Top 5 Myths people STILL believe in Genshin Impact

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since the invention of the internet and people's constant search for truth the world is now completely free of misconception no no no it's not welcome to Jello impact where we build and test every single character to help you decide who you want to wish for and build and today we're going to talk about the top five + one misconceptions in genin Impact number one is the wishing system and specifically people's advice for it they tell you don't build build pity well I'm going to tell you that there's two kinds of building pity the bad kind is where you just have no self-control you're waiting for the archon so you put a few wishes on this Banner cuz you can't wait and you're like I'm building pity for the archon and then you get an early nlet and you're like man now I can't get the archon that's the bad kind of building pity the good kind of building pity is you're like well I don't really want nlet I kind of do or I I do I kind of want Hut but I don't like really really want her so I don't want to like wish for her but I really need a copy of Singo and a copy of Fel and you're on your 50/50 and so you put 10 or 20 or 30 extra wishes to try and get and just snag a copy or two of those characters and if you don't get them you stop no big deal and if you do get them then great you got some great four stars and you have built pity for the next banner and if you get an early copy of of a five star like an early five star there's a 50% chance it won't even be the on Banner character and now your next character is guaranteed and if you do get them it's only 10 or 20 wishes and just just make sure if you do this that you do at least kind of want the five star that you at least would bu bu them if you got them that it wouldn't be a total waste this isn't number two yet but while we're on the subject of the pity system there's a little bit of misconception about when the pity actually starts I see so many people talk about how you know hard pity is at 90 which is true and soft pity starts at 75 it actually starts at 74 so if you're wishing right up to that 74th wish just be very very careful like if you're building I really don't recommend building pity up to that high but be very careful when you get to the 74th wish because that is actually when and soft pity starts and and every wish after that gets more and more likely to get a five star I think the majority of the time you get one at either 7879 the final one is a question I'm going to put out to you guys and that this does early pity exist I'm pretty sure it does I'm pretty sure it's more likely to get a five star in the first 10 or 20 or even 30 wishes than it is to get from 30 to 74 but I actually don't know for sure if this is actually something that we're pretty sure is true or if that's a conception and despite my research I have not been able to get conclusive proof so let me know if you have it number two is the idea that you should always go for new characters instead of getting constellations or weapons of course if you're brand new the most important thing is to make sure you get your favorite characters until you have your favorite characters and I would argue you have some great teams for those favorite characters you should prioritize new five stars but once you do you can take a look at your account as and say hey what do I need more of do I not have enough fonus lances and do I want a AA for my Hut do I have a catalyst that can use this because it if you enjoy the combat system it can really improve your quality of life to have a few five-star weapons to have a low constellation for your favorite character it can make the game more fun and that's what the point of the game is if it can also be more fun to get a new character and to try a new play style that can be more fun too you have to determine what's going to be the most fun thing for you it could be that a really good weapon Banner has you know fonia sword favonius Lance is just going to enhance your account so much plus like you know in this scenario you also want both of the five star weapons it could really enhance the fun you have on your account by Wishing on the weapon Banner but I don't think it's so simple just to say oh always go for new characters because it's very easy and and tons of people have this experience they just have a backlog of five star characters that you can't build it's like having a backlog of video games that you never play or a bookshelf with tons of books that you have that you've never have time to read it can be more worth it to vertically invest in your favorites than to just keep getting and keep getting keep getting more and more five stars especially if you don't care about them and but if you're a collector you know it that's totally different thing it just depends on how you want to play and how you have fun number three they say you need a DPS character or just a character of every single type this is an idea sort of left over from other jrpgs or other turnbas systems or things like that where it's very valuable to have every single type built and don't get me wrong wrong it's nice to always have the elemental check that's good for the abyss and I think that there are certain elements that are especially good to have so for example having someone like nahita sometimes they have those Hydro lectors in the abyss these guys are super cringe and it used to be that cryo was the best element to deal with these but now actually good dendro application is by far the best way these just just melt to dendro application and actually currently with the way that the current bosses are in the game you actually don't need a cryo character at all so cryo is actually an element that you can skip I'd say that Hydro is an element that you don't want to skip out on especially in Fontaine they seem to be releasing a lot of pyro Shields so having a hydro character yolon or Singo or novet are really worth building it just for their type Electro is one that I could go 50/50 on it is really nice to have Electro for something like the algorithm of semi- intrinsic Matrix of overse your network but I think it's more likely that you're just going to end up building an electro character because they're strong whether it be Ryden whether it be kie whether it be fishal you're going to be building electric character so I don't think you really need to focus on you know getting an electro character because more than likely you're going to be building official to support just like your account overall cuz she's such a splashable sub DPS and kie and Ryden are so good in hyper Bloom Ryden has a bunch of other good teams so more than likely cuz you don't really need Electro just to deal with that boss but you're probably going to be having Electro regardless for Gio well it can be nice to have a Geo character in the ranks for something like the golden wolf Lord even in in Wong with thrilling tales of the Dragon Slayer can give you enough Geo to take care of it and then just support your attacker if you have a three-man core like huta or hyper blo or something or a splashable character like Jang Le or Yun Jin can also be enough and even using High Elemental application characters like sing Cho neu's skill are actually able to deal with it without even needing a Geo on your team which is something that people don't realize so there's a lot of ways to overcome Elemental checks without actually needing to build a character of every element especially especially you don't need a DPS character of every element if you want to get you know some off field Elemental application of every typ Ty I think that might be a better goal but you definitely don't need a DPS of every type animal itself is not an element that you need to build but the specific utility that something like kazwa or sucrose or venti provides is how strong that their grouping is so you don't need to focus on I need an animal character I see this all the time for new players oh I'm going to get wander cuz he's animal and I don't have an animal I'm going to build Jee cuz I don't have an animal it's not really animal that's good and it's really the utility that they provide the grouping the buffing similar it is really nice to have a pyro for those cryo lectors and it is very valuable you can get away with Electro for those Crow lectors but I think that just just having someone like Bennett is so valuable because of how strong he is so basically what I'm saying is if you build strong teams and you build out your strong characters you don't need to worry about having a character of each specific element and you're going to be better off just building strong solid cores for your characters rather than trying to focus on building at least one character any every element because if you build one character of every element then that's great but if they don't actually work together if they don't actually synergize together then then what are you doing and if you don't think this is a real thing just take a look at Twitter with new play genin players just take a look at Hool lab this is a real thing that lots of people make the mistake of [Music] doing number four the game is easy for players that are very good at the game yes the game is easy for players that know a lot about the game yes the game is easy there are so many systems in the game that for a new player who's never experienced before like the artifact system all these different stats how they roll into random stats talents constellations different types of weapons with main stats and substats and refinements and so many different types of weapons so many different types of characters the characters do different things some are on field some are off field it is completely overwhelming to the vast majority of players and they do not ever spend the time like just the fact that you're watching this like I'm kind of preaching to the choir you're obviously seeking out information to learn about the game but for people who don't learn about the game it is very difficult just to get that Baseline knowledge and even once you do it can actually be somewhat challenging to properly build out your account and not Farm too much artifacts to not Farm too little artifacts to make sure that you're doing the right talents on the right characters on the right teams not spreading yourself too thin not spreading yourself too narrow building teams that synergize with each other using teams that energize with each other actually playing the teams well making sure you have enough energy recharge there's a ton of ways that you can fall off and and miss the boat and just not play the game well and the game becomes very hard as soon as you don't don't play it like that the amount of accounts that I have gone on and just like switch some weapons around switch some artifacts around switch some teams around and all of a sudden bam their account goes from not being able to 36 star to being able to 36 star just imagine what it's like for the casuals out there so no I don't believe the game is easy you're just very hardcore and a lot more hardcore than you think you are kind of related and not moving into the next so I'm going to keep it within the same bubble is that spending money either is more makes the game more fun or that it ruins the game I think the real true answer that it depends for me I have the most fun in two ways I really like how I'm playing now which I set a restriction for myself that I can't get any five star constellations I can only get C zero of every character and then I do get some five-star weapons to test them I find this restriction very fun I also think it's really fun to just buy the battle pass and just buy the wel and moon so you at least are not starve for resources you can have fun building and experimenting characters without being too restricted I also think it's fun to just be an occasional welon player I also think it's fun to just be a free-to-play player I am not not so sure if I agree that it's fun to be a whale it is it I I think it's fun for a certain type of person I like a bit of a challenge so when the game gets too easy I personally don't find it fun that's why I don't cover any whale stuff on this account but I know a lot of people do have fun with it as well as I know a lot of people who kind of wish they could undo those constellations that the game is sort of now too easy but I know a lot of people who do still have fun with it so but it also costs really a lot of money to whale so and there's no way to undo it so I I I don't think that spending on the game makes it more fun I don't think not spending on the game makes it more fun I think you have to sort of Define how you have fun I would start by not spending money maybe getting the occasional welon the occasional battle pass not doing any topups I think that's probably the sweet spot for most people but I think sticking for free to play is a really good way to give yourself that challenge but I do find it fun to get a few more characters with the welin and a few more resources so that I can have Variety in my testing before we go into number five I want to do an honorable mention which is something that I've seen pop up on a few videos and on a few sub reddits and different things like that and it's that the new commission system is bad what this new commission system is the greatest thing in the world I don't ever have to do commissions again I can just I can actually play the game I I don't have to log in and do chores before I get to do the fun thing I can actually log in and explore I can log in and well the events are still kind of a chore but when I do the events I also get commission points I can log in and I can do my backlog of quests and hangout quests and World quests and I get commission points I can play the game right away instead of having to do chores first and then play the game oh my goodness now I do understand for people who are like extremely hardcore and extremely completionist they've already done those things they've already done the events day one they've already 100% at exploring the map they've already caught up with all their backlog well they don't have a backlog request they do them all right away and for those people I can understand it's like you're kind of being punished for already doing that stuff and that you still have to do your commissions I get that but this is kind of like I don't know if it's like justice in a way no that's that's too mean it's like genin truly is ated to the Casual player and if you're the kind of person that 100%'s a map and that keeps up with all your quests you are not a casual player you're a hardcore player and you may not be a hardcore meta player you're a hardcore player nonetheless and genin they they they have they seem to have this philosophy where they do things to get the Casual players to be to to move towards being more hardcore cuz they're like hardcore people they already had hardcore they love the game we don't need to do anything to please them not saying that's right not saying that's what they should do but that's how they see it they're like people who care about the abyss they care about the meta they care about we they're already good we don't have to do anything to please them and people that already 100% the map they 100% all the story quests they're already good we don't have to do anything to please them it's these people that are lagging that are behind that are that are not doing the quest that are not exploring they're the ones that this is for like me they're the ones that need you know extra incentive I can't remember where it was but when you do the archon quests that you get extra um that you get extra extra wishes for doing the archon quest they need like some of my friends they don't play the archon quests but then they started doing the archon quests when they added wishes in because they needed more wishes so they're trying to do things for the Casual player and to move them towards being more hardcore or to to make those people happier with the game rather than like my like my wife who doesn't have ton of time to do commissions and events and whatever so they they created this system to allow people like that to do both at the same time and I'm all for [Music] it the final misconception that I want to address the final myth is that ex character whoever that may is good or that X character is bad or that X character is mid and this is It's kind of it's kind of a cheating one because it's sort of just directed everyone I'm just like taking the easy way it I'm just saying everyone's wrong but it's it's it's kind of true and I'm as guilty of this as anyone when I say that you know liony is worse than that Linny is worse than Hut it's like even if that's true is it is it really true like it's it's true in my opinion it's true in my testing but often times even myself or other people will speak about these things as if they're f fact or like you know Singo is the best character in the game or fishell is the best character in the game or yol's the best character in the game K is the best character in the game Nita's the best character in the game it's so subjective and it's so dependent on what's going on in the abyss what other new characters are out what you need to do and what you need to do is not determine which character is strongest I like determining which character is strongest I like having that subjective opinion I always call it I I I roll I like to roll marbles down a track and see which marble comes up fastest I'm like this guy if you haven't watched fca's Marble Runs this is this is like literally me with genin they literally have marbles representing different countries they race them down a track all to determine which marble is the best which marble is King which marble is World Championship like it doesn't it doesn't matter you guys it doesn't and meta and ginin impact is like that it doesn't matter there's no like there's no cash prizes there's no leaderboards those of us that like meta we just find this fun and our subjective opinion is so wrong like my subjective opinion is that Ryden is a lot better than she probably is for most people because I've played her so much because I've invested so much into her I have this inherent bias towards Ryden because of that I have an inherent bias towards Neu for example and that's okay it's okay for you to have your biases it's okay for other people to have your biases it's fun this is where I would make the distinction and this is where I want to talk about this myth is that it's fun to talk about meta and talk about which characters are better and worse but you should never make your pull decisions or your build decisions based on meta unless I suppose you just find it fun to play Only the strongest teams and that's really truly where you find the most fun in which case have ADD hopefully I communicated that clearly enough it's a little bit of a nuanced discussion let me know if that made sense if you do find that kind of fun you can check out my tier list it's a little bit outdated there's a bunch of things that I would change so don't take it too seriously I'll link it in the cards at the end we're almost at 20,000 subscribers if you want to join it would be very much appreciated it really helps us out if you want to join a great community and talk about your favorite characters talk about meta for fun or or avoid meta entirely and talk about other stuff check out my Discord Linked In the description and if you don't want to do any of those things that's totally fine just watching the video has been more than enough thanks so much bye for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now
Channel: Jello Impact
Views: 164,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QJ6mRrim4ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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