5 Reasons Why You Should Play Reaper/RPR

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no one can stop death [Music] welcome to another job comparison video and presentation of a brand new and walker job featuring the reaper like the other mallee jobs the reaper falls into a very powerful dps category and had been at the top spot for a very long time during the first patches of end walker however the wheels have turned a bit and other melees like monk ninja and dragoon as well as the samurai have caught up and balancing is very flat on that regard but there are still a couple of differences compared to the competition that i want to put some focus on so let us dive into the core features of a reaper first of all there is simply no other job featuring a whole set of brand new animations featuring the new style of house square enix puts emphasis and weight into your attack patterns namely by shaking the screen for example your whole in shroud phase which is the reaper's heavy's dps phase literally every attack you use will cause your screen to shake and this evokes such an epic feel of impact and you can really feel the pain of your enemies which is a necessary element as a reaper and also a dark knight as that's part of being edgy of course but the story doesn't end with screen shaking animations as summoning your avatar may be to enhance your attacks and their visual impact or by completely absorbing its spirit to become one by yourself which is just the most badass looking style a player can choose right now no matter if you like the dark and evil theme of a reaper or not nobody can deny the style of red and black color patterns mixed up with the purple and black for the avatar attacks while seamlessly swinging with a freaking scythe on top of it all this ends up in my second favorite argument for playing a reaper if you ever wanted to feel the edge of a dark knight but doing so in the dps roster there is no other path to walk my friend not only the before mentioned art style of your skills but also how the job looks moves and emits a clear presence of pure evil amplified by a very cool job quest that stars weak but ends up as one of the best in the game right now but wait dark knight is all about edge and spiky glamour choices right yes that is exactly the reason why square merged reaper into the armor category of a dragoon because dragoon had always been the only job transcending this edgy vibe but the fast jumps and floor tanking reputation ruined the overall package of evilness a bit which is where the reaper comes into play and perfectly resembles all you could be looking for on a dark knight style wise and above that dragoon gear sets are freaking dope indeed and suit the scythe very well but before i'm just hyping up this job on his aesthetics let us start with the gameplay stuff that makes it stand out to its competition here i would say when looking at utility and defensive tools no other melee job comes close even ranged physicals have a tough time beating the reaper and helpfulness not only that arcane crest might be the single most powerful defensive tool available to any non-healer non-tanking job it also carries with it insane the blackest night vibes with its active requirement to absorb damage and granting a bonus healing region effect whenever that absorption shield is properly broken by incoming damage i really can't stress enough how good it feels to successfully use this highlighted by this awesome glass breaking sound that is attention to detail and i'm really glad that square has not overseen aspects like this when designing this job from scratch for end walker i mean which other dps could endure the boss's attention for over than 3 minutes without dying so tanking might become a solid side activity when using your crest effectively and even though arcane crest is a banger already nothing beats hell's ingress and hell's egress my absolute favorite pair of movement abilities this game has to offer it just feels insanely satisfying to port yourself between certain spots of the fight and if you really fine-tune and optimize these two attacks or skills you can save a hell lot of uptime where other melee jobs would struggle significantly but even without being the badass portal master it is just a very nice thing to have and offers a great boost of convenience for your battle comfort which i really like to have at my side being a melee job leading to reason number 4 reaper is unlocked upon reaching level 70 with any other fighting job so it doesn't fall into the clear beginner category however when i started playing a reaper for the first time after an initial confusion over many spells making no sense at the first glance it started out much simpler after going through all my spell book for about five minutes and this is where everything made total sense and was actually way easier than i feared so once you overcame this stepping stone reaper can be categorized as a very beginner friendly adventure that is a tremendous choice for those that might have started with another job and feel that something is partially missing or they are simply just hyped to play a reaper and unlike dark knight astrologen and machinist you can easily shift over when you have reached level 70 and bought the end walker expansion without any downside featuring a straightforward learning curve and the combat system evolving very nicely into what you get at endgame level just make sure to keep your job quest at recent level because you don't want to play this awesome job without having unlocked the entrout phase like i did which kept back all the glory and magnificence this job evolves around yes in trout which is definitely my number 5 reason why you should play a reaper it is not the damage of this job that is outstanding positioners are also not easier to handle than on a samurai or ninja for example and the overall design is not much cooler because every job has some really cool stuff to offer however no other job has a drought forming the indefinite highlight for this poster job of the end walker expansion it is actually hard to describe and has struggled to find the reason behind it many times and even twitch chat couldn't help out but we did share the same sensational feeling when using it nonetheless maybe it is a combination of all aspects like having a reduced global cooldown with the enshroud attacks together with the screen shaking aspect and being a freaking harbinger of death which is a metamorphosis on steroids in my opinion like i said in my initial impressions video i love the fact that you're still your character and you can see traits of your avatar shining through all that darkness and hunger for death which is again that attention to detail that i was mentioning before this just looks and feels insanely good to perform especially the mix of quick melee swings followed by ogcds and completing their climatic sensation with a cast range spell in the form of communio that is just freaking awesome but it could also just be due to the fact how often you have access to this stance unlike the other melee jobs that have quite clear burst and cooldown phases all this feels much more flexible on the reaper and you can easily delay each attack of your whole kit except for gluttony maybe but otherwise all is structured like a pulsating piece of flesh that can be put wherever you want it to be in contrast to the clockwork rotation systems of a dragoon for example or other job strict cooldown windows i just love how fresh this job feels and square really nailed the overall package especially as i can only imagine how difficult it had to be to design new jobs from scratch and they really outshine themselves on this one but of course all this edginess and praise doesn't come without its cost so let me briefly talk about some possible downsides that might lead your decision to another job instead first of all of course it is still a melee job and when fights become a busy mess and bosses try their best efforts to keep your scythe out of their range playing caster jobs arrange physicals might be the better option but that is indeed a downside all melee jobs share and when looking at hell's ingress and egress the reaper is blessed with the best answer to this and yes starting at level 70 is definitely a bummer as well as there are only 20 levels that this job has time to grow on you and if it doesn't there's a good chance that you're dropping one of the coolest jobs in this game so even when i like the idea to have those jobs start at higher levels to avoid player frustration for the amount of levels they have to level upon each new expansion in total maybe that journey should not be shortened too much and especially with a fun job like the reaper it could provide a lot of enjoyment in the process other than that i cannot really tell much about negative aspects because there really aren't that much the only slight disadvantage could be that reapers are not on the same level as the other melee jobs in pvp combat but that can be fixed any time by square and should not hinder you from reaping souls of your enemies and that is what you do as a reaper believe me you do that with every pore of your body with every evil grin every fearful glance making your enemies tremble before the only one job being as freaking cool as a dark knight or being on the dps spot of course so if that is something you always looked for reaper is the only choice now so embrace that darkness and keep loving final fantasy [Music] the netherlands will stop you
Channel: Desperius FFXIV
Views: 54,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFXIV, Final Fantasy XIV, Stormblood, Heavensward, A Realm Reborn, Shadowbringers, Final Fantasy Online, Desperius, Desperius FFXIV, Summoner, Beschwörer, BSW, SMN, Caster, Caster Job, Endgame, Guide, Tips and tricks, basics, Clear, Farm, Yoshi-P, True Endgame, Glamour, Cool, Best, Sexy, Catgirl, Endwalker, 6.0, Expansion, NEW, Rotation, Rota, Tips, Tricks, Meta, Balancing, Dragoon, DRG, 6.01, Asphodelos, Pandaemonium, Melee, Reaper, RPR, 6.05, 6.15, Asmongold, Xeno, Tier, Epic, Diablo, Zepla, MrHappy, Scythe, Evil, Dark, Dark Knight
Id: KDVpWfLuaxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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