5 Creepy Wikipedia Rabbit Holes That Will Keep You Busy for Hours...

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before we begin this video we wanted to give you a quick update about our new hit the lights podcast it's now available on Apple podcasts Spotify and Google podcasts at the moment we're uploading daily and using previous long format videos that we've converted for podcast listening once we've used up all those we'll be testing out with some new exclusive podcast content will also no longer be uploading our cold case detective main investigations onto the cold case detective YouTube channel but these will instead be exclusive to the podcast so don't forget to subscribe to the hit the Lights podcast by clicking the link in the description or in the comment section below also consider becoming a patreon for just $2 per month where we upload lots of long format content such as our new documentary on Jim Jones if you're interested in our murderous minds documentaries and all of our other documentaries then please consider becoming a patreon now let's get started in these extraordinary times we thought we would help you pass the days by suggesting some subjects that will take you down the internet rabbit hole none of them are too obscure and they can all initially be found on Wikipedia what we have done is given you the bones of the cases so that you can do a bit of sleuthing that will lead you through the many twists turns and theories that have appeared on various sites about these cases you can then piece it all together and shed any light on what really happened what we would like to do is a follow-up one day to see if any of you have been able to solve any of them so here are five creepy Wikipedia rabbit holes but believe me we'll keep you busy for hours the disappearance of Jon Favreau Jon Favreau lived in Howard Beach New York and he was a neighbor of Gambino crime family godfather John Gotti the two families got on well and fatherís adopted son Scott was a friend of the Gotti children and even had sleepovers at their house fara was also a close childhood friend of the son of Gambino crime family at Tory's a PE but as the pair grew up a tory pursued a life in organized crime or fara remained on the straight and narrow earning a legitimate living despite this the two had remained close however always changed on March 18th 1980 when 12 year-old Frank Gotti the youngest son of John darted into the stream on a motorized minibike from behind the dumpster at the time Favreau was on his way home from work and his car struck Frank and killed him everyone was devastated but no charges were ever brought against father as Frank's death was deemed as an unavoidable accident but the Gotti family would not accept that as far as they were concerned father killed Frank and in the months after the accident the word murderer was spray-painted on to father's car Victoria Gotti Frank's mother also attacked Favreau with a metal baseball bat although father decided not to press charges and planned instead to move away but on July 28 1980 shortly before the family were due to move witnesses saw fara shoved into a van by several men near his work there were several accounts of his abduction ranging from him being beaten with a baseball bat shot with a silenced 22 caliber pistol or both what happened to him next though is unknown although there are many theories one report says that while still alive fara was dismembered with a chainsaw and stuffed into a barrel filled with concrete then dumped in the ocean or buried on the Chop Shop lot others believe that mob hitman Charles canakya killed fara and disposed of his body in acid no one really knows what happened to father ax although we think it's safe to say he met a grisly end soon after his disappearance father his wife and two sons moved out of Howard Beach and he was declared legally dead in 1983 despite his body never being located however in November 2004 informants led the FBI to excavate a parking lot in New York City suspected to be a mob graveyard on the site of father's body while two bodies were found fatherís was not when questioned by two detectives on father's disappearance John Gotti said I'm not sorry the guy's missing I wouldn't be sorry if the guy turned up dead his wife Victoria mirrored this by saying I don't know what happened to him but I'm not disappointed he's missing he killed my boy but because father's body has never been found and with its links to the mob the case has spawned various theories about what really happened to fara and where he lays now with this case wikipedia is just the start of a very long and winding rabbit hall that will frustrate you all the way and despite various internet sleuths wading in on the investigation the case still remains unsolved the disappearance of Sneha and Phillip on Monday September 10th 2001 31 year-old touché Neha and Phillip had the day off work the internal medicine intern planned to have a quiet day tidying her New York City apartment her husband Ron said goodbye to her and left for work at around 11 a.m. at about 2:00 p.m. Neha spoke to her mother through facebook messenger on and off until 4:00 p.m. when she signed off to do some errands after dropping off some dry cleaning Sneha headed to century 21 a discount department store close to the twin towers she used her husband's American Express card buy some clothes lingerie and bed linen she also purchased three pairs of shoes when Ron came home from work that evening his wife wasn't there this wasn't unusual as she often stayed out all night often without telling him however when he woke up the next day and she still wasn't home and he hadn't heard from her he was a little annoyed and intended to have a stern word with her when she did eventually turn up as Ron headed into work that morning he would have no idea what was about to unfold in the city he called home soon after he arrived at the Jacobi Medical Center where he worked as an emergency room intern the news started to filter through that a plane had struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center Ron immediately called home but Neha didn't answer and that she didn't have a cell phone he left several messages on the answer machine but she never called back at 3:00 p.m. Ron hitched a ride back to his apartment in an ambulance to look for Sneha but the journey amidst frantic traffic took six hours there was nine p.m. before he reached their apartment but the front doors wouldn't open due to an electricity failure so he couldn't get in Ron spent that night on a friend's couch with no idea where his wife was when he finally entered their apartment grace cert coated every surface but there was no sign of Sneha or any evidence she had returned there just a tiny paw prints of the couple's two cats could be seen in the dust after her disappearance Shania's family did their own investigation and eventually began to accept that she most likely perished in the 9/11 terror attacks they even strung together a theory based on the small circumstantial pieces of evidence a private investigator had uncovered that maybe Schnee her went out for drinks after she went shopping and knowing Ron was working late decided to spend the night at a friend's house instead as she returned home the next morning the first plane struck the North Tower and using her medical experience she rushed into the towers to help the victims her brother John took this theory one step further when he concocted a scenario of her final moments live on WABC stating that he was on the phone to his sister and she told him she couldn't leave because people were hurt she said I have to have this person and that's the last thing I heard from her this was a complete fabrication as neha had fallen out with her brother and he hadn't spoken for weeks the family's theory had a lot of holes in it however the version of events was how she Nia's family wanted to remember her as a hero and her name was added to the list of 9/11 victims missing in the months following the tragedy the family sought comfort in a special community of grief surrounding 9/11 and on the first anniversary of the attacks her parents went with their two sons undrawn to a memorial in power keeps II wish Nia's name was read aloud as part of a tribute to local victims they also routinely attended memorials and discuss their loss with others whose loved ones were heroes and martyrs however police investigations revealed a different story they later uncovered a very different version of Sania's life one that makes her family very uncomfortable police reports and court records describe a life that was reeling out of control with alcohol related issues that saw her fired from her job she had also been involved in a dispute that landed her in court Shia was also experiencing marital problems and often stayed out all night with individuals not known to her husband whom she met at various lesbian bars according to the investigations sneha's indiscretions appeared to have reached breaking point in the months prior to her disappearance a police report says that her brother John walked in on her and his girlfriend in bed and that is why they weren't speaking and her alleged struggles with depression alcohol and her sexuality spilled over into a new job as well other time her disappearance she was suspended for failing to meet with his substance abuse counselor on the day she disappeared Sneha had a court date was she pleaded not guilty to the charge of filing a false complaint Ron went with her before he left for work and the couple got into a big fight and sneers stormed out of court leaving Ron behind then came another blow for the family when in 2004 it was ruled that Sneha officially died on September 10th 2004 as set forth by state law three years to the day after her unexplained absence commenced her name that was previously on the list of 9/11 victims was removed the date police still do not know what happened - Nina but a secret double life and struggles with a dark side had cost her a job and damaged her marriage and may well have led to her death a night before the terror attacks despite this sneha's family are still trying to shape her legacy and trying to prove that she died virtuously and the hero of course there is still a slight possibility but she might be alive and living a new life somewhere but the fact that Sneha left behind her glasses passport driver's license and credit cards seemingly rules out this theory and the New York law establishing that a person died as the result of 9/11 requires clear and convincing evidence of the person's exposure to the attack if the mystery is to be solved it will likely be through DNA evidence or items of jewelry although again this is not to end up anything we have not told the whole story of SHINee's disappearance as it's too long to fit in this list but if you want to look a little closer at the case Wikipedia is a great start and read it in particular has a dedicated thread to this case the mystery are the Toynbee tiles twinby tiles as they've been named have been found embedded in the roads and pavements of several major American cities since the 1980s but what is that purpose what they mean are more importantly who put them there while no one seems to know and trying to find out will lead you down a confusing rabbit hole full of cryptic clues and theories since the 1980s several hundred tiles have been discovered they are generally about the size of an American license plate but sometimes considerably larger they contain some variation of the following inscription some of the more elaborate tiles also feature cryptic political statements or odd readers - cranes and install similar tiles of their own the material used for making tiles was initially unknown but evidence has emerged that they may be primarily made from layers of linoleum and asphalt crack sealant the first tiles were discovered in Philadelphia but since then they have also been seen in several other cities including Pittsburgh New Jersey Chicago Boston Washington DC New York City and even South America however in 2011 the installations appeared to stop and many speculated the original Tyler had maybe fallen ill or even passed away or that they are become an erv by the attention caused by a 2011 documentary called resurrect dead the mystery of the Toynbee tiles a film that presents evidence but a reclusive Philadelphia resident Severna Verner was responsible for the tiles however what soured the reason in the last few years new tiles have started to appear again in New York and Philadelphia the tiles are generally laid in the summer months as believed that after the design is created the tiles are wrapped in tile paper and then put into position and stuck to the ground with asphalt sealant the weight of car and foot traffic combined with heat helped to gradually fuse each tile to the street and wear down the tar paper repeating the messages and images carved into them no one is certain about the length of time it takes for a tile to fully adhere to asphalt given that there's no telling exactly when one has been laid but given the material used it's assumed the installation can take two weeks to a month to complete followers believe of the original tiles are created by one person that they are laid simply by being thrown out of a hole in the floorboard of a car a theory that was suggested by resurrects dead this could explain the puzzling placement of some tiles and could be the reason no one has ever laid eyes on the Tyler Toynbee tile spotters is a thing and enthusiasts share locations and blogs on ones they have found as well as theories on the cryptic messages found on them many believe they are links says Stanley Kubrick's film 2001 or the Ray Bradbury short story 10 beacon vector about a time traveller who returns the present to inspire his contemporaries to build a future for themselves a name that comes up a lot in the search for the creator of the tiles is James morasco he is the founder of the minority Association a group that hoped to be able to colonize Jupiter by resurrecting those who had died on earth and in the resurrect dead documentary it is suggested that Severin oh and James are the same person this belief has been reinforced in recent years when in addition to the main messages tiles began appearing with additional side messages attached to them such as murder every journalist I beg of you as well as longer tiles found with accounts of how the media had wronged the Tyler this could be in reference to morasco who has contacted newspapers and talk shows to discuss his hopes to colonize Jupiter but has been pretty much laughed that one thing is for sure the tiles bring out people who love a good mystery and the resurrect dead crew has enjoyed being able to meet those people at speaking engagements and hear from them via their Facebook page watching the documentary is a great place to start with this puzzle Danny casolaro at about noon on August 10th 1991 housekeeping staff entered room 507 at the Sheraton Hotel in West Virginia where they discovered the body of Joseph Danielle Castle ro an American freelance writer Joseph was naked in the bathtub and his wrists had been cut he had three or four wounds on his right wrist and seven or eight on his left blood was splattered up the walls of the bathroom and the scene was so gruesome that one of the housekeeper's fainted when she saw it underneath Joseph's body paramedics found an empty Milwaukee beer can two white trash bags and a single edge razor blade there was also a half empty wine bottle nearby other than the grisly scene the hotel room was clean and orderly on the desk was a pad and a pen and a single page had been torn out with a message written on it saying to those who I loved the most please forgive me for the worst possible thing I could have done most of all I'm sorry to my son I know deep down inside that God will let me in initially his death was ruled as a suicide however Joseph's family were convinced he had been murdered and they revealed that before he left he had told his brother that he had been receiving harassing phone calls late at night and some of them were threatening and if something were to happen to him while in Martinsburg it would not be an accident they also noted that he was well known for being squeamish and had a fear of blood tests and they found it incomprehensible that if he were going to commit suicide he would do so by cutting his wrists at the time of his death Joseph was working on a story he called the octopus and he was in Martinsburg to meet a source to put the final pieces together Joseph told people the octopus was nearly ready and it would reveal a wide-ranging conspiracy involving the following already known cases the inslaw case about a software manufacturer whose owner accused the Justice Department of stealing its work product the October Surprise theory that during the Iran hostage crisis Iran deliberately held back American hostages to help Ronald Reagan win the 1980 presidential election and the collapse of the bank of credit and their funding of iran-contra but in the papers that Joseph left behind it appears he had got in over his head during his investigations and they found an array of old clippings hard to read handwritten notes and the names of former CIA officers and arms dealers it appeared Joseph had been drawn into the lives of spooks guns drugs and organized crime in the wake of his death a number of unexplained things occurred and vague unsubstantiated rumors about the Mafia being involved circulated it was also claimed but the Undertaker who removed the body was an employee of the CIA hired to clean up after an agency assassination it was even suggested by journalist colleague of Joseph that he may have intended his suicide to look like murder triggered by his research in order to have others look into the story after his death even at the funeral the family felt engulfed by mysteries as the ceremony drew to a close a highly decorated military officer in US Army dress reportedly arrived in a limousine accompanied by another man in plain clothes the military man approached the coffin just before it was lowered into the ground laid a medal on the lid and saluted the speculation was so rife that was later revealed that members of the FBI Task Force had questioned the conclusion of suicide and recommended further investigation another anomaly is that FBI documents show but some files on Joseph are being withheld from public release which is contradicted by the FBI saying these files were missing entirely rather with all these cases there are just too many unanswered questions about what Joseph was about to reveal and how he met his untimely death this one is a real challenge and we'd be interested in knowing what you discover there are several online resources for researching this case including reddit and Wikipedia as well as several books and podcasts on the subject the strange disappearance of Emma Filipov Emma filippov is a Canadian woman who has been missing since November 28th 2012 26 year-old Emma was last seen near the Empress Hotel in Victoria British Columbia since that day no one has seen or heard from her he would look at the timeline of her disappearance and assuming the odd behavior in the days and hours leading up to it Emma arrived in Victoria in the fall of 2011 from Perth Ontario she had brief employment at the red fish blue fish seafood restaurant but because the work was seasonal and molest a job on October 31st 2012 however she assured her co-workers she would be back in the spring a week after on November 21st emma hired a tow truck to move her Mazda from silk to the chateau Victoria parking garage police believe this was in preparation to move back to Ontario and be known to her family Emma had been staying at the standing Merriman House women's shelter on and off since February 2012 on November 20th filippov was captured on security footage at the Victoria YMCA entering then leaving then entering multiple times as if possibly avoiding someone on the outside take a look a few days later on November 28th and was captured on a 7-eleven store video on government Street purchasing a prepaid cell phone the video showed her hesitating in departing the store seemingly checking the street outside she later returned to the same store to buy a prepaid credit card for $200 reportedly she left the Sandy Merriman house at around 6 p.m. that day and hold a taxi and asked to be taken to the Victoria International Airport however she didn't have enough money to complete her journey which seems strange as she had just purchased a $200 prepaid card later and more seeing walking barefoot in front of the Empress Hotel an acquaintance of hers Denis key spotted her and was concerned about her behavior and called 9-1-1 Victoria police arrived and spent 45 minutes speaking with her before deciding that she was not a threat to herself or anyone else this was the last sighting of her in the days preceding her disappearance Emma had phoned her mother in Ontario asking to come home on the final call her mother became aware that Emma had been staying at the sandy Merryman house and even though Emma had asked her not to come she made plans to fly out immediately Emma's last words to her mother were I don't know how I can face you Emma's mother arrived at sandy Merriman house at around 10:00 p.m. on the 28th three hours after the last sighting of her outside the Empress Hotel at 8 p.m. when it became apparent Emma was missing police met with a mother and by midnight Emma was classified as a missing person until a report surfaced in June 2018 no one reported seeing Emma since 8:00 p.m. that night later that evening police met Emma's mother at Sandy Merriman house investigators explored more than two hundred leads tuning up little or no information although most of the evidence indicated she was planning to return home to Ontario although there was no proof that she had ever left Victoria the cellphone she bought was never activated the prepaid card was allegedly found on the side of the road near the Hugh Andy Foucault community centre north of where she disappeared it was fine by stranger whose use of the car to purchase cigarettes was tracked by police her red 1993 Mazda MPV was found in the chateau Victoria parking lot with almost all her belongings in it including her passport library card digital camera clothes a pillow assorted ornaments laptop and recently borrowed library books it's believed she used the van as storage during her time in Victoria mr.oat extensive poems about her time there none of them indicated that she was being stalked although some indicated she was depressed although experts believe she was not suicidal however the Sandy Merriman staff told Emma's mother that a daughter required both physical and medical intervention no new leads turned up until May 2014 when it was reported that cast Anna Vancouver business owners Joel and Lori Salim witnessed a man in their store throwing out a 250 thousand dollar missing reward poster farmer the pair said that the man said it's one of those missing person posters except she's not missing she's my girlfriend and she ran away because she hates her parents the Sahlins immediately called the police but despite security video capturing an image of the man he has yet to be identified then in the summer of 2018 a witness named william came forward with new information about encountering a woman fitting Emma's description the morning of her disappearance the report resulted in an organized search of the view Royal area of Victoria in December 2018 but the search turned up no additional clues Emma's disappearance has received extensive print and web coverage both in Canada and abroad in 2013 Emma's disappearance was the subject of an episode of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation television program The Fifth Estate titled finding Emma and in 2020 Emma's disappearance was the subject of a long-form series by the Canadian audio documentary series the nighttime podcast titled Emma Phillip off is missing this series features interviews with Emma's mother Shelley many of her close friends and the one-time suspect Julian this series was the featured podcast on Apple's podcast for the weeks of January 12 2020 and appeared in the top ten of Canada's podcast charts for several days both of these are must-see productions to start you off if you want to get drawn into this baffling case we are hoping Emma is still alive and one day she'll turn up safe and Wow and maybe one of you can help with that so that's five big mysteries that will lead you down the rabbit hole and occupy you for hours as you can drop your own theories and thoughts on these cases thanks for watching stay safe and as always we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Top5s
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Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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