you know the Brit thing that you know Kyle's wearing and the Jamie's wearing like how do I get to be a part of this thing and what is it like so so let's talk a little bit about about just girls with grin like how that kind of came to be and who it serves and all that good stuff fast-moving rocket by the way to talk about having an idea and implementing it being consistent Kyle's had a front row seat um and the three of us girls were some of his best friends and he's been able to kind of see how this whole thing has been built over the last almost two years now I'm gonna share my screen real quick just so you can kind of get an idea here like so here's kind of their website right like here's the three girls back here yeah yeah that's the partners here small But Mighty um but yeah so so this whole thing grows a great Collective it came about it's this is for women in real estate sorry fellas but it's for women in real estate and we wanted to create a safe space for women in order to join that again going back to Facebook group to join our Facebook group to feel like they could have a place to collaborate with other like-minded women in the industry and we saw a gap we saw a gap in the industry and we thought you know this isn't this isn't right this isn't fair because as a woman when you're a top producing real estate agent you know what uh the number one question people would ask me they still do when I go to EXT events in different conferences oh like Jamie I know you have kids who's watching your kids and what do you mean who's watching my kids I have a husband he's phenomenal he's a great dad why don't people ask that same question to men and so that just kind of shows you the differences between men and women who are very successful in this industry that how we're looked at and so we created this space because you can't have it all you can be a top producing agent you can be a phenomenal spouse and a phenomenal um mother and do all these things and you can have it all so we created a space for women to be able to collaborate and learn how to build their business and whatever that meant to them if they only wanted to do 15 deals a year if they wanted to do you know 500 deals a year this group is for you so we created that group and we started that when was that that was shortly right right around Cabo when we went to Cabo two years ago and it grew and grew pretty rapidly but now we're at 12 000 women in the group and um it's been crazy awesome to be able to build that that brand and have that Community for women and it's really cool because we did it with one thought in mind and then it just kind of exploded and then one thing led to another and they asked us to create a coaching program and to create a bunch of products and things that they could purchase so we do have that monthly marketing membership I told you about um we also have coaching which right now our doors are close to coaching those only open up several times a year um but it's crazy I've been able to build the life of my dreams just by being passionate about something and going all in so same thing for y'all if you're new in real estate but you're passionate about it go all in and it'll serve you well but um go back up to the top real quick that right there is our conference coming up we've got some Mega headline speakers um if you're not new to video content you know that Glenda maker is probably like the number one person uh right now in the real estate space when you think of video content and Tick Tock she's going to be speaking we've got Chelsea um Heights she's phenomenal also um we've got oh Kirsten Jordan lovingly referred to as KJ from Million Dollar Listing she's coming to speak uh anyways uh Lee Brown Renee funk I think you know Renee Funk too Kyle but we've got a lot of phenomenal women and we're excited about that conference coming up if you want more info on that go to girls or grit live2023.com you can snag a ticket there um but then lastly like we've got something cool coming up we've got our buyers masterclass and again we just have all of these trainings but the buyer's masterclass Kyle I wish I truly wish I had this when I was brand new in real estate because what that fires masterclass is it's literally every single step from the time you get a lead until post closing every single email you send them I've been send every a checklist item of 150 things that you do from contract close we've got every single marketing deliverable so if you want like a buyer's guide you want the moving guy like literally everything we've built out that content so there canva templates that you can easily brand to you but that kicks off and uh super pumped about that it's going to be three coaching calls along with that and that's going to be really cool so if you just click that link right there um Kyle's got that down below the ticker you'll have more information on what that buyer's master class looks like we'd love to have you but it's it's again ladies it's for the ladies so this is a big question if they miss one of the calls don't worry it gets loaded into the dashboard so they can watch the replay but it is really cool to be able to partake in that live there's nothing like a girls at grit training I'll just say that but yeah again I wish I had this when I was a brand new agent or or even less than five years in I don't know how long it took me to build out a system if you will where it's a repeatable process and cuts down all the time and communication with your client those email templates you set them up and with one click you've deployed it for five buyers at once it's really cool actually so yeah no I think that's huge and I mean I know because y'all actually this is the second time y'all done something like this the first time you did it for listings that was like one of your top selling things like and it got such great response yeah and so I'm sure you know the buyers one is going to do even you know that or more we have over a thousand people that have already signed up for the buyer Master Class wow so yeah so I mean I'm telling you this is this is going to be gold for those that and that's the thing you nailed it you said people want systems agents want systems and they need it yep and this is it right so I think you know obviously uh we've got a a thing going in the Dream Team right now where uh for the month of February we're doing a buyer Challenge and so I mean I don't know we couldn't have timed this perfectly I mean we didn't coordinate this at all with you releasing this you know uh you know right in the same month I know this is going to be a big value add for those that go pick it up and so yeah use the link down below you can see it kylehandy.link forward slash gwg um yeah you get to go pick this thing up it's brand new it's fresh you get to be in it like live and so like because I mean what's cool is like I mean I know you could go back and still get like the listing system um you know and still watch it and at some point I'm sure the buyer system they'll be able to do the same but like right now if you pick this up like you get to go through this thing live with the girls which is awesome and ask questions yeah that's the beauty of it right like throw it in the chat box as we're going through stuff um but I will tell you and it's it's just not me speaking we have hundreds and hundreds of reviews from people that have been brand new in the industry to 15 20 years in the industry all the same thing like this is worth way more than what they're selling it for and it truly has transformed so many people's business already so I think that's that right there and it's true from the pudding and I can't talk about it enough because it's my product but you know other people are saying it and we know that it'll help change your business you need a repeatable system you do I love it well here's the other the thing that I love about you know the girls agree is that all three of you women y'all are still in production too so it's not like you're buying this system from somebody who hasn't sold at the house like in you know five years three years ten years like we're top producers yeah you're still selling houses like today you know so I mean it's kind of like uh you know these are very relevant strategies cheese so I think it's good yeah I think last year between the three of us we sold over 100 million in real estate that's crazy that's awesome it is crazy good for y'all good for y'all I love it well Jamie I know you know I appreciate your time you know coming on the channel and you know go ahead and you know given some value to the audience and then also for what you're doing here with girls with grit and you know adding extra value there uh for half of my audience for for the women but yeah and she's very serious momentum our marketing guide the dudes can snag that that's fine click that link below the guys can get in on that momentum marketing membership I promise you best 47 bucks a month you'll spend did I even show you our guy Kyle you have not no I need to check that out gosh I will need to check that out um and yeah well that's pretty exciting I didn't even know that but yeah because like the one time that I went and uh God of course I think uh you know that that was uh I found out pretty quickly that this was girls only they were like no Kyle you cannot be a part of the girls with grit and uh so I support y'all and I know that y'all are doing great things just because I see from the outside all the women and you know uh you know the women that y'all are helping but me personally I can't even get into the girls of grit so you know Kudos we let you in one time we'll let you on a call once oh yeah yeah she did she let me on a call one time because I was adding value to the audience at that point but I can't just come in and get value so I'll have to work okay let's go have Chrissy get her license Chrissy can get her license and she can be in the group but she can buy all our products there you go she is gonna be licensed here and she takes her test early March so oh that's awesome we didn't even talk about that that's cool yeah so nice yeah yeah so that's that's exciting so she will be a part of the girls look great at some point here here we go well very cool Jamie thank you again so much I really appreciate your time and uh yeah we'll sure we'll talk soon if anybody wants to reach out or get more information about this definitely hit Jamie up you know you can find her on all the socials she's all over the place right like you'll find her on Instagram all that good stuff Facebook like she said in her group um but yeah but just reach out if you've got questions but otherwise guys we'll see everybody next Tuesday have an amazing week and we'll talk to you later bye y'all
Channel: Kyle Handy
Views: 680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5GoHrZsRnZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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