5 Disturbing Channels That Disappeared from YouTube...

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since 2005 YouTube has evolved from a little-known video streaming website to a Google owned media giant taking over the internet and changing society at large however like most massive sectors of the worldwide WAMP YouTube has seen its share of controversies conspiracies and channels that have made us turn our heads and perform double tanks as their content Sparks and settling vibes some of these channels break the rules others display explicit content and some may be nothing more than a prank full of spam regardless there have been a fair share of controversial sometimes confusing channels that's on closer inspection leave the viewer with an uneasy feeling so here are 5 mysterious channels that disappeared from you to hit those lights sit back and enjoy mister peeper this first channel is one of the creepiest and spine-chilling ever uncovered on YouTube the channel in question was called mr. peeper and featured a series of videos taken from a first-person style vantage point that included stalking a couple of young women and playing unbelievably horrible pranks on them the first woman was recorded through her livingroom window watching TV and totally unaware of the videotaping outside mr. peeper then enters her home after she goes to bed and while in the entryway he records his reflection very briefly revealing the scary Halloween style mask he then goes outside and rings the doorbell to which the woman finds a burning stuffed animal sitting ablaze on a plateau while she frantically calls someone on the phone mr. peepers out from behind a chair causing the woman to scream and then the video ends in between the two separate sequences mr. peeper posted an unsettling clip of him driving through vague countryside with what sounds like another person struggling in the back possibly gackt or with their mouths taped with the second woman mr. people follows her into a library and plays tricks with the lights while she searches for books after a few minutes of teasing he then follows her back to her house where he hides underneath the deck and attempts a film of the woman's skirt this then transitions to another terrifying prank where mr. pepper sticks a needle halfway into the wood and then hides it and the leaves I'll need to record the woman walking out barefoot the next day and stabbing herself unexpectedly it only gets worse however when on a different night mr. peeper attempted to break into her house but is foiled by a guard dog keeping watch outside he doesn't give him though and goes to a grocery store and tapes himself buying rat poison and dog food which he combines and puts outside near the woman's house his last video ends with the guard dog finding the poisoned food and beginning to eat it as you can imagine both of these situations are quite grim disgusting and incredibly scary happenings some viewers claimed the videos were fake and part of an art project or filmmaking webseries pointing to the supposed acting of the second woman when she talks on the phone and steps on the needle others highlight mr. peepers expert editing tricks and distorted voice overs being simple production value in addition to the dramatic music playing over certain jump-scare moments however it is possible that these special effects were included as a sick way to maximize the already creepy nature of the stalking tapes all of the actions are very plausible animal anticipation isn't a far-fetched claim one publication on the Internet claims that mr. peeper is just the name of the channel and the videos are actually recovered films for an SD card taped to the roof of an abandoned car out in the woods found by random person and then uploaded onto the Internet now why anyone would have a post such disturbing images without a call for action is beyond comprehension but it would certainly add another creepy twist to the already crazy circumstances eventually the videos were downloaded and re-uploaded by third-party account called pacemaker studios but the mr. peabody annal was removed by YouTube due to multiple and severe violations of YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content and while there was never any grotesque or blatant nudity on screen it was more of the insinuation of what happening behind the scenes that probably prompted YouTube to take action regardless let's hope YouTube didn't stop there and inform the government about the channel getting the proper authorities to investigate the legitimacy of Mister people toy freaks a couple of years back YouTube enforced a purge of hundreds upon hundreds of channels that exploited children through disturbing images and potentially harmful situations one of these channels was the hugely popular toy freak channel toy freak started in 2015 by single father Greg Chisholm who had gained a small following in years prior with a lawncare platform and a side channel posting family videos he started noticing that some of the videos he posted of him and his two girls gained more views than others and of the deeper analysis discovered with the right titles tags and actual content he could profit off of his silly videos unfortunately these silly videos turned into bizarre gross scans between him and his daughters these videos ranged from eating weird foods that stimulated vomiting creepy performances by Chisholm in scary Halloween masks and maker dangerous stunts and even physical discomfort for example one video displayed a recording of one of the girls losing a baby tooth spewing blood as she cried and shouted while Greg always argued his daughters gave their consent for such strange and sickening actions it certainly stimulated unsettling emotions by quite a few viewers and eventually YouTube brass despite the intense subject matter toy frinks was actually a very popular channel at one point it was in the top 100 most viewed YouTube channels of all time and gained over eight and a half million subscribers in two years market analysis calculated Greg had made over thirteen million dollars in revenue from advertisements alone which introduces a question of morals and profiting of your children let alone children acting how gross performances in the end this is what prompted you to be fischels to delete toy freaks as they cracked down on similar content craters however one must consider more than what we saw in the small videos uploaded by greg the costumes and creepy characters they created or more than just Halloween drinks and a type of persuasion that might have been needed to encourage two young minds to allow such dark toon foolery has to be questioned meet sleep on March 28 2014 one of YouTube's strangest mysteries came to light when the channel titled meet sleep joined the YouTube streaming websites popularly known as just meet meet sleep went on to post 91 times in brain bending fashion using harsh editing techniques uncomfortable audio sequences and involving content bordering on explicit embedded within these strange videos with secret codes that could be cracked by serious and imaginative viewers by paying attention to words sounds and images frequently used while none of it led to an ultimate hidden secret or buried treasure it stumped many audience members and forced conspiracy theorists minds to run crazy the channel wasn't all fun coding cracking however a lot of bizarre unsettling videos made users believe the film was shot by a possible serial killer potentially a cannibal to boot some of the content revolved around themes of kidnapping and stalking and the point of view from which the shots were betrayed seems to suggest the person behind the camera was following someone or at least up to no good while none of these proclamations proved true it sparked heavy debate and acquisitions as angry and disgusted viewers started analyzing the videos for the actual locations of the houses and started harassing those who lived there the madness came to an end in January of 2016 when meat sleep deleted their entire catalog and uploaded one last video titled no more they explained but the entire project was curated by 8 individuals across Japan Germany Estonia Netherlands the United States Canada Australia and Brazil the videos were produced with professional equipment and the creators could no longer live threatened lives for a simple YouTube puzzle thus the entire operation ceased and meat sleep wasn't heard from again as of today the channel is completely void of content however you can find most of meat sleeps content on third-party websites or loyalists YouTube channels meat sleep will probably never be heard from again so let's hope that's whatever damage was directly caused was minimal and there were no actual victims of the criminal accusations chez Saint John this next channel wasn't so much a mystery as it was completely fascinating with a bit of conspiracy theory history associated with his creator the channeling question was elastics plastic plastic fantastic featuring the character of che st. John st. John first made contact with the Internet through a live journal blog in 2003 and was portrayed as a female human badly scarred from a near-fatal car accident however instead of prosthetic limbs st. John used bits and pieces of mannequin parts to complete her damage figure she claimed her face was so badly ruined that it was too grotesque to show there's always wearing masks wigs and facial disguises during videos so while her formation was quite unsettling st. John always had Pleasant motives behind the creepy costume the genius behind the production was Eric fornia Eric had gained fame in the 1990s as a member of a couple of punk rock bands the blood farmers and scary gore it was during these years as a musician that the idea for Chez Saint John came to be when Eric incepted his first project with the Saint John character titled stumpwater salad after many years of filming bears and other clips of the Saint John Chronicles Eric sidestepped YouTube and released 30 of his videos on a DVD called the trigger compilations in 2006 Eric edited and produced all of the content just as he had with his YouTube channel unfortunately Eric passed away from internal bleeding complications due to his alcoholism he was only 42 at the time of his death but did leave behind a fascinating case of content creation it's interesting to think about the inspirations for chez Saint John while some may argue it was nothing more than a unique imagination all of us use subconscious emotions in the stories we tell and Saint John was a physically scarred figure I may have been a representation of hidden emotional or mental scars the crater faced himself one intriguing theory that did arise before he died was that Eric fornia was actually behind the Max Headroom incident which we discussed in length on top fires before while it was never confirmed there does seem to be many similarities between the Max Headroom and che st. John such as the camera techniques lighting in certain videos use of masks and disguises and the overall understanding of video production it's a stretch but certainly not impossible the channel was discontinued by YouTube in 2017 along with Erik's personal website but you can still check out chasing John recordings on a variety of YouTube channels mark judge the clarity and chaos that was the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh dominated American news circuit's last month but what seemed to sneak through the major media outlets was the creepiness and despicable YouTube presence of mark George a good friend of Brant and major piece of his testimony judge was repeatedly accused of having witnessed the alleged sexual misconduct by Brad against dr. Christine Ford laughing and provoking further damage during the incident while Judge Hemant Lee denied such proclamations more outside sources claimed judge had been abusing women for decades dating all the way back to his time at Georgetown pram these sources say they also witnessed misconduct acted out by Judge normally involving intoxicated females at big parties while Judge never accepted any of the charges and ran into hiding around the time of the testimony other devoted Internet users and social activists discovered judge held many secrets and disturbing practices found via his YouTube channel posted all over judges official account were short films and random video clips of young women wearing little clothing including conspiratorial messages and titles full of innuendos to protect those involved we will not show the videos but the alarming content is pretty telling of judges true character what makes the ordeal all the more unsettling is the girls in the YouTube videos are positioned and in a state of mind exactly like the girls from former accusations a lot of them are past Ireland and seemingly under the influence of something or at least pretending to be before an official investigation could be launched judge quickly deleted the YouTube channel but clip still exists for our Twitter and other party sites ultimately mark judges videos are more disturbing and saddening the mysterious but the fact that no longer exists makes you question the validity of his supposed innocence maybe one day we'll get an explanation into the purpose of the channel they may be an innocent explanation however after viewing the content there are few who will believe that so that's 5 mysterious YouTube channels that the longer exist thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Top5s
Views: 1,099,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creepy, youtube, google, channel, disappear, vanish, deleted, mister peeper, toy freaks, meatsleep, shaye saint john, Eric Fournier, Mark Judge, Supreme Court nomination, Brett Kavanaugh
Id: oUCud9xOQVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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