5 Disturbing Forest Videos You Shouldn't Watch Alone...

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the relationship between people in the forest has always had an element of dualism to it on one hand the forest is a serene wild domain of nature that evokes feelings of wonder adventure fantasy and magic on the other the forest can be dark and ghastly and many have ended up dead when they ventured into it either by getting lost or by the hands of a killer who knew how hard it can be to find a body in the woods indeed the forest is a place where anything can happen good or bad and is therefore a fascinating place to film as well however the dark side of the forest always raises its head eventually an eerie footage consequently emerges here are five of the creepiest videos filmed inside woods mysterious sound in forest in October 2000 19 g no Meeks was at hunting grounds for his wife and grandson in woods near his home in Northern Ontario Canada as the trio made their way back to their car at the end of the trail along the Vermillion River they heard a terrifying sound occurring throughout the trees initially ginam thought it was a bear or a moose but quickly realized it sounded like neither being an experienced hunter who is used to the sounds of the forest he was incredibly confused at first he wasn't concerned and started recording the sound on his phone but as the sound appeared to get closer and something could be heard moving closer his wife got scared and picked up their grandson and quickly made her way to their car take a look and listen to this just to be aware the young child you can hear is Gino's grandson trying to mimic the strange noises [Music] pretty creepy despite plenty of suggestions on social media about what is making that sound it seems even the experts are baffled and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and forestry also have no idea what it is since Gino posted the two videos on YouTube they've gone viral racking up hundreds of thousands of views as you would expect suggestions of what it might be range from Bigfoot to a giant bear in fact viewers have been so perplexed by the sound that they've even accused genome on orchestrating a hoax what do you think it is the lizard mile of scape ore swamp in 1988 17-year old Christopher Davis from Lee County South Carolina was driving home from his night shift at a local fast food restaurant when all of a sudden he got a flat tire Christopher promptly fixed it only to then witness a strange-looking 7 feet tall creature approached him the creature got on top of the car as Christopher got into his car and began driving away but was thrown off when he bumped the brakes escaping the encounter the so called lizard man of scape ore swamp was described as being green went scaled like a lizard and with red eyes and three fingers Christopher's encounter was covered by the media at the time placing the lizard man into the local folklore and turning the area into a popular tourist attraction sightings of the lizard man had been reported over the years since then but photo or video evidence of the creatures existence has always been lacking to that end in 2012 an investigative team of the sci-fi TV Channel show fact or faked paranormal files led by former FBI agent Ben Hanson set out into the forest near Bishopville South Carolina to find the legendary lizard man the result of their investigation is the following video take a look you think that was a coyote what do you think that was what was it do you see it where holy crap the video is supposedly the first video evidence of the lizard man depicting the creature straddling among the trees in the darkness the forest with notable spiky ridges going down its back it was uploaded to the YouTube channel Encounters 26 on March the 14th which is also the same day the channel was created no other video is uploaded to the channel since the video description states that the video was captured while the uploader and their friends were night fishing saying I've lived in Bishopville my entire life and I've never seen anything like this tall creature standing upright covered in what looked like spikes however despite being creepy this description is false as Ben Hansen himself stated that the video is a hoax saying there was scant evidence out there of his existence so we filmed what I call an authentic hoax as kind of a social experiment in fact Hansen himself admitted to be the person wearing the lizard suit in the video creepy nonetheless but whether or not the lizard man of scape ore swamp is real this video is not going to prove it the breathing forest we've showed this video before but we cannot include creepy footage inside a forest without showing this as last time we went at it more of a fascinating angle as opposed to a creepy angle like we all here imagine you're hiking in the forest admiring the beauty and stillness of the natural surrounding around you save for the wind and the rustles of the leaves it's then that you noticed something incredibly creepy the earth beneath you appears to rise and form as if it was breathing or as if some colossal giant was sleeping just under your nose such was the case for manual petit art who noticed this strange phenomena in a forest bordering the Apple River in Nova Scotia Canada take a look the video is uploaded on March the 5th 2015 and went viral gathering over 9 million views as of today is not creepy in the traditional sense there are no mysterious figures and Manuel did not attempt to present it as anything supernatural but despite this it's certainly unnerving and without any prior knowledge to the nature of this phenomenon such a thing can terrify most hikers nevertheless what is depicted in the video is in fact not supernatural and can be explained scientifically according to an arborist at Shady Lane expert tree care in Ontario this is the result of the relationship between the wind and the ground during a storm the ground becomes saturated during a windy rainstorm which causes the soils cohesion with the tree roots to become loose as the wind blows on a tree it exerts a pushing force upon it and said force is transferred to the tree's roots causing the ground around them to heave this phenomenon is not common but not as rare as one might think as other similar videos have been recorded elsewhere it's noteworthy however that the Apple River which the phenomenon in question was captured next to is an area of tidal salt marshes making it highly likely that sub terrain rivers run beneath the forest making the soil more susceptible for loosening while the view of the earth seemingly breathing is still quite creepy at first glance especially if you didn't know what it was it's nevertheless a reminder that nature is always full of amazing things that can still surprise us deathly sound in the woods para breakdown is fel prunings youtube channel in which fell discusses are occasionally debunks videos of Krypton's aliens ghosts and in particular Bigfoot which he admittedly believes in On January the 21st 2013 Phil captured a video as part of his Bigfoot in Oregon investigation to prove the existence of the creature however what he captured appears to be something else and something far more chilling the video was taken at around 11:00 p.m. roughly 200 feet away from Phil's house in Oregon at the outskirts of a nearby forest from the beginning of the video a strange unidentified voice can be heard coming out of the forest which Phil describes sounding doggish or hyena SH the voice indeed resembles a sort of maniac laughter and Phil report said the sounds have been going on for around fifteen to twenty minutes and that is caught in closer since it started he reckoned that it was about 20 or 300 feet away from him at the time of the recording then 2 minutes and 29 seconds into the video a gunshot can be heard from the forest followed by silence a second gunshot thirty seconds later a third 20 seconds afterwards after the third gunshot the same voice can be heard screaming followed by silence from the forest and a dog barking in the background take a look at this incredible footage xxi about 11 p.m. I'm a couple hundred feet from my house the air going off in the background right now kind of sounds weird kind of sounds doggish hyena Sh but you can hear it going off in the background right now it's really kind of strange just to say the least it's been going off for about 15-20 minutes so far by the fire station and it's pretty crazy so freaking listen that'd be crazy hold on [Applause] I mean that almost sounds like laughter [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] there was a gunshot so in this shot over into the world [Applause] [Applause] exactly what is going on deep in the forest is hard to say other than that something or someone was making those sounds a gun was fired three times in addition whether the entity heard is human or some sort of Beast has been a topic of disagreement some of the commenters of the video suggest that it sounds like a coyote in the beginning what had this claim that it may be a person being changed and shot dead meth addicts and even a satanic cult Phil himself does not tend to explain the event beyond the available facts he looks unnerved and concerned while it's happening and his behavior in the video appears very believable authentic it is possible that Phil managed to capture either a murder in the woods or the killing of an animal or maybe even set it up altogether which does seem unlikely either way it's very creepy to listen to as it may very well indeed be the last horrified sounds made by a living thing so that's five incredibly creepy videos filmed inside forests we hope you're all ready for October where once again we will be going all out on creepy videos for the creepy marathon month that you all love so don't forget to hit the notification bar to stay up to date with all those videos thanks for watching and as always we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Top5s
Views: 719,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9j7vgbppSf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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