Catalyze AI: The Game-Changing Tool That Will Transform Your Real Estate Business!

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happy Tuesday hope you're having a great day today I'm with a special guest of mine good friend Rylan fultz who's here with the company catalyze AI as you've probably seen in the email that I sent out earlier but um I've had the pleasure of knowing Rylan for about uh you know a couple months few months now and he's come on and done another call for me uh before and then we also met on a zoom call before that so we've had a good couple chances to uh to get to know each other so I'm excited to talk to you guys today and have Rylan kind of share a little bit about his company and what they do as far as helping us as real estate agents find motivated sellers uh which that's a big one we always have a lot of Agents asking about seller and listing lead generation and a lot of the times we talk about buyer stuff you know Facebook ads Google ads and so you know having somebody here that can kind of talk a little bit about how you guys can go and get some really you know good seller leads that you can start to work I know that's going to be something that a lot of people are interested in I already see a lot of people tuning in and in fact if you guys are tuning in if you wouldn't mind drop a comment let us know where you're tuning in from and also leave a like on this video so but that being said I'm gonna go ahead and kick things off I want to you know let Rylan give a give an opportunity for you to share a little bit about um who you are first off you know give me a little bit about your background and and then we'll jump into uh into your into your company so uh Rylan without further Ado man tell us a little bit about yourself Kyle appreciate it uh thanks again for having me on excited uh to chat about catalyze and what we're doing on the lead gen face is I know on on everyone's mind given the shifting Market here um so we're super excited so uh a little bit about my background I was born and raised in Phoenix Arizona uh went to school down in Tucson Tucson at the University of Arizona uh and then right out of college got into the wealth management space um so for for about three to four years I worked as a financial advisor uh actually out in Florida Naples Florida I worked at JPMorgan private bank as an analyst there then left and went independent back in in Arizona um and so kind of from from my point of view uh you know in the financial advising space as it is in terms of lead gen uh it's almost uh kind of goes hand in hand um when I talk to Realtors of what they go through and what they experience um and so during kind of during my journey as an advisor um you know what we were doing and what was I was trying to do is grow my book of business and so I did that in Phoenix Arizona and then I ended up moving out to Los Angeles for for the last year and a half of my advising career there and during that process of building a book of business uh it comes down to uh you know referrals your centers of influence what you're doing in the community um your your current clients and it's almost very similar to real estate of how their book of business is made up of and and so what we were kind of in and this kind of sets the stage says catalyze uh kind of incubated from the wealth management industry and so um my co-founder uh worked at as a financial advisor out in Chicago doing M A there and so we really saw a lot of synergies um kind of in you know out in Florida to Arizona to California and really anyone's book of business being an advisor where their main goal um was to identify money in motion and so that's kind of the you know the theme of of catalyze's mission is is how can we identify uh money motion or individuals that are going through an event um that causes them to to have Assets in motion um and so you know in in my book of business and a lot of uh in in real estate as well what what causes this money in motion is is usually life events and so um that's kind of the the prospects that we're coming across my desk was you know hey Rylan I just had a divorce um you know a bunch of assets are moving around I need help getting everything settled or I'm having a new baby um or just inherited this money and in all these situations uh comes through life events and I think it's now more important than it was given the shifting Market as assets are always going to be in motion uh it doesn't matter if interest rates are at 20 or it goes back to two percent you know each month that goes by there's people going through uh life events that need your services in any any Services out there and so um what we wanted to create with catalyze is to identify these individuals that are going through life events really top of funnel as as most of the Legion Services out there or I would consider bottom of the funnel and so when when you think of catalyzed think of more of that typical like farming more okay who should I be reaching out to versus maybe some you know like a Zillow or someone who's submitting information online saying Hey I want to talk to a realtor now you know there's different types of Legion that fit into you know that work hand in hand I think uh catalyze is more of a top of funnel approach and so yeah um you know how we started was in the wealth management uh industry of of identifying High net worth individuals going through uh those life events but we really transitioned to real estate as we notice that the biggest asset that someone owns is the pro their property um so as uh you know we're trying to find assets we notice that the property itself that real estate piece going through that life event is the biggest asset we said hey let's look at the landscape of Life events and see um you know where you know what event causes the most amount of transition of that real estate piece you know we're focused on on listings as we got a lot of feedback that real estate agents love listings versus trying to chase buyers and all these showings and then they don't you know want a home anymore and and kind of Chase that around so we wanted to create a a listing focused platform identifying these um these properties in motion uh and so um you know we looked at all the we looked at all the life events um and and kind of put them on the table and said okay you know let's look at divorce or selling a business or retiring or new babies and see um where the most amount of homes are are selling uh and and really in this kind of uh in this time we we noticed that the inheritance piece of it really created the most amount of uh most amount of listings most amount of transitions um from an event and and I don't know if everyone knows the the landscape of what's going on on the inheritance side but uh you know given where we are as a population set we have way more Boomers than we do millennials uh and and most of the Boomers own and and own the assets and so um I think last year as as we built the platform to identify um the the Assets in motion we identified about three trillion dollars of assets that are moving uh to the Next Generation and this number is only increasing even though asset prices are decreasing just because the the amount of Boomers rolling off um is a you know an accelerated accelerated rate um then and then the next Generation owning owning assets um and so it it it's it's interesting to see hey there's a three trillion dollar opportunity of assets in motion how can agents advisors um CPAs you know everyone kind of get a bite at the Apple of saying hey how can we push you know use our services as there's so many so many different um kind of different utilizations of our data um but what's interesting is is the the property is transitioning quick from an event like this and so um what we did is built the platform we're a new Venture we launched um about November of 2021 so probably about a year and a half um from inception but we launched our our platform for agents back last June uh and kind of who who were who were helping and what we're doing in terms of the platform it is simple but complex at a simple level um you know we're identifying individuals uh that are inheriting properties uh and then we're estimating okay who are going to be these expected decision makers in the process and then pulling a ton of analytics and this is where we use Ai and machine learning uh pulling the property address uh analytics um so that's you know square footage number of bedrooms how long that property's been there is there HOA monthly amount and then pulling the analytics and characteristics of the inheritors so you kind of have two separate uh two separate uh characteristic charts of San K you know what's their level of income how far they live from the property uh you know there's what's their demographic age sex uh and and if you if you marry these two together uh you could really predict home selling uh as as history repeats itself and and I give this example hey if if I inherit a home and I'm out in California and I inherit a home out in Maine uh you know I'm four thousand miles away from that I'm gonna end up transitioning that and we're selling that because you know what if it's a you know it's on an acre property I don't know how to do any landscape that has a high HOA it's a big house you know I can't handle that and so there's a lot of situations that come of that and and that's really what properties we're trying to identify before they sell um and then partner with the agents there um and so you know in order of magnitude of what we're identifying um you know on The Inheritance side and that's our bread and butter we have a robust pipeline to be launching new movers and divorce and new babies and kind of all these life events but as of now today if you sign up with catalyze we concentrate only on The Inheritance segment um and in terms of kind of where we have data it's all across the U.S and every single zip code and that's how we kind of pool uh pool our leads and I'll kind of get into our Pipeline and how we how we pull leads in a second um but in terms of the hey you know out of the three and a half million people who pass away you know about a million and a half own property uh and if you just look at high analytics and not take any machine learning you know roughly about 30 to 40 percent of those sell you know in eight months to 12 months time wow so you have this massive amount of of properties that after an inheritance about half of them transition off or liquidate um and so we're just trying to increase that number and take that sample set as at our core we're we're consolidating you know everyone passing away consolidating where they own property at uh and then running our algorithms to say hey this home is going to sell we need to get this to an agent um based on the demographic and characteristics um so how we pull leads and and I know Kyle will uh could share our website and share my screen around the um around the portal um but in terms of what we do with agents you know I would say our ideal agents um are used to like a farming method and and that's kind of where we're an alternative to um so instead of farming your ZIP code how about um you know when you're working with when you're on the catalyzed platform we want to farm the highest propensity homes um in your area and and so what we're trying to do is is that event that inheritance is a trigger um but on a monthly basis this is recurring and so we're partnering with the agent when they sign up um to basically create that subscription of homes in that that zip code on a monthly basis so um if you sign up with us uh you plug in your zip code and that's kind of we we generate a radius around that zip code between one and 50 miles uh uh and that's kind of your your target market uh and then each month we send you the leads in that area that we have and it's just a paper lead model um agents pay we have a minimum of 30 leads but you know out in Los Angeles we have 2 000 leads a month available so um it's a paper uh pay-per-lead model of you could scale it up you could scale it down um but at the end of the day you know the trigger is the inheritance and we're building that okay who's going to transition who's going to sell that property and then we enrich it with all the contact information uh name email uh phone and then where they live as well so you know at the end of the day um the information you're getting is is is third party in a sense of we're consolidating it for you quickly um so you know we pride ourselves on the accuracy but also the timeliness of our data um so you're getting you know those those inheritances in the last 60 days um so we want you to be first to the door and so um we're not we're less about like calling them probate leads or pre-probate leads um because there's usually three scenarios with our data set um we're identifying it before it goes to probate we're identifying there's homes that are held jointly that the spouse ends up can't take care of the home means the transition um so there's joint surviving spouse that a lot of times those individuals um end up selling the the real estate as well and then there's via trust as we're identifying all trusts as well um and plugging in okay who's going to be the beneficiaries of that trust um so there's usually three scenarios on our platform in terms of leads that the agent will receive um but but the main thing is is you're getting it before it's hitting the court systems kind of what you know our specialty is aggregating uh you know call it death data across the the US in real time and then tying it to property and then tying it to beneficiaries extremely quick so we could get you that information at the first of the month um at the highest accuracy that that's possible in terms of the contact information um so you could get marketing materials out to that group um as soon as possible and so um it it's less about in terms of the marketing activation um we we really lean on the agent um to to distribute the the marketing you know our platform which I'll show in a second is more data focused um and then we kind of we help and we consult and show sample scripts and stuff and um you know I could give you some insight of what's working within our data uh it's more of that right time right place mentality uh versus hey I know you inherited a home I'm here to help um sell it it's it's more um think of it as Circle prospecting or or something you would do with your farm you know it since our data is predictive we're we're almost I knowing the seller's gonna sell before they even sometimes know they're gonna right right so there's some psychology to it there uh and the best thing you could you could do as an agent is just be at the right time exactly and and be in their you know front and center um you know at the right time at the right place and so a lot of agents are utilizing direct mail or they're doing door knocking or they're calling through the leads um and you're just kind of saying hey you know I'm the go-to agent in the area I help a lot of buyers a lot of sellers um in terms of you know from renting to investment properties to um kind of the whole Gambit like if you ever need anything real estate related like from the person um and so it's more of that type of uh that type of Outreach versus hammer on the head of of trying to prospect these leads as hey you know I'm I'm The Inheritance special yeah well well real quick too Rylan um because yeah I mean lots of great information there and I definitely want to kind of dissect some of it and go into some of these uh pieces of it but definitely that was a great Deep dive into like the company and like what you guys offer and do and then I know there's still a lot we can you know kind of share as far as the you know how they go and find the ZIP code and like what the back end looks like I definitely want to dive into that um we do have a couple questions so I want to before we get uh too many questions and get too far ahead I want to make sure we get through some of these real quick and by the way guys if you do have more questions for Rylan um or even you know for myself or whatever throw them into the comments there um throw them into the chat and we will uh get to them we may not get to them right away but we will get to them um and also by the way stick around because I know there's already probably a lot of people who are jumping on your website and they're like oh my gosh I've been waiting for something like this for a while don't sign up just yet because I do have there's a special promo code that that Ryland has offered for my audience where you're going to get a lifetime discount on any lead package that you sign up for if you decide to go sign up and so definitely stick around for that you know we will get to that here in just a little bit so real quick though uh one of the questions we've got uh Metro Phoenix living says does catalyze AI give phone numbers an email to executor trustee or is it designed to be fueled with Direct Mail yeah great question and so on our platform we do give all the contact information we call them expected decision makers um so we're just building the relative tree um so instead of what instead of calling them trustees or executors for every scenario we call them expected decision makers and at the end of the day we're just trying to pool um who's the relatives who's in the Family Tree closest to that property our closest with that family and we get a lot of that data from from credit and saying okay hey you know Mom and the son was on a credit card together for 20 years they must be the closest um so we're just pulling who's who's closest to that relative who passed away and then providing you what we do is providing the name the age and email a phone number and their residence sometimes if it's the spouse they live at the same address as that property lead itself but sometimes they live out of state the beneficiaries or trustees interesting okay perfect perfect um Cliff asks he says don't most wealth managers have an in-house agent or lawyer to handle yeah so um sometimes they do um we're this is separate from the wealth management uh side of the business so on our wealth management side of business we're trying to identify um you know individuals over a couple million dollars in net worth um but on a real estate side we're identifying the property itself um so our leads don't go through the wealth management business and then filter through the uh to real estate agents they go strictly to real estate agents um so we carve out all the leads and then they're designated for hey these are real estate leads as there there's a property in motion and then for those that are you know the ultra high net worth we're carving those out for the financial advising side um so it's kind of two separate sides of the business perfect uh and then one last question here are the leads exclusive to agents in that market great question this was something I was going to bring up uh they are so the answer to that is yes and I think that's the biggest reason why agents are seeing success on our platform uh is that the all the leads that you receive are exclusive and you could kind of box out other agents in the area um so it's a first come first serve basis if there's two agents in the same area we do a round robin draft so everyone gets kind of we rank all the leads call it from one to a million um and then you know agents in the area draft the leads based on proximity to their zip code um but if you're the first in the zip code and you take all the leads within that 10 mile radius then you know you're the go-to agent in that area fully exclusive you own that that area um and so we don't double sell the leads at all and it really creates there's been no feedback of you know hey I called that you know I've talked to that homeowner and they said stop calling me you're the 10th call of the day that's what we're trying to um not be and get away from so yeah all the all the and that's a great segue because I bring that up because I wanted to show and I don't know if it's better for me to show it on my end or you to show it on your end as far as like the sign up process because I was actually really impressed with like being able to see exactly like kind of how many leads and what it's going to cost and all this kind of stuff like while you're signing up so it's not really like um you know like a mystery or whatever as far as how many leads you're going to get and all that type of stuff so what would be the best way to do that you want to can you share your screen and yeah how about um let me share my screen okay um and then I could just walk through the account creation process perfect and then um let's see presents cheers mm-hmm yeah guys and I'll go ahead that way if you are interested in signing up and you want to follow along with us for that process I'm going to put the link on a banner down below so you can see here um if you use this link so rylan's uh gave me that link down below there with the forward slash catalyze Ai and then you use the code Kyle handy they're actually going to give you you're going to see on that page a 20 lifetime discount on the leads which is amazing because I'm telling you like you know when you go in there that for one I already thought I told Ryan I was like man the price of these leads seems very good for what you're you know for what you're getting and uh and then they get a 20 lifetime discount on top that I was like man it makes it really affordable and I've actually already had I think three um people sign up because I shared this uh with some of the agents on my team already and the feedback has been very positive so they're already you know getting leads every month like lots of leads they're like almost like you know and they're trying at the point right now where they're at because this has been just in the last month now trying to figure out like their scripting like how they you know need to best approach the lead so that's kind of where they're at but everything about you know the service and everything they've received from you guys has been super positive um and then just also for for people to know it's like the cool thing too is that it's not like um something where you have to get on this long-term contract an annual plan or pay for tons of stuff I mean it's pretty much just you know uh you know come as you come and go you know as you please I mean you know I think it's realistically you want to at least give about three months of trial and you know trying it out before you just go away but but at the same time there's not maybe you can speak to that as far as like a contract that you guys require yeah that's good Kyle and can you see my screen yeah okay perfect um yeah so you know we wanted to be uh you know we in business we've dealt with so many lead providers or just so many uh and they always you know CRM companies and they're always trying to lock you into long-term contracts and um say something and it isn't and at the end of the day you know we we want to be as transparent as possible and give you the flexibility as if it's not working for you like it's not going to work for us to have you you know part of you know on board so um you know all the contracts are are month to month and they're super flexible and we try to pride ourselves on you know having great client service and you know if you have any questions you know we're always wanting to hop on a call or a demo sharing sample scripts or just saying hey what's working across the country you know let's share those around of here's the blueprint you know here's some direct mail that got a lot of feedback here's some scripting I got a lot of feedback so um when you're a client we we are always kind of sending around materials or just always in communication um and and so when if if you guys end up signing on just feel free to reach out I can put my contact information at the end of this at the end of this webinars but um in terms of signing up I wanted to walk kind of everyone through that the process everything how to access the portal how to sign up is all through our website it's just um and then at the top there's a sign up button and if you click that it takes you um it takes you to a page to to create an account uh and I'll kind of create a quick account it takes about two seconds here um so it's just your name uh your ZIP code uh I'll go um I grew up in Tempe Arizona so I'll go my home zip code you create a quick password here um and then it's taken to a screen where um where you see what's available in your area and this is in real time um so you could say okay do I have another agent in the area um or or kind of where where are the where the leads are in in proximity to that zip code so I put in 85284 we we break it up uh into two categories one is over a million the other is under a million so if you focus on properties over a million uh you could purchase leads over a million most of our most of our um data is under a million you know we have a zestimate process where we get the you know average value of the home and a lot of times we underestimate or just those estimates are kind of low so those 800 900 000 homes uh if you're hey I concentrate on a million dollar home those under a millions are still um are still around that that price point but um and as time goes on we build almost a look-alike audience so if you're selling a lot of 700 000 homes we'll we'll push more of that data to you um but in terms of of of the data and volume itself um it's just a price per lead think of it as twelve dollars per lead and we say 120 a month that's for a bundle of 10 as we sell in bundles of 10. um so here you could select the amount of leads you want we have in in the Tempe area from 50 miles we have 471 leads available but this gives you these radial bands um and so if I'm if if I live in 85284 and I say hey I work about five to ten miles of my my area I know within 10 miles here I have 102 leads and this is an estimate per month um so it is a subscription business and every every month you'll get in you'll get that basket of leads so if I say hey I want to box out any agent from coming into a5284 uh within a 10 mile radius I'll purchase about a hundred leads so when someone comes in and they put in you can see here someone came we have an agent in Tempe that's just taking the the over a million dollar homes so you can see zero zero and now we have them available so it'd be the same um to you guys if you're taking that that area where an agent will come and they'll be like you can't get you know if you take all 400 leads no one could come into a 40 mile radius around you so um we do that for a first come first serve and the pricing's super simple we have a minimum of 30 leads um so if you select 30 leads it's just 12 dollars a lead you could add the car um and that's 360 dollars and then it takes you through um it's just linked to a credit card and it's uh it re-ups every 30 days and you get leads every first of the month um and so 12 dollars per lead for for under a million and then 15 per lead for for over a million and so after you sign up you get leads instantaneously um and so here's kind of the the portal that we built um it's basically um it's basically an access point um of the data and so every month data comes through your recommended leads tab um this is the tab where new data comes through and you can see here's here's your leads of of the properties that someone who who lived there has passed away um and we we show a scenario as well okay is this a surviving spouse instance is this pre-probate is this trust we give you an estimated market value of the home as well um and so you could come in and click through a lead um and what we're showing is okay here here's the address where um you know we say a state of the individual on on title passed away um and then now you could basically look at the expected decision makers and show um you know hey here's the phone numbers here's where they live um emails phones and you could take notes here hey left voicemail and whatnot um so it's a light CRM I would say most of our uh Agents come in and Export the leads out to their CRM we do integrate with follow-up boss as of now we're working on some other Integrations but you could come in here and Export the leads to Excel and all the data that you'll see comes through of all the expected decision makers and the contact information Associated um and then oh we just have bucketing so you can move leads if I'm like oh I you know I contacted these two leads I could say Mark as you know contacted or they're active or whatnot um and that kind of moves the lead through um kind of the portal of who's contacted who's my active listings who did I list or am I sold or I could archive some leads if I wanted to um and so that that's the platform uh as itself it's super easy um to navigate you know it's a it's just a Bridge Point um to either export to a CRM or you could take some notes on here and kind of move them through the funnel so you don't have to do it on Excel um but the leads come every first of the month so if you sign up uh on on April 1 or before you get leads on April on that day uh and then next month you'll get those leads so May 1st June 1st July 1st um and yeah that's about it and you know any questions in the group Kyle around that God I think you're you're muted oh there we go sorry about that uh yeah I was gonna say the um one of the things that um somebody brought up and we kind of mentioned it earlier was um you know just about kind of the the perception of uh reaching out to you know people who may have recently had like you know somebody pass away uh in their household and just kind of like the thought behind it so like for instance um coffee and contracts uh rights I'm hesitant to work uh death data I've had bad experience with people thinking I'm trying to take advantage of the situation um of their net relative even after being recommended by the funeral home so like maybe just if you could speak to that as far as we don't have to like get into complete scripting but like even just like I mean the way I think about it is like you know a lot of these people they need help like you know and like you know it's not even so much you're taking advantage of a situation it's more of like you're gonna be there and maybe not everybody is going to need your your help or want your help at that time um you do need to be sensitive and all these types of things but at the same time there's going to be a lot of people who you know they don't know somebody that they can turn to or who maybe even specializes in this and so what have you seen about that or you know maybe something agents you've been working with you know what has their experience been you know calling these types of leads yeah no that we get that question a lot uh and there's there's a lot of ways to go about it as it is extremely sensitive time to be reaching out um but at the end of the day you're providing so much value as a lot of times they don't know where to look and they get caught online searching something and then get them parted with calls that way and so um we've seen a lot of people offer kind of hey you know you know here's what I do in situations like yourself you know I help with the moving I clear the home there there's so much um kind of sentimental value there where you know they're in a state where I don't know if you know if they inherit a home out of state you know okay who's gonna clean it up I gotta do the landscaping for us so I don't even know what the home's worth I don't even know of an agent out there um or even if it's a surviving spouse that might be like hey you know it's a two-story my husband helped me up the stairs now he's not here anymore um you know do I need help on is there any nursing facilities you know I you know extended living uh Extended Care in my area um so definitely come with those resources in the back of your mind or um if it's like a pre-probate situation kind of knowing the probate system of what's the steps is a lot of people uh don't know the first step to do if um their parents were on title wasn't held in a trust and they're trying to get custody of the house uh and so I think this is everything that knowledge I think in that being able to help them in those situations needs to be in in the back of the head being quick to um to come up but uh at the front I think the conversation um so you're not you know we don't we don't want to promote ambulance chasing or stuff like that and if you're just coming across like you're trying to help the community out in that neighborhood out saying hey you know inventory is low right now and you know maybe I have I'm working with a couple buyers who are super interested in the neighborhood or I sold a home you know in that neighborhood across the street you know if you if you if you're curious of what your home value is worth um like let me know uh and and maybe it's an event that you invite these people to of hey you know real estate 101 what's going on in the markets I know if I inherited a house the first thing I would start looking is okay what's the mortgage rate how's that impacting what's going on are prices decreasing or increasing you know for you don't have to think about that until you start owning multiple properties um so it's definitely comes circled to that you know more of a right time right place interaction but being able to be nimble of saying hey actually you know if they bring up that situation oh I've dealt with that many times of here's the probate court systems here's your checklist or here's what I'll do you know to help you out in terms of you know getting a moving company all situated or stuff like that um so it is tough but the opportunity and just kind of the the feeling of you're really helping someone out at the end of the day and you know you're not taking advantage by them at all it's more of your providing a service that they they really need um as as a lot of these homeowners don't know where to look to um so yeah 100 for the breed uh somebody asks uh where are you getting leads from um he or she missed the beginning so maybe I mean I guess for those that that are just wondering too like where does this data it's like you know Big Data you hear that term like what like where where is this stuff even coming from yeah great question um so it's a little bit of the secret secret sauce but I'll kind of give you the full pipeline um you know we're we're basically aggregating big data and what what Big Data means is you know some of it is is US scrubbing sources a lot of times we're we're pulling in massive data sources um but what we built in terms of that data aggregation um is at our core identifying people passing away that's our core on The Inheritance okay and how we do that is not looking through the probate courts because they get it three months in advance uh we're tapping into more live uh live feeds whether that's from Social Security whether that's from you know death certificates hospital records um quick obituaries that get posted social media posts um kind of scraping the web plugging into thousands and thousands of data providers to aggregate this um in real time and so once we know hey Bob Smith passed away what we then do um quickly is say okay where did Bob Smith own like what assets does Bob Smith own um so we're pulling in okay he owns one two three main street in Tempe Arizona um once we know that we build out the relatives um so then we plug into social media companies credit com credit bureau companies of saying okay is there a spouse is there where's the kids at um so we kind of build this family tree for each of the individuals who pass away um and that's kind of how we flow the assets of saying okay Bob Smith didn't have a spouse he lived alone but here are the two kids um and so then we'll enrich those two kids meaning okay contact information email address where they live and then we'll run analytics on them as well as the property saying okay where the kids live what's their income levels What's um their demographic do they have a ton of credit outstanding is there a lot of equity in the home all these stuff that really impacts the the home to selling um and and what we kind of accomplished is is predicting you know about 50 percent of the leads we pass along to our agents or out of the all the leads we pass along about 50 of them will sell in the next six to eight to 12 months um so the data that you're receiving is extremely it turns over and it's now a question of how you how you can become that agent um but how are generating leads is mostly through data aggregation of okay who's passing away who owns uh property where and then who are the relatives that are gonna inherit that property or the spouses or whatnot and then um what are their contact information so plugging into tons and tons of skip tracers but better quality in terms of credit bureaus social media companies that could we now say are can we validate this number can we validate the email address and we have a lot of checks and balances to make sure we're passing along um high accuracy contact information close to around 80 percent accuracy of contact information that's I mean so needless to say there's a lot going on in the background that you know we as the agents who are receiving the leads you know we we don't have to to worry worry about that but I mean there is just I mean it's a ton of different things that that's going on there as far as getting the data validating the data like matching it up with other stuff and so yes so for whoever that was that asked that question uh you know as far as where the getting leads from now you kind of know but it's still I mean it's something that um yeah I don't think that any of us as agents would be able to produce all that in any kind of a worth time time worthwhile investment for us you know so um uh Metro Phoenix living says is there an option for a team where leads can go round robin to team members so yeah there is if you guys sign up individually within kind of that similar zip codes um so there's two ways to go about it if you have a bigger team one is you could just pick that one ZIP code and share the login so we could have multiple users on at once we don't log you out so one one user could purchase all the leads and basically then you don't have to go around Robin um you could just share the login or whatnot but if you did want um to go around Robin you just have each one of those team members um sign up uh in that zip code if everyone puts the same zip code in it'll they'll go round round robin um so that is a way to to do that is just Ever every every single agent signs up with that same zip code got it now also I mean could couldn't there I mean theoretically because the leads come all up on one day correct so like they all come to your system that day let's and and since you allow a full export of the leads you could then you know export those those leads data and import them into whatever CRM the team uses and then usually a lot of the team CRM systems have it set up to like whenever a new lead comes in it will run Rob in that lead out so like and if you know you uploaded all of those leads those would then get Round Rob and out or you could just segment them in that spreadsheet prior to uploading them into your CRM and just sent 10 leads to Bob and 10 leads to Susie and 10 you know however you want to do that but yeah so there's many many different ways you could probably do that I would imagine but it does sound like you guys also have an option if they wanted to sign up with multiple accounts um that brings up a question too is I mean are there any like volume discounts like if I know we obviously have the discount that I've got but let's say somebody does have like a big team or they've got like a a you know I've got some agents in my group that have like a team where it's an expansion team so they got you know agents over in you know Miami and then they've got agents up in New York and then they've got agents in Houston like if they wanted to buy a bunch of leads in a bunch of different areas do you guys kind of work with with people like that yeah definitely um reach out to me we we start doing uh volume discounts at about 200 leads total um so if you're interested in anything more um than 200 leads definitely reach out and we could um discount accordingly depending on the volume you know we have agents out in California digesting a thousand leads a month so um this is the good thing with with us is it works on a level of 30 leads a month but it you know if you use the same it's easy to scale as it as it's kind of the gasoline to the engine and once you build the engine of hey once I get a lead you know I'm sending this direct mail piece out you know this Magazine's out this Isa is calling you know you could scale this to you know thousands two thousand leads a month so it's easy easy to scale um as we've seen with agents and we see a lot that start with 50 leads a month that are now doing 200 because once they build the blueprint you know you're just adding the gasoline on the top which is the easy part yeah yeah awesome well well that's uh I don't see any other questions here in the chat so um you know I just and if you do still have one go ahead and throw it in there real quick but um oh here we go uh what if there are no options for your ZIP code so like Las Vegas I guess as an example yep so there is um you could reach out to um there's a waiting list so like in Las Vegas we're completely sold out um so if you if you reach out to info catalyzei with your name in the zip code we we have a basically a waiting list once leads become available we'll reach out to you on a first come first basis nice okay so that was info correct yep correct okay perfect perfect I could put in if you I don't know if there's a chat or anything Kyle but you could throw in my email as well or maybe we send a follow-up email or something I'll throw that in the description I mean as long as you're comfortable with that I'll put that in the description of the video down here so if you do want to get in direct contact with you Rylan they'll have your email um like I say I mean you've been a you know amazing person to work with um ever since you know I came across your company and I was like wow you know you were responsive and then you were able to jump on a call for for my team and I thought that was amazing and then now you're jumping on this so really appreciate all that you're doing I know that you've got a lot of great uh opportunity and potential in your future hopefully there's a lot of agents that will um you know try try you guys out I think like I say based on what my team's experienced already I think that um you know so far everything's been positive so I feel like very good recommending you guys and uh hopefully there will be some more feedback that we can give here soon so we'll get some more people signed up and and using you guys a service so anything any last word that you want to share Rylan no I appreciate uh having me on Kyle and I think you know thanks for doing this and I think we could have more of these than and we could have another one about scripts and and all that stuff is that that could be another hour conversation but I think you know in general agents just are seeing so much success I think it's it's it's it's timing as well as we're going through a massive shifting environment and the people that are are selling the homes are going to be selling the homes in the future if if we get a little more choppy Waters or those that need to sell and that's all around life events so I think we're just trying to position ourselves with our agents our clients to be like hey we want to help you through the worst of the worst um of of Market timing Cycles because you know homes that sell um you know in good markets from an inheritance are always selling in bad markets and so um you know that's at the end of the day we want to help agents in all Market cycles and so I appreciate you having me on excited to um you know be back at any time uh any of your listeners want to hop on another kind of one-on-one demo feel free to reach out to me and then we'll go from there but thanks again Kyle you bet Rylan yeah thank you so much and guys thank you all for tuning in uh we'll be back here next Tuesday And if you have any questions in the meantime send them up put them in the comments and we'll get back in touch with you thanks everybody good be careful see you guys bye-bye
Channel: Kyle Handy
Views: 2,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: odJiXmFbSEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 47sec (2807 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.