How to Survive Famous Sci Fi Battles and Other Things | MEGAVIDEO

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uh friends welcome back to another episode of generation films my name is alan and today we continue our how to survive series by going back to the magical world of harry potter why do we keep doing harry potter videos well while i'm sitting on my couch writing scripts there's always harry potter marathons on cable tv for those of you youngins out there who don't know what cable tv is this was an old-fashioned technology where the little people inside of the tv box get to decide what you watch and when you watch the harry potter movies also bring me back to my childhood and for all of you youngins out there who don't understand what a childhood is it's that terrifying period of time you're undergoing right now that will eventually shape how messed up of an adult you will become but yeah as a kid i didn't do well in school and i hated my teachers and i thought school was boring and pointless and it kind of was i mean i do youtube now but hogwarts was always a really cool alternative a world i could escape into on top of that harry potter garfield comics and espn magazine fulfilled my summer reading requirements but i was a stupid kid where i saw magic and adventure now as an adult i only see a poorly run school full of children running around with the magical equivalent of handguns which is why we're gonna have to teach you how to survive hogwarts and because hogwarts or going to hogwarts is not really a battle more like a ongoing war we're gonna change up the format a little bit from our usual episodes now one of the first things you'll experience when you come to hogwarts is the sorting ceremony a lot of youngans get anxiety about this process because the house you're chosen to join will greatly affect who you're going to be around and live with the next seven years if you don't die in the process but the truth is you actually have some say in the matter and you can help suggest to the hat which house you would rather be in for instance during my sorting ceremony the hat told me i was either ravenclaw material or gryffindor material i obviously chose gryffindor knowing the houses pretty well and if you do get the opportunity to choose houses i recommend you do the same now on this channel we talk a lot about not being a hero and getting yourself into unnecessarily risky situations but that doesn't mean you don't want to surround yourself with heroes especially in a place as dangerous as hogwarts now gryffindor is considered the house known for courage bravery and kindness these are the kind of qualities you want to look for in your friends but this also means your fellow housemates will be constantly breaking the rules but just because something is a rule doesn't necessarily mean it's going to protect you from anything a lot of times rules are created by very very stupid people and then there are also rules that were created to prevent stupid people from hurting themselves generally gryffindor students are smart enough to determine which rules are the stupid ones and pointless to follow for instance it's a good idea to venture out as much as possible and explore the school grounds even after hours because hogwarts is full of secrets in hidden areas that might help your overall goal to survive another great thing about gryffindor students is they're not very likely to shoot up the place which unfortunately is something you have to worry about because everyone has a freaking wand and a good percentage of the student body are hormonal moody teenagers the slytherin kids are gonna be the most ambitious and most likely to mess with you or try to sabotage whatever you're doing but they most likely won't murder you but if they don't like you they will beat you within an inch of your life plus all those crazy ambitious slytherins will feed off of each other creating a really unpleasant environment but being in slytherin might help you be prepared for what the real world will actually be like ravenclaw is going to be full of the most brilliant and intelligent and consequently also the most mentally unbalanced disconnected and low empathy individuals ravenclaws treasure intelligence and rationale over human feelings and emotions and to be honest ravenclaw scares me more than any of the other houses for one their house is structured with almost no rules because they believe in self-governance ravenclaws are very likely to have a superiority complex and feel disconnected with the rest of the student population due to their higher intelligence they're also more likely to dehumanize their fellow classmates and see them more as playthings rather than human beings if the undeaths only rises from the graveyards of hogsmeade it might be a slytherin but just as easily a ravenclaw but what makes a ravenclaw more dangerous than a slytherin is that slytherins are pretty predictable they're ambitious and want power but ravenclaws are generally just bored and looking for something to do hufflepuff is nice i guess if you just want to hang around and coexist they are the most accepting house think woke and pc individuals that are actually tolerable and not trying to control the entire world and how other people think everyone in hufflepuff will be very pleasant but if things do go down you're also going to be surrounded by a bunch of hippies who might not be the best at fighting the reality is hogwarts is going to be a dangerous place and even if you are extremely competent and careful you most likely will face death numerous times during your time there whether it's hagrid's magical creatures class or a potion mixing experiment gone wrong or some ill-advised past curfew adventure into the depths of the castle there is basically no way to prevent yourself from facing danger unless you lock yourself in the common room and don't really want to have any fun at that right you're probably better off going back to your own boring school in the real world so if danger is going to happen no matter what surround yourself with heroes that can save you now the problem of course is not all of us can join gryffindor some of us are truly cowards and it's usually the ones that talk a really big game but in order to be surrounded by heroes you'll also have to give back a little bit most of us do have a little bit of gryffindor inside ourselves we just need to find it so it's perfectly reasonable to try to join gryffindor and kind of grow into that position now some classes in hogwarts are useless others are interesting and some are mandatory if you want to stay alive in your first year of hogwarts you'll have to take transfiguration charms potions history of magic defense against the dark arts astronomy and herbology astronomy is mad and the history of magic is interesting but it's the other five you're really going to want to focus on especially at events against the dark arts and charms learning how to use the shield charm protego is a good start along with some more offensive spells like stupify which can stun and expel your armist which can disarm an opponent although disarming someone is kind of unnecessary you're better off just knocking them out study your spell but constantly and practice your incantations and wand movements until everything becomes second nature you'll never know when a werewolf breaks into the castle or ravenclaw loses it and starts using the forbidden curse on people in the lunchroom you shouldn't have to think about what spells you're gonna use you should be firing them instinctively at any threat again i cannot stress how dangerous hogwarts is everyone above the age of 11 is carrying essentially a gun now there are certain spells and magic you can't really learn about until you're older some are just completely forbidden but again you should view each rule independently and decide whether you want to break them or not the ability to operate will get you away from the most dangerous situations whether it's avoiding an incoming spell momentarily so you can counter-attack or just vanishing to another side of the country now technically you need a license to app rate this was started sometime in the 1920s you see apparating is quite difficult to pull off and if you mess up you might leave a part of your body behind if you are caught by the ministry of magic you might be fine but i'd rather take a fine than get eaten by a basilisk so instead of spending your first year in hogwarts looking up the sky in astronomy class do something useful with your time maybe even learn a forbidden curse the imperius curse is a pretty cool one it allows you to control other people the cruciatus curse is for the sick individual who likes torturing people but avada kedavra the killing curse is the one that's worth learning like we keep saying for the millionth time every student has a wand and if one starts going crazy you're gonna want a little extra stopping power after all if you get into a gunfight if your enemy is firing live rounds at you you're not gonna fire back at them with non-lethal rubber bullets plus there are plenty of larger foes that just simply can't be stunned away now that's not to say you should be using forbidden curses willy-nilly because that will attract a lot of attention and that will decrease your chance of survival for sure there are also hundreds of lesser known spells and charms that can go a long way to surprise your foe or potential attacker so if there is anything you should obsess over it's being great with your wand hermione had the right idea this is a great responsibility and you're really owed yourself if you decide to go to somewhere as dangerous as hogwarts you gotta be prepared now another class you'll be forced to take as a young wizard or witch is broom flying class essentially is like driver's ed for magical people honestly though i would stay away from broom flying it's kind of like riding a motorcycle it's definitely a superior way of traveling around it's a lot more fun you can see the world in spectacular ways but it's also not the safest form of transportation definitely learn how to fly a broom but you're probably better off learning other ways of moving around using magic also stay away from quidditch that game is a death wish i would recommend any new student of hogwarts try to get their hands on the marauders map or an invisibility cloak but then again not everyone is harry potter the marauders map is basically a map of the entire school that shows where everyone is it's useful for sneaking around and probably not impossible to make might be worth looking into the invisibility cloak is on another level of magic and most likely will be very hard to get it's considered one of the deathly hallows and supposedly it was gifted to a wizard by the grim reaper himself if you believe in that sort of thing but there are other types of spells and potions that can conceal your appearance if you need to and even without the marauders map it's still possible to learn about all the secrets and hidden passages in the castle to do so you just need to befriend the individuals that no one else notices like the house elves ghosts and the paintings they're part of hogwarts as well and most have been there longer than even headmaster and teachers if you can gain their trust you'll gain access to all of hogwarts secrets lastly if you do want to join some extracurricular activity i recommend starting an illegal paramilitary organization especially when you have maniacs like voldemort or grindelwald running around find trusted and talented individuals and train with them this way you can get better at dueling and at the same time develop some trusted allies the idea is no matter where you are in hogwarts should something crazy go down like a wild animal attack you'll have backup or at least someone who can distract the threat while you carefully run away magic is dangerous and should you choose the path of becoming a wizard or witch make sure you are prepared hello and welcome back to episode of generation films my name is american ben how to survive that has been the question of man throughout time as essential resources on earth are finite and even if we figure out how to clone things a giant ball of fire in the sky grows larger by the day and will eventually envelop our planet lest elon musk does something about it of course humans aren't worried about the sun's murderous intent when a number of other more mundane dangers threaten their lives on a daily basis you know disease car crashes anvils falling from the sky and other stuff people have to be careful out there humans are fragile and in the world of science fiction where there's xenomorphs and sith lords one must be extra cautious as to not meet a premature demise and then on top of all that the expanses universe is possibly the most dangerous of all as it's highly realistic relative to other science fiction and thus plot armor ain't gonna cut it so for those of you dwelling in the various civilizations throughout the soul system i want to provide for you a service that might help you survive among stars fraught with conflict and some seriously scary [ __ ] excuse my language to the kids out there here's 10 rules for surviving the expanse [Music] the first rule is the most obvious and the most important stay away from the proto molecule simple as that everything else on this list can be linked to this rule in some way pursue this mysterious alien agent and you're likely going to have a bad day do not fall victim to the allure of the proto-molecule's potential and power as so many do in so many different ways the pursuit of the proto-molecule is representative of man's inability to hold himself back from technological progress scientists indulge their passion seeking to experiment on the portal molecule at the cost of the dangers such innovation might beget and in doing so often end up dying in one way or another we even see non-scientists attempt to get closer to the protomolecule and its related entities out of their personal curiosities and so too perish for it and then there are everyday people who seek to take advantage of the exploration that the proto-molecules ringgate system allows for and also put their lives in jeopardy this rule can also be restated as restrain your hubris in the face of great and unknown forces in the universe both of nature and otherwise man has rarely shown the ability to proceed with caution and respect the relative fragility of his own being [Music] and with that said the second rule is don't be a hero unless you want to die as one that is if you look for trouble in the soul system you will likely find it no one really wants to talk about this but had the crew of the cant listen to captain mcdowell and ignored the distress signal from the scopuli they'd be alive today but jimmy holden had to play hero and get everyone killed same thing with the doninger captain yao should have ignored the knight's distress signal and moved on but they came to save the ship and investigate the canterbury's destruction yes it was probably the dutiful thing to do but not the best idea if the crew wanted to stay alive of course hubris also contributed to the defeat of the doninger as captain yao did not prepare with desperation and thinking her ship superior to those of the approaching enemies then the crew of the merasmus broke this rule of course in delivering aid to the survivors of the aeros outbreak which also brought them in proximity of the proto-molecule which again often means death is coming one way or another don't just avoid heroism either actively stay out of trouble don't pull a suther and refuse to obey orders as a matter of fact don't even pull a gregory and even question orders head down do your job and stay quiet and you just might live to see another day yet in the expanse you rise up and reject authority you're bound to die for it [Music] this brings us to our third rule which is don't be bad or consort with nefarious people this is another obvious one while heroism will get you killed so while doing bad things it seems that there is some sort of karmic system in the expanse by which those who commit evil and unjust acts will eventually pay for it isaiah actually turns out not to be that bad of a guy but his illicit dealings eventually result in his death cohen seems to be a nice enough dude as well but his subversion of the rosannante systems for the purpose of transmitting a fake and malicious message leads somewhat indirectly to his eventual death by freak accident similarly kenzo's deceit and ruinous intentions aboard the rosanante eventually result in his demise on arrows also once again stay away from the proto-molecule our fourth rule is don't fall in with the opa unless you're okay with dying the opa expects that every belter in its ranks commit his life to the mission and if needed sacrifice himself for the greater good and that's not really a recipe for survival especially when the belt is the inferior state in the soul system i mean opa members frequently throw themselves in harm's way for the slightest of reasons hoping to die honorable deaths rather than live out long cowardly lives trust me my friends the latter option is better live on and live well though if you are really tired of fast and furious sequels i can kind of understand wanting to check out early [Music] rule number five is unless you are a belter stay away from the belt belters have been oppressed for ages and look upon enters with disdain sure there are non-belters who live in the belt and on a daily basis they live mostly in peace but any sort of unrest that flares up could lead belters to target such people first furthermore given their rough upbringings belters are much more desensitized to violence than inners and thus are capable of inflicting injury or death on foes or simply people they don't like with little hesitation inners are not cut out for belter's society though belters are easy to escape you just go down to the surface of a planet [Music] rule number six is do not trust politicians or other government officials the expanse's universe is one in which most humans live under massive centralized government bureaucracies that breed intrigue and corruption to thrive within such entities individuals must act in a machiavellian manner even good-natured leaders must engage in underhanded tactics at times thus to survive in the world of the expanse one should never take the word of any official to be the truth and rather think us to a person's intentions in order to interpret their actions furthermore no official should ever underestimate how far another would go in order to win not even a powerful diplomat is protected from murder should his death offer something to gain by his enemy [Music] rule number seven is that mercy can get you killed okay maybe this hits back at the whole idea of a karmic system letting your enemies live might be the humane thing to do at times but in a system fraught with intense conflict where individuals are conditioned to be fanatically dedicated to one state often mercy is not enough to overwhelm an enemy's hostility clais ashford lets a captured martian naval officer aboard the titan live and one of his crew members is murdered for it kamina let marco and narrows go free and this time kleiss ashford himself is the victim of her calculated mercy of course clyce ashford also broke the cardinal rule of don't be a hero and go looking for trouble [Music] rule number eight is stay away from the broto molecule no no not proto-molecule broto molecule aka amos burton don't screw him well you can screw him but don't screw with him and definitely don't mess with his friends or you will very likely die as a matter of fact stay as far away from naomi nagata as possible as well one wrong blink in her direction could mean death creepy doctors beware amos is that guy [Music] on that note rule number nine and this is highly important do not get into a fist fight with bobby draper martian marines are dangerous bobby draper is lethal 9.6 out of 10.1 doctors agree her right hook is a more effective sleep aid than ambien if you're going to try and take baby on you're going to have to catch her without her armor and use a firearm from a significant distance do not go hand to hand with this woman you will lose and if you find yourself in close proximity to her and you've pissed her off either do what she says or run or the people's marine is gonna lay the smacketh down once again don't be a hero don't be bad don't fight gundams live a long life capisce [Music] rule number 10 is own your own ship ultimately almost everyone in the expanse's universe lives in constant danger such as the nature of life amidst constant and widespread conflict carried out by corrupt and megalomaniacal leaders denizens of earth often live in desperate poverty martians are all tools of the state and well belters the best way to survive in the soul system is to live under no master life on the surface of a planet leaves one vulnerable to the effects of his leader's decisions so you could then join the military and live aboard a space vessel but this often means putting one's life in danger for the state allah the donager the people who are in the best position to survive in the sol system are those who chart their own destinies the crew of the rasanante really has it best they have their own ship which flies under no flag and are beholden to no orders but their own now they choose on their own to break almost all of the rules on this list save for fighting bobby draper who would probably knock out the rosinante in a punch but they don't have to do this they could steer the rostanate far from harm's way and live in relative peace floating around the sole system gathering resources as needed so that's the best way to go you have to own your own ship and keep mobile living under the rule of one of the major powers will ultimately result in you being forced to break rules on this list against your will [Music] finally rule number 11 is be good at science seriously the expanse's realistic universe does not allow for yolo type madness you can't always muscle your way to victory or get by without expertise the people best prepared to survive in the soul system are those who understand engineering physics mathematics and other scientific disciplines you have to know how to fix your ship you have to know how to treat injuries in zero g you have to be a master botanist okay not sure on that last one but still you get the point you can't just know how to kick ass you have to be educated and know how things work in order to survive and thrive hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation films my name is alan and today i want to continue our how to survive series with probably one of the coolest battles i've seen in recent years uh the invasion of normandy in edge of tomorrow not to be confused with the actual invasion of normandy during world war ii that was done by real people who were just heroic at another level i could never imagine myself having the courage to do something as crazy as that although i just started watching the man in the high castle which shows a terrifying alternate reality where the nazis and japanese win the war and occupy america it's given me second thoughts about risking her life for a greater cause anyway edge of tomorrow is more like an origin story for how tom cruise was granted blood magic by scientology which allows him to never die that's why he's a badass and doing crazy stuff all the time also we talk about this a lot on our channel there's uh something called method acting and then there's tom cruise acting which isn't acting but just real life everything in tom cruise movies are real thanks to the power of scientology anyway with our intro out of the way let's continue to the actual video it will be separated into four segments first the background about the battle then uh some information about the enemy combatants then a breakdown of the equipment and training you'll need to survive followed by what you actually need to do to survive let's begin this section of the video is for all of you grunts who fall asleep at the briefing and then don't realize where they are and who they're shooting at when they finally get their ass kicked out of the drop ship i appreciate your carefree attitude but please stop it now and listen up the human mimic war starts in the future in 2056 after a hostile alien species invades earth remember kids extraterrestrial aliens are always hostile and those who try to connect with them and humanize them are betraying us all kill it with fire the mimics arrive in a cluster of asteroids and mostly land in western europe mostly in france human forces experience defeat after defeat in the face of this alien onslaught forcing nato china and russia eventually to transform into the united defense force finally humans are able to drop all of their petty differences and join together in a truly united humanity hazak humanity first this is basically the only good thing that ever happens when the aliens arrive and start eating our children like in independence day when the iraqi and israeli pilots join forces brings tears to my eyes at the end of the day you guys all love cuba which is basically an iraqi form of dumplings that is delicious israelis arabs muslims jews we're all human beings and we all love dumplings just look at all the cultures in the world there are all types of asian dumplings there's polish dumplings british dumplings south african dumplings north korean dumplings jamaican dumplings jersey shore dumplings spanish dumplings the list just goes on anyway despite humanity's newfound connection and realization that we can be united by food the mimics were kicking our dumpling eating asses into oblivion until that is the battle of verdun occurs yes the same verdun that was the location for one of the most costly battles of world war one the udf were finally able to defeat the mimics in this battle because of two major reasons well maybe three actually one was the recent deployment of the combat jacket exoskeletons and two sergeant rita vratsky went on a kill streak of about a thousand mimics and was given the very fitting title of angel of redone little did humanity know the angel verdun actually had found a cheat code and it basically allowed her to respawn every time she died the mimics also wanted us to win this battle purposely because they wanted us to get overconfident and engage all of our forces in a ill-advised offensive general brigham the commander of the udf falls right into this trap and launches an all-out cross-channel invasion called operation downfall the goal is to retake france probably not the best name for an invasion that's kind of foreshadowing a pretty big defeat probably should have called it overlord 2 or something like that but i guess that's what you get with general brigham who is actually the father of general hux their military family not really known for their brilliance another interesting fact is operation downfall is actually the name of the planned invasion of the japanese mainland which thankfully never had to happen one of the reasons why the udf wanted to launch operation downfall was to give the russians and chinese forces some relief on the eastern front i know this is starting to sound a lot like world war ii but remember we're not just facing goose stepping sexually confused fascists we're actually facing an essential threat to all of humanity so pay attention the goal of operation downfall was to establish a beachhead by using a massive infantry-led invasion to retake the normandy beach area thousands of quad tilt rotors would drop thousands of combat jacket-equipped soldiers in your classic human wave frontal assault as dr carter a mimic specialist once explained the mimics were basically the perfect world conquering organism they laid dormant in asteroids for god knows how long until they ran into a planet full of life forms and then just took over although that does seem a bit random and a little bit too 40k universe for me because the galaxy is massive and if there is life out there it's most likely pretty spread out so in my opinion i think the mimics had to specifically aim at earth or at least guide themselves towards the planet that had life on it otherwise the mimics would just be constantly floating into black holes and stars and all that other junk it's hard to describe what exactly a mimic is the best term to use would be shape shifter if you play games like prey recently you'll know what i mean the mimic bodies are made of these kind of moving coils of particles that seem to be constantly changing and flexing that is if you're fast enough to track their movement with your eyes they move at inhuman speeds and are incredibly powerful they can easily rip a man and an exoskeleton in half so they're definitely strong and fast enough to move in close and get that melee kill on you almost every time and yes this movie is based on japanese manga which is why they have tentacles if you aren't familiar with japanese art forms i definitely recommend you guys check it out it's completely unique and very different from anything we have here in the united states and i think because the japanese are historically an island people their numerous encounters with sea monsters had given their culture and underlying fear and fascination with tentacles also some mimics could fire projectiles which helped him defend against larger vehicles and aerial attacks killing the mimics usually required a massive amount of kinetic force either through the use of traditional firearms or explosives and in the angel of verdun's case a giant buster sword you know what before we continue i really have to say this we definitely need to see edge of tomorrow too i need more of this a lot more of this anyway there are three mimic types that we know of first the drone mimic which is by far the most common variant it's hard to say how large it is because it's constantly shifting in size but let's just say it's in between the size of a large lion and a smart car the drones mainly use their tentacles to kill their foes but they also can fire projectiles out of their backs they seem animalistic in nature but are quite intelligent during the invasion of normandy beach several of them have dug themselves into bombed out craters where they waited to ambush udf soldiers who took cover in those craters aside from their constantly moving exteriors they also had a reddish glow inside which actually gave them away at night when they are killed their entire body petrifies and the glow goes away next we're going to be talking about the very rare alpha mimic according to dr carter 1 in 6.18 million mimics were actually an alpha variant they were much larger than the drone roughly the size of a bus and terrifying to look at besides being a lot larger and more terrifying than the average drone the alpha played an important part in the mimic army and served as the eyes and ears for the omega mimic anytime an alpha mimic was killed something in their blood allowed them to revert time back to an earlier date and still retain all of their knowledge of what happened this means that they will know about the enemy's movements and actions should the mimics be defeated in one way or another when humans like rita or cage get exposed to this blood it burns them like acid killing them but it also gives them this power to revert time as well and as long as they don't lose their blood without dying like with a blood transfusion they'll have that power forever now there seems to be only one omega mimic in every invasion and they basically are the hive mind that controls everything though omega has the ability to reset time so every time it fails it can just revert time and try a new battle tactic until it wins it's kind of like me when i'm playing exam i know that the final mission to the alien main base is gonna be hard but you know i've been through so much with dolph lundgren and bruce willis to just leave them behind the omega is basically just a giant glowing blob it's well hidden but ultimately defenseless kill it and you win the war but if you want to survive don't volunteer to kill it let's have crews do it now usually there's a lot of things to talk about uh when it comes to this section but if you're in the udf and you're in the infantry combat jacket it's basically the only thing you really need to worry about seriously besides the quad tilt rotors there are almost no other vehicles in sight during the battle normandy no tanks no giant mechs no artillery no anything but in truth the combat jackets are pretty awesome and they can do a lot for one it seems like elon musk has figured out how to make electric batteries not suck by 2050. and we as human beings have basically mounted almost every weapon imaginable to this gigantic exoskeleton platform on your right wrist most suits have a modified fn scar heavy variant assault rifle which has a grenade launcher attached below it then on your left hand you have a triple barrelled anti-armor cannon along with a grenade launcher and an auto cannon mounted on struts on your shoulders weapons aside the best part of a combat jacket is it gives the wearer increased mobility and strength this allows them to survive jumps from extreme heights pick up large objects run and jump faster and further but unfortunately at the battle of normandy these suits still seem kind of new and most of the udf soldiers aren't even aware of how capable their suits are and are just kind of using them as weapons carriers if you want to survive this crazy war definitely find some time to train on how to use this suit until it becomes second nature because mobility is key in this battle and that suit will keep you safe from an armored standpoint the combat jackets have very little protection especially against projectiles or stabby stabby tentacles now there are some heavier variants of the combat jacket but i argue that the mimics were so powerful that dodging their attacks is a much better alternative there were some upgraded suits that had really cool weapons on them for instance one suit would replace the scar h on your wrist and replace it with something known as a dual angel railgun don't know what it is but it sounds awesome remember the more firepower the better in the scenario as long as it doesn't slow you down shape shifters are great at absorbing damage so try to hit them with something with a lot of damage look this entire battle is basically an ambush like the mimics know you're coming and there's basically no way to really survive long term you just have to survive long enough so that tom cruise can destroy the omega which will reset everything which then means the battle will never happen which means you don't have to worry about surviving anyway but then we wouldn't have a video so we're just going to tell you what to do anyway first don't be afraid of heights be fully aware of how to disengage your suit from its birth while you're in the quad tilt rotor i would say try to be the closest man to the jump door but in this case the floor just drops out so you're all very close do not hesitate when that happens because your suit is only designed to absorb impacts from certain directions and that does not include the ship exploding in your face once you make it to the ground remember saving private ryan and get off the beach one because there is no cover and two the mimics have prepared some really good air defenses which means there's going to be a lot of debris falling around you now as we mentioned before there are going to be a lot of mimics in these bombed out craters all around you and should you go into one of these craters for cover i recommend you use some explosives to make the foxhole deeper and also to draw any mimics that might be hiding there since mimics are mostly melee fighters try to always keep distance between you and them most of the udf soldiers don't seem to understand how to fully use their suit but don't let their ignorance be your excuse because excuses won't prevent you from dying learn how to create distance and constantly dug and weave while firing at the enemy's center mass the scar-h has some great stopping power against humans but it's a lot less powerful when you're using it against a mimic with their constantly shifting molecular structure it requires a little more than just bullets to take them down usually instead use the scar h like how muhammad ali uses his jab it's not designed to kill a mimic but it'll keep it at bay and hopefully off-balance once you get it stumbling around enough line up the perfect shot with your heavier weapon and take it out i don't recommend going all angel verdun on the mimics buster swords are really cool back at the base when you're just strutting around with that thing like a badass but once you're in the middle of a battle and you only have a giant sword on you you're gonna regret it i'm pretty sure rita just got bored of not dying so she decided to challenge herself by maxing out her melee skill tree but if you don't have respawns and mimic blood in you i definitely don't recommend going this route also when fighting drones keep in mind if they do fire projectiles at you they have to be completely still when they're doing it so if you do see a mimic become uncharacteristically still most likely they're preparing a fire at you and no not even the heaviest armor can stop these rounds so you can either take cover or try to blast it before it blasts you although i don't recommend the ladder now if you do see an alpha this will be the one time in this series i do recommend you strap on some claymores or c4 to your body and just try to give it a hug if you can get that alien juice on you you'll be good to go and you won't need this guide at all hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation films my name is alan and today we're going to be bringing over a series we started on generation tech over to this channel it's called how to survive and we take a deep dive into various dangerous scenarios and films and tv shows and break down the best way to survive we'll be kicking off this series on generation films with our favorite most hated moon in the galaxy pandora from avatar just the reminder before we start this video is not about being a hero or even being honorable this is a video about being practical and preserving one's life above all else we actually do encourage cowardice because we care about all you people out there humanity does not need any heroes leave that kind of stuff up to the guys with plot armor this video will be split up into four different categories first we'll be looking at the background of the battlefield then the enemies that you might face along with what kind of equipment and training you should bring and finally ending up with what exactly you should do to survive pandora is the fifth moon of the gas giant polyphemus which orbits the star alpha centauri a the alpha centauri star system is the closest one to our own local system at only 4.3 light years away pandora's atmosphere is around 20 percent denser than ours and contains similar gases like oxygen nitrogen and carbon dioxide but the carbon dioxide levels are too high for humans and just 20 seconds of exposure can cause you to black out there's also a high level of hydrogen sulfide on the planet which is also very deadly pandora has roughly the same diameter as our own planet but only 72 percent of its mass and it also has 20 lower gravity these two factors greatly affect how things evolved and move around on this moon pandora is covered in several different genomes including narrow seas mountains jungles forests and plains the fauna and flora on this planet are extremely diverse and much larger than what you would normally see on earth this could be due to pandora's rich and dense atmosphere it is rumored that some hidden neural network connects all life on this planet to some larger organic entity pandora also has an abundance of bioluminescent plants far brighter than anything we have here on earth beneath its surface pandora possessed an extremely rare metal known as unobtainium it was a room temperature superconductor and could also project a strong magnetic field the metal was also commonly used in the matter annihilation reactors that powered humanity starships without unobtainium humanity would not be able to build the ships necessary to make us into a true space faring race the locals on the planet known as the navy were quite primitive operating with stone age level technology they had no use for unobtainium but they did construct their houses and villages near or on top of large deposits of this metal when the resources development administration landed on pandora seeking to mine this unobtainium they naturally ran into some problems with the natives the navi were hunting and gathering society which operated on a completely different wavelength from humanity they were initially very hard to communicate with the rda eventually made some inroads and was even able to establish a school to teach young navi human culture and the english language but still negotiating for mining rights with the navi was next to impossible the na'vi on the planet numbered only in the millions despite the planet's large size and abundant resources this meant that there was plenty of room for the navi in humans to co-exist peacefully but navi society had yet evolved beyond the tribal stage and the idea of property rights were still quite alien to them plus much of their spiritual belief systems were tied to worshipping trees and their roots which meant that they were pretty attached to certain locations especially in places with large unobtainium deposits now it's unsure who started the first skirmish for fire the first arrow or bullets between the humans and the knobby but soon after the rda convoys regularly came under attack by navi warriors who were unhappy by humanity's presence on the moon the rda naturally retaliated and killed many of these hunters some of them were only teenagers although the navi individually operated as tribes and certain tribes had better relations with the humans and others the navi hunters were now considered hostile and should be approached with caution although the na'vi lacked technology and advanced society they were extremely in tune with their surroundings they even had evolved a biological tether of sorts that allowed them to connect and meet with each other and even animals this kind of intimacy might seem weird to humans and that's because it is humans don't mount a horse before they mount a horse i mean you could do that but i'm pretty sure that's animal abuse or something thanks to the low gravity on the planet the navi can grow up to 12 feet or 16 kilometers in height and can weigh easily over 500 pounds or 10 kilograms their skeleton frames are actually reinforced with the carbon fiber fiber-like material making them extremely durable combined with the thicker air density on the planet of the navi routinely jumped down from the tree canopies using only leaves and branches to slow their descent the navi also had a long tail which helped balance them when they were climbing or jumping from tree to tree at close ranges the na'vi were extremely deadly and many times stronger than a human being the navi also used primitive bows that were scaled up to their size which means their bows were closer to the size of a ballista and fired arrows the size of spears which is as terrifying as it sounds if that's not bad enough the navi also had two distinct mounts that they rode into battle first there were the dire horses which were six legged mounts that resembled earth horses but we're closer to the size of an african elephant they could reach a speed of around 60 miles per hour or 2.3 metric light years per millimeter now for aerial travel the navi relied on the mountain banshee the navi used their neurological connection to mate with the banshee during flight which gave them a level intimacy and control over what they were riding that most of us could never achieve without burning ourselves on a hot engine manifold first and foremost always inspect your breathing equipment on pandora without it you were completely screwed within seconds the standard issue exo pack consists of a full face mask that is sealed and a small pack which contains a battery and filter that scrubs out the high level carbon dioxide and the atmosphere these filters can last around two weeks and can be cleaned by hand still it's a good idea to bring a backup filter or battery or even emergency rebreather the exo pack faceplate is made out of perspective which is a pretty tough material but bringing some vacuum tape to seal only potential breeches is still a good idea before we even get to fighting the navi if the variety of different terrifying predators don't kill you the elements well as we mentioned in our video where we cover trench warfare on mimbam keeping your feet and your gear dry is pretty important if you want to prevent trench feet and other diseases pandora is a pretty humid planet so dressing appropriately is very important always bring some backup socks and gear in case you do get wet and also bring something like a hammock that can keep you elevated and off the ground at night no one wants to be woken up by a viper wolf or a flash flood also this might seem kind of silly but there are clear signs that pandora's environment is almost sentient and aware of your presence be respectful to nature and maybe he won't mess with you back fire at night time contrary to what you might think is a bad idea and can attract predators to you instead of repelling them brush up on your survival training and also try to learn about all the local flora and fauna so you know what exactly you can touch and what not to piss off as a member of the rda security squad on planet aside from your exo pack you'll also be given a standard loadout that most earth militaries at the time would be deployed with including an ammo an armor carrier a rifle and some basic survival equipment the rda uses standard firearms which are quite effective against the navi and some of the smaller wildlife on pandora the rda does equip its soldiers occasionally with repulsor pods which can keep away larger life forms but it's always a good idea to carry a weapon that has a larger caliber round just in case you run into a larger predatory animal like a thanator i would also recommend ditching your body armor it's not like anyone's gonna be firing bolts at you and if you're gonna get hit by a giant knobby arrow there's really nothing that can save you anyway might as well save on the weight and carry more food and munitions the most dangerous operations carried out by the rda security forces would be the convoy support patrols the rda runs large bulldozers and held trucks that paved new roads from the main rda base to new unobtainium deposits this naturally pisses off the lenavi and usually attracts some negative attention from them usually the navi will fire at an rda convoy for sport but sometimes more determined groups of hunters can stop and set entire convoys on fire usually massacring any security forces guarding it if you're unlucky enough to be sent on one of these patrols i do recommend getting raided to operate an amp exoskeleton suit these giant walking mechanical tanks will give you additional armor another layer of glass that will separate you from the dangerous atmosphere and the giant blue monkeys trying to turn you into a shish kebab ideally you're gonna want to be assigned to the main rda base on guard duty the na'vi generally are not stupid enough to bomb rush the front gates of the main rda base should you find yourself a part of a long range patrol or an assault mission that takes you into the deep jungle once again try to get yourself operating an amp suit it'll keep you alive a lot longer and if you are on foot stay close to the amps they generally will attract and deter any large wildlife and they can be used as cover against naviers make sure you stay close to your group at all times and keep your eyes scanning the tree canopies this is going to be a very vertical battle and the enemy is uniquely adapted to swinging amongst the trees if leading the patrol try to stay away from heavy underbrush keep the area around you clear to lengthen your line of sight a lot of animals in the pandora jungle will take a lot of rounds to take down as a matter of fact if i was in charge i would avoid any kind of ground operations at all until a heavy amount of ordnance was first dumped on the landing zone white phosphorus and navy palm are pretty good at clearing away wildlife now when you guys first arrive to pandora you might be stunned by the natural beauty and exotic landscapes but make sure you do pay attention to have your senses with you because this is a very dangerous place hello and welcome back to my episode of generation films my name is american ben i look around the world today and i see so much fear-mongering and the anger it begets everyone in some ways seems to believe that they and everything they love are under attack and that evil people and forces lie in wait to destroy them and take over the world disease politics economics whatever no matter the country or people fear is a tool that moves the masses that's why on this channel we like to be more ethical and keep our focus on real life dangers people places and things that pose an actual existential threat to humanity for instance dinosaurs no one ever talks about dinosaurs and how at any moment they could come knocking on your door to take away your children and money there's so many popular conspiracies floating around nowadays to explain the mysterious happenings of various incidents throughout history who built the pyramids who shot jfk did american astronauts really land on the moon there's all of these puzzling events that inspire so many creative and fantastical explanations and yet almost no one ever implicates dinosaurs in any of them did epstein really kill himself or was it a professional hit job or might i suggest that it could have been a velociraptor listen the point of all this is that dinosaurs are dangerous and even if just taking a quick trip to the store or dropping your kids off at school you have to keep your guard up and watch out for those vicious ancient predators this is precisely the reason why today we are going to offer you some tips for surviving jurassic park the very place where dinosaurs were reintroduced into the world after millions of years of extinction now some of you are probably going to point out that the best advice for surviving jurassic park is to just simply not go to the park and fair you have a point there however i can't really blame anyone for going i mean ask yourself if you had the opportunity to do so would you really not go to a theme park with real life dinosaurs come on now you would i would we all would and we try to feed them and taunt them despite the signs telling us not to as a matter of fact i don't even really blame jon hammond the park's founder for bringing dinosaurs to life in the same way that i can't fault humans for proceeding with little caution through the ringgate system so too can i not hold hammond's ambition against him shut up about the expanse anyway the point is it's nearly impossible to prevent humans from obliging their impulse to explore the universe around them and discover and create things for the sake of their own egos oh don't get me wrong hammond is a psychopath i mean he was starting to become unstable and seized with rage when the scientists he compelled to come to his park weren't just readily endorsing his creation however in a bit of a discomforting way without megalomaniacal psychopaths like hammond we'd also have no cool energy-efficient cars or revived space program how can we stand in the light of discovery and not act yeah i get you you little demonic lunatic you anyway i think it's fair to say that people are always going to go to jurassic park so it's best to know how to be prepared in the situation that there's some sort of system-wide crash and the dinos get free the first thing i want to discuss is transportation you're going to want a four-wheel drive off-road capable vehicle obviously and from the very beginning hammond did plan to provide this to his guests as we see with the park's iconic jeeps here's the thing jeeps are not t-rex rated as far as i know it kind of seems like hammond's main concern when it came to park transportation was that the vehicles could traverse all types of terrain he didn't seem to plan for dinosaur attacks i suppose he just trusted the park security system to be fair most modern day zoos don't exactly provide secure transportation for travel around their exhibits and i believe i've seen videos of safaris in africa that just use jeeps as well however t-rexes are at a different level of predator than lions and tigers they're much more massive and powerful that said the jeep will suffice to some degree as long as it doesn't stop working still when stuck in the park with dinos on the loose you're best off finding the most fortified vehicle you can even if that means not taking the fastest vehicle eventually you'll have to slow down and run out of gas and at that point you don't want a dinosaur to crush you to death now obviously jurassic world kind of solved this whole issue with the gyrospheres but i mean then you become a dino soccer ball which isn't entirely fun either now what happens when you do get stuck well i think my biggest issue with how dr grant and crew went out into the park is that they did so without supplies i mean they were some of the first outside visitors to the park they didn't know if everything was going to work or not i'm glad that muldoon had a shotgun that seems like a pretty decent weapon to arm the park's guards with but it just seems like there probably should have been more of those to go around every tour group should be accompanied by an armed guard in case things go wrong and my advice to you is to refuse to go into the park without weapons and yeah i'm not promising that a shotgun is going to do the job against the t-rex but perhaps at best it can inflict enough damage to get the t-rex to leave you alone and go after your friends instead in any case it's not practical to have to lug an m134 minigun with you so shotguns and rifles will have to do that said perhaps some of you weapons experts out there can let us know in the comments down below which firearms you think would be best for defending yourself in jurassic park aside from weapons don't go out there without food and drink either in case you do get stuck the car is actually a pretty safe place it seems it's a well-fortified mobile base and it will provide decent protection against dinosaurs not named t-rex though in the case of the t-rex dr grant and his crew probably would have been just fine had no one gotten out of their car which is a cardinal rule for surviving jurassic park never leave your vehicle almost every time someone gets out of the damn jeeps when the dinos are on the loose things go wrong the wooden hut bathroom is not a superior fortification to a car though to be fair the t-rex's adept sense of smell might have led her to the foul stench of the blood-sucking lawyer no matter where he went actually on a side note if you really think about it the t-rex in jurassic park has had her reputation unfairly besmirched over the years all she did was eat the lawyer and the velociraptors yeah she tried to kill the kids too but that should teach the younglings to think about the company they keep next time i can't fault the t-rex for associating the kids with a lawyer or their grandfather who keeps her locked behind an electric fence oh that reminds me by the way when trapped in the park you're not going to want to hang around weaker individuals unless you plan on using them as bait i mean dr grant could have much more easily escaped the t-rex had it not been for the kids sorry i'm not trying to be mean and i'm glad he saved them he's a hero for it but we're talking about survival here the one thing they should have at least prepared the kids with before sending them into the park is knowledge about what to do in the case of emergency aka the dinos break loose this was another safety oversight on the part of hammond and his team if only the little girl knew not to shine a light directly at the t-rex as a way of trying to scare it away though to be fair that kind of genius thinking probably can't be easily untaught so stay in the car and don't leave the doors open either apparently the dilophosaurus likes to ride shotgun but what happens if you do get out of the car and are confronted by a dinosaur as dr grant always advises in the case of the t-rex stay still that way it can't see you the only problem with this is that scientists think that this probably isn't true and that the t-rex probably had excellent vision possibly even better than modern-day hawks and eagles but hey maybe if you freeze it'll just think you're a statue or not a threat and leave you be just hope that it isn't hungry and that seems to work best when it comes to escaping the completely inaccurate looking velociraptors in jurassic park i'm not trying to suggest that humans have much of a chance to outrun raptors but it is their best chance try to quickly get away and hide in some small inaccessible space still the goal should be to never expose yourself to dinosaurs do not walk out into the open where you make yourself vulnerable to stampedes and are a sitting duck to predators at the same time don't go into the bush humans are physically inferior to dinosaurs in terms of both agility and senses in thick jungle with all sorts of obstructing plants uneven and rough ground and a lack of light dinosaurs gain the upper hand you want to as often as possible remain in familiar predictable easy to traverse territory and of course ideally somewhere fortified oh and jurassic park's specific rule when in an enclosed space if possible lock the doors because jurassic park raptors are smart enough to turn door handles okay two other pieces of survival advice i might suggest based on personal observation first if stuck in the park with dinosaurs on the loose it might be worth it to try to hunt some wildlife having some meat on hand to keep the carnivores stated could be a good idea that said as mentioned in the movie the t-rex wants to hunt so this isn't a sure-fire strategy but it's worth a shot the other thing you might want to do is hang around herbivores the humans in jurassic park seem to come under less threat when around the massive brachiosauruses herbivores pose little threat to you and will either keep carnivores at bay or provide a superior meal option over your small unappetizing meatless frame no offense wait a minute what if jurassic park is an allegory about veganism think about it the whole time it's the herbivores in the movie that are nice and friendly while the carnivores hunt the humans but in the end it's the t-rex that saves the humans from the velociraptors thus we need carnivores to protect us from carnivores well maybe i'm getting a bit carried away here and we should save this for another video the world of attack on titan is a very unique one it's a mixture of japanese anime steampunk and turn of the century bavarian architecture and design now we'll try to keep any major spoilers out of this video so you guys can check the series out yourselves i highly recommend it but basically an attack on titan a large group of isolated humans live in a huge territory which is separated by three massive walls that are positioned like rings the outermost one is known as walmaria and it surrounds the entire human territory which is around 700 000 square kilometers that's roughly around the size of afghanistan only about 1.25 million people live inside of this human territory with most of their numbers concentrated in cities that are built right into the walls at each major gate in the wall there usually is a large city as well with a garrison of troops armed with wall mounted cannons the rest of the population live in smaller villages which are scattered around the inner areas of the walls and they focus on agrarian pursuits or hunting and gathering the richest and most powerful individuals live inside the innermost wall known as walcina this included the king now the majority of the area inside the walls were tempered force mixed with an assortment of planes and mountains the temperatures rarely exceeded the mid 80s here and during the winter it snowed quite frequently especially in the more northern and mountainous areas there were no deserts in the human territory and most of the land was pretty fertile and full of natural resources it was generally a pretty good place to live from an environmental standpoint although there was one small problem which we'll mention later the walls that surrounded the human territory were one of the most important parts of their culture as a matter of fact the church of the wall is the single largest religion in the human territories these wallist worship the wall as a sacred and pure object the fact that no one really remembers who built the walls in the first place only adds to the zeal of their followers not every human is a wallace of course but almost everyone is grateful for the wall's presence because of the evil threat that waits outside of the walls the titans are these very terrifying human looking giants but that spark of humanity we all have is completely missing in their eyes and that's because most of these titans are mindless animals driven by one desire to kill humans and shove them into their stomachs the common mindless titan can grow anywhere from 2 meters tall to 15 meters tall there are also specialized titans which we will mention that are far larger all of these monsters roam around naked but lack genitalia and nipples so no you can't milk them [ __ ] neither would you want to because all titans have freakishly large mouths full of square teeth that can easily chop a man in half we don't really know how the titans are created and they're unlike anything else in nature they were incredibly light which allowed them to move quite fast if they wanted to and when they expended a lot of energy they would actually produce a huge amount of heat which sometimes could even burn off their flush the titans seem to gain all of their energy from the sun when placed in the shade they become inactive and will eventually die as we said before the pure titans were pretty stupid they didn't communicate with one another and they were really easy to trick their entire purpose was basically pursuing humans and trying to eat them but the thing is their stomach-like cavity does not actually digest humans and after a titan has filled up their stomach with broken human bodies they usually just regurgitate everything and continue eating more humans gotta love the japanese and their nihilism to make things worse they had organs but none of them were vital to their survival as a matter of fact they didn't even breathe so while they looked like giant humans on the outside inside no one really knew how they worked which was a huge problem when you were trying to kill them not only did titans ignore most wounds you and i would consider fatal they could also quickly regenerate limbs pieces of their torso even their head now the only way you could really kill a titan is by attacking their nape area right along their spine in the back of their neck once the nape was destroyed either with explosives projectiles or even melee weapons the titan would die and their entire body would just evaporate which is why we know nothing about their bodies it's very hard to perform an autopsy on a pile of ash now there were abnormal titans that actually acted quite differently from what we've mentioned before these abnormal titans were generally more intelligent and aware of their surroundings they also had special abilities which really would separate them from the rank and file titans some had animal-like features or weirdly proportioned body parts others could even talk then there were the nine legendary titans these titans had human level intelligence and each one of them had a set of special skills first he had the colossal titan who was higher than the walls themselves he was so massive that whenever he exerted himself he would also let out a huge cloud of scalding steam this is a pretty effective defensive measure against humans aiming for his nape the armored titan was covered in bone like armored plates that protected crucial areas of his body then there was the beast titan who was covered in fur and had a terrific arm and enjoyed throwing giant handfuls of boulders at humans which of course cause massive amounts of damage legends say there's even one titan that can control all other titans he could be the key to saving humanity these nine times were pretty rare though and if you ever see one my recommendation is to get out of there as soon as possible you will not survive now the human military is split into three different factions you have the military police the garrison regiment and also the scout regiment every cadet goes through the cadet core which involves basic training and an introduction to the most important tool an individual you use when fighting a titan the omnidirectional mobility gear although the human defenders have access to muzzleloaded artillery pieces the most effective way to kill a titan is getting close and using a sharp blade to attack their nape even though the artillery shells were capable of taking out a titan they were nowhere near as mobile and they're best suited for fortification defense the omnidirectional mobility gear can allow humans to get relatively close to a titan it includes a piston shot grapple hook along with a gas powered thruster system that propels you in the air once you've latched on to something the omnidirectional mobility gear can be used to scale buildings walls trees and even tightens themselves if you're in an open area this allows you to get the proper attack angle when you're going after a titan's nape once you get there you have two swords with blades made of ultra hard steel that can penetrate deep inside the titan's flush these swords do have sections that break off in the same way an x-acto knife does each ulcer carries multiple blades an experienced soldier can use the omnidirectional mobility gear to make quick work of even the larger 15 meter high titans without this gear or without gas the power of the gear you're basically stuck and completely screwed now the top 10 cadets in each class get to choose which regiment they want to join the military police has always been seen as the most preferable regiment because they are located in the innermost part of the territory within wall cena the military police are tasked with keeping the peace and protecting the loyal family it's considered one of the best jobs in the military and it guaranteed your safety in one of the best parts of the human territory the garrison regiment was by far the largest group these individuals man the cannons and gates of the three walls of humanity this is still considered a relatively safe job because most of these individuals were stationed on top of impenetrable walls the scout regimen was by far the most dangerous group to volunteer for i highly recommend you do not join them unlike the other regiments they actually venture out from the protection of the wall and carry out titan destroying patrols and also scout for any problematic groups of titans because all the terrain surrounding the human territory is flat most cat patrols are done using horses and wagons just because i'm saying you shouldn't join the scouts does not mean i do not respect them they are definitely the most talented and brave individuals in the military and they are the only ones consistently fighting the titans in training with their mobility gear but their death rate was extremely high especially when patrols were caught in the open without vertical objects to scale with their unidirectional gear there is one benefit to being a scout you got to leave the confines of walmart something that no other human was really allowed to do so this is gonna be pretty straightforward guys you're gonna want to avoid the scout regiment especially in the latter seasons they were suffering almost 100 casualties at each battle as cool as the omnidirectional gear is it's a terrible way to fight a giant monster don't get me wrong it's great for offensive attacks but the reality is this kind of attack is very costly and exposes all of your soldiers to death and destruction not something you really want to do if you're waging a long-term war one of the biggest weaknesses with the gear is that once a person shoots a grapple line out they pretty much are stuck on a flat straight line approach something that is very easy to cut off especially when you're facing a giant titan of course more experienced individuals could switch directions in mid-air but you'll most likely die before you get that good and while the scout leaders meant well they've also become way too accepting of casualties instead of trying to change up their tactics to decrease casualties they kind of just accept them in a very japanese stylistic way i know they have the long range patrol formations and a few of the strategies but i argue that a lot of these things are quite ineffective the long range patrol formation actually needlessly increases your patrol's footprint it actually increases the amount of titans you'll face instead of decreasing it you're actually much better off doing well in cadet school and then joining perhaps the military police or even the garrison regiment rather than joining the scout regiment i mean these might be boring jobs but for those of you who have never had an extremely dangerous and exciting job well the truth is moments before you realize you're about to die witness me witness me witness me hello and welcome back to the episode of generation films my name is american ben oh to be in the world of yesterday the days when we could you know go outside eat in restaurants cough on our friends without care those days are over my brethren now we wait as the world around us crumbles as society collapses well actually the world will probably go back to normal in a few months and most of you will only be a few hundred cup of noodles worse for the wear and plus that'd be true for a lot of you anyway but just in case this is only the beginning of the end of days and society is about to fall apart well there's good news almost every study shows that in times of severe social and cultural disruption humans tend to come together and act cooperatively with each other to keep everyone alive and safe no no absolutely not no study shows that uh people outside the social contract are [ __ ] nuts i've seen this movie already many times and i know exactly how this goes down post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with unspeakable brutality where one of either kevin costner or mel gibson is our only hope and i have spent the past few days in a deep meditative study of the world of dystopian films movie after movie the task of post-apocalyptic exegesis has taken a toll on my mind and soul but despite hoarding nerf guns and eating my neighbors i'm mostly keeping it together witness me witness me well at least keeping it together well enough to bring you this starter's guide for surviving the apocalypse the first area to cover is community when society breaks down you're going to have to decide who you want to be and where you want to go in the dying world there are three main options here the first option is to go solo i'd really only recommend this for very self-sufficient people people who have the will and skills to survive on their own some of which we will go over later if you're someone who is used to being taken care of this option is probably not for you the advantage to going solo of course is that you only have to worry about yourself you only need to procure enough food water and other essentials for one person and furthermore you only have to worry about protecting yourself from danger which often comes naturally for a self-sufficient person no doubt having a spouse and child during the apocalypse is an inconvenience max rocketansky had a wife and infant to take care of in a dystopian australia filled with murderous gangs and such was not an easy task of course max didn't make it any easier by being utterly stupid he let his wife go off on her own not once not twice but three times within a single day and each time psychotic criminals attempted to rape and murder her a big no-no for getting through the apocalypse is letting vulnerable loved ones go off on their own but i digress if you do go solo you don't really want to completely isolate yourself set up a network of places and people you can use for resources and shelter if need be going off to a desolate area where you don't know or trust anyone is a recipe for disaster in a world with criminal gangs run amok looking for lone targets to prey on finally if as a solo traveler you are in need of companionship then one really good option is getting a dog dogs are low maintenance will eat just about anything and can help you along the way the second option as i alluded to already is to join or build a community and blockade it a good choice for those who do better in groups in this scenario the collective makes everyone in the group stronger as people bring their skills and resources together to serve all ideally the community would be founded in an area with access to oil and water as to be able to survive without having to leave the community's walls very often the downside of this option is that while in the community you're kind of a sitting duck this is especially true for a community that has successfully hoarded resources as such will certainly attract the attention of raiders gated communities should make sure to have a plethora of arms on hand to protect their denizens and the leaders of said communities should have an escape plan in place should the town be penetrated and overrun additionally in the community scenario you would be subject to the needs preferences and ultimately decisions of others even if you're the community leader this is true sometimes the poor choices of others in the community or the weak members of the community can put you in a vulnerable position the third and final option is to join a gang obviously this is a version of the community option but in this case you're probably going to be more mobile and are going to have to do unscrupulous things in order to procure resources in other words this option is mostly for the sociopaths among us who are willing to prey on others in order to thrive the major upside to this option is obviously the strength of the group gangs engender fear among the masses and most people will bend to their will and provide them what they demand the downside of the gang option is that you yourself will probably be put in danger often and your welfare won't necessarily be the greatest concern of the psychopaths around you who eventually might get you killed for frivolous reasons that said in doing so you'll get to say cool [ __ ] like the second area to talk about is transportation now if you put down roots in a gated community you might not require mobility but if you're exposed to the wild post-apocalyptic expanse you will learn quickly that a man's vehicle is his key to survival cars reign supreme during an apocalypse don't get me wrong i love motorcycles and they do play an important role in a dystopian world they're cheap easier to build and fix than cars require less fuel and most important of all are agile and can go off-road a must in a world full of chaos and wear roads are not often maintained but they're also somewhat easy to take out and the riders themselves are exposed now cars might lack the strengths i mentioned for motorcycles but they're also forts that protect their riders from the elements in other people the ideal for the post-apocalyptic traveler is to have an all-terrain militarized vehicle that can take a heavy beating and also leave the pavement if need be a really good option is a two-man vehicle with a gunner turret so that one person can drive and the other can shoot this setup is apt for the post-apocalyptic highway as for vehicle no-no's do not get out of your car in a desolate or unfamiliar area as a matter of fact when in transit do not stop and get out of your car unless you absolutely have to and for [ __ ] sake do not stop your car for a beautiful woman in distress listen to me listen closely if you are driving along and you spot a naked woman calling for help it is well let me bring in a special correspondent here akbar it's a trap thanks admiral yes number one safety rule of the post-apocalyptic world naked women are traps flying vehicles are of course an extreme luxury in the apocalypse and if you can procure one you are very lucky because flying will allow you to avoid the most dangerous area in a dystopian world land by the way in a post-apocalyptic world water can be a very dangerous place too and the same vehicle rules apply those who have the strongest fastest boats will stand the best chance at survival and don't get out of your boat in desolate areas either because well you'll drown the third area we have to talk about is weapons which in a dystopian world become essential tools of survival not carrying a gun in the apocalypse is a death wish because the bad guys will have guns and will use them to enforce their will on the vulnerable that said in a post-apocalyptic world i imagine gun production will decrease drastically or possibly even cease which means they'll be harder to come by and thus other forms of weapons will regain importance of course if 3d printing becomes mainstream before the apocalypse then this is a moot point and the post-apocalyptic world is going to be ratchet and clank but if not having a bladed weapon on your person should be a standard rule for the post-apocalyptic traveler not only can a knife provide protection but it doubles as a tool any weapon you can carry on you and that won't slow you down too significantly is worth bringing along and considering that vehicles will be used as weapons in a dystopian world explosives are a valuable commodity weapons then relate to the fourth area we have to talk about which is knowledge and skills obviously having weapons is one thing but knowing how to use them is another and who can adeptly wield guns and knives will be best protected technical know-how will go a long way in the post-apocalyptic world you won't just be able to order everything you need off of amazon jeff bezos will be too busy being an evil people-eating warlord to worry about your same-day delivery thus being able to rig weapons from everyday materials and knowing how to engineer explosions from scratch are priceless pieces of knowledge in the post-apocalyptic world and from observation knowing how to drive a truck is an off-needed skill so get your commercial driver's licenses people next week you might have to steer a big rig through a sandstorm listen do you see how even during this temporary disruption to our lives during the outbreak of coven 19 people are freaking out about getting what they need to survive in the post-apocalyptic world those who can make and do will thrive having a car or a boat is one thing but there won't be many mechanic shops along the road in a dystopian world so knowing how to fix vehicles yourself is of utmost importance combat skills are great but honestly they'll only get you so far and eventually in the real world without plot armor you could die in any fight if someone just shoots you once but if you know how to build say ships people will be much more likely to want to keep you around such knowledge could potentially help you survive way better than a gunmite furthermore in a world where paper currency has lost its value food resources and material goods will take on newfound importance in a barter economy thus knowing how to hunt and sow will get you far the hierarchy of professions will see radical reorganization in a post-apocalyptic world a blacksmith will likely become more important than an accountant but still perhaps not more important than a doctor hard to predict and by the way if technology falters during the apocalypse there will be no more google to provide you with an on-demand encyclopedia just knowing things any knowledge will take on greater value being multilingual for instance will be of great service to you in a world without electronic translation now with everything said for the importance of knowledge in a crumbling dystopian world the importance of physical size will actually gain traction on the value of intelligence let's be real the only reason that big people in our world don't kill and eat the rest of us is because of the power of law but without the social contract the giants among us will much more readily dominate people the trick in the post-apocalyptic world will be to combine brains and brawn as we saw with master blaster and mad max beyond thunderdome finally the last area we have to cover is mentality again you see how people are freaking out about just not having toilet paper well this kind of weakness is exactly what will get you killed in the apocalypse the society we live in is a bubble shielding us from the brutality of the world and human nature outside of the social contract the fragility of life becomes much more obvious and you must toughen up in order to survive you have to harden yourself you have to learn to experience terrible things and quickly move on you're going to witness constant injustice happen to innocence and if you try and fight every battle you're not going to make it sometimes you'll have to turn your head and just keep going you're going to have to do tough things in order to survive no more abundant choices life is cuba now you're going to have to strengthen your constitution and eat whatever is available to you in the post-apocalyptic world you have to strip your thinking down to a very simple state and only focus on what is needed for survival a perfectly moderated mind is key with just the right balance of faith first rationality patience first decisiveness and trust versus suspicion to survive you want to be brave but maybe have just the right touch of fear to keep you from doing this [Applause] [Music] you might as well start training yourself now steal your mind so that by june you will be ready to ride eternal shiny and chrome and i myself will carry you to the gates of valhalla hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation films my name is alan and today we're going to be continuing our how to survive series with a very underrated battle los angeles based on a true story this film gives us an in-depth look at how the us military would respond to an all-out alien invasion on our west coast as always this video will be separated into four different sections first we'll be looking at the background of the battle the location where it's taking place then we'll be looking at the enemy combatants followed by the type of equipment and training you should bring along with you followed by how you can survive this kind of engagement august 12 2011 several meteors are detected on a collision course with earth most of these meteors are projected to land near major coastal cities because these projectiles were detected at the last second evacuations are called only as the meteors make their final approach but before striking the surface at terminal velocity these objects actually slow down on their own which shows us that they potentially could be manned soon after touchdown of these objects alien forces emerge out of the impact zones across the planet and start a worldwide textbook military invasion their primary goal is to establish beach heads all across the planet and cut humanity off from the coasts humanities defenders are initially caught off guard but quickly mobilized to counter the enemy threat although the aliens weapons and technology were more advanced than ours they weren't invincible and our soldiers could still take them down but because these aliens were able to arrive onto our planet pretty much undetected major city centers were not evacuated completely and high civilian casualties and damage to the infrastructure are expected los angeles which is known for having terrible traffic becomes one giant war zone full of refugees trying to flee eastwards with so many civilians still in the city each infantry fighter on the ground also doubles as a first responder to a major disaster los angeles beach is quickly overrun aside from the gym rats at muscle beach and the crazy cyclists who think they're lance armstrong the alien landing forces face very little resistance and a hundred miles to the south san diego is overrun and 400 miles to the north san francisco is also overrun los angeles command is the last known standing force on the west coast and it is extremely important that they are able to hold on this will give the rest of the us military time to regroup for a counter-attack luckily for los angeles just south of the city's camp pendleton one of the largest marine training bases in the country and as we all know there is no better killer of extraterrestrials than a human marine very little is known about these aliens but they clearly are more advanced than humanity after all they are space-faring species and able to hide their approach to our planet with some kind of advanced stealth technology they are bipedal and roughly the same height as humans but their anatomy is quite different from mars and highly evolved or perhaps modified for combat purposes first their bodies are covered in a hardened exoskeleton which allows them to easily absorb multiple 556 rounds before getting knocked out internally their bodies are covered in redundant arteries and blood vessels they also have clumps of stem cells which can regenerate limbs and heal gruesome injuries what looks like a head is actually one giant sensory organ and their brains are actually located in their chest behind their hearts all the fighters are further heavily modified with a variety of different bolt-on machines this includes communication devices cooling systems and weapons attachments the alien soldiers are separated into four different casts the infantry caps are the most common these aliens are slender and stand at around eight foot tall on each arm they have weapons grafted to them it said that the alien invasion included 25 million of these infantry soldiers leading them in small squads were the officer casts who were generally taller and had augmented brains and canine site to allow them to better lead their soldiers into combat then you had the smaller operations cast which served as combat engineers and the intelligence cast who gathered information on humanity the aliens also deployed combat medics so there is an emphasis on recovering injured soldiers the alien infantry is armed with grafted on hand cannons which fire projectiles in a similar way to a railgun most of these weapons platforms also have underslung grenade launchers or anti-personnel rockets some infantry units are deployed with a walking gun which provides artillery and indirect fire support for air support the aliens have drone ships that are extremely maneuverable and use pulse jets to either hover or move around like a more traditional aircraft the drones are quickly able to control airspace over los angeles putting humanity at a huge disadvantage still despite their advanced technology their weapons and vehicles seem to be slapped together and relatively old there are some theories that these aliens have just escaped some terrible war from their own home planet and now are running low on resources which kind of explains the state of their equipment it could also explain why the alien forces lack more heavy vehicles and heavy weapons now the alien military strangely functions in a very similar way to our own they have a clear chain of command their military force to separate into small units which are effectively led by junior officers who all have their own objectives the alien commanders were capable enough to launch an invasion on earth without us even realizing what's going on on the ground they favored using their maneuverability and elements surprised to quickly overwhelm enemy forces this could also be why there are very few heavy vehicles in their arsenal mostly what we see are just light alien infantry they're basically armed like a very light expeditionary force this is also why the aliens have to rely heavily on drone support to take out and pin down human heavy armor and once that air support is gone the aliens aren't able to operate nearly as effectively the u.s marines are a light infantry fighting force at their core this is built into every aspect of how they are trained deployed and equipped compared to their army counterparts the marines are more dependent on the individual riflemen this is why marine rifle squads are generally larger and include three fire teams although the marines are well versed in combined arms tactics because they are considered an expeditionary force they generally have less heavy weapons and fire support at the small unit level a much heavier emphasis is put on the individual rifleman and his or her ability as a marksman in an urban combat situation like los angeles the marines are more likely to go house to house engaging in cqb with small arms rather than using artillery or tanks to destroy enemy positions from afar and in this case against an alien force with superior technology and complete dominance of the airspace having a force that is essentially designed to fight low-tech and without vehicular supports if necessary is an advantage for the marines this is only compounded by their warrior-like mentality and culture which is probably why the marines are able to take the news that they are fighting aliens so calmly to them is just another enemy to outsmart and kill as far as equipment goes the marines are deployed with m16s m4s and m249 saws although these weapons are able to take down enemy combatants it seems like the enemy exoskeletons are able to absorb multiple rifle rounds a large caliber round or an armor-piercing round might be more effective in this type of situation the marine's body armor also seems to be quite effective at stopping enemy rounds because this is an urban environment i do recommend doubling up on those trauma plates because again the aliens are using freaking railguns i also recommend you keep your pack lights other than ammo and weapons you can find food water and anything else you need on the battlefield because you are in a major american city make sure your gear is also prepared for tight urban spaces zip tie or dummy cord down anything that is loose and keep those radio antennas folded down look no matter what this is going to be a terrible situation for you you're going to be in a target rich environment full of friendly civilians your job is to extract those civilians and engage the technologically and numerically superior enemy with complete control of the airspace so my advice in these kind of terrible situations which can be applied to almost anything in life is uh you know fall back to your training and then focus on just one objective at a time let's go over some basics here for operations in urban terrain spacing and communications are extremely important in this kind of environment this is going to be a very complicated 3d environment with a lot of verticality and plenty of ambush points one lone rifleman will not be able to cover every angle and vector so make sure you stay alert and disciplined and move well as a team avoid bunching up and when advancing down the street stay away from the walls as counter-intuitive as that might seem take special precaution when crossing doorways alleys and especially intersections be prepared at all times for incoming sniper fire and be prepared to carry out counter sniper fire drills and extract your team from an ambush point when moving from one location to another keep your head on a swivel and scan the sectors you are assigned to also make sure to always know where the nearest exit and cover is in case you are immediately ambushed you're going to be at a severe disadvantage and you will have limited fire support and heavy weapons at your disposal because of the enemy's air superiority keeping off of major avenues and highways will be essential to your survival i recommend you keep the secondary roads and if necessary make your own entrances and exits through buildings and walls so you can avoid deadly intersections and potential ambush points because you are outnumbered and manpower is limited there will be no traditional front line no clearing houses and occupying them and securing your rear expect to be engaged from all sides the only safe place is your fob and that's many miles away getting bogged down in this kind of environment most likely will lead to the destruction of your entire unit so always be ready to exit the location and use whatever methods possible to disengage from combat also remember the aliens are not familiar with your surroundings use your knowledge of human cities to your advantage know that gas stations can be used to create massive explosions use your knowledge of cars to know exactly where you can take cover behind one near the front where the engine block is use your knowledge of the subway system in sewers so that you can bypass enemies from underground or use your knowledge of the rooftops that bypass the enemies from above be realistic and cautious when exposing yourself and engaging enemy forces you will have limited backup and your enemy is heavily armed and will outnumber you they're also quicker and more mobile than your own marines now usually we recommend you guys act like cowards and immediately run away from the fighting but that's usually in pointless battles against other humans where you're fighting over resources or political ideology but in this case you are defending earth against uh aliens so you know it's actually pretty important that you do stand up in fights in my opinion you can do whatever you want hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation films my name is alan the apes of the mobile infantry are the thin armored line that protects humanity from the terrifying arachnids now i know in this channel we've talked a lot about the humanity first ideology and this has attracted a lot of young men and women who are basically willing to sacrifice everything in order to unite humanity against any incoming xeno threats which means that a lot of our viewers would probably be very eager to fulfill their citizen duty by joining the mobile infantry and fighting the arachnids on the front line but it would kind of be immoral for me not to prepare you guys for the horrors of the human arachnid wars i know a lot of the propaganda footage from the united citizen federation sugarcoats things and makes joining the mobile infantry look awesome but the reality is filled with a bit more nuance and gore and so today we'll be going over several tips that will help you survive the mobile infantry cue the epic [Music] intro [Music] come on forever [Music] so the mobile infantry is a purely voluntary force while this is recommended compared to a construct force which is usually full of individuals who don't actually want to be there there is a caveat with the volunteer aspect of the mobile infantry it's not exactly what you would think you see in the united citizen federation there are citizens and civilians although technically speaking civilians are not discriminated against and basically treated like equals they aren't really equal now one can only become a citizen by joining the military citizens therefore have additional benefits including more easy access to birth licenses and only citizens are allowed to vote and also run for government positions it's a pretty fascist society in some ways everything is geared towards military service and so generally everyone who is ambitious and doesn't want to be judged by their peers will volunteer for the federal armed service so yeah depending on where you are you're going to see a lot of scrubs basically make it into the mobile infantry and federal armed services unlike here in the united states where military service is quite rare amongst the general population and generally attracts some very upstanding individuals especially those who have a preference for munching on crayons so the first question you have to really ask yourself is is it worth it for you to join the federal armed service this really depends on what your life goals are and whether you want to take advantage of the advantages you get as a citizen also you have to really clearly think about which branch of the federal military service you're going to join you have to be realistic with your own physical and mental capabilities because that is going to be a big factor here when it comes to applying to the federal armed services your performance and intelligence as a human being is going to be looked at before becoming a civilian one has to take the civilian aptitude exam which is a series of written physical and oral examinations to determine how you will best serve in the mobile infantry while it's incredibly hard to fail this test unless you have severe psychiatric issues doing poorly on this test will really limit the options you'll have when joining the federal armed services and more importantly the jobs in which you'll most likely survive will probably require higher amounts of intelligence and loyalty to the federation rather than let's say physical attributes like strength and agility and speed and size they don't really care if you were a star jump ball player if you lost all your brain cells because you like to lead with your helmet and so the best and probably safest branch of the federal armed services to join would be the military intelligence this will obviously require you to have a most genius level intellect the elite top secret branch focuses heavily on collecting intel on the enemy in this case arachnids and understanding how they work so that we can develop better weapons and tactics to use against them one military intelligence officer can essentially do the work of thousands of mobile infantry men with one significant breakthrough like developing a way to block the brain bug's hive mind communication abilities most of us unfortunately will not make it into the intelligence because we just aren't that intelligent the next best outfit to serve and then for you is the federation fleet an individual still has to be pretty intelligent and have fast reaction times and good physical attributes to join up but joining the fleet whether you're a starfighter pilot or a weapons officer on a larger capital ship is still going to be significantly more dangerous than being a military intelligence officer the battle clandotha was forever remembered as a terrible disaster for the mobile infantry but a lot of people forget about the massacre that happened in space the federation fleet mainly made up of corvette transports arrived on clandathu in a tight formation due to faulty intel that plasma bug anti-air fire would be light and even though the first salvo from the arachnids was indeed sporadic and failed to strike any human ships the anti-air or space fire began to increase in accuracy and frequency and soon the closely bunched federation fleet was having issues evading the incoming fire because of the type formation several ships were destroyed by a new fire and others even collided with each other so the danger is still there in the fleet but it's nowhere near as dangerous as the mobile infantry the reality is the mobile infantry is where the less intelligent and more erratic individuals will go which is a problem and creates dependability issues in combat so make sure to get to know your unit well and make friends with individuals who are disciplined and calm under fire i would avoid the loud gung-ho i want to charge at the enemy types i would avoid psychopaths and also individuals who are kind of failures at being human beings even during training casualties are expected and not uncommon so always keep your head on a swivel and avoid individuals without basic firearm safety knowledge now due to the poor quality candidates it receives the mobile infantry heavily relies on discipline and group mentality and large parade formations in battle because the individual generally cannot be depended on it's also usually this type of organization that leads to officers being more willing to sacrifice large amounts of troops for you know mission goals which is why you really should avoid the mobile infantry at all costs the way the mobile infantry is organized might resemble a modern western military but in reality most of the tactical decisions are made at the company level there's no solid core of junior officers and non-comms directing smaller rifle squads and platoons and if you look at the deployment of the mobile infantry on clindathoo the mobile infantry were just randomly discharged from their drop ships and then began to wander around the battlefield aimlessly there was a clear lack of objective oriented movements and no perimeter was established around the landing site and when the arachnids swarmed the mobile infantry they were completely overwhelmed and quickly routed leading to over 300 000 casualties it's questionable why the federal armed service even dropped infantry on that hell hole of a planet in the first place a better strategy would have been to just bombard that whole planet from space or at least use mechanized infantry supported by heavy armor so what do you do if you are in the mobile infantry and you find yourself facing an arachnic swarm well the reality is arachnids are much larger and deadlier than a human being up close and you stand very little chance of surviving which is why you definitely should not advance and fire upon the enemy unless they are in retreat because the basic arachnik soldier is essentially without ranged weapons your best strategy is actually to clump together and adopt volley fire strategies that were first pioneered by early gunpowder militaries here on earth the key to taking arachnid cords down is maintaining a continuous ring of fire or my favorite strategy game they are billions we'll know that this is exactly what you want to do high rate of fire and minimal gaps in the fire rates the morale of your firing line is incredibly important it just takes one individual to break that will lead to a cascading event where your entire unit will route doesn't even matter if there is an officer standing behind you with a weapon that's how fear works breaks in your continuous fire will allow the enemy swarm to get closer the closer the giant bugs get the more stress it puts on your trooper the more stressed the trooper has the more erratic and inaccurate his fire will be and there will also be a higher chance of him messing up his reloads which is another crucial part of fending off waves of anything trust me i know i'm a veteran of zombie related vr games and whenever uh the zombies get too close to the firing line people start messing up they mess up their reload and we wrapped discipline is key for your units which is why again you should surround yourself with good people make sure to continuously train on reloading and rank fire drills learn how to stagger reload so that there is a continuous line of fire and learn how to fire and retreat this will create more space between you and the horde of insects another key component of surviving the arachnid wards is making sure that you establish your firing line in a good position obviously high ground is really preferable look for natural geographical features like cliffs and hills to place your units on prepared defenses are even better a trench line can do wonders in stopping the arachnids just enough in a high cement wall in front of said trench will provide even more protection and help preserve the firing line's morale so survival in the mobile aperture really depends on the quality of your units so you should really focus on making your unit as good as you are this means helping the weaker individuals get up to speed the firing line is only as strong as the weakest lincoln you'll have to make a decision to either strengthen that link or accidentally fire a round into the back of the link's head while your unit is in a chaotic retreat while i recommend you guys try to join the fleet or military intelligence but if your grades are just way too low and you have to join the mobile infantry these are a few of the tips that i recommend you following again everything depends on the line that is where you start and finish the battle if the line breaks you guys are screwed don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual my name is alan reminding you that life is a movie and you are the protagonist
Channel: Generation Films
Views: 51,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Survive, How to survive generation films, Hogwarts, harry potter, the expanse, jurassic park, the apocolaypse, mad max, the mobile infantry, terran federation, starship troopers, battle of los angeles, edge of tomorrow, Avatar, navi, pantora, Attack on Titan, Edge of tomorrow exoskeleton, battle of klendathu, The humans were right in avatar, humanity was right, zombies, wasteland, battle of hogwarts, dinosaurs, survey corp
Id: t6TShSJUgrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 19sec (5839 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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