5 Reasons Why You Should Play Red Mage/RDM

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[Music] searching desperately for purpose and meaning but it shouldn't just be an extension of another's it has to be ours it has to be we all have a stake in this world no one should be silenced sometimes the only way to protect the ones you love is to take a stand to refuse to suffer in silence i want you to know i share your conviction whether it be on the battlefield or in the debating chamber i won't back down [Music] welcome to another job comparison and presentation video this time featuring another caster job the red mage like in my dark knight and summoner video i want to highlight what makes the red mage stand out against the competition and why your choice might lead you to one of my personal favorite job choices first of all before and walker and the rework of the summoner redmate had been my go-to recommendation when it comes to start into the whole casting department or even into dps jobs in general as the red mage is really easy to learn but positively challenging to master so kinda in the middle of the summoner and black mage right now which lean towards the extreme ends and i want to say this with the best regards here summoner can feel a bit too simple on the long run where black mage gets easier and more satisfying the more time you spend on it but offers unrivaled difficulty to get there and this is where red mage closes the gap serving as the perfect balance between these two aspects however the story doesn't end here as many jobs have to take care of positionals and tanks or healers have other obligations so it feels very close to ranged physical dps jobs especially as it is nearly as proc dependent as a bard or dancer on the other hand you're indeed drawn into melee combat for a good reason which is your insanely powerful burst combo leading to the second reason yes this sounds like a trait every job has access to but what i kinda teased in my first 5 reasons to play red mage video i tried to analyze a bit further and most of the excitement comes from the melee combo the big reason for this is that it follows an insanely classical job design with build up phases and release phases which indeed works wonders on the red mage while the summoner for example has access to bahamut that deals plenty more dps than the other stances it doesn't feel extraordinary compared to the other faces especially compared to firebird trends and on the red mage this is guaranteed as your whole job identity is shifting from a caster to a melee fighter for a moment yes the follow up caster finishes like for flair scorch or resolution are falling into the caster sector again but their strict dependency on those three melee swings are key to this which means taking up a risk that normally you would not have to bear as a caster job because jumping straight into melee range doesn't come without possible complications but how does that make a job good because this exactly is what makes games challenging and fun to play that taking risks is being rewarded in a way that good players distinct themselves from others by not failing or by taking measures to avoid these risks in the first place correct me if i'm wrong with this but i feel like that is a part of the reason why many people like the red mage and some still enjoy playing a black mate for example especially in comparison to a summoner but of course there's also strong vibe on the aesthetics of that cast and melee shift being amplified by the bad ass red mage teacher and how spells and weapons wings are designed it is definitely something special especially under the term of a casting jump oh and it is really bursty as well in particular when comparing it to the shadowbringer's rammage making it a solid choice for overworld content as well together with its active healing potential but more to that later okay what about its value in recent end game or the accessibility in general i would say very good as there's basically a need for one cast on each party and red mage might be the best choice right now like i said on the sumner video there's a good chance that people take a summoner into battle for the racing capabilities alone but when dealing with ultimate progression for 12 hours a day in a hardcore rating group there's a good chance that the summoner might get boring too quickly where the red mage can offer a bit more versatility and alternation all that with the same advantages that the summoner already offers and especially over the bonuses of a black mage in the form of battle raising on that aspect it will even outperform healers and definitely the summoner due to how the red mage's dual cast ability is designed granting you an unending repertoire of the races that can take your party to the next stage of the encounter or cover mistakes of other players without breaking a sweat for yourself i mean you lose one gcd for casting another spell but what is that compared to a party member being back on their two feet again that would have taken much longer without your help yes for speed rating this might be totally irrelevant but whenever bosses allow player mistakes or you want to learn new phases summoner and even in stronger parts the red mage are ultimately useful to have in your party and if by any means there will be content like eureka bossier or zed noir the red mage is simply a powerhouse of utility and support and i actually remember having at least 10 red mages joining the big castron lagusa tori raid just for that reason alone oh and before leaving this unmentioned yes you cannot start the red mage right off the bat and also have to buy the stormblood expansion which is part of the complete edition or even the base edition but no red mage for free trial players at least for the time being however unlike the dark knight machinist or astrologian you're not falling back by 20 levels but can directly swap jobs when reaching level 50 and don't even have to reach certain msq progress as the quest npc can be found in ulda already so far so good while the next reason could be integrated into the previous i really want to emphasize on that aspect again as this is still a very unique thing that only red mages have access to which is for cure i know due to the many additions to healing support other dps jobs received in and walker like the firebird trans the dancer's healing kit or basically self-healing for all tanking jobs where warrior ended up to be the fifth healer now vercure doesn't stand out in effectiveness however it does remain a special snowflake of how you use it and is only shared with the paladin's clemency because apart from healers these two skills are the only one that can be used actively in consecution so when you need to force healing you can i know this should be avoided for dps reasons as it's a dps loss as clemency is but even in niche situations this might kickstart your hype for the game and especially for the job you're playing even though i personally switch between multiple jobs frequently it already happened to me many times that i experienced exact these moments just the second and walker extreme trial where i could heal myself up to survive the raid buster then raise the healer that could use lb3 afterwards and we could proc further into another mechanic yes this might not be too relevant when looking at the whole progression scale but oh my goodness does it feel relevant there is literally no other way to earn this sensational moment of joy to demonstrate your power over the other dps jobs when you can achieve moments like this all by yourself yeah with good shielding and phoenix being ready a summoner could do it as well but on the red mage you can force this heroism and it just feels amazing to do that also opening up possible advantages over the other dps jobs when looking at unsynced trials of old expansions or like i just said when dealing with any form of overworld or special relic weapon content yes the last argument might be irrelevant for many players but i cannot leave this unmentioned even though this aspect is prone to balancing on future patches it might have changed when you watch this video much later but good god of crystalline conflict is the red mage a top choice for pvp not that much in frontline but in cc it can become a game changer i mean it is not without good reason that so many top ranked crystal players chose this job to make a difference in this heavily rng based system because red mage not only is able to force targets into their demise or deals very threatening damage to a whole pack of players but has so many good defensive or supporting tools on top of that especially when looking at the pvp version of resolution the wide shift silence effect can become what it's actually called the resolution to unending conflict in your favor and as long as they don't remove the idea entirely redmage will remain a top dps choice and as pvp is not limited to roles it might be the best choice to climb ranks right now yes it is not easy to take up this journey as many players are trying to focus down every red mage under their radar but once you secured a safe spot and let your team's assault into the right direction redmage is extremely strong and useful and for those worried about giving pvp a chance they have redesigned the whole system and made it much more attractive than ever before so take up your white and black mana and dominate the crystal conflicts or just choose it for the other reasons mentioned negatives of the red mage you ask no there is none goodbye and take care [Music] [Applause] okay while there's truth in it i will try my best to summarize some of the issues you could experience when choosing the red duelist especially compared to other jobs so yeah the melee thing huh it is indeed one aspect in which you can find some decent amount of danger in particular when comparing this department against a ranged physical dps job as those are not taking up the risk of getting cleaved or bombed by melee party mates at all and on top of that casting is also not a thing even though having access to the dual cast ability as the alpha and omega against hard casting of course you will find yourself in a decent amount of hard casting situations especially when encounters demand a serious amount of consecutive movement here the summoner definitely has the upper hand and ranged physical dps jobs even more so if that is something that concerns you become a sexy red mage and make it a non-concern or play a different job and yes we have seen in the past that team yoshida takes up the idea of red mages and summoners being supporter jobs first and big explosion makers second that means especially when looking at the red mage's history in shadow bringers dps was settled in an underwhelming spot and we could hit this direction in the near or distant future again as it is somehow a part of the job's design and philosophy so if that concerns you just hope for good balancing or maybe choose a black mate or the melee department but whatever you will choose in the end the red mage is a triple a job the verge of versatility and one of my absolute favorites that i was a red mage main for some days and might become one from time to time again whenever the cast offensor hybrid of a job is taking over me again so buy storm blood and start into an extraordinary journey featuring a simple yet rewarding powerhouse of a caster that perfectly avoids the determination to choose summoner or black mage by choosing the best of both worlds the red mage until next time stay safe stay healthy and keep loving final fantasy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you i'm still in a dream [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Desperius FFXIV
Views: 51,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFXIV, Final Fantasy XIV, Stormblood, Heavensward, A Realm Reborn, Shadowbringers, Final Fantasy Online, Desperius, Desperius FFXIV, Summoner, SMN, Ranged DPS, Caster, Endgame, Guide, Yoshi-P, Nobuo Uematsu, True Endgame, Glamour, Best, Sexy, Catgirl, Endwalker, NEW, Tips, Tricks, Tier, Meta, Ranking, Rank, Reaper, Job Guide, 6.1, Comparison, 5 Reasons To Play, Asmongold, Zepla, Ultimate, Dragonsong Ultimate, 6.11, Xeems, Xeno, FFX, Main Job, Red Mage, RDM, Rotmagier, Fencing, Dual Cast, Metal Gear Solid, DRK, Hybrid
Id: jDSrGode5SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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