Who would I build if I completely STARTED OVER? (Genshin 3rd Anniversary Video)

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the third anniversary for genjin is upon us and I thought this would be a great time to review every single one of my units I've built and tested the majority of the characters in the game and I wanted to go through for you my very subjective opinion whereas if I were to start my account again who would I actually build and who would I skip welcome to Jello impact where we build and test every single character to help you decide who you want to wish for and build now keep in mind this is very specifically not a recommendation on how you should build this is just my one man's very subjective account I played it for just under two years and it's been my goal to build and test every single character at the free to play level I call my I call my account simulated free to play because I spend just enough money that it takes to get every single character the occasional five-star weapon here and there but I don't go for five star constellations and I just test at a free to play level so let's get started obviously from an A I've already I haven't built him yet and the characters that I haven't built yet it's because if this was my account it's the ones that I haven't got to yet so we're gonna go through we're just gonna quickly put the ones that I haven't got to yet into the skip column this is not to say that again you shouldn't build these characters I strongly believe in building around your favorites you choose your favorite characters and then you build out your account based on the characters that support your favorite so you can build amazing teams using your favorite characters every single character in the game is worth building if they're your favorite and so you shouldn't let this you know they shouldn't let this tell you who you should or shouldn't build I'm gonna give my reasoning for why I would build each character again so it might inspire you um to build a character you might have thought of again so um so you might you might not have thought of or something like that so um but yeah freemony I wouldn't build them just because physical DPS maybe he's not my favorite playstyle claimers aren't my favorite I just wouldn't build them um ning Wong similar thing actually I I would build ning Wong now that I have Zhang Lee I would build ning long and even though I haven't built it yet I'm gonna put her in my build again because I just think that she's so pretty with this skin and she looks amazing and I think ning Wong double Hydro is gonna slap so I I would build ning Wong again even though I I haven't built her yet yeah for kale uh she's gonna go into the skip just because there's so many good dendro characters and I just can never find a place to actually use her it's not that she's bad there's just she's actually quite decent and aggravate and she's so cute I can't wait to actually properly build her and test her but just because just because of that there's so many characters Lisa same thing I really like her I really like her play style there's just so many good Electro aggravate on-field characters that I just can't can't quite justify I saw you again I would skip so many good animal characters need that grouping child similar thing my wife does play him and I do think he's really fun I do think he's great and very very strong but not for me jinyan another character there's so many there's so many better pyro characters um Noel the Claymore play style just not my very favorite and a Loy again so many crowd characters that do off-field damage probably wouldn't um Goro for now he's gonna be in the skip knot build mostly because there's no on-field character that I really like Edo's not my favorite character of all time same with Albedo so Goro like actually to be fair Albedo I do really like I really do like Albedo in terms of lore and design and things like that and I would build them if there was the right Synergy around him like maybe if Navia is a defense scaler and she wants to use Goro and Albedo then I would but as it is um the only on-field Geo character is Ito and I've been not the biggest fan of his design uh we're also gonna throw Dory down here Hazel Mika and we're gonna I think that's that's it for these characters oh maybe Amber just because again so many pyro characters okay now we're starting to get into the characters that I actually have those are all the characters that I currently have not built now let's get into the characters that I have built novalette if I got him for free I would build them but I don't think I would allocate my resources to him specifically just because I already have so many hydrocares there's so many Hydro characters I like and I like more than nouveaulette but I do think he's very strong if you're gonna go get him and if you're gonna you know I think that he's very much worth it I don't see him this tier list hasn't been updated with him yet that's okay Shang Ling this is a character I would build again even though she's not my very very favorite of all time she enables so many characters such as deya such as Ryden that I would definitely have to build here again because there's just no other option for an off-field pyro DPS like she is she's fantastic I would build her again a heartbeat for Kirara I'm really on the fence with this one I like kirara's design I think post C4 I would build her but but pre-se4 I wouldn't I feel like I just always end up using baiju I just use baiju so much more than Kirara I do really like her I like her strong Shield I like her buffing especially with the sapwood blade especially with instructors I really do like how much buffing she can give to the team I'm so torn I guess I'm gonna leave her in the not build because because baiju is just so comfy for aggravate it's sad I really like her I really like her design though Cujo Sara I'm a total ride in simp so absolutely wood build could just are again I don't yet have her C6 so I haven't really tested her all that much because she you know she needs her C6 to be properly good but I'll definitely be getting her C6 in the next rerun and she's she's all leveled up she's ready to go she's ready to support right it as soon as I get her that C6 for Beto Now Beta is a character that I really think is very strong I think she's very strong in AOE I think she's very strong and aggravate with sucrose as a driver but I wouldn't build her again and the reason why is because she currently doesn't have any optimal teams with the characters that I really really like using and so I just very rarely find myself using Beto she has an amazing catch she's super good I I think that it's possible that there's a world where a future character really really enables her extra well maybe an on-field electro driver like clorand or something it almost seemed like Sino would be the character that would work really well with Beto but it seems like she's not gonna enter his his overall best team it's not a fault of her own it's just that other characters don't seem to perfectly synergize with her um in a way that she's like the optimal choice in the teams that I like to play anyways Kaya is gonna be another skip for me just because I have shenha I have Rosaria what do I need Kaya for right they're very very similar characters I think you can choose any of them Changi and Kaya Rosaria and they're all going to perform well but Kaya for me is one that I would not build you have limited resources in the game you can only build so many characters Kai is when I would skip Chung in is when I skip dayona is one I would also skip I think that um Layla is basically just better than diona in every single way so I wouldn't build that if you already have built down and then I get not building Layla but Layla I know she gives the 200 em but I think Layla's C4 is much more valuable than that so and and I think the stronger Shield is more valuable so I would build Layla I would not build dayona Rosaria is a character I would build again I would consider I would even slightly consider not building ayaka and just cracking out a Rosaria for both for freeze and for reverse melt and getting shenha and supporting Rosaria that way I love rosaria's design I love her play style I love her voice lines I love the sound effects she just feels so satisfying to play um I would build her again in a heartbeat even if she's a little redundant for my account I I would still build her again hmm I'm really torn about farazon I'm really really torn because I really do like her I think I would Target her down and as a low spender or free to play player I would eventually Target down her C6 it probably would not be very soon into my account but it'd be but late into my account I would aim for far was on I would aim for a Zhao and I would I I this is a team that I would eventually go for because I do I do really love her for Kit I love her power I love her functionality I love Zhao as well even though I don't have him yet these are characters that I would Target down again um I know that she's not very free to play friendly but I kind of like I kind of like that she's not it's not that it's not there's something enticing to me about a character that's hard to get that's hard to work towards and I would feel very gratified eventually getting my C6 fires on working towards that and uh Lynette is interesting she's a character that I if if I started my a new account on a new account now I would build her but if I was starting like from the beginning of the game then I wouldn't build her so I'm not really sure it's like it depends on the state of my account at the time assuming that I was starting to play I don't know I'm gonna put her down here for now because I feel like there's just so many good animal characters that I probably wouldn't build her ah but maybe I would I don't know we'll pretend I'm a new player starting the game now and so I'll put her I'll pull her up put her up here this is again this is not advice to new players like right it's not smart to go for farazone C6 as a as a free-to-play player and to go for Zhao and far as it's not a smart combination it's just what I would end up doing uh Yoon Jin is a character I would end up building again I love yomiya and I although I do prefer uamia um yalon Bennett kozwa I do really like the yunjin Zhang Lee variant for those times where you have really aggressive enemies so I would build yunjin again for my UA Mia Team D Luke I got his skin I got his weapon and I built him up with pretty good artifacts and I'm just not impressed with his damage in the slightest I don't really like him at all I would not build them again unfortunately I really love his design it's too bad I I he's one of the male characters that I was really really excited to build and I just feel like you know his outfit's so sick I have his signature weapon and I'm so happy but I'm also so like I I don't know I just the damage just isn't there Clea is a character that I'm not disappointed terms of damage but I just don't find her play style particularly fun or powerful enough and you know her design she's very cute but she's not my style so I would not build Clee Daya however this may surprise some people uh she shouldn't be using this she can use akumaru but she is a character that I would build again assuming I lost my 50 50 tour of the standard banner I like day a lot even though she's not a particularly good character I would build her as a defensive support but also I'd build her as an onfielder DPS for monopiro and as a jangling driver so I I would build Daya again I just love her animations I love her character design um she's she's one of my favorite characters and I would definitely build her again I hope that Farina can buffer I I really I do believely believe that she will and I I'm definitely I would definitely build day again 100 no she's not strong but she is strong enough uh baiju but believe it or not even though he's not my favoritely designed character I would wish for and they'll advise you again it's just so valuable to have a character like this both for nilu teams and and for aggravate teams and even for hyperbloom teams as an on-fielder he's really really good he's very underrated I think I think he's the best out of the defensive healers I think he's better than Jeong Lee I think he's better than kokomi I think baiju is a really really really good character Chichi is not a character I would build again unfortunately she was good for me for the early game for fighting ajaha for stuff like that she's a decent early game bill just to help you survive but she's not someone that I would build uh starting again gani is my personal most regretted character it's not that I think she's weak but I don't like how she plays on mobile or on controller and I just don't enjoy playing on PC at all I've seen some sick clears on PC with those cancels and stuff like that but uh she's a character that I I would not I would not build or wish for again for Eula I also would not wish for and build Eula again I just find her quite underwhelming I pray pray that we get an off-field physical damage dealer that can also provide utility Eula like battery or something like that that she can have an off-field damage that I really think it could improve her teams and I really really hope that that comes but in her current state I would not wish for her again unfortunately shenha I 100 would wish for again whether or not I had ayaka if I didn't go for ayaka I would go for Rosaria and do shenha um Rosaria xincho or something like that or or kokomi or whoever I would def I would get I would get shenha 100 if I was getting ayaka even more so but I would get Shanghai regardless I just I love her design so much she's one of my most favorite design characters she's one of the few characters I wish for her five-star weapon for and I I love shenha she's she's really good and one of my favorites Zhang Lee definitely would get John Lee again 100 he's just too useful and valuable uh for when there's aggressive enemies when there's Zhao when you want to use Zhao with it with a defensive option um 100 again hutau as well Bennett I mean is it any question no question I would build Bennett again he just enables so many of my favorite characters I don't even have a choice Toma not a character I would build again I do really like his virgin teams but I like hyperbloom and nilu Bloom more and I I think that he's a great build I just 36 starred with Tom on my wife's account as her very first 36 star ever that was a super fun stream I did with my wife you can check it out if you want so I actually I don't I don't think he's I think he's a great character I think he's really really good but because I would plan on getting Jeong Lee I would not need him for the shield bot and because I plan on getting kooky I would not plan on needing and cookie and nilu I don't plan on using him for Virgin so I would not build him again Barbara this is interesting I hmm because I do like her a lot on my nilu teams but now that I have kokomi I think I would go for kokomi and opt to not build Barbara just because I do like kokomi's flexibility both for freeze and for nilu teams so I think that I would I would neglect Barbara in favor of building kokomi instead singcho definitely a character that I'll build again I do prefer yulon but um Sancho's defensive utility is absolutely excellent and using them both together or on either side of the Abyss is super super valuable no question about how to build Sancho again Candace believe it or not I would build Candace again not that I think canis is a crazy strong character I probably overrated her on my last tier list either that or underrated Barbara one or the two totally agree um but I would build her again just because she's so cool and I love her in nilu teams and once she gets her C6 she opens she has a bit more flexibility but even before that I would I would build Candace again just for nilu because and because I love Candace right she's a character that's not you know as good as other characters she's not necessarily a valuable character but she is a decently strong character she's strong enough to use and because I love her design so much I would absolutely absolutely build her again yeah yeah is a character I would build again just for Candace because she's the best enabler uh for Candace to have a good team with nilu so I would build yalio again I would build Candace again I do endorse and like this team a lot cave is probably one of my most regretted builds um not that I wouldn't build them again for this account because I have to build and test every single character but I really he just is so underwhelming compared to so many other characters I think he has a chance of working with the archon but as is right now he is a character that I just I just can't quite get behind maybe when I get some more constellations I'll feel better I haven't actually tested him since I got any constellations for him I first test was zero so um I'll definitely test him again eventually and hopefully I like him more then for Razer I built Razer specifically for his thundering furry or his virgin his virgin teams I wouldn't do it again just because he takes so many valuable units being nahida Bennett and sing Cho and overall performance is just not really better than a hyperbloom team um it is a little bit better than AOE but I personally just the circle impact is also annoying and I I just it's expensive to take a character to 90 D and so I just probably wouldn't build Razer Again official absolutely would build Fishel again in a heartbeat she is so versatile she works with so many characters um and so many of my favorite characters so I love Fishel aggravates my favorite play style for her but yeah kooky I love kooky kooky I was so happy when she worked with hyperbloom and she is the best for hyperbloom I mean obviously Ryden is technically better but if you you know if you need a Healer on that team then kooki is absolutely fantastic and uh I would build her again in a heartbeat no question about it sucrose this might be a very hot take sucrose is a character I would not build again and I know this is crazy I know this is wild I know this is sacrilegious but I find myself not needing an animal grouper on both sides and for my one animal grouper that I need if I did need to I would get venti and I would get venti if I had tried again and I got a new account because um venti works so well for domains and for earlier floors of the abyss and just the quality of life and if I do want two groupers venti and Caswell would be my choices and I just I know that you can you know do some AI manipulation and use her skills and users properly and do some good grouping with sucrose but I don't find it fun I don't find it fun to use her on field I find her not not fun to use and not like a good I just I just don't like it I know technically she's good and the EM sharing is very good but she's not a character that I would build again hutau this is tough because hutau and yumiya are such similar characters and now that I've built it and tested both I I unequivocally think that hutau is always the better character but I have a hard time seeing a world where I don't build yomiya and I don't build hutao I love them both so much honestly I would get her again and I would get you and me again it's the stupidest thing in the world there's no reason to get both um they overlap so heavily but I I would I love them both I would get hutau at C1 R1 and huta and join me at c0 with the rust I'd use yoy Mia in the Overworld like I always do I use over I use so so much I use UMES so so much I use her every single day in the Overworld there's no way I would give her up I am I just find her so smooth and intuitive for the Overworld and hutau I use her so often in the abyss and I find her so much fun to play so I would definitely get both of these characters again even though it's completely stupid there's no reason to do that for a dendro main character for main character in general I would not build the main character again at the time it was totally worth it because nahida wasn't out yet but now you know if I had to do it all over again I would not build these two because I would just rather build um just other dendro characters like nahid and baiju instead and their other forms are really not quite worth building for me kokomi I would build kokomi I would wish for and build kokomi again she's too good in ayaka she's too good In nilu Bloom 100 uh would I would I get kokomi again I don't like her as much as some people I think she's a little bit overrated and we've talked about this a little bit I think she's very flexible and versatile but I think she's not the optimal choice in anything except for kokomi and newly Bloom and I like to play optimally that's just how I like to play so I'm biased that way but I still would get her she's good enough in those two teams that I would 100 get her again ayato is honestly one of the characters that I regret getting the most from the perspective of I wished for him for myself to try out different teams like freeze and taser and different teams like that I just I find him jack of all trades master of none I just don't like that play style too much I prefer being getting characters that max out a certain archetype and that's what I find the most fun and ayato although he's very flexible like he's an onfielder and he's not like my favorite character right like he's not he's he's if he's your favorite character I think he's an amazing pickup because he's still versatile but uh because he's not my favorite character um there's other there's other characters that I will just end up picking and I pretty much never end up picking ayato anymore uh Mona I can't say because I never got her and she's a Standard Bearing character and I can't choose if I got her would I build her honestly probably not but I love her so much that I would I probably would just because I love her design so much and I've always wanted Mona so I would build her if I got her again for nilu 100 I would build her I would get her I would get her the key um I might not get the key because now I have the doc hands assistant at R4 I might not get the key but I if I if I redid my account 100 would get nilu again tinari would I build her him not quite I don't think so because I just prefer other characters um to chinari but actually even more than that I just find him too single Target locked I do think he's really nice with yaimiko but I prefer yaimika with Fishel and baiju instead so I probably wouldn't build tainari but I think he's a great I think he's a great character I think he's really fun I think he's really strong in single Target he's actually quite flexible as well I've used him even as the Denver applicator and sub daps for my kitchen team which I actually liked so um I think that he's a good pickup and he's a good character but I probably wouldn't build him again nahida no question way too good with nilu way too good with hyperbloom um just just way too good of a character I'll hide them I actually wouldn't get him or build him again although I do like him although I do think he's strong I think he's the ceiling for hyperbloom teams I think his spread teams are great I'm just fine with double Hydro or single Hydro official I would prefer to just skip out and save for someone else yeah that's how I feel about Al Haytham for kitchen I would definitely build kitchen again she's my very first five star I love her play style um I would 100 get her again absolutely aggravate for the win yay mikos oh she was using he was using a level one weapon in my Abyss run that explains some things that explains some things um I would get yaimiku again both for aggravate and for Ryden Ryden yai I love riding yeah I use it every single Abyss there's no way I could go I could go without it Sino this is gonna be a this is gonna be an unexpected take but I would get Sino again I love Sino I love his his transformation his mask reminds me of Animorphs yeah if anyone runs remembers Animorphs like Power Rangers and stuff turning into that I love that I love that so much similar to Zhao I love his burst transformation I find him really fun it's unfortunate he doesn't work better in multi-wave content than he does but regardless I really like Sino ayaka I I don't think I'd be able to stop myself from getting ayak again she's way too cute I love the samurai Vibe she's super good Jean I might eat my words when it comes to um Farina Farina might be buffing Jean but for now I'm gonna put Jean in not in not building again I wish I'm wrong I hope Farina Boston enough that I would build her again but for now um for now I'm gonna leave her here Caswell I mean is it even a question I would absolutely build Cosmo again oh yeah I didn't build her I wouldn't build her again um but yeah Causeway just enables way too many teams all my favorite teams use casual have to use them again um but yeah I forgot to talk about yonfe I wouldn't use her as an onfielder because I already have yamy and hutau and I wouldn't use her as a Schiller because I already have um I already have Zhang Lee and then I have Daya for that pyro defensive utility so probably wouldn't build yanfei for Lenny I do like Lenny I like him more than I thought I would but I would not get him again just because there's so many I I would just rather use Daya on Fielder to be honest rather than getting Lenny I'd rather get maybe Daya her weapon or something if it ever comes back for that monopyro and I think Lenny's great I think he's really really strong one of the strongest carries in the game but he's not my my absolute favorite so uh for Wanderer I would not get him again and to finish off my very favorite characters yilon and Ryden I mean they're my favorite characters I I would get them again in a heartbeat and I would build them again so as you can see um I still would build up quite number quite the number of characters and not all of them are meta are meta picks right even like characters like Candace and Yayo it's not like I only want to play meta picks but for me to really pick a non-meta character they have to be my favorite and then so like Joey Mia I would pick in a heartbeat Daya Candace like I think it's worth building your favorite characters regardless of whether they're met or not and then getting your those meta characters to support your favorites as best you can and then not touching the characters that you don't care about and that don't support yours let me know your favorite characters who would you build again who would you keep on your account who would you drop for your account I thought this would be a really fun gentian third anniversary celebration just to go through and take a Nostalgia trip and look back through all my characters that who I regret who I don't really we're getting I just launched a brand new channel the jello show where we'll be covering anime games overall whether that be gotcha anime games or non-gacha like Pokemon and Fire Emblem and Persona I'm gonna be covering them any kind of anime games on this channel if you want right now I have some star rail stuff some weathering waves zenless Zone zero stuff right now and we're going to be adding more as we go so definitely subscribe to this subscribe to them if you're enjoying that and if you're enjoying this channel definitely subscribe here and if you don't want to do any of that that's totally fine just watching the video has been more than enough thanks so much bye for now [Music]
Channel: Jello Impact
Views: 51,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0H794RS6cPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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