Social Media For Realtors In 2023 With Mike Sherrard

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thank you [Music] [Music] thank you all right there we go what is going on Mike how are you doing today good man how are you super excited to be here now I'm excited to have you this is a a rare treat uh the fact that we get you live on the air right here on YouTube so excited to to be able to do this with you and also just catch up with you man it's it's uh you know for those that don't know you and I you know we've known each other now for a little while had a chance to kind of hang out and do some stuff at some events and it's always been good you know getting to just kind of look you know learn a little bit more about the the you know what goes on in the background because dude I know how hard you work um to build what you've built um and so you know everything you've done you've earned it and so I'm honored to have you on this call I'm excited for you to you know be able to share uh just some some Social Media stuff uh with the with the audience and the Agents here watching which we've already got I've already looking at the ticker who we got a lot of people tuning in already so uh so yeah guys if you're tuning tuning in and you want to say hi to Mike let them know in the comments here and we are going to do some FAQs at the end so if you do have questions for Mike feel free to type them in the chat in the comments and we'll get to them at the end um so if I don't get to them right away we will get to them though at the end but before we do all that Mike how are you doing man good I'm excited to be here again you know as you alluded to we've known each other for so long and you know we've got a collab coming on my channel soon and then we we get to do this together and I think it's cool um you know being able to connect with other people that are in a very similar space but maybe a different Niche um and again like even though at the same brokerage being able to collaborate you know across borders is so powerful and exciting and and we've got a lot to dive into today with all the changes that have happened this year and and uh I'm excited and we've got a great community that I think know the both of us so it should be pretty fun yeah absolutely well cool well for those of us you know watching maybe they're tuning in on you know Facebook or this is even streaming on linked in right now and maybe they haven't come across you know your YouTube channel or anything you know uh let everybody know real quick you know who are you uh how did you kind of get your start and what does your business look like today yeah definitely so up here in Calgary Alberta Canada the northern neighbor to uh many of you I'm assuming and uh you know I got into real estate 2017 and uh new agent new city didn't know anybody quit engineering um and again had no money so I built my business on door knocking in the beginning um you know I got licensed in February of 2017 so it was you know minus 10 snowing and uh you know I went a door knock three hours a day every day for six months straight and uh you know the first day I got licensed I went and door knocked um and within my first evening it was snowing minus 10 in a suit in the dark and I ended up getting two listings at seven hundred thousand dollars a pop um my very first day licensed and I did really well with door knocking so it was it was great and it helped develop skills but the problem was is that it didn't create leverage so my business was only growing the three hours a day that I was putting time into the business and not the rest of the time so about six months into it I started looking at uh you know social media and using that as an Avenue where if you didn't have money you had time and if you invest your time wisely you can create income and that's when I started diving into things like Facebook ads and uh Instagram built the top producing business my first year was the top producer my past brokerage for multiple years and um you know it was really exciting but ultimately realized that you know as I started the build momentum I started realizing other agents wanted to know how to do the same thing so I ultimately started sharing my strategies on door knocking cold calling Facebook ads Instagram personal branding and things like that kind of like a blanket fit across all social platforms and then people really wanted to know more about the Facebook strategies so that kind of was the birth of my YouTube channel where I kind of just said hey here's everything that I've personally done no fluff no BS no Theory but practice and a lot of people really cared about door knocking but more so Facebook and Instagram and that's what kind of birthed my Niche into the social media space I just gave people what they wanted more of and you know fast forward a few years later we're kind of here now um we've got a channel that's growing and uh ranking number one for almost every social platform related to real estate on YouTube yeah man it's crazy so so when did your journey on uh YouTube begin you said uh like 2000 was it 19 or 20. yeah it was it kind of I always put into two different buckets because I put my first video out in 2017. and there's still a couple videos out there from that but you know in 2017 it took me a year to get to 167 subscribers and then you know and in 2018 I went to like 300 and I really started taking it seriously in 2019. and that's when that was when I was my third year I tripled my production every year but I started realizing maybe there's a different avenue because I got sick and tired of chasing the next deal like every agent eventually gets to mine just happened to be a bit more soon than the average agent um so 2019 I ended up doing you know 42 43 deals but simultaneously putting out three videos a week that I was editing myself filming myself doing the thumbnails myself on camera the whole nine yards and that's when I went from like 167 to 3 000 subscribers and realized well maybe I have something here yep that's so cool man and now today you're what over 70 000 or pretty close to it yeah definitely so 77 000 now yeah um 80 000. I check and I'm like I know he's over 50 he's over 60. it's going so fast now so yeah that's awesome dude congrats man well I know how much work it put it takes trust me because like three videos a week uh that's that's by no means easy especially when you're still selling and doing all sorts of other stuff so uh very cool and I think that kind of segues us into you know how kind of what I wanted to you know talk to you about today which you know is a lot of Social Media stuff and really I'd love to start out with because I know you do a lot of like coaching of agents and kind of like helping them with their social media presence and social media can mean a lot of things whether it's you know YouTube or you know Instagram Tick Tock all sorts of different stuff but like if you have an agent who you know comes to you and let's just say that you know they're on social media but like they haven't sold anything because of it or like you know it hasn't been a big presence in their business their real estate business like like what are some things that you would tell them they need to do right away like first and say like hey I know you already got a profile but like like what are some of the biggest things that people need to take advantage of right away yeah definitely the first one's a bit unorthodox and honestly it's made the biggest difference in my content which is taking a very unbiased approach and looking at your content through an unbiased lens so for example whenever I'm putting out a video I've put out 467 videos on my YouTube channel I've put out a ton of content I still re-watch 100 of every single video I put out there before it goes live I still look at every single thumbnail before the video goes live I put it beside the top three ranking thumbnails for that subject and say if I wasn't me if I didn't know who I was through a hole in the wall would I honestly click on my own thumbnail or theirs would I honestly watch my own video or when I watch theirs or you know on Instagram if I look at a piece of content from myself or somebody else I always use that litmus test and that barometer of saying you know this video this reel or whatever landed in front of me would I like it would I go so far as to comment would I share it would I save it would I follow you would I go to your account because the average person unfortunately things said because they know there's value in the content they make the assumption that other people are going to as well but they don't really look at how engaging is it how well is it delivered how entertaining is it and they look through a biased lens of knowing themselves not looking at the average person because if you're trying to grow like you're following to grow your following it's all new people who don't know you right so the way you have to look at it is would somebody who did not know Mike short of Kyle handy and didn't know all the videos and the content they put out if they found that for the first time would they engage and when you could start to look through that unbiased lens and I do this with advertising all the time as well paid lead generation ads that starts to put yourself in the shoes of the consumer and when you can put yourself in the shoes of the consumer now you're creating content based on consumer behavior and if you would act that way unbiasedly so would everybody else so that's usually my first plan of action is get because the average agent is you know more or less hopefully driven and knowing that they're always going to be their own harshest critic so whenever I'm talking to an agent I don't even go down the rabbit hole if I'm doing like a channel Audits and be like you're doing this wrong you're doing this wrong I get them to answer their own questions because they know where they're going wrong they just don't sometimes take the time to step back and ask those questions to themselves yeah 100 um well cool so then I think you know then the other thing that I get and like you know and even me man I struggle with this sometimes is like you know where should I pour my efforts and we all only have the same amount of time in the day and like at the beginning you know I mean yeah it's great like at some point where you can build leverage but you know right out the gate not a lot of people may be good at like managing a team or you know even like building the systems to get going so like they have to kind of do the work themselves you know just like you did just like I do and like so with limited time um knowing hey like you know you see a lot of Agents you've got a lot of agents in your group here at exp like what are the agents that are successful in real estate doing um you know to actually get real deals today on social media yeah definitely I think you know the reality that answer is something that not many people really want to hear but it all comes down to priorities right so when you start looking at this yes we're all busy yes you know it's very difficult to put it into the play if you've got prospecting time you've got kids you've got a spouse you've got all this kind of stuff but at the end of the day there's a principle that everybody needs to live by which is you will always make time for your priorities if you're not making time for social media it is not a priority if you're not making time for you know uh prospecting it is not a priority so it's a mismanagement of priorities and I think that's where you know you look at the time it just depends how you allocate that time but also how diligent are you being within that constraint that you've placed for the time that you've allotted to the content and I think for me it's been finding efficiencies like batching my content and doing it in a way that I can get a month's worth done in one session but then there's also agents in my organization like Louie and he didn't find batching work for him because of kids and wife in school and theirs and he blocked off a one-hour time slot once a day seven days a week and he records one video a day and that's what works for him so I think it's ultimately looking at your own life and this is where a lot of Agents kind of get tripped up I think is like they're watching my videos they're watching your videos and they're looking for the perfect content calendar but you me and the next person all live drastically different lives we have different priorities so you have to try a bunch of things and see what actually fits within your lifestyle because the best content calendar the best prioritization is going to be what you are going to be consistent with for the next 12 months it's not what I tell you or what somebody else tells you it's what will you stay true to and ultimately that's one of the biggest mistakes I think people find with their content but also the preparation is a huge thing and I think if you you know typical quote if you fail the plan you plan to fail typical stuff but it there's a lot of weight behind that because like for me I plan three months in advance if you're in the beginning of your journey plan one month in advance and I think the more you can be prepared that allows you to sit down and say okay like I'm recording this weekend because I batch every Saturday well I know all the videos I'm going to record so I have to sit down I crank it out and I'm done where a lot of Agents go wrong and say I'm going to record this Saturday but then they sit down and say okay well what the heck am I going to record and what am I going to say in those videos and they block off three hours and two hours into it they haven't recorded anything because they've been doing the research but that can all be done ahead of time and then I think the final thing is that a lot of Agents over complicate the recording process in terms of what they should record and I think this is always funny because I get I'm sure you get this all the time too which is people saying well Mike or Kyle like I don't know what videos I should record and I'm like what do you mean you don't know if it is you should record how many communities are in San Antonio oh 150 Great there's a 150 Community tours you have to go do yeah oh great how many properties are in your Market that you can get access to 30 great there's 30 property tours oh you've got the list of videos that you've shared on your channel I've shared on my channel you have a month's worth of content or a Year's worth of content that you already know like the back of your hand but you're looking for some like Secret Sauce video that you should start with just go start with anything just get going yeah 100 yeah I hear that all the time too and it's just one of those things where you just got to get going and then like you know and I and I I create plans and then the plans get me started but then once what's funny is once you get started you realize like now like you might you might divert from your family you might do something different because you're in it now you're in it every day you're seeing it you're seeing opportunities whereas if you're trying to see the opportunities like from the outside you'll never get it you know what I mean you've got to be in it to see those opportunities so yeah yeah no that's awesome man I love it uh on the advertising side because you know I know you you got a lot of videos you know about Facebook ads and you know Google ads I think even um but like on the advertising side I know so many things are changing constantly I mean they are all over the place but especially with ads where are you seeing agents have the biggest success with ads whether it's like Facebook ads Instagram ads Google PPC YouTube ads I mean like what what type of advertising are you seeing working right now yeah definitely so it's a great question it's changing like crazy it's this is also why you know I always urge people to focus on you know blogs like you do or YouTube videos like we both do which is things that create massive leverage that you don't have to pay for that could scale over time that aren't subject as much to algorithmic changes but there is a lot to say about paid ads I spent about 1.2 million dollars in 2022 on paid ads so I'm a huge advocate for it but there's kind of different buckets here so when we start looking at some of the paid ad strategies that are working now you kind of have to shift your perspective because I think where a lot of people went wrong is they make this assumption that there's the perfect ad that works in every market for every agent every time that no matter what the situation is you will be able to crank out hot bottom funnel leads with that ad but that does not exist so what we're seeing now is a couple different things if you're focusing on maybe my recommendation to start is a Facebook ad not because it's going to get you the highest quality leads not because it's the highest converting but because it will give you the most repetitions when it comes to understanding how to follow up with online leads and I think that's a skill set that a lot of Agents have to develop understanding that the average online lead might convert after you know six eight twelve months and most people aren't used to that skill set it's an extremely valuable skill set whether you're focused on production or attraction but when we start looking at some of the ads that do convert the best there's kind of two different approaches here there's content that is specifically tailored toward lead conversion and then there's content that I really focus on which is the one that most people struggle with which is brand awareness and I think where a lot of people go wrong is they think that if they're spending fifty dollars a week or fifty dollars a day whatever it is on ads they want to see an immediate return but that's not always the plan I think a concept that I wish people would better understand is return on ad spend so for example I will see let's say the average price point in your Market yields an 8 000 commission why we'll see agents go out there and spend 500 or 600 on Facebook ads not get a close deal yet and say you know what Mike Facebook ads ain't worth it it's not worth it for me I'm gonna go to Google ads or YouTube whatever well dude like if I could spend five six hundred dollars and get an eight thousand dollar commission I'd be a billionaire by the end of the year I'd spend as much money as possible yeah that's not how it works like the average investor the average entrepreneur looks for a two and a half to three times return on ad spend so you should be willing to spend up to twenty five hundred dollars to get an eight thousand dollar commission and be happy with that but they're looking at the immediate not the long-term play and that also goes to the advertising side where agents struggle with understanding the process of how you actually have to run High converting ads which is I look at month one is gathering data I do not expect any any results for months one it's just to gather data month two is optimization month three is scaling so it's a three month process but most people want that perfect ad week one not month three now when it comes to ads that are working in 2023 a couple different things as we talked about the first is going to be for lead conversion that to me based on my experience has been Google ads focused on buyers and then YouTube ads focused on either or okay now the problem is is a lot of people say well I want to just focus on sellers but if you look at doing ads specifically tailored toward like relocation or downsizing or upsizing well you you're a seller before you're buying right right so it you know when people are spending all this time trying to get in front of Sellers and saying I only want to do listings well you're going to spend an arm and a leg to get listing leads if you focus on buyer leads that are specifically tailored towards buyers who probably are already owners that gives you a massive the advantage and then I think the last thing which is on the brand awareness side is something nobody's doing which is what I just put out a video on my Channel about I think a week ago or so is Tick Tock ads nobody's doing it the cost per um you know lead very similar to Facebook ads back in 2019 or 2017 2018 and nobody's doing it so if you go learn how to do something that nobody else in your Market's doing it becomes a competitive advantage that to me has been Tick Tock ads but there's a Nuance that'll wrap it up with which is that when you look at leveraging someone that is a massive competitive Advantage like Tick Tock ads Tick Tock is a bit different than every other advertising platform so on Facebook we are used to scrolling and seeing an ad a sponsored post like we have become familiar with that Tick Tock kind of came into the picture after people have become used to that and realize they don't want that anymore which is when Facebook changes privacy rules correct so The Tick Tock ads that work the best which I tested over the course of the last 12 months are the ones that look native to the platform that have a call to action at the end not the beginning a lot of advertising formats like YouTube ads for videos Instagram and Facebook ads and videos the call to actions like right at the gym right and then you get into the value because people are no people are familiar with it being an ad right whereas on Tick Tock if it's an adult to jump they're like okay scroll they're so used to scrolling not stopping so if you do something that hooks people it seems like it's a native video like you know for example in a real estate example you say something like you know there's um you know here's what happened with interest rates in in San Antonio but there's three things you need to know and you break down the three things and then at the end you have a call to action saying by the way if you want to know you know how much your home would be worth in this market now you do the call to action at the end they've already watched the full video because it seemed like native value to the platform you convert on the end not the beginning so it's a massive opportunity you just have to have a bit of a perspective shift of how to actually apply it gotcha dude that's super powerful man like just not only just like the specific example but like even just like the uh the mind set that you need to be in when running Those ads like I think you know I had never even really thought of it like that you know I mean I kind of know but like I love the way you just put it about like you know if you're an investor like you know two and a half three times you know return on your ad spend like that's good you know and if you're you know average commission's eight grand or you know or some it's even higher it's like you really should be you know not not too worried if you're spending 500 bucks like oh my gosh like that's just getting started yeah yeah that's really cool really cool um all right well then that's great now I want to see two real quick because I know you know there's all sorts of tools out there I use a ton of tools in my business um you know to help like whether it's leverage or whatever I mean because you got basically like people leverage right if you're willing to hire people or you got to have like tools and create systems um for leverage so like what are some of like the social media slash you know content type of tools that agents should be using or systems that they should be creating to help them put out consistent high quality content that's actually going to do something for their business yeah definitely like it the the first thing that I think is it depends on where you're at in your business because I think a lot of people are trying to over complicate it what they do is they say because I don't have this certain system I'm not ready to put out content like dude like if you knew how I run my business you'd be like how the heck do you even make like a thousand dollars a year like I I run my business in a very lean way where I just focus on execution and not having too much that gets in the way yes I have systems and yes I continue to add them but if we're being completely transparent here like I focus on just simplistic execution that I can be consistent with without cluttering everything and getting because there's times where there's too many systems you've got zaps going on you've got you know different platforms going on and it becomes a mess whereas like dude until I got to this point I got basically ran my entire business off Google Drive and Google Docs like it's it's very simple but yeah I think ultimately it's less about the systems in the beginning and then we'll get to where you go at the end of that but in the beginning it's more about the prioritization of time and this is a huge thing that I see anytime I'm talking to somebody where I may be coaching them on social media the number one question that I'll ask them is say you know hey Celeste pull up your calendar right now and show me live where you have blocked off to record content this week every single time I've seen an agent that's not building momentum on social media they have no time blocked off and I said well when are you recording they're like when I find time and I'm like well once you let me know where you can find time hit me up because I haven't been able to find it right so you have to block it off it has to become a priority and then from there it's just again building it into your calendar my simple approach to get to I think my first 50 000 subscribers was one Saturday I prepare one Saturday I record one Saturday edit and the next Saturday I do it all over again like that and and it all goes into Google Drive and then I edit it and I upload it and I unlist it and I go now the one system I swear by or a tool you should say is vid IQ um because that is made a world of a difference for uh begin with the Streamline the optimization to Buddy bit IQ same thing every time but that's been that's been the thing now once you get to the point where you maybe start to see a return on your content that's when you could start to build those systems that are a bit more streamlined like I have a video editor I have a an executive assistant I've got a virtual assistant I've got a thumbnail designer you know upload you know record your video upload it and then it takes it through the whole process on something like a sauna but that is something that I don't even want people to consider until they've actually executed consistently yeah 100 percent yeah I think that that's that's the same for me like any time I've tried to make stuff like you know better in a sense like because I'm like streamlining it it ends up like biting me in the butt not at any time like there's been a few systems that stick but like that's what I think people need to understand like not every system you create that you think is going to help you is going to work right like you know there's been a lot of them that it's like you know I created and it's like I spend days or weeks creating it and then like I look at it like months later and I don't even I haven't even checked it or it's like you know it's like oh my gosh I wasted all that time thinking it was the most important thing in my business I had to dedicate an entire week of you know time to it and now I don't even use it and so yeah I mean that's that's the thing is I I do believe that you know execution is the most important thing that like you've got to prioritize the execution of the stuff even if it means like doing it inefficiently at first oh you got to just execute and then keep executing and then when you do have like now you've executed so often that you're starting to find a little bit of efficiencies and you have a little bit of time here and there because you're more efficient well maybe now you have enough information to create the time in the systems whereas if you try and create a system in the beginning without any execution without any like real experience doing it you know you're just kind of like I hate to say wasting time like you're just trying to like fill the time that you should be doing other things you know man like the best example that I can ever get people assuming in my group so assuming his first year did uh 67 million 87 deals and in his second year he did 85 million dollars he did 114 deals he still edits his own videos he still designs his own thumbnails on canva and he did 114 deals last year while doing two three videos a week and these are like 20-minute property tours of these like if he can do that I don't see anybody have any excuse to not be able to do it again it's and and there's a lot of value in that because like since I did all of my own editing and my thumbnail design and I'm a practitioner of this for so long I'm a huge advocate of knowing enough to be dangerous because now when you Outsource it you can tell the person that you Outsource for video editing or thumbnail design hey this is how it should look not how you did it like you can actually give constructive feedback because you've done it you become the student of it you know enough to be able to call BS or in order to make calculated improvements but if you've never done it and you're just looking to Outsource from day one you don't know what's good bad or ugly so a lot of Agents fall victim because they Outsource it on something like Fiverr but they don't even know what good work is so they so then they end up putting out all this content all this time that never converts because they never were a student of the game and I think there's a lot of value in earning your stripes when looking at creating these systems of content in itself I agree I agree and I think that that's part of it is like you know it you have to have like a passion for whatever it is that you're gonna do like whether it's YouTube whether it's Instagram like for me like I'll be honest like I'm not super passionate about like Instagram and these things that's why why like I don't do that much like I'm passionate about blogging and YouTube like and that's where I spend my time and attention and I don't mind going down rabbit holes trying to learn things about those platforms because it's exciting to me like I enjoy it and so I do become like a master of that craft and so I think you know you have to start as an agent like figuring out like what are you passionate about like what do you like to do what do you enjoy spending time with and like go down that route because if you really do enjoy it then yeah it won't it won't seem like work that you have to learn that stuff and so because you do need to learn it like you said I mean you cannot like everybody just wants to pay somebody even if you've got the money you want to pay somebody or whatever it doesn't really work like that I've known so many people that like they just try and like solve problems by throwing money at it and and usually in in most of those cases never ends up being any better and so no and I see a lot of people like I've even had agents an organization that you know didn't want to take the time to learn optimization so they hired on Fiverr and then you go look at their analytics like two months later and this is not to be like a negative thing but like a lot of their followers they're from like Bangladesh or India or some other place like that because they're using like telestream to have like they're giving you these fake views in order to make it seem like they're doing a good job but those views are never going to be potential buyers or sellers so when you look at this if you don't know how to do it yourself you can't call the BS on that so there is inherently a lot of value and I think you know this even goes toward agents creating content for the the wrong audience I think that's another issue um and a huge Trend that we could talk about related to 2023 is are you even creating the right content because when we start looking at this buyers and sellers might make up one percent of the population well when you look at agents they're usually creating content for one percent of the population but what about the 99 that will be buyers and sellers in the future that just aren't yet that's like doing lead generation cold calling door knocking paid ads whatever you're doing and saying unless you're ready to buy today I'm not even going to call you as a potential lead but you know that 95 of leads are going to convert after 6A 12 months so the same thing goes for Content but they're not thinking about it like that like yes you can put out your content about the reasons to move to San Antonio or cost of living in San Antonio committed the tourists property like that is a necessity but do not shy away from the content that I refer to as is local shareable content by the general public because a lot of people don't even consider this which is like for example there's all these Instagram pages and stuff in my city and every city where it's like hey here's the top five you know hidden speakeasies you didn't know about in Calgary or here's a top five attractions you didn't know about in San Antonio or here's the best place to go for lunch the top three like if I if that was posted by a realtor and I wasn't in the market to buy or sell but I saw that I would still share that post with my fit with my parents and my sister with my girlfriend with anybody be like hey have you seen this like you know I haven't heard about these we should go but I'm not even interested in buying or selling right now but that now God's a whole group of people in front of this realtor that just shared something that I didn't know about it's not related to buy or selling but now I know who they are and if they continue to put out cool content that I'm interested in guess who I'm going to think about when the time comes to buy or seller invest and a lot of agents are missing like 99 of the opportunity because they're only creating content for bottom of funnel but that's the smallest portion of the audience that we should be targeting and I think during this time like what's going to happen now is as you know being a broker and being somebody that has run a business for extensive amounts of time like the magic as the market turns is not the people that are looking to buy or sell today it's the ones that are going to make a move once the market starts to turn around in a more positive direction well if you're not in front of them who are they going to work with whoever's in front of them at the time so why not get in front of them now nurture them for the next 18 months and then when things get exciting again you're the one they think about yeah for sure I mean that is the hardest thing I think for for agents and for just you know most humans in general is delayed gratification right like you know it's like that idea that I'm gonna put work in today and spend my hard-earned time and money on creating something today but it may not pay off for two years or something you know it's like it's that long-term thinking and and I really do believe the people who win at this game have that long-term ability to think long term and you know and if you're like oh I just you know I need to make a buck today you know I hate to break it to you but his business may not be for you like it's it takes takes time to to create a business of real estate right like you know to really create any business but especially real estate because you know the buy cycles and cell cycles are so long it's not like we're just selling a you know five dollar whatever hot dog or something you know it's like you know people people takes time and so so it's going to take you time as a new agent to get get going and so I think the the more that you can think like you just uh explained about you know you got to reach the 99 and the cool thing about that too is then it allows you to create content around something that is maybe more you know near and dear to Your Heart Like especially if you're a new agent you're like well I don't even feel qualified yet to explain real estate topics well cool have you lived in your area for a while explaining that right do you like a certain you know Niche or a hobby or something explain that right like and just like try and be helpful and then like you said a percentage of those people are eventually going to want to buy or sell and they'll look to you because you've been the most helpful person so love it man very cool um awesome yeah we got Celeste she says so smart uh I agree I agree I was so smart um cool well yeah one of the things that I want to talk about can't can't be in 2023 and not talk about this right now Mike and you've done a video on it I think I've done a video on it AI you know it's here to stay you know there's chat gbt there's like you know what is it uh what's the one with the the images um oh yeah the journey I mean there's a bunch of them right like and so uh Dolly and all these different things right that are out there now and I think they're only gonna get bigger and you know more powerful potentially and like allow agents to do more and more things what are your thoughts first off about Ai and um you know and how are you using it let's just let's start there yeah definitely thoughts incredible I think it's it again it's an Olivier creation of excuse and I think as you could start to look at these platforms for saving time and as you and I talk about all the time it's like how can we create leverage right this is massive leverage this is something that saves you extraordinary amounts of time that does a pretty good job with the caveat being pretty good um and I think it's something that again is wildly useful for agents especially agents that are always using that crutch of not knowing what to record not knowing what to say like you know the ways that you're applying it to the ways that I apply it is okay like write out the five reasons why somebody should move to San Antonio right you can even write like I wrote this in my YouTube video which is like please write an eight minute YouTube video script for a real estate YouTube channel explaining the five reasons why somebody should move to San Antonio Texas well it's going to give you a eight minute video script for five bullet point like you have no excuse not to know what to say um and I think the the ways that we're using it are to streamline ideas thoughts kind of bullet points things that are going to be in principle pretty accurate but then again the really important aspect to understand about AI is that it does not replace your personality and knowing that we're in a relationship-based business if you put out these incredible blog like when I read your blogs I know it's you like I I know you I know the blog's a reflection of you like it's very easy to see that your touch has been put on that right and the same thing with our content but if you're just using these blanket you know uh excerpts that come from chat GPT or any of these other platforms it's gonna be a misalignment with who you are in your personality type not to mention when we start looking at like for example you with blogs and maybe me more on the YouTube side like if you write a YouTube script like I look at the script and the bullet points are pretty damn good the intro and outro are within reason doable but there's no hook there's no call to action there's no personalization so if you just toss that into a teleprompter you're gonna sound like a robot and you know same thing with blogging like it doesn't understand the algorithm the power of certain keywords and how the algorithms working and you know different clusters of blogs that all inter like it doesn't get that so I think I like to use AI to get 90 of the way there right like we're using it right now to write out things like lead magnets and free guides like buyer's guide sellers guides social media guides getting 90 of the way there and then put your own spin on it whereas before you had to do 90 of the work and somebody like a copywriter would have to put their spin on it well now you reverse that which creates ninety percent leverage or nine times leverage so I think that's really good again I've seen many examples where you've been able to have videos more or less edited but that's not fine-tuned yet there's a lot of applications that I think are coming I just urge people not to wait until it comes because I think a lot of people are saying well you know I know AI is going to be editing videos or designing thumbnails so once it gets to that like no like by that point there's agents that are absolutely crushing it and you know beating you in your market so I think it's great I want people to use it I implore people to use it but use it in a very mindful way and understand that it's not a perfect blanket fit for every situation but rather an application that will create leverage that will get you 90 of the way there yeah for sure yeah I mean I can't tell you the amount of times that like I sat in front of like a blank page and it's just like I mean when you start from like from nothing it takes you so long whereas like that is such a huge power to like at least not start from nothing right like and like you said I completely I 100 agree it is not a copy paste thing like I would not want to use in that way even if it like you know even if it was great like like it because even right like you know it's good right now you know there's definitely a lot of limitations like some things that I found that falls short of but even if it was great I still think especially for like what you said this business you gotta have your spin so no matter what it's never going to be 100 like you've got to have some percent but but even 10 can make it you right because you're the one kind of curating it and even now like it's kind of powerful like you can actually like take something you've created you know paste that in there and be like hey take this but you know make this article based off of that or you know what I mean you can do cool things like that so then you can start to have your your Spin and your take on it um so that is awesome but yeah I mean it's one of those things for sure that I think it's only going to get more powerful I'm excited to see the video editing side I haven't heard much about that or seen like the videos that make come from that just yet um is there a particular company or some something that you're looking at for videos that that's on the AI side I saw a video on YouTube that is doing like they'll basically do it right now for you but there's a caveat to that which is why I don't recommend anybody using it and the reason being is because it will not remove duplicate verbiage so what I mean by that is if I'm you know if I'm it'll cut out all the dead spots it's actually really cool like it will zoom in zoom out to make it like a bit more interactive instead of just like one frame so it's really cool but if I'm saying something like you know today we're going to be talking about the cost of living in San Antonio Texas the first thing and I mess it up and I say the first thing is X Y and Z it won't remove the first time I said the first thing because it removes the the spots where you messed up but it doesn't remove the spots that are duplicate so it's one of these things where oftentimes like the way that I record my content is I'd never stop the camera and if I if I mess it up I just re-say that thing in the way that I'd like to say it it would botch everything so it's getting there I know it's going to come but it's still not at the time where I would you know I could consciously recommend somebody exploring it yet yeah I agree yeah I mean I do and that's the thing too for people if you are on YouTube you got to know and you've got you know Mike Gerard here you got myself here I screw up all the time on my YouTube videos man like I don't know about you I actually I I do know because I watched it was like the funniest real I think it made my day on Instagram one of these days you were like you're showing like the back end of it you're like oh I screwed up or something you realize it was like the funniest uh reel you put out I think that I thought but uh yeah I mean dude we screw up all the time and so yeah that's just one thing for you know if you're an agent watching this you're like yeah but you know they've got it all put together you see like the final edit and you're like okay well that looks really good but like you don't know what it looks like to get there so uh oh wow like my editor like he because his name's Sid and like I'll I won't swear on here but I'll be like oh like whatever Sid and like sorry Sid like I'll get back and like I'll like talk to him as if he's the camera because I know he's editing it and I'll just like he has a Time editing these because I'll just get livid in this room like why can I after like the eighth video back to back you're like why can't I get a word out um and it's it's it's funny like you have fun with it um that's the thing people don't say like I did that one time for the Rapture organization that I have is is I actually looked and I edited an introduction for one of my videos live in front of the whole group and they and then I showed them first the YouTube video and then I showed them the raw uncut footage and they were all like laughing like hysterically I'm like yeah that's the reality of it so like don't be so hard on yourself right yep for sure for sure I love it man well very cool hey I want to give some time to the audience here because we do have a lot of people tuned in I think we have we have over like 50 people live right now as we speak and so uh we've had people come in and go and so it's pretty crazy but that thing is the the biggest one we've had so far so uh but I want to give the audience the time to uh you know ask some questions to you Mike and I know we've already got a few questions in there so we'll start with those um but for anybody who's tuning in right now if you've got a question for Mike um and you want to ask him we will go ahead and pull up your question on the stream here and uh and get to it live so uh real quick we're gonna start it says with uh we got Mikasa in Florida could the YouTube algorithm be negatively affected um if videos are in two different languages it's a great question um we've had people do both now in a perfect dream scenario if you have the diligence to be able to be consistent on two channels it is ideal to split it into two but for example like there's an agent in Vancouver that I know that does his in uh um in English and in Mandarin um and he just segments it by playlist he crushes it he's a you know Mega 100 million dollar a year producer and I think ultimately it's not going to hinder it too much it's just understanding that you're not going to get as much engagement as you would if you split it on the two because half of your videos people might not understand them because it's in Spanish and you know they're English so my recommendation is it's not going to totally botch your channel it's not going to be not worth doing if you could do it consistently on two wonderful if not I fully support just splitting into two different playlists having one in English one in Spanish Portuguese Hindi Punjabi whatever um and separating it but it's not going to be something where you put it in two different languages and YouTube is something like I'm not pushing your videos to anybody that's not going to be the case yeah I agree the 100 great question great question Let's see we got uh Britney says any specific chat GPT uh apps that you'd recommend to somebody just starting to explore this real estate related of course yeah definitely so let me uh pull this up here because I I actually use one that's super super powerful so um I'm gonna pull this up as we're talking here um and kind of go through this because there is one that I use that is absolutely life-changing um so let me go through this and it is called a i p r m a i p r m okay and basically what this does is you'll see when you when you look at it like I'm looking at it right now you've got something where it actually changes the home screen of Chachi BT so like I'm looking at it right now on my screen and I see like one of the options is YouTube script Creator so it now knows that this specific prompt is specifically for a YouTube script you're able to then put a prompt and it'll write it more in that tonality the next one beside this write a best smart article best to rank number one on Google now this is the craziest part I could literally take one of Kyle's blogs toss it toss the link into there and it will rewrite a Blog that is more or less likely to rank close or around Kyle's blog from day one so it's a really cool kind of platform that just allows you to go a little bit more Niche now you're not just writing a blanket saying hey write a blog it knows it's for a Blog so it'll write it with that in mind so that's the only one that I've used but it works incredibly well I love that yeah that's awesome I'll have to check that I even heard about that a i p r n for anybody that hadn't heard that aipr free Chrome extension yep yeah that brings up a good point you know some people might think like you know get nervous about the whole Ai and like oh like you know duplicate content all this kind of stuff I think that just means more that you as a as a personality need to stand out right because content is going to start getting like you know there's gonna be so much right like because like it's just gonna get so much out there content so you really got to do something it's one thing to use the tool but what you you have to do is you like we said earlier you have to stand apart from you know that with your personality you could do something um and reach the all and and you don't have to be somebody you're not you have to be exactly who you are and just let the people who you know reside who you know uh relate to you let them find you and be you know your audience like that's all it is and so yeah like you know I I I can't Echo that enough because like there's there's AI right now that like because your camera is off to like one side so like sometimes you look to the side there's AI now that will make make it look like your eyes are looking straight make it look like you're looking straight even when you're looking sideways and people are like oh my God this is so incredible like let me use this so I can look over here at like my script but it looks like I'm looking at the camera and like my response to that is why are you so lazy why not just get good at recording and knowing what you're talking about and look straight at the camera like why are you looking for fixes that are making you lazy and complacent from learning the skill set that you need because it's like you're not going to be in the middle of a listing presentation and the seller's straight in front of you and you're looking over here talking to the seller about your listening like you're looking at them right like don't don't use these as a crutch to be lazy or inauthentic use it as a tool that saves time and creates leverage and I think like you're talking about you look at any of the people that become well-known bloggers or YouTubers like there's a million other people putting out the exact same content but their personality is what makes it unique just like I had to call with an agent yesterday and he's like Mike you know I live in in this market in the states in Texas and he's like there's so many other agents on YouTube putting out content like how can I stand out I'm like well look at your experience look at how you look look at your personality like I know the people that are in your Market they're doing YouTube You're drastically different than all of them there's a million people that put up my videos but why do some watch me or some watch you it's all depending on the personality and I think people need to not get so caught up in that yep 100 um let's see here we've got uh oh somebody just says can you provide that website the website I looked it up it looks like it's a Chrome extension right so yeah it's a Chrome extension so it's not necessarily a website you'll go just type in a as in apple I as in ice PRM um and then um and then you'll see the first thing that pops up is a Google Chrome extension says AI PRM for chat PPT and you'll want to download that cool all right we've got another question here we got Daniel Dawson says what video editor software uh do you use or does your video editor use I guess in this case yeah definitely so in the beginning I use until I had I think 20 000 subscribers I edited all my own videos myself on iMovie um I still if I'm doing a collab video sometimes if I don't want to wait I'll just crank it out online movie myself um it's it's free it's easy like you know whatever um not like my video editors use software like you know Premiere Pro is what they all use Adobe Premiere Pro um because it's it's really powerful you can do different you know levels of things but you don't need that at all like use what's free use words because dude it's so confusing like I've gotten in there and I'm like oh no I I downloaded it like years ago when I looked at this I'm like what foreign language is this again it's not even though it can make the videos look better like dude I've tried so many things like I've tried the craziest editing con I've tried so many things and the content that works the best is just the most authentic genuine easy to watch content that isn't done over the top it's not the craziest editing it's just genuine value that is relatable like it doesn't need to be complicated for sure for sure very cool um all right we've got it's the chosen one says if you would give advice for a startup agent uh what would be your advice yeah great question couple different things so number one is going to be living by the principal which is if it's not your calendar it doesn't exist you need to live by your calendar and you need to prioritize things based on getting clients like that is an agent's job in the beginning like for example I get this all the time well Mike I'm a new agent I need to learn contracts I need to look like you don't even need to care about contracts you don't even have a client like I figured out contracts after I got my because I got my first listing two listings the night I was licensed I've never even seen a contract before but your goal is to get clients like don't worry about the next shiny penny don't worry about over complicating it don't worry about being on every platform worry about prospecting getting in front of clients letting everybody know you're an agent and not being a secret agent but the next level to that which is I think really near and dear to my heart especially since this topic is more or less on social media is you need to understand it's called alluded to this social media is in essence a delayed gratification approach I see all kinds of Agents like whining and complaining Mike I'm six months in I have no deals but I put out x amount of videos I'm like you haven't done anything like at the end of the day if you need business now which every agent does you need to offset the time it's going to take for your content to build momentum by by pairing it with proactive prospecting right whether it be cold calling door knocking networking hosting events attending Network events I think if we could summarize it my biggest advice to a startup agent was the advice that I gave to myself as a startup agent which is I wanted to look back at the end of my first year and be able to put my hand on my heart and say Mike there's nothing more you could have done this year to build momentum yeah like nothing so there's no stone unturned right a lot of agents are saying well I only want to do this great then get out of real estate if you want to go do that go do something else like your mentality should be I will do whatever it takes so in my first year I doorknocked I cold called I ran Facebook ads and put out YouTube videos I was active on Instagram I went to events I hosted monthly events and like every stone was turned and that's why I was able to build momentum and after about six to eight months of doing that you find based on what gets measured gets managed you find what works best and then you can start to hone it in but in the beginning like Go full tilt do it all and just make sure that it's prioritized in your calendar because if you really boil it down if you put three hours of prospecting into your calendar every day seven days a week or five days a week if you put one hour of market research researching your Market data looking at the analytics of you know listings list of sales price inventory days of Market all that becoming a student of the game if you take another hour to do like client Outreach where the average agent in my organization that's crushing it has a goal of connecting with at least 10 people a day in any way shape or form if you do that in within five hours a new pair maybe two hours every couple of days for content within five hours a day you could build a top producing first year business the difficulty is a lot of agents are chasing a million things that they don't even need to care about like learning about freak and drip campaigns on KV core when they don't even have a lead like who cares figure it out later yep agreed agreed well cool well here I know we could probably sit here and have questions all day but uh one of the things that I do want to maybe just end on is kind of maybe just like what are you looking forward to uh this year you know whether it's just in your business but also just you know in general in real estate like what are some things that that you're excited about for 2023. man I'm I've been waiting for this year like I'm so excited because you know when when I got started in real estate in 2017 Calgary is all oil and gas base that's why I was an engineer you know in 2017 our city lost a hundred thousand jobs out of a working population of 600 000 people like so when I got started in real estate the the uh the data was 27 of listings we're selling think about that like everybody's all in a flap right now because like 98 of listings are selling not a hundred percent and they're like oh my God like you know the world's upside down 27 percent of listings were selling and that's what allowed me to build massive momentum because I knew that similar to what you're seeing I'm shocked right now that you're even seeing this but people are getting all in a flap about the Market's changing interest rates they're all scared and what happens is people either mentally or physically check out they physically check out because they removed their license because they wanted to get in when things were you know a gravy train right or they mentally check out because everybody's talking about things going upside down and belly up and that it's going to be so difficult for agents and buyers aren't going to have commission anymore and this is going to happen and whatever like so I love it because it just opens the doors for anybody that has consistent diligent work ethic and discipline if you have this like I'm gonna go out on a limb and say 75 of the agents right now have completely removed themselves from the battlefield physically or mentally so you're competing against 25 not 100 like now this year is the easiest year to build momentum you could have had a terrible past two years and if you go all in this year while everybody else is complacent or whining or complaining about whatever like you have a life-changing opportunity this year to buckle down and build momentum so when things come back on the other side you're going to be crushing it so I love this because it's like separation season while everybody else is you know whining go all in and this is this is the time to to Really separate the Gap and build your business of your dreams dude I love that man it's just yeah it's all about your perspective and you know like what you what you're putting inside your head you know and I know you're you are very like the people you follow like the podcast you listen to like I mean I I kind of know just from like when we've talked it's like dude you feel yourself your mind just with like it's up to you like you know it's your commitment like you know and it's it's all this type of stuff and so like all the all the things that people are consuming is gonna dictate like whether they have a good year or not like if you're surrounding yourself with people who are you know other agents who are negative who are you know not you know not doing what they need need to do in their business or if like just news if you're not like constantly like pouring into yourself positive things like this is going to be a very difficult time for agents but for those that are are positive I agree with you man like you know I got started in 08 and it's like you know that was like the worst time you can get started for most people right like I knew a lot of agents that you know they got out of the business they were making three four five hundred grand you know in 0607 and then they were like they were out of the business within a couple years because they just couldn't they didn't want to do it anymore and I was like for me I was like man granted I was also just coming out of college so if I would have made 40 Grand I would have been happy right so like I it was all but it was again it was all perspective and so um you know but I think that's what it is you right now you need to force yourself to have a good perspective or else you will be out of this business um but as an opportunity side of it if you can make sure that you're just showing up every day putting in the work taking action um this is going to be a great Market I mean it can be a good market for for anybody depending on what you think of it so like I I literally just hired a new VA yesterday and they've got three years of experience with exp onboarding KV core the virtual world like everything because they're working with an agent and the first thing to cut when people get all you know scared and concerned are their expenses so now you're able to hire talent for cheap yeah you're gonna find video editors graphic designers virtual assistants executive assistants for a penny on the dollar because they're getting removed from all the people that are you know don't have the right mindset agreed agreed well cool well thank you guys I really appreciate you Mike you know for coming onto the to the call and for all of you guys who tuned in who had great questions you know thank you so much if you got some value out of this video be sure to give the video a like and if you're not already subscribed to the channel make sure to hit that subscribe button and by the way while you're at it go over to Mike's Channel as well and uh if you're not already subscribed over there which I'm sure a lot of people already are but if you're not you better go over there uh And subscribe to his channel he's got tons of content he's constantly putting out new videos um and so but yeah and then if somebody does want to connect with you any further Mike what would be you know the best way to do that yeah definitely so you know the easiest option is hit me up on Instagram I respond to any DM that I get and and pretty active there um and then again similar to you know what Kyle and I also deeply appreciate his comment on this video comment on any of my videos and and we reply to 100 of comments and and I'd love to see you know what people like what they don't and and how we can cater both of our content to better serve you and be of more value to you so engage with this video if you want to come over to my channel and toss a comment on the next video that you like um I appreciate that but if anybody wants to get in touch just hit me up anytime awesome and like Mike said earlier we actually have a video where we we flip the the roles we flip the script here and it'll be coming out on his channel here in about a week or two and so you know stay tuned for that uh you'll be able to see kind of Mike doing the interviewing uh from that side so but uh thank you again so much Mike it was great getting to catch up I know you know this will be hopefully one of many you know I'd love to do this more more frequently with you as well um but you know wish you the best of of all that you're doing here this year in 2023 and uh we'll catch up again soon you bet thanks so much guys for tuning in take care bye-bye bye
Channel: Kyle Handy
Views: 1,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h8z0g1J0f7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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