5 Reasons I Picked StreamElements For My Twitch Alerts

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I got a lot of comments at Dreamhack that I'm taller than they expected me to be apparently I come off short in these videos so I'm lowering the camera a little bit too anyway let me know if it helps about two to three months ago I quit using Moxie as my dream Alerts service they just they'd fallen behind sometimes sub alerts wouldn't go through it was lots of problems anyway I had to pick between stream Labs and stream elements fortunately I've used both stream Labs and stream elements in the past so I had enough knowledge to kind of make a strong decision on one of the other they're both solid services by the way one of them doesn't suck all one of them is great but there were about five things in particular that pushed me to join stream elements and I feel very good about my decisions for what I do it has a lot of advantages and I think those advantages apply to a lot of people so we're gonna spend this video going over what those five advantages that I believe push stream elements to be a better service our stream Elements upon learning that I'd switched over to my platform which makes sense have been very vocal about it reached out to me and asked to they could sponsor a video on how to use OBS live which is their OBS solution stream Labs has stream labs OBS stream elements has OBS taught live I said of course absolutely I'd be happy to do it as long as I can have the freedom to just talk about the platform as a whole and not make it just a strictly OBS not live situation so if throughout this video you've decided that stream elements is the platform for you and you want to start using OBS at live there will be a tutorial at the end of how to install and use it and honestly if that's all you want here's the time code feel free to jump to this point in the video and just watch that tutorial my name is Harris Heller I am your stream doctor and today we're gonna talk about a lot of stuff we're gonna talk about advanced widgets pre-made overlays and alerts and how to protect yourself from chargebacks in your donations [Music] before we jump into this video make sure you follow me on Twitch I stream every Monday Wednesday Friday except for this week and last week because of Dreamhack and I'm well I'm leaving for the airport for a red-eye to New York so miss today's stream also but anyway I normally stream Monday Wednesday Friday and sometimes Saturday mornings twitch.tv slash Harris Heller link in the description below feel free to follow me if you have any questions about any of this stuff or just I don't want to get some conversation rolling about it also if you're looking for other people using stream elements and similar services feel free to jump in the discord where we have an amazing community we just hit partners so the link is discord GG slash alpha gaming also in the description down below cool let's get started the very first thing you'll notice when comparing the two and the first thing that attracted me between stream elements and stream labs is that stream Labs is was the first one they used to be called twitch alerts back in the day then when they started doing more things like YouTube and mixer and Facebook gaming they opened it up had to start calling a stream labs their service is actually I would venture to say a simpler one at least it was until they hid the alert widget somewhere it's not like why would you not put that on the sidebar it's like the main thing people go here for anyway you get in there it's basically choose an alert upload a Jif or gif I don't care what you call it upload a sounds etc and it pops out a URL for you to throw in OBS as a browser source you're set to go stream elements took a little bit of a different approach and they do everything entirely web-based so if you go in there and you go to my overlays you can basically open up an entire editor where you can place camera borders Twitter handles recent subscribers alerts for subscribers over here alerts for followers over here you have an entire editor open to create your scene and then import into OBS as a single source which is really cool in and of its own not only does it consolidate your OBS experience down to a single browser source but also if you have multiple streaming devices like a desktop at home in a laptop for travel you have your entire overlay in one place a single URL and you're set to go all around while it is a little bit overwhelming for the first like five minutes you're in there I think it is a much more intuitive experience and you REME lats has been around for so long stream elements came about a couple years ago I don't know two three years ago I could be wrong about that but I know with a company coming in and competing with someone as massive as stream labs you really have to be willing to push the envelope and do something really cool and I think they have and I think this kind of service really appeals to two different categories of streamers it very much appeals to the brand-new streamers who have no idea what they're doing and I'll get into that in the next one and it appeals to the incredibly advanced streamers who want to add really advanced tools to their stream we'll get into that one after the new streamer section I feel like if you're in the middle if you like your stream to be super simple it just like a camera on a screen or whatever both services will do what you need them to do in terms of design and functionality there is still a massive advantage that I'll list as number four actually in this list like I'm getting ahead of myself here but I do feel like this whole editing scheme works really well has a huge advantage to the brand-new streamer and the really advanced streamer so let's talk about the brand new streamer first this is going to be my points number two about life extreme elements stream elements like stream Labs has a gallery of overlays and alerts that you can click and install and use for yourself however unlike stream labs the way it works is incredibly simple because you don't have to download any of the files and then put them into OBS manually because stream elements has an editor itself you basically find an overlay theme that you like you click on it you hit install and then it creates multiple overlays entire scenes for you and just installs them right in your overlays tab or actually it just gives you the links right up front so you can just click the gameplay scene URL and install it in your game play scene and OBS click your intermission URL install in the intermission scene in OBS click your be right back scene URL it's like you're basically just clicking and dragging and you're done because it sets it all up for you in OBS you can click the my overlays tab on the left side you'll see them all installed right in there for you and if you click like the game play overlay and go into the editor there you'll notice that it already has your camera border it already has your social tags it has your custom design and animated alerts already in there for you you don't have to do anything except for copy the URL throw it in a browser source you're done so setting up a really involved stream is like literally five clicks for a brand new streamer and on the opposite side of the spectrum where we have our advanced streamers which by the way this is my third point of why I like stream elements we have a lot of really cool widgets that you can add to your scene like for example there's something called the custom widget which is basically like a blank slate you throw it on your scene and it gives you the fields for things like JavaScript CSS HTML whatever you need and you can write out your own code and then it creates it for you again all web-based all you have to do is take that URL throw it in a browser source and you're done this is actually how we did that rotating analytic that a lot of you guys are using and because it's all web-based Stream elements made a simple share button all you have to do is click a link it installs it in one of your overlays and then you take that URL throw it in your stream and it's ready I actually hired a coder to do this in muck see for me before I switched over and away Maxine's stream elements work is that if you want to use metrics on your stream you actually have to download a folder of text files to store locally then download a separate app for muck seeds called amok see ticker for stream labs it's called stream labels that actually rewrites these files as they change it's a very complicated system and not only is that more complicated but also in order to get a metric that actually utilizes these I had to download Python to write a Python script that you install into OBS itself and utilize these locally stored text files it was very complicated but because stream elements is all web-based it was as simple as writing out the code sharing a URL with you guys and you clicking it we're done these were the biggest reasons why I went with stream elements I loved their whole editor aspect the direction they went with that I think it's incredibly easy to use I think it opens up a lot of doors for creativity and it allows you to get some of that really complicated stuff without the complicated apps and downloads and software running in the back but there is actually a much more important reason why I would encourage you to go with stream elements and that's reason number four which is stream elements pay I'm sure none of you are foreign to the idea of donation chargebacks or paypal chargebacks everyone's are the horror stories they happen like five or six times a year where someone donates to a streamer hundreds or thousands of dollars and then right before the chargeback cutoff happens like six months later when the money's already been spent or whatever the donator tells paypal hey that was an illegitimate charge I want my money back and not only does the money just automatically come back to the original donator but there's also charged back fees for it so even if the person hasn't spent the donation the streamers still in the negative because some sleazeball decided that this is a funny brain plus even if you've never experienced chargebacks paypal fees are pretty high for every donation 30 census taken plus a 2.9 percent so if you could donated one dollar you're gonna lose thirty two point nine cents on that if you get donated five dollars sure 30 cents doesn't matter as much you're still gonna lose two point nine percent and it's unfortunate that PayPal has done next to nothing to fix this in fact if anything they've always cited with the chargeback bird it's incredibly hard to fight chargebacks unless you can hire a legal team which frankly you probably can't so stream elements has created a much more secure and cheaper solution called sv pay or SE dot pay I'm not exactly sure the right pronunciation but you get the point and not only are the fees lower so even if you don't get charged back so you don't have to pay as much as PayPal to use it but also they have complete protection against charge backs not only extreme elements been creating a database of known chargeback offenders but also if you do get a charge back you don't pay for any of the charge back fees if someone gets by with a legitimate charge back they take the money back from you but that's it all in all that provides a much better solution and situation for streamers when it comes to something as serious as their money and their income as far as I know this is only available in the United States and you have to be 18 or older to up for it but if that applies to you it's kind of a big deal and my last favorite thing about stream elements versus stream labs is their chat Bob no I don't know about you but I'm a fan of an all-in-one product where I like that I can get my alerts my donations everything through one companies like stream elements and stream labs has its own chat bot also don't know if you've ever used it it is a nightmare I used it for about three months and yes it is jam-packed with features but it also has a lot of problems with it and for example in order for one of your mods to actually adjust any commands in chat not only do they have to be a mod but they also have to be an editor for some reason you can't just mod them and have them able to edit commands also it's not web-based its local so your chat bot is actually a program running on your computer and if you want it to work in the chat you have to launch the chat box which means taking up more processing power on your computer and if your chat bot isn't running maybe you're off stream and someone pops into your chat finds one of your videos wants to type in some commands and learn about you it doesn't work there is no chat bot in your chat unless the program is running I feel like I'm getting a little fired up I need to take a breather for a sec I'm like PTSD using this chat bot it was a mess when I switched over to stream elements three months ago they told me they had a great chat bot I'm actually used it in the past but they've added a ton of functionality since I last used that the big thing for me is personalization I wanted a chat bot that I could change the name of to whatever I wanted it's not vital but it does add a cool element of integration into your stream so the running theme of my stream whenever someone subscribes we use my very first email which was my EKU's Oh emo which translates to let's go and so I created a chat bot called EKU's Oh BOTS now it worked for both of them but stream elements was web-based so it's always in my chat it didn't have any of those issues that I had before it was just a much simpler time and it's very consistent plus there's a giant list of really cool modules that you can add to your stream to make it much more interesting things like bingo or raffles or even a magic 8-ball that returns a command when you ask it a question a lot a lot of that kind of stuff is just very simple switches that you turn on in stream elements so I hope that gives you an idea of some of the advantages that you have using a platform like stream elements over a platform like stream labs it seems like stream labs focused lately it's been more on things like stream labs OBS which I'm not a huge fan of it makes sense if you use stream labs and you just kind of want an all-in-one device but it's still really buggy I tried to use it for a couple days and it had so many bugs in it that I had to go back to regular OBS also it's kind of convoluted and it does take up a little bit more processing power on your computer which a program is bound to do when it just does more I'm not gonna go into all the details on that but there is a video that if you want to see stream labs OBS versus regular OBS I'll link to it down below this video by E pause ITA's fog eat paws walks on its Iggy paws Vox anyway a great video he goes into it in detail but stream labs are doing things like that as well as face recognition feature for throwing like snapchat like filters on your face while you're streaming when alerts happen kind of fun things like that that only apply to a small group of streamers rather than solving real problems like charge backs like stream elements is trying to do but if you decide that you want to go stream elements let's talk about OBS dot lines which like I said stream elements reached out to me and wanted me to make a video on but I feel like if I did a video just on OBS dot live it would have only lasted like three minutes OB it's that live isn't its own software like stream labs OBS says it's just a plugin that goes into the current OBS it's incredibly easy to install just go to stream elements comm you can see in the top right corner there's an OB s dot live button which takes you to a place to download and install it and you basically just click through the next button until it installs launches up OBS you sign into twitch everything's right there for you and now all your stream element stuff is integrated right into OBS you can see stream elements command center integrated right into the side as a separate widget built into OBS so you can see all of your events like your most recent subscribers or followers or donations you can also replay them from in there you can see in the bottom corner of viewercount or in the bottom left corner you can change the font size depending on how great your eyesight is you can also go to that menu tab in the top left and use that functionality to change things like the title of your stream the game of your stream so that's built right into it as well and if you use stream elements built in media requests where people can request to have YouTube videos pop up on your stream or song requests it'll show all the song requests or I should say media requests that have shown up and you can choose to skip them if you know they're inappropriate any control over that is also built right no yes but anyway that's essentially what OBS dot live is the extreme elements integration into OBS it's an all-in-one now we're able to move the tabs around drag them out of OBS itself to be separate and dependent on a different screen for example anything you wanted to do it's pretty easy I also did some tests not anything serious with performance but I wanted to see if there was any difference in performance when I switched from regular OBS to OBS to live so I set up a stream in OBS and then I filmed the screen with a camera because I didn't want any extra recording programs running I just I wanted a real world situation when I might be streaming i streamed for a little bit and got these stats but then I installed OBS tile I've fired up another stream film the stats and they were almost identical in fact OBS dot Live CPU usage was slightly lower you'll notice about a half a percent of the CPU is freed up and about 0.2 to 3 milliseconds of render time per frame was shaved off that's really next to nothing that may have even just been in that given moment there are too many variables to think that that could be because of OBS life but the point is it didn't go up it didn't take us more power to have OBS not live and that's what I wanted to be sure of plus because I have this all running in OBS now I can shut down my Chrome twitch dashboard or stream elements control center that's now just built right into OBS dot live so it will actually save me a ton of processing power and and I guess really Ram if we're talking Chrome yeah saves me all the RAM but all-in-all I'm a big fan of stream element stream Labs is also great this is not a bash on stream labs I just think stream elements is a superior product and that's why I chose to go with it plus if you're a part of the community and you want any of my alerts or animations I often share them directly from stream element so it makes it very easy for you to download and install yourself there'll be a link down below to install the rotating metric alert I talked about earlier right into your stream elements account also all my sub emotes are on their own overlay that way I can move them separately depending on where the camera is on my scene and if you want to download my exact alerts with all the custom stuff I put into it I'm gonna make it a single click button down in the description below if you want to download the actual WebM files for any of this stuff that's always in the discord but figured I'd make this one a little easier but anyway guys I hope this was helpful feel free to ask me any questions or spark up more conversation if I miss anything in my twitch channel link down in the description below and as always happy streaming hashtag give gifts Amar'e's can we turn that into a command can we make exclamation point raise I command and it just it just asks to give Sam a raise
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 343,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, streamlabs, stream labs, stream labs obs, streamlabs obs, SLOBS, obs.live, SE.pay, new streamers, animated overlay, advanced, widgets, css, java, html, followers, subscribers, bits
Id: Hfie-LWmnaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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