5 Most Brilliant Battlefield Strategies in Science Fiction

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hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation films my name is Alan in order to win a battle you can't just rely on advanced technology and weapons and manpower you also need a really good strategy and plan so today we'll be taking a look at five terrific battle strategies we see in science fiction Grand Admiral Thrawn is by far one of the best tactician zin Star Wars and most likely one of the best on this list today he's extremely cunning and well prepared both intellectually and physically for any challenge but more importantly the triste warrior didn't have much of an ego and more importantly he didn't pursue power or fame or money thron was first and foremost a student of the game he lived and breathed warfare 24/7 when he wasn't training his crew to act as extensions of himself he spent hours looking at the artwork of his enemies so that he could better understand how they thought the some of his enemies strong was like some kind of omnipotent demon forces underneath his command were usually extremely efficient while coordinated deadly and most frightening able to predict the movements of their enemies but of course Ron wasn't some magical being with special force powers he was just extremely extremely well prepared for almost any situation now most of you know throne as the ground animal but before he joined the Empire he was a commander and his own peoples kiss expansion area Defense Force the chests were located in the unknown region of the galaxy although it was sparsely populated the aliens that did one or this sector of space often evolved isolated from outside contact and where equal parts terrifying and mysterious the Chiss Defense Force had to be very unpredictable and flexible in order to combat all of these unknown entities five years after valve Naboo the Jedi created an exploratory mission known as outbound flight their mission was to lead a few hundred colonists towards the edge of the galaxy and then beyond the mission was led by the powerful Jedi Master George Chuvalo he believed that for sensitive individuals were superior to others and had a mandate to rule li'l the Josefa realized Supreme Chancellor Palpatine saw this outbound flight mission as a perfect opportunity murder a bunch of Jedi without anyone realizing so as alibi and flight continued its journey to the edge of the galaxy with 18 Jedi on board Chancellor Palpatine contacted the Trade Federation and had them create a fleet to intercept the Jedi mission the unknown region was only sparsely populated by life there were however tons of gravitational anomalies I made navigation and communication difficult and so if the Trade Federation manages to intercept outbound flights while in the unknown region and be very hard for anyone to find out unfortunate for Special Task Force One commander Thrones unit picket force 2 was also in the area now throne was completely outgunned in this situation he had only three chissus all cruisers which were around only 100 meters long and nine Chiss heavy fighters whereas the Trade Federation had two lucre whole class battleships six hard-sell class transports seven escort cruisers in over 3,000 vulture droids you essentially had a state-of-the-art private Navy facing off against what was the equivalent of a Chiss Coast Guard unit but the Trade Federation commander Viceroy cab was hardly a competent military leader he also completely underestimated the puny tris fleet you see although Thrawn's fleet was small he loved new technology and one of his hobbies was collecting all sorts of weapons from different species and incorporating them into his own force this made the Chiss extremely unpredictable even if you're used to fighting his species now the Trade Federation starts their attack against fronts forces by launching a massive wave of vulture droids Adam now if the one doesn't really know exactly how these droids are gonna function so he decides to test the water and slowly retreat away from them the Tris commander quickly learns that these vulture droids have a limited range and need to return back to their ship once they've traveled away from it too far and so throne has one of his own fighters fly into range of these vulture droids and quickly fly out a range this causes the vulture droids to react to throg ship which is exactly what he wants to do you see he's trying to figure out how to hijack the broadcast signal that the Trade Federation is using for the droids the Trade Federation we're still using remote-controlled units by this point they Han really learn from the valve booboo just quite yet now once throught hijacks the signal he basically can hijacked all the vulture droids and he sends him flying into deep space the remaining droids that are left are dispatched by the kisses countenance these are essentially massive Nets launched in this will form they would spread out him with shock and disable any ship caught inside of it they worked like an ion cannon but at a much larger area of effect the Trade Federation now have lost the good portion of their fighter fleets and more importantly their entire fleet was now blocked by debris from what used to be their fighter fleets so the next thing my story CAV does is have as hard sell transports fire missiles at the chest fleet thron simply fires more conning nets which causes the missiles to explode and damage other hard-sell ships very soon most of the Trade Federation fleet is laying in runes only one capital ship is left thrones ability to destroy a force that was more than 20 that 30 times his size was impressive enough to gain the attention of Emperor Palpatine whether thrown and realized that or not this small battle on the edge of the galaxy was his job interviewed for a future position in the empire the destruction a Special Task Force one would be one of Thrones finest commands although he would also later be responsible for creating what's known as the throne pincer move which is really cool but maybe we'll cover that in our other channel generation tech next time now I know no one ever asks for the battleship movie which is a really random board game tie-in movie that also serves a sort of a Navy recruitment video but what it does show us is some very important lessons about Battlefield strategy that we could apply to almost any situation now humans have a very limited view of the galaxy and that's because we are limited to basically just one planet and one species so it's very easy for us to view technology in a very linear term newer things are always better than older ones but in real life that's not how things actually work for instance if you built combat armor that works quite well against energy weapons because the surface of the armor is good at reflecting heat it might not work as well against more primitive weapons like arrows or firearms in battleship a very advanced alien species launches a small scouting party onto our planets the alien vessels are extremely powerful and agile their ships are much larger than anything the US Navy has and they could move very rapidly across the water by literally jumping out of it at the time of this alien invasion the United States Navy was actually carrying out military games with the Japanese kaiju Defence Force three of the destroyers the sampson Miyoko and john paul jones are assigned to recon one of the alien crash sites when they arrive they are fired upon by some kind of high arcing missile projectile although the storage sea wisp offense systems were able to destroy most of the incoming projectiles some of them get through in the Samsun and the Miyoko are immediately sunk the alien ship then precedes the launch drones on the Hawaiian mainland now the biggest problem with our human destroyers is that their missile the stories the John Paul Jones is arleigh burke-class guided-missile destroyer its armament includes a variety of different long-range missiles naval warfare today is all about long-range detection which actually does fit the boardgame theme of battleship now that I think about it most partnerships are no longer designed for line-of-sight engagements although they might have some debt guns the majority of the munitions are going to be long-range guided missiles this is also a wide giant battleships with their massive deck guns aren't really a thing anymore while these impressive ships could knock out targets several miles away they just weren't a match for an aircraft carrier which could send dozens of planes from more than hundred miles away that was the lesson we learned from World War two and the missile destroyer is the natural evolution of naval combat but unfortunately the aliens could easily Jam all of our guidance systems making these weapons useless and so the crew with the John Paul Jones must use their brains to figure out how to track and fire upon these alien ships one ingenious idea was to use the tsunami warning buoys around Hawaii to track the displacement of water created by the alien ship moving with that data the crew of the John Paul Jones could track the alien warships trajectory and launch their own missiles to predictive coordinates that can intercept and destroy the enemy the one part of human technology that is very advanced is our weapons technology a Tomahawk cruise missile is still gonna damage an alien ship as long as it can hit it the crew the John Paul Jones then uses another interesting tactic in another battle when they figure out that the aliens are fighting are vulnerable to bright light and so in their next encounter with an alien ship that John Paul Jones positions itself with the Sun and it's back using anti-materiel rifles the humans managed to pierce the tinted bridge windows of the enemy ship blinding the command crew momentarily which gives the John Paul Jones enough time to launch five cruise missiles at the alien ship it seems a little overkill unfortunately mmediately after this exchange that John Paul Jones is torn apart by one of those crazy alien drones but the crew still isn't out of the fight just yet since they're near Pearl Harbor there's still some naval ships left like the USS Missouri in our class battleship built in 1940 this ship might be completely outclassed by today's standards but it still has weapons on board and you know the missile destroyers weren't really built to fight alien ships either so I guess it doesn't hurt bringing in world war ii battleship into the battlefield as well with the help of a bunch of older veterans to croove the John Paul Jones gets the USS Missouri steaming full speed at the enemy literally steaming because that's what powered the main power plants just as the alien ship is about to fire at the battleship the crew of the Missouri drops one of the anchors and drifts the entire vessel sideways it's kind of like pulling the ebrake on a carve now I doubt in real life the anchor would be able to hold that much weight but it works in the movie it makes the aliens first volley of fire completely met which allows the USS Missouri to launch a full broadside salvo straight into the alien's I don't care what part of the galaxy you're from a 16 inch naval gun is still a 16 inch naval gun America under Wiccans is most likely the youngest commander on this list and probably the only commander who's fought his first dozen real battles and not even realizing it you see after an alien scout ship owned which destroys the entire earth humanity would focus the entire world's attention on figuring out a way to defeat this alien threat you see the small alien invasion forces last attack was so devastating that humanity understood that if another battle was fought in their solar system against these aliens even if humanity won there wouldn't be much of an earth left to live on and so the unified leadership of the planet sent out scouts looking for some of the brightest children on the planet to train in a battle school so that when the time comes in our forces are ready to march on the alien homeworld we'll also have the best commanders possible now for some reason the individuals who ran battle school thought children would be better at commanding this force than adults they assumed that children are faster learners and have much better reaction times the one thing that they did forget was that a child might not understand the graphic and brutal nature of war and so battle Scrolls tricks under Wiggins and his classmates into believing they're going through a series of simulations of what an invasion would look like well do they know these battles are fighting were actually happening in real life the students last mission or graduation test was actually at the human invasion of the alien homeworld since the alien homeworld was the farthest from Earth the fleet then had been watched there was also the oldest and equipped with the oldest weapons the enemy also outnumbered the human fleet like a million to one most individuals would have looked at this simulation and just given up I probably would have reloaded another safe mile but Andrew Wiggins is not your average human being instead he decides to use a proprietary weapons system humanity has developed known as a molecular disruption device or the little doctor the little doctor essentially was a chain attack weapon when its energy beam hits a ship that beam quickly branches out to another ship and starts a massive destructive chain reaction the islands had actually learned how to adapt to this weapon by spacing their ships part a little bit more so that the chain reaction ever starts but no one's ever used a ton in actual planets in principle the weapon should be able to work as long as there's some mass for the weapons field to expand with and so Endor arranges this fleet around the little doctor weapon and they plunge straight into the heart of the alien world the enemy fighters swarming them are so thick they almost form an opaque wall in front of the human fleets ultimately the plan ends up working the little doctor destroys the entire planets it's probably the only way that humanity was gonna win the scenario and somehow ender awakens figured out a way to do it one wonders if ender would have been able to make the same sacrifices had he known that there were actually humans fighting inside the ships he was commanding to plunge into a planets operation return is one of the classic space battles from Star Trek Deep Space nine a sixth season the situation was grim that group of shapeshifters the Dominion who could basically transform themselves into anything at will and make it look really realistic except for humans they sucked at imitating humans anyway they had come through the wormhole in vast numbers along with their two lesser species that they controlled the Vorta and the JEM Hadar and they'd also forged an alliance with the Cardassians no not the kardashians the kardashians anyway the Dominion annika dashians had taken control of deep space 9 and Benjamin Sisko saw taking back deep space 9 and control of the wormhole as crucial to winning a war the Dominion won't attack earth how can you be sure because earth isn't the key to the upper quadrant the wormhole is and whoever controls Deep Space nine controls the wormhole somehow he manages to convince the Admirals to go with this gamble even with earth on the line but he needs the help of the Klingon Defense Force gentlemen this mission cannot succeed without the involvement of the Klingon Defense Forces we agree with you captain Chancellor Gowron does not then you will have to change his mind a chance so he convinces Worf and general Martok to go to Cronus to personally ask Chancellor Gowron for the fleet to participate now before deep space 9 s capture Starfleet had been able to install a field of self-replicating mines around the wormhole to stop Dominion reinforcements coming through from the Gamma Quadrant but the Cardassians had started removing these mines and quark the bartender who still on Deep Space nine is able to find out how long it will take what you're gonna take a couple months here one week we that's right one week in the Alpha Quadrant is ours they get a message to Cisco who is it a Starbase planning his operation and he realizes he has a quick decision to make we take the ships we have fight our way to deep space 9 and destroy the antigravity emitter it's our only hope do it now the Cardassians have been watching Federation ship movement and they realize that Sisko has taken a fleet and is heading towards deep space 9 so they pull a load of Colossians ships off the front lines and have them intercept Starfleet Sisko and the fleet encounter Cardassian and Dominion vessels along the way and they realize they are outnumbered two to one then Sisko decides to come out with an inspiring quote as an old saying fortune favors the bold well I guess we're about to find out and then like no one really says anything and they just so like yeah what what's this dude going out of that and if this goes like oh what shall I do I know cameraman get an awesome shot of me sitting down in my chair anyway they engage the Kardashians and Cisco as always has a plan attack fighters tactical pattern theta concentrate your fire on the Cardassian ships and then spit off in two squadrons and run like hell is he only targeting the Cardassian ships he's hoping to get them to break formation so they'll go after the Federation fighters he knows the JEM Hadar will stand their ground but the Cardassians might just get angry enough to take the bait which would open a hole we can punch through and in case you're wondering why there is a Cardassian on the bridge of the Defiant while they're fighting the Cardassians that's Garak he's Cisco's tailor Sisko always keeps his tailor close by he often decides that he wants to get measured for a suit at some pretty weird times altogether we're talking about well over 100 ships just in the first wave excuse me I hope I'm not interrupting I'd like to be measured for a new suit now right now but captain I do have your measurements take them ago anyway the Cardassians have already anticipated this plan and have one of their own let's give him his reward shall we have a half-dozen squadrons break formation and go after those fighters now Cisco realizes it's a trap - but he also knows that it is his only hope of reaching Deep Space nine so he goes for it they very quickly get closed in on by the Cardassians but the Klingons turn up at just the right moment [Music] they provide covering fire and the Defiant is the only ships that's able to break through the blockade and it speeds towards Deep Space nine meanwhile on the station former crew members and civilians try to carry out a terrorist operation to shut down the main computer but they're too late and the Cardassians are able to destroy the minefield when the Defiant arrives the ship goes into the wormhole and meets the Dominion forces head-on and then something happens to Sisko which it seems he was perhaps counting on all along the profits or those ethereal beings that live in the wormhole that the Bajoran is worshipped as gods make contact with him using the appearance of characters that he knows they don't want him to sacrifice his life and they make the entire enemy fleet disappear now I know the ending of this battle is a little bit easy perhaps even a little bit disappointing but it doesn't come entirely out of the blue Sisko was an emissary for the wormhole beings all along and then the defiance defiantly exits the wormhole alone Deep Space nine cannot fire on the ship because the computer has been shut down the Cardassians and the Dominion start evacuating and 200 Starfleet ships turn up at the station that is operation return one of the classic Star Trek Deep Space nine battles on to the next one oh hey there in yellow de I'm here today to talk to you about the expanse and if you ask me for the best battlefield tactics in the show you already know it I gotta go with the legend the Battle of Thoth station now people might say whoa whoa whoa I didn't think that the tactics involved in that battle were that great I mean it's one of the coolest and most aesthetically pleasing space battles ever put on screen but tactics now sloppy but I think that short-sighted if you consider the situation Oh what's the situation right my job well spoiler alert basically all these bad guys from this evil company known as Pro to Jin who were responsible for a massive outbreak or the proto molecule were hiding out on a communications really known as Thoth station anyway the crew of the Rocinante wanted to take over this station apprehend the douchebags who were chilling their problem is the crew of the roastin ante led by Captain James Holden didn't exactly have a Navy at their disposal for what was a highly difficult mission to occupy a station of unknown capabilities and which was under the power of a company and proteges that had some of the most advanced weapons and ship technology known to man actually not even known to man so captain Holden teamed up with Fred Johnson aka space Carl Winslow an important leader of the OPA a belter faction to put together a ragtag assault team to raid Thoth so the odds were against them and they had to get creative in space where there is little cover approaching an enemy without letting them know you're coming can be tricky as the assault team didn't have the advanced stealth technology of their enemy they had to use disguise and where they lacked the numbers of a navy they had to use misdirection to keep their opponent occupied with the wrong targets what they did is this an OPA cargo ship known as the guy Molinari headed out towards the station with the Rose Tsunade hidden behind it in its radar shadow waiting to jump out an attack now here's what I really liked about their tactics they were practical they knew they weren't going to completely fool the people on the station or the stealth frigate guarding it they just wanted to buy themselves as much time as possible when the guy Bolin area got close enough to thought the Rosi pulled away from it making itself appear to be some loose card where that fell off the ship it went to semi freefall using only minimal directional thrust to guide itself towards the station yes the stealth frigate figured out the ploy but not before the roast he was close enough to use at CQB strengths to zip around the station out of reach of the stealth ships weapons in close proximity of the station the Rosie played nuisance to the stealth ship keeping it from destroying the Molinari which when it got close enough to Thoth released breaching pods disguised as cargo containers at the station now I know the jig was up at this point but what could be more convincing than FedEx hurling packages at their destination as hard as possible yeah they lost one of the pods when the station surprisingly popped out an ant I asked her at Canon but hey there was no way to know for sure what the station was capable of and by launching two pods at the same time on the same trajectory they made it so taking out one pod meant the other could get to the station safely again they went for practical not full-on miracle just like my shirt today is actually only semi wrinkled not fully ironed anyway it helped that the Rosi still playing the part of pest jumped out from inside the station's rings and took out the cannon the stealth ship which couldn't move around inside the station's tight quarters as well as the Rosi the Rocinante was deployed perfectly to its advantages on this mission and that was key here the plan worked because captain Holden and his crew in the OPA worked together to use what they had including coffee to the best of their advantage you know what before I go any further here I should do a whole video on this shouldn't I I should do a video where I go in-depth on the battle of thought station analyzing it down to its smallest details I'm doing that you know what and you in your loader out there who are unsubscribed you better hit that goddamn subscribe button so you don't miss it anyway Alan back to you so there you have it guys five different battle strategies used in five very different scenarios what I really love about warfare and science fiction is oftentimes you'll see two very different races with very different technology levels facing off each other and when these two sides are not prepared to fight each other you're gonna see a lot of interesting methods and tactics well guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss on the rest of our awesome content as usual my name is Alan reminding you that life is a movie and you are the protagonist
Channel: Generation Films
Views: 353,925
Rating: 4.8661938 out of 5
Keywords: science fiction, best science fiction, science fiction films, Best Science fiction battles, best Sci Fi Battles, Best battle scenes in science fiction, Best battle scenes in movies, best battlefield strategies, Star wars, Thrawn, Destruction of Special Task Force One, assault on Thoth Station, The Expanse, Formic Homeworld, Final Battle Enders Game, Ender's Game, The battle of Hawaii, battleship, battleship movie, star trek, best star trek battles, star trek nemesis
Id: p7ra5C17eAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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