Top 5 SCARY Ghost Videos To CREEP You OUT

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Always enjoy a good Xiaolong video.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/PJA0307 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kalevra9670 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I accidentally clicked the video on YouTube and simultaneously saying when is Nuke dropping this weeks video 😂

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kiilani71 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anybody know what subs nuke frequents?.. first clip was scary asf

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/oldchanel 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Sh*t myself watching this week's video 😂

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GoosePimplesYT 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Did you see it!?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QueenoftheUniverse72 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] five scary things caught on camera opening a doorway tomo and hiro from the youtube channel omagatoki film claimed that a real estate agent reached out to them concerning a house that he found extremely difficult to sell the agent says that the house once belonged to a family of three who mysteriously went missing in 2013 leaving behind all of their personal belongings in the house the current owner is desperate to sell he believes that there's a dark presence inside the home and wants nothing to do with it he absolutely refuses to go inside the home or even get close to it and all of these strange stories about the haunted house have kept buyers away as well tomo and hiro say that the real estate agent and the owner reached out to them to find an explanation for the creepy alleged taunting inside the family home when the two go to investigate the current owner warns them to keep the doors closed at all times but he doesn't explain [Music] why [Music] foreign [Music] heeding the creepy warning tomo and hiro respect the owner's request and close each door behind them whenever they step inside a new room the two investigators immediately get the sense that something about the house is just [Music] um [Music] wow [Music] hello strangely enough tomo and hiro discovered that many of the closet and cabinet doors are half open contradicting the strange warning that they got to leave all the doors closed at all times they don't think much of it and just continue their investigation but did you see it tomo and hiro are completely unaware of what they just captured on camera but watch again [Music] someone or something seems to be standing right behind the rack of clothes as two bare feet can be seen underneath but the investigators just don't notice soon the two explorers begin to hear a strange ringing sound that they believe to be coming from the home's quote altar room a room that is dedicated to buddhist prayer and sometimes houses altars meant to honor the dead they go to investigate and things take a terrifying turn [Music] um [Music] hello i asked again did you see it right after tomo and hiro enter the altar room and tomo is closing the door a pair of feet can be seen once again but this time much closer what makes the footage even creepier is that only moments earlier in the same spot there was nothing there whatever is in the home with the two investigators seems to be following them and then when they turn their back the sliding door seems to open on its own hiro decides to do a solo investigation in the altar room in the hopes of capturing any paranormal activity he sets up a static camera and then just sits in the dark and waits after 30 minutes nothing has happened so hiro gets a bit bored and decides to go check out another room and this is when things get truly bizarre come on eh [Music] foreign [Music] so um [Music] [Music] [Music] hero here's a sliding door move on its own and he discovers that the door to the altar room has once again mysteriously opened on its own the investigator hears the bizarre ringing sound again and when he turns around he sees the creepy face of something staring back at him through the sliding door hiro gathers his courage and approaches the door he opens it and the face disappears into thin air there's no one there so did hiro and tomo capture paranormal evidence of a haunted home could it be the restless spirits of the family who mysteriously disappeared let me know what you think you can watch this entire video over on the youtube channel omagatoki film it stairs back in a tiny town on the outskirts of wagoner county oklahoma reddit user livid excuse 1640 and a friend are cruising down a deserted road in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere they approach a long abandoned house that reddit user livid excuse 1640 says has always seemed a bit creepy and has been sitting deserted for many years for unknown reasons on a whim he takes out a battery operated spotlight and decides to shine it right into the windows of the abandoned house the guys spot something downright chilling there it is wow damn [ __ ] busted up on camera the friends catch a pale creepy face that seems to appear from nowhere peeking back at them from the darkness inside the house even when hit by the bright spotlight the white face appears to have no recognizable features when they realize what they're looking at the guys hit the gas and speed away from the abandoned house reddit user lividexcuse1640 says that he's visited the house before and it appears that whoever used to live there left in a hurry so what do you think this is is it something paranormal is it just a strange trick of the light or is there something in there let me know down below scary people places and things now this next video was sent to me privately by nukes top five viewer but the source is unknown all i know about the video is that a couple is out hiking through the romanian woods when they spot something terrifying in the distance one of the hikers pulls out a phone and starts to record right oh in the video the two anonymous romanian hikers wonder aloud whether quote they released it i can only assume that they're referring to the strange pale figure in the video that looks like something right out of a nightmare but i'm honestly not sure just what this is could it be something paranormal a creature or just a very bizarre looking person clad all in white i leave it up to you to decide one bizarre day in verona's russia a grandfather and his grandchild are enjoying a day out walking in the fresh air they decide to stroll down one particular city sidewalk and it turns out to be one of the worst decisions of their lives now in accordance with the youtube guidelines let me point out beforehand that absolutely no one was hurt in this video but it was very close [Music] so grandfather and his grandson escape an incredibly tragic fate by only a split second as a large chunk of concrete comes hurtling down from a building above the two are unharmed and so is the woman passing by but what really makes this footage so terrifying is the fact that this was an intentional act turns out a group of inebriated russian teenagers found their way onto the roof of a tall apartment building they then deliberately threw this large block of concrete off the roof with the intention to hurt someone later in the footage these same teens can be seen admiring the shattered pieces of concrete despite the video evidence these teenagers were never caught this footage just goes to show that sometimes people are much much scarier than anything paranormal frank from the youtube channel franco tv goes on a very creepy exploration through an abandoned grand hotel in montgomery alabama frank plans to perform a ghost hunt but little does he know that the large building he is about to explore is now home to something much scarier than ghosts and apparitions it turns out that a group of aggressive and dangerous homeless squatters have taken over the abandoned building as frank starts his ghost hunt things soon take a very frightening turn i gotta be careful [Music] i totally just hurt somebody holy crap let's hold this guy i'm gonna get out of here for a second go go go wherever frank goes he keeps running into potentially dangerous squatters and just barely avoids confrontation even though he's somewhat aware of the danger frank still continues to explore but he has no idea just how close the angry squatters are watching him i'm literally looking for other locations here that i haven't recorded just yet but because there's so many people here i have to be extremely careful and cautious at what i do because the last thing i need to do is get robbed mobbed or anything but this place is huge it's like four buildings in one i'm already getting sounded here frank is distracted by unexplained sounds and is talking to his camera when he passes one of the hotel room windows to his viewers horror a hooded man can be seen standing right at the window just staring at frank as he goes by at the time frank is completely unaware of the danger he's in so he just keeps on filming and exploring with no idea of what he just encountered right next to him now obviously this is not one of franco tv's usual paranormal videos in fact if anything it might be even scarier watch this full crazy exploration over on the youtube channel franco tv reaching out from beyond popular chinese ghost hunter xiaolong is exploring an allegedly haunted location in a small village on the outskirts of xinyon china this time xiaolong is investigating a sprawling farm where a large extended family used to live locals claim that years ago they would often hear screaming and shouting coming from the farm they say that the head of the family an elderly man had a very bad temper and was often cruel to his family one by one his children and grandchildren moved away from him to the big city his family never returned individually the old man passed away all alone inside his farmhouse xiaolong is recording a live stream as he explores the farm grounds all alone at first he finds strange talismans on and above many of the farmhouse doors suggesting that someone has been there to try to ward off evil spirits that might haunt the property [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh a large wooden board suddenly drops from the ceiling and barely misses xiao long now this could just be a very strange coincidence caused by a loose board in a very decaying house but what happens next is a lot harder to explain oh [Music] two windows fly open and the exit door slams shut a little freaked out now xiaolong runs outside to calm himself down eventually he gathers his courage and heads back inside he soon finds a room cluttered with old furniture personal belongings and boards from the cave den ceiling what happens next is downright chilling yellow foreign ah oh a terrifying pale face can be seen watching xiao long from the other side of a window when he checks it out and opens the window he only finds a small clay pot right where the face appeared but this was absolutely not just a simple optical illusion you can see by comparing the pot and the face in the window it's almost as if this strange face turned into a pot now that might make no sense but this will not be the last time we see a creepy unexplained clay pot so stay tuned xiao long explains that he now feels something very sinister in this place a little later into the investigation and he finds something very creepy again we see a clay pot now i reached out to xiaolong to ask him about these strange pots especially this one sitting on top of a covered cellar door he explained to me that in china occasionally clay pots like these are used to store the ashes of the deceased the red cloth underneath the pot is placed there to ward off evil spirits but that doesn't stop her boy shalom you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey what's up oh huh oh after taking a well-deserved break in his car xiaolong heads back in alone one final time intending to destroy what he now believes to be a cursed clay pot it did not go well okay [Music] a pair of hands seem to reach right up out of the ground searching for something the horrifying event is caught on live stream by xiao long and his online viewers watch in terror he finally makes a run for it and just gets out of there so is the abandoned creepy farm haunted by the malicious spirit of the old man who was left behind by his family let me know what you think you can watch this and many more creepy videos of xiaolong's investigations with english subtitles over on his youtube channel outdoor xiaolong disappearing act paranormal investigator alberto from the youtube channel alberto del arco travels to a long abandoned warehouse in mexico locals claim to have no explanation or idea of what this location was used for or why it's abandoned many suspect that the structure was used for horrific illegal activities such as hiding or disposing of the remains of the deceased some believe that this dark activity might have left the warehouse extremely haunted and most people prefer to stay far away from the creepy site those who have dared to explore the creepy location claimed to have witnessed shadows heard ear piercing screams and some even say that they have fled from the sound of footsteps that seem to be following them getting closer and closer together with his two cameramen alberto del arco goes to investigate the alleged taunting it doesn't take long before the guys begin to hear strange sounds and witness some very frightening activity and a heavy gas can slams to the ground as if thrown from somewhere nearby but that's not the only creepy thing that happens in this clip did you see it right above alberto's head a dark shape can be seen quickly peeking out but when they go to check inside the room there's no one there alberto and his team are completely unaware of what they've just captured they continued their investigation of this strange warehouse but as they explore inside the cameraman captures something absolutely shocking [Music] foreign as the camera turns down a hallway what looks like a pale creepy figure can be seen quickly darting out of sight when the team hurries over to investigate they discover just how high the area is above the ground for something to have been peaking around that corner it would have had to be at least seven or eight feet tall a little later into the investigation and the three friends witnessed something else that is truly bizarre hola hey if alberto and his team watches someone seems to walk away from them at first they believe this is simply a stranger who is also exploring the factory but when they reached the area where they saw the dark figure of a man again there's just no one there cut two a bit later and one of alberto's cameramen claims that he sees something move in the brush [Music] okay foreign things just get more and more absurdly bizarre as a hand seems to reach out from the darkness and grab what appears to be either a cloth or an old paper so did the team capture evidence of paranormal activity at the mysterious warehouse or is it all just an elaborate hoax you decide you can watch this full video and many more creepy investigations over on the youtube channel alberto del arco thanks for watching follow me on twitter here on instagram there and on take time right there see you next week
Channel: Nuke's Top 5
Views: 2,492,173
Rating: 4.9062653 out of 5
Keywords: nukes tops 5, nuke's top 5, nukes top 5, nukestop5, nukestop5official, top 5, top5, ghost videos, ghost video, scary ghost videos, scary ghost, top 10 ghost, ghost, ghosts, scariest, real ghost, poltergeist, haunted places, paranormal, top 10, paranormal investigation, ghost hunters, scary video, scary videos, scariest videos, caught on camera, scary, list, lists, ghost hunter, haunted, poltergeist activity, top 5 list, haunted house, ghost hunting, evp, top 5 ghost, top 10 list
Id: wvZDkFeyS-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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