5 Scary CCTV Footage With Disturbingly Dark Backstories...

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CCTV cameras have come a long way over the last few years and they're a great way of monitoring people and places capturing crimes on camera and monitoring day-to-day activities in homes businesses or public places however sometimes they record things that are not comfortable to watch many times people do things thinking they are not being watched but they are by CCTV cameras that is the case for many of these videos so here we'll look at five incidents where the CCTV footage has added to the backstory of the chilling cases were featuring before we get started don't forget to support us on patreon we've kept our tier super low at just $2 per month and you'll get access to all of our documentaries that are not going to be uploaded to YouTube at the moment for this two dollars you'll get instant access to our Richard Ramirez documentary and our documentary on the mysterious mind and work of Stanley Kubrick where we discuss all of the hidden messages he put in his movies from Colts to faking the moon landing in the next week or two we'll also be uploading a murderous minds on Joseph Mengele but as we've said before we do not want those who cannot for two dollars per month to miss out on our content despite it being a terrible business model you can email us at info at top-5 co dot uk' if you genuinely cannot afford the $2 per month and will give you access to the documentaries for free if you enjoy our documentaries or work then please consider supporting it's not just our murderous minds or other documentaries that get them monetized many of these top 5 videos most likely including this one also do and you can support for this two dollars per month now with that I'd the way hit those lights sit back and enjoy [Music] the Indian hospital this video shows just what some families will do in pursuit of inheritance money the shocking footage was captured on a hospital security camera it shows dr. J Sudha manoharan along with the two sons visiting her 82 year old father dr. Rajagopal who is being treated in a private intensive care room at a hospital in India the hospital is owned by Raja Kapoor's son and dr. J Sudha sister she can be seen gesturing to nurses to leave the room leaving just herself and her two sons at the bedside of her ailing father as soon as they leave jayasudha grabs her father's medical file as she does her elderly son can be seen retrieving documents from under his shirt apparently they then threaten the sick man saying they will harm him unless he agrees to sign the papers when he refuses jayasudha produces an ink pad and forces a thumb impression from her father to sign all the papers once the documents are silent the elder son again conceals the Monday's shirt jayasudha can be seen wiping the ink off her father's thumb with a cotton pad and spirit all the while he appears to be protesting next jayasudha reaches under the bed and disconnects a Father's heart IV line this causes him to stop bleeding and a pool of blood starts to form on the floor close to Judy's feet staff soon realized something is going on and then to the room the eldest son then tries to leave with the medical file but it has taken off him by a staff member but as other staff into the room he manages to slip out unnoticed and is later seen leaving the hospital on the exterior CCTV camera back in the ICC room the patient tries to explain what has happened but his daughter and young grandson deny everything but are asked to leave anyway but as jayasudha gets off her chair the disconnected ivy falls to the floor and she tries to tuck it under the mattress a nurse notices what she is doing and quickly reconnects the line and saves the patient's life with blood still on her hands jayasudha leaves the room along with the younger son and his later scene on exterior CCTV running from the hospital pursued by medical staff despite the spillage it wasn't realized what jayasudha and her two sons were trying to do until the CCTV was reviewed police initially filed cases of trespassing exploitation and criminal intimidation against family but later change that to attempted homicide however remarkably the only action taken against jayasudha and his son was a suspension from medicine for her and a warning for him no action was taken against a younger son mr. rajagopal passed away two months after the incident terrifyingly easy this next footage is a chilling reminder of how easily someone can break into your home while you are sleeping it was captured on a home security camera on January the 10th 2019 from a house in Castle promit women in the United Kingdom the masked burglar who appeared to have a limp first scales offense into the rear guard and the property where he triggered security lights however despite the bright lights shining on him he is undeterred and makes his way across the patio and peers through the glass doors into the home then he reaches into a bag and appears to provide tools which he uses to break the lock on the patio doors he didn't slides open the door and listens in before running away apparently disturbed [Music] seconds later he returns and this time he enters the house and starts taking the place but again is disturbed apparently by house Allah and makes a run for it the homeowners were horrified are the ease in which the burglar was able to enter their property as they slept upstairs and if their alarm hadn't gone off the outcome could have been very different the footage is a stark reminder of how important it is to protect our homes and keep people like this out John P wila the third John P wheeler the third known as champ was a highly respected former Army officer who held many highly ranked military and government positions most notably he was a former presidential aide to the Ronald Reagan George HW Bush and George W Bush administration's he was also a chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and in his later years he was CEO of the Vietnam Children's Fund so how did this check of all trains end up being dumped in a landfill on December 30th 2010 66 year-old Jack was spotted disheveled and disorientated in downtown Burlington dalawa wandering around the Nomura's building on 10th and orange streets he was offered assistance by several individuals who were concerned for his well-being but he refused take a look at this disturbing footage [Music] just 14 hours after this footage was captured jack was seen by a landfill worker as he filed from a dumpster onto a trashy in Cherry Island landfill 13 miles from where this footage was taken investigations revealed or the day before the CCTV footage was captured jack was cited at the New Castle County Courthouse parking garage he was disorientated and wearing only one shoe as the other was ripped he attempted to gain access to the parking garage when [ __ ] telling the parking assistant he wanted to warm up his car before paying the parking fee it was later established that Jack's car was not even parked there it was in a different parking lot near Amtrak train station it's also claimed at 40 minutes before the parking lot sighting Jack walked into a chemist in Newcastle looking upset and asked the pharmacist for a ride to Wilmington the pharmacist offered to call a cab for him at which point Jack left the store as far as anyone knew Jack had no health problems that might be related to such uncharacteristic and bizarre behavior although there are several conditions that might explain it such as mental illness heart problems stroke stress or a problem of medication however after jack was recovered it was revealed that he was assaulted with a blunt instrument and his demise was not related to any of the conditions mentioned to date the case is a complete mystery and remains unsolved all we have to go on is the CCTV footage captured in Wilmington [Music] Allenwood CCTV London Lincolnshire UK is a tiny rural hamlet approximately 16 miles from Peterborough in the middle of the English countryside however in 2009 it became the location of one of the most senseless unprovoked attacks in British history on a man in his own house the victim was 50 year-old Allen wood described by friend as a laid-back easygoing man who worked hard and enjoyed the simple things in life Allen had a passion for photography and motorbikes and was the proud owner of a black Triumph Speed Triple his social life centred around visiting the Willoughby Arms public house in nearby little Python Allen lived alone since separating from his wife in 2003 although the pair remained on friendly terms and since 2006 he had worked the night shift at his local Sainsbury's in Bourne there was nothing in Allen's life to suggest he had any enemies but on Saturday the 24th of October 2009 Allen was seen leaving the Willoughby arms to head back to his home inland three days later a friend visited his house and found his body when the police were called the sheer brutality of the sustained attack on Allen shocked even the most hardened officers we cannot go into too much detail due to YouTube's sensitivity regarding these topics but the attack was ferocious in the days after the attack it was established that the offender injured himself and left blood at the scene forensic analysis of the blood gave detectives a full male DNA profile this had been run through the national DNA database in the UK and around the world but no match has been found it's always been believed the motive was financial and in the days after the attack it was established that Allen's bank cards had been used in Bourne and Stanford at ATM cash points after investigators trawl through thousands of hours of CCTV they discovered these chilling images of a man using Alan's Bank art it's very likely this is Alan's attacker he appears to be 5 foot 9 inches to 5 foot 11 in Hall dressed in a smart casual manner and appears to be wearing a distinctive striped scarf it's also been noted that he has an unusual walk an expert's outside of the force have come to the conclusion that he limps due to his right leg being slightly longer than his left leg it's not believed he's local and is possibly someone who traveled to the area for work from another country and has since returned home detectives also found suspect footprints at the scene that matched converse trainers with the help of converse in the USA the print type has been narrowed down to these two styles as with all these types of cases if you have any information that could lead to solving the case please contact UK Crimestoppers there is currently a 50,000 pound reward [Music] Mohammed Al Maha Maha mood Alma puah was one of the most wanted men in Israel he was a senior Hamas military adviser and suspected of being involved in the 1989 crime with to Israel soldiers in Gaza were attacked amongst other things he also played a crucial role in obtaining weapons for illegal organizations over the years many people had tried taking his life and it's fair to say that he was living on borrowed time but on January the 19th 2010 at 3:20 p.m. he arrived at the bye International Airport he was travelling without bodyguards I was on route to Bangkok and be known to him his every move was being monitored by at least 11 Mossad agents at 3:25 he checked into a luxury hotel using a passport issued in his own name and was allocated room 230 CCTV footage shows him being followed to his room by two men or in tennis gear and holding rackets they then relay his room number to other agents using an encrypted personal communication device [Music] that's around 323 p.m. he leaves his room and his followed by at least two agents although it's unknown where he went during the course of the afternoon more agents arrived through the by airport some of them checking into the hotel others checking into nearby hotels one of the agents known as pizza rings the hotel Mohammed is staying at for a nearby hotel business center and asked a book room 237 the room opposite from room 230 he later arrives at the hotel and checks in before handing a bag and the room key to another agent known as Kevin Peter then leaves the hotel and makes his way back to the airport meanwhile Kevin and a female agent on his Gail make their way to room 237 they are then joined by another heavily disguised man Gale then leaves the hotel and hands bags over to agents waiting in the hotel car park at around 6:30 2:00 p.m. the assassination team starts to arrive in twos there are four in total at around 8:00 p.m. two of the agents tried to gain entry to room 230 although they were disturbed when a guest exited the nearby left after distracting him they managed to get in the room using an advanced electronic device at 20 24 Muhammad arrives back at the hotel and goes to his room with four hitmen are waiting for him outside the room Kevin and the female agent monitors the corridor as the head is silently carried out [Music] [Music] by 8:45 Muhammad is no more at 8:46 two of the perpetrators are standing in front of the elevator one you'll notice is still wearing a rubber glove following the head the various agents calmly leave the hotel and over the next 12 hours all the agents have left by fleeing to various destinations after a nine pm Muhammad's wife calls her husband but gets no reply the next day Wednesday 20th he fails a check Hank as expected and when hotel staff investigate at 1:30 p.m. they find him in his hotel room the door was locked from the inside initially the by authorities believed he had passed away of natural causes but after tests it was established that he'd been injected with a fast-acting muscle relaxant he was then electrocuted and smothered with a pillow there were signs that he had attempted to resist the attacks but the paralysis caused by the muscle relaxant would have made it impossible although he would have remained 100% conscious after reviewing the CCTV footage they believed that at least 11 operatives were involved in ahead all traveling on fake or stolen passports from various EU countries including Britain Ireland France and Germany and one from Australia the operation was Mateus Lea planned by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad by a professional team that was highly skilled in these kinds of activities in the years and months following the operation arrests have been made but no one has been convicted thanks for watching and as always we'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Top5s
Views: 1,767,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yovIXd6vUpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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