"No One Eats More Fries Than Me" | Addicted to French Fries | Freaky Eaters (US) S2 E8 | Only Human

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a freaky eater is someone who takes eating habit to an extreme eric has been living on french fries for most of his life I can see why she eat something each year he eats over a thousand orders of fries 20 times more than the average American and consumed six gallons of grease no one else's floor fries in the fry guy and he has no desire to change fries don't affect me I'm fine but his mother disagree his life is on the line connects birds dr. Mike Dow and JJ virgin convince Eric to change his ways what does it feel like they'll flush before he destroys his health for good you already have heart disease going on I want my stuff he is killing himself with every bite of french fries [Music] my son Eric is a freaky eater 29 year old Eric of Cincinnati Ohio is addicted to french fries I eat basically just french fries no one else is more fries me I am the Frog connoisseur Eric devours one and a half pounds of french fries each and every day the equivalent of a staggering 1600 potatoes a year that's 20 times more than what the average American consumes perfect fries basically crispy on the outside soft on the inside my mouth waters lights on my fries ever since there was a baby we have always struggled with getting him to eat we would drive him to eat it never worked but we did find that he would eat french fries we took Eric to doctors and psychologists they would say he'll grow out of it but he never did Eric's fear of food took over his childhood when there's pizza parties when I was a kid I was never really invited because I didn't eat pizza I do wish I could eat pizza because then I could be a little more normal Eric lives with his fiancee and their son Maximus and and children Myles and Sofia I have tried to get air to eat other things like cheese to actually take the smallest bite but Eric has like a panic attack when he's trying to eat other food he has to flush it down as fast as possible he can't even touch or smell their food even having to feed the baby is hard for him and are you leave defeated tomb and Eric has never one-time sat down and said max message our food meal times leaking system and making kids very good healthy dude do you want to take fries go go and fry up okay but I just need from fries Eric's diet scares me it does put a lot of pressure on our relationship I wanted to be around to raise our kids I'm afraid that he won't be I'm very active i skateboard once a week if not twice because of his athletic lifestyle Eric hasn't become overweight and doesn't think french fries are damaging his house fries don't affect you I don't feel bad I feel great look at me I'm fine but Eric's mom isn't so sure even though Eric looks healthy on the outside things could be going very wrong on the inside he could die his life is on the line Oh desperate for help Eric's mom Edna has called in freaky eater specialists JJ virgin and dr. Mike Dow to give Eric one week of intense therapy JJ and I decided to find Eric at one of his favorite restaurants hi there Eric dr. Mike Dow with psychotherapist specializing in disordered eating and addictive behaviour hey there i'm JJ virgin certified nutrition specialist and certified health and fitness specialist mom edna asked us to come really yes and yes about your eating habit just to play the french fries that's it yes that's all I eat Eric's entire diet is salt starch and damaged fats he is killing himself with every bite of french fries I see have a laptop and a camera what are you doing with this whole phone what I do is I usually come in and get a word fries take a picture of it upload to my blog and I vlog about all my Friday I'm the fry guy you have a whole blog devoted to french fries just to french fries Wow so you actually create a whole identity around you are the french fry guy yeah it's gonna be a little difficult to take something away from him which he's built a whole website around let's hear about your family life I do they tries to know they're all very healthy eaters so what do they think about dead you just tell them that you just love french fries actually we kind of like someone's home I'm allergic to other things so when you lie about something that is one of the symptoms in the way we diagnose somebody has an addict I don't like I'm going to act at all the reason why I don't eat food is I'm scared of it if someone said you right now Eric your son your fiancee and you will all die if you don't stop eating french fries would you stop oh I love I could we know we can help you change if you are 100% onboard there's a few things that JJ and I would like to show you yeah I feel like I cannot change Eric he's virtually nothing but french fries I'm the fry guy and it's fearful of other food he can't even feed his infant son and and his fiance is at her wits end Eric's diet does put a lot of pressure on our relationship dr. Dale and I wanted to show Eric the enormity of his french fry habit so we took him to a warehouse hey there he had to bring you to a warehouse because we needed that much space to show you the extent of your friend before I haven't Eric use a dose of shock therapy to really come to terms with just how bad it's really gotten you're young and active so it seems like you're healthy right yes of course I said seen french fries starch salt fat this is the worst type of fat that you can possibly eat it's trans fat it's fully loaded as we would call it we showed him six months worth of grease three gallons that he's consuming how does it look discuss it it looks like you should be in the dumb plan that's right that's what's really going in your ring I want to put your hand in that [Applause] whole hand in there yeah I mean it should be okay put your hand in there you're eating it it was disgusting so what's that like knowing that that is in your body not good is changing your cravings not really to be also fear okay well we have some more to show you we wanted to show him the amount of french fries he sees in a year that's 1090 two orders of french fries you're looking at 20 times with the average American eats the experts have brought out 540 pounds of french fries once deep-fried they contain around 40,000 grams of sack what does it feel like to you lunch I was coming in hungry I look at this big box as just one big box of death you're looking at heart disease diabetes Eric didn't really look all that shocked so we called in two years worth of rice and in three years when the fries every time we bring another one these ups like we're just jacking meat odds up against your health salon to eat any problem you do you know now that you have a problem I know I have a problem you know your french fry addict and if you had clear-cut evidence that these french fries were damaging your health you would do what you needed to do the change of course so we're going to send you to get some blood tests okay Eric needs concrete evidence that he is damaging his health with its french fry habit in order to really make that commitment to change [Music] later that afternoon the results from Eric's blood tests are back the experts take Eric to his mother's home to go over dr. McDowell hi I've been praying my whole life for help for Eric and this might be what to see in it homocysteine is an amino acid that causes damage to the arterial lining if it's high that can cause a stroke or heart disease we like to see homeless esteem of say 7 or below here's 56 that's crazy high number the doctor who reviewed the labs had never seen a number that high now a couple other things that you're going on you've got an elevated LP PLA 2 LP PLA 2 is an inflammatory enzyme that increases your risk for heart disease this is an interesting one that's LDL cholesterol it's the worst kind and that's what this elevated number is right here when you put together this combination of factors you basically have a heart attack waiting to happen you already have heart disease going on at 29 it was not fun to hear that I'm not as healthy as I think I am how are you feeling well hold on my thigh [Music] it's hard to hear that you know someone you love may already get very high risk for heart attacks but it's not too late so what is happening to your motivation now it's gonna push me the change why see my loss in here hurt me I mean I can change I just I want to be able to eat other things that I don't eat Eric has the motivation to change but he lacks faith and his ability to actually do this we wanted to give you one more test food psychologists have been studying why people are picky eaters they've discovered that there's a subset of the population and there are what we call super tasters a super taster is somebody who has more taste buds and who is more sensitive to food they will therefore avoid you take from you food we give you one of these super taster strips the super taster test has a chemical that only super tasters can taste unless when we get a I was not good what do you taste in the back of your throat oh it's like um I call surf or something down there it's bad in the back when I do this test myself I literally taste nothing besides paper Eric is imbued super taster it would explain why she never progressed out of just eating french fries it's harder for him than average person to try new foods but not involved it doesn't have to be in your destiny you can find things that you like are you ready to do whatever it takes yeah I'm gonna have to if you're going to do this we're going to show you the way yeah I'm gonna try very hard to do what JJ and dr. Dowell say but I don't know if I can Eric has learned that he is indeed a super taster which makes him more sensitive to many tastes and slower to adapt to new foods his dependence on french fries is now threatening his life you already have heart disease at 29 by the second day dr. Dhawan JJ want to treat Herrick psychological fear of new foods when I saw was on the table I was nervous the key down there scared me the most actually what we want to do is to use a concept called lateral shift a lateral shift is when you make a change from a less healthy food to a similar one but healthier your job is to taste and get it down okay so if you have to use some water to swallow it you can the pretzel was the easiest lateral shift to me it almost looks like a french fry it's salted there's a win there's an easy way out that one looks easy oh okay Eric it doesn't get any protein in this diet so JJ and I had Eric taste almond butter go ahead and swirl the pretzels into the kind of almond butter I could beat that all right you would learn to like it right what I'm hearing here I don't buy out at all I wanted to push them a little bit harder Eric likes crunch so I decide to add a little bit of cheese to a pita chip I thought if I gave him enough crunch with the chip he'd be able to handle the texture of the cheese i gagged could handle it we got it down even though he gagged I think it's really told Eric that yes I can do this even if it's not pleasant this is the big challenge I save the red pepper for last what scares about it is the texture it's soft looking you know it's feel it some parts that are a little squishy the bright parts it you can hear it right okay I have to be crunchy to snap right [Music] the flavor that was there it was not good it would be like any other person eating a cockroach the texture really didn't bother me as much as the flavor so now we know that crunch your texture works now how do we take that and find some taste within that you like we know the end goal right we will get there if you can be open you can understand that the worst thing that happens is you don't like it right not a big deal the main message we wanted to get through to Eric is that he's got to try a lot of food yesterday I only french fries today I eat french fries and almond butter step in the right direction after two days the experts are leaving Eric to continue moving forward alone so it's time for us to leave you for a couple of days but we have homework that you're going to eat your son if he were to sit down and feed Maximus the jar food he would get grossed out his mind won't allow him to do it no I also want you trying five new food today okay the hardest thing for me to keep up with is gonna be trying five new suits and finally you're a blogger alright we actually want to use that and blog about this creating this new identity for yourself online we're going to strike a deal with you we gave Eric a lot of homework he's willing to break out of his comfort zone so are we can you experience new things this week and when we come back we'll try skateboarding oil that's a deal all right okay Eric has to take this seriously his life is on the line go ahead and swirl the pretzel JJ and dr. Dow have provided Eric with the tools to overcome his french-fry addiction they've left him for the next four days so he through continue progressing on his own a new is gonna be hard without JJ and dr. Val here and once they left reality hit I think you'll like these on his first day alone Eric tastes some new foods gosh not bad good it is really nice to see Eric enjoy some of the foods that are healthy for him you want to try maybe some of the cities despite having gagged on cheese with dr. Dow and JJ Eric decides to try it again [Music] the cheese didn't feel right to me so I had a gag what was that like was that really bad once go to the back 1:30 yes I am so proud of Eric trying the new foods he's doing better than I thought you would and is also impressed by what Eric is not doing I haven't made many french fries I haven't seen him eat car tries at home [Music] on his second day Eric begins to blog about his journey to healthier eating I do realize why dr. Dowell told me he put stuff on my blog about my new foods to let everybody know hey he doesn't only french fries you need care of me by the fourth day Eric tries another new food at this time in front of his children and with another big step forward they bite please fight he feeds his son I was very proud of Eric that he was able to pick up the spoon and feed Maximus one more it's been tough to me Maximus but it is important I got I did it seven days after Eric first started therapy JJ and dr. Dow have returned they take Eric to an indoor skate park for one final surprise challenge [Music] we were so pleased with Eric that we wanted to give him a piece of party with his family eric has never eaten pizza before I was kind of anxious and a little worried I wouldn't be able to eat any of it I got thin crust very crunchy people so it's almost like having a cracker pizza if Eric can just take a bite of this pizza it's going to open up a whole new world for him we're going to start out with just totally plain this doesn't even have sauce it's just cheese and crust okay I don't like touching pizza gross nothing and just slimy to me I did not want to take a part of it all right got a pizza seen Eric take a bite of pizza was like my dreams come true something I thought I'd never see and my family there was very important pizza with a big hurdle but probably something I will tackle again in future our guys come to you skate you did all the things we just I guess we could do the favor of you all right okay I was good after always had Eric through it was fun letting him turn the tables on us step straight up I put that back foot on it'll continue to be a difficult road for Eric but I also know that JJ and I have given Eric the tools to overcome the french-fried addiction for the rest of the life I own the harder you my goal is going to be eating one new food a day I know they are but I just got to keep going forward bend those knees then there's need some more Eric's been eating almost nothing but french fries since he was two years old he's made great strides with trying new food I'm thrilled and very proud of them don't discourage because I'm gonna keep gagging you guys gonna keep falling they'll keep it going for a prayer retreat all right oh yeah cord [Music] you you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 15,479,524
Rating: 4.8431377 out of 5
Keywords: Freaky Eaters, addicted to french fries, addicted to fries, addicted to chips, Only Human, only human freaky eaters, pizza addict, cheese addict, eataholics, addicted to pizza, addicted to pizza rolls, eataholics full episodes, freaky eaters addicted to fries, addicted to cheese fries, obsessive compulsive cleaners full episodes, only human addicted to chips, freaky eaters cornstarch, freaky eaters raw meat, freaky eaters pizza, freaky eaters full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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